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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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take off your shoes. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. 3-hour visit of the first vice president to islamic azad university. at the same time as the student day, mr. mohammad mokhbar went to the islamic azad university and while visiting the exhibition of the university's achievements , he sat and talked with the managers and the president's board of this university. the document has both a strategic part and an operational part. one of the very important points in this document is indicators. mr. dr. shama, your units and their priorities based on
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the regional needs of the first vice president as soon as he enters the islamic azad university from the university's transformation exhibition series, which is based on the above documents. you did we are offering 99,000 challenges to students outside of the academic program. students see the challenges and choose a uniform system in the whole country. mr. dr. bash, let's call it his intervention, in most cases , we have been self-sufficient. during the past few years , we have reached 1,873 companies from 50 and four technological units and knowledge-based companies. azad university has many assets, and in most places, it has good assets . making and directing it in the missions where
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we go through the financial problems ourselves to express the opinions of the performance report and of course to express the concerns. in short, we don't tie our hands, but the main thing is that what should we do to be more efficient . our specific request was to propose a free zone of khathir, so that we can have the so-called horizontal investment . sports facilities and food facilities are safe . we opened that file of decisions they are following one by one until the implementation of free -thinking chairs, by the way, this one is actually the focal point.
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the fact that it should be used for the so-called issues of the country has been done well in some universities. it is happening, of course , it is not very appropriate in some universities . 3 thousand members do this as usual. universities are members of our board. in our various disciplines, almost all of our disciplines are these scientists who make decisions, and in fact, we somehow cooperate with scientists are in regular contact, we have held three courses of these courses, and this year , together with the ministry , it is being held nationally for the first time .
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help in solving the country's problems. khadem jafari of islamic azad university radio and television news agency. the death anniversary ceremony of the late rostam ghasemi, the former minister of roads and urban development , was held in tehran with the presence of various levels of people and officials. the late ghasemi was in charge of the ministry of housing in the 13th government from september 3, 1400 to december 1, 1401. it was shahrarsi and finally after going through a round he died of illness in azar 1401. in the 13th government , he also had a lot of services in the two years he was in office, he did a lot of services, he did a lot of projects, and he was able to attract a lot of
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good resources. he continued himself with the irgc and had a very close cooperation with sardar delha haj qassem soleimani and in the government. the 13th, who started his career as a minister, unfortunately fell ill almost from the beginning. increase in production and export of steel in the last 8 months the executive of iran steel manufacturers association says: in the last 8 months, 21,500,000 tons of steel were produced in the country, which shows a growth of 200 compared to the same period last year. the country's steel industry will reach a capacity of 55 million tons in the horizon of 140 steel production in the country based on the goal setting in this industry. we are in the process of reaching this capacity, but it is not yet
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homogenized, that is, we lack some parts, we have the capacity, but we sell the goods raw to the place where we complete them, because everyone is looking for a faster width. 500,000 tons per year and one million tons of milligram per year, the crushing capacity is about 500,000 tons per year , and the challenges faced by the producers of this industry, for example, 3 weeks ago , it was sold for 22 tomans, now the policy is to bring 18 toman is sold, we will be happy because we are consumers, but i say to my steelmaking colleagues that this is not economical because we are now in the winter season. we have exports , there are no approvals to jump to production
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we are in trouble in terms of supplying raw materials for export, because the production factories are increasing day by day, and our raw materials are almost at the same capacity. reaching the goals of the 1404 vision requires investment, especially in the production chain and infrastructure of the steel industry. it requires the support of the government. according to the memorandum of understanding of 10,000 megawatts signed between the ministry of power and the ministry of energy in 1400 , 10,000 megawatts will gradually enter the grid. regarding gas supply, there are different methods using processes. with less energy consumption and discussions of green steel and hydrogen, of course these are it is under investigation that we hope to use this model for gas supply. according to many experts and producers of the steel industry, if the energy infrastructure is provided in this industry,
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the production capacity will reach 70 million tons in 140. shahrari radio news. in the attack of the zionist regime fighters on oni al-harsani school in the north of gaza, a number of people were martyred or injured. according to reports, this school was a shelter for about 3,000 palestinian refugees. so far, the exact number of martyrs and muslims of this crime has not been determined. zionist bombers also hit nearby residential houses they bombed the shafa medical complex in the west of gaza city . several houses in the area. zeitoun gaza was also targeted by the zionist regime's airstrikes and many of its residents were martyred. the government information office in the gaza strip announced that the occupying regime has so far
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dropped 52 thousand tons of bombs and explosives on the people of the gaza strip. since the beginning of the aggression of the zionist regime on mehr 15, only 70 schools and several hospitals have been targeted by the barbarians of this regime. according to reports, since the beginning of the zionist regime's genocide in the gaza strip, more than 17,000 palestinians have been martyred and tens of thousands have been injured. became the next part of the news is at 6 o'clock.
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we are at harvard university in boston, where students left their classrooms to express solidarity with the palestinians. boston is one of the best universities in the world, and today we came to amy temerson and harvard to see this movement of students closely. after leaving their classes, all students gather at city hall plaza.
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our second stop, emerson college , has become a symbolic battleground for human rights activists as israel escalates its bombing of gaza. we are here with zainab, one of the speakers. and the organizers of this demonstration as media students what
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is your opinion about the coverage of the conflict in gaza so far? i think that the media, especially the american media , are doing a great injustice about what is happening in gaza. in my opinion, the war in gaza is not portrayed fairly, even though 15 thousand people were killed, but what is happening in gaza is not called genocide in the media. we are in the third place in the university. students leave their classes to protest in the streets . this is the last place we are, and we want to board the train with the students to check out the main march at city hall plaza.
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students for organizing demonstrations for palestine they were threatened and suspended. you are not allowed to march in any part of the campus. can you talk to us about this? and you are afraid of the consequences of this way? yes, on november 9, we had a peaceful retreat. the opponents of this reconciliation attacked us and finally the peaceful protestors were given suspension letters , but the people are steadfast in supporting gaza and we are still not, even though the university management is trying to disperse us, even now we are with amaity university against we did not suspend the student movement, as we said before, they can suspend it. students try
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, but i can never speak. i think it's really terrible because criticizing a government
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has nothing to do with anti-semitism or hatred of jews. anti-semitism is a type of racism by white people like islam and hatred of black people. criticizing israel is not anti-semitism. in fact, the palestinians are of the semitic race. it is the duty of the jews to uphold justice. justice, equality and freedom are issues that concern me as a person. taught but i was even called a self-hater by my own family. me too. do we know what it means to be jewish? judea that i know to justice is important and he does justice to others, and just as he expects others to do justice to him, i grew up like this. they look at the palestinian people as an animal or less than a human being and this what is happening, i think this is
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really beyond and beyond a difficulty , we heard your message and we hope that we can all come back , we have nothing, we have to hope. i chose hope as a rule. so it is very important to believe in it and the possibility of changing it and keep it. but peace is justice it has no meaning without it. in my meeting with the prime minister and senior officials of israel , i emphasized that before the start of any large-scale military operation, they must take the necessary measures to protect the lives of
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civilians. 100 mortar bombs at the disposal of the zionist regime , destructive bombs that were not designed to be used in urban and densely populated areas like gaza. these types of bombs are often used in civilian areas. for their use in urban and densely populated areas , detailed investigations should be carried out and military purposes it is very important to exist. at the same time, according to the intercept report, the biden government asked the us congress to remove the restrictions on access to the particles of weapons houses for the zionist regime. america will remain israel's closest friend in the world. our commitment to support israel is unequivocal. we will continue our military assistance . according to the data of the us congressional research center, the zionist regime
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has received the most foreign aid from the us after world war ii. more than. according to the stockholm peace institute, within the last two years, the united states has provided 80% of the required weapons the zionist regime has provided more than 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells since the beginning of the gaza war, which has claimed the lives of more than 16,000 palestinian civilians
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. i say hello and good time to mohtar. respected viewers of the national media of yak sima and khabar, who are following us tonight in the news talk , as you saw and heard in the news, at the same time as the student day, the first vice president went to the students of azad university to listen to their talks. he gave and answered the questions and also
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the students' talks, armanha in the news talk tonight we want to talk about the ideals and concerns of student movements , how well student movements and student movements are progressing according to the expectations in the society and in the country, what is the participation of students in political processes in different fields except the political field. is there a limit, is it increasing , how are the expectations of students in different spaces defined? we have two guests. mr. hossein qanawati , representative of the islamic association of independent students and mr. amir hossein seyed rahim rahimzadeh , representative of the justice movement. a student during the conversation mr. ahmadi, the representative of the union of islamic students' union, and sarkar, mrs. mousavi, who is in charge of mobilizing university sisters from zahra
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, will be added to our group. mr. qanavati, hello, welcome to the studio . we are at your service as well as our dear viewers. happy day too. mr. rahimzadeh, happy birthday. welcome. be healthy. thank you very much. greetings to you and dear viewers. we see the program at the foot of the television. are you more active in the course or in the student movement that we are present in both cases, alhamdulillah , what about you, mr. qanawati, the students who are in the movement students are present, they are more active in the movements and movements, or in their studies, we can't make a difference between the course and the activities of our student stream. he should pay attention and others. society issues well, let me ask the first question, mr. qalavasi, that we now have student movements that are formed in universities at
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different times and different from the expectations that exist in universities, and what is the political and economic field in different areas of our country. social issues it can be defined how much it matches or how far it is. if we want to pay attention to the history of the student movement, in the 20's, 30's and 40's, when there was no revolution yet, it was these students who were the drivers of the currents , whether it was trade currents, social currents or political currents, and naturally there were expectations from the students. the title of those who played a role both before the revolution and after the revolution in the formation of the revolution and after that in the battle of right against wrong in the holy defense of those student cities. we gave in the way of my beloved country, iran, and after that, in various issues, including cultural issues, social issues political issues, economic issues, naturally
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, the expectations that are placed on the students are high expectations, and now we can see various examples of the work that the students are doing. tell me to see your examples. now, we students are in different fields, for example, in the economic fields. not only do students acquire knowledge, but they also learn practical science, that is, how can we, if we only look at a student as coming to class and leaving the class, looking for a grade, and then writing an essay, naturally, this is i just don't know now, maybe don't call him a real student, but an organized student gets to know the real issues of the society in an operational way, besides learning the lesson. the idealistic view that is being faced towards them, let me give you an example of the actions that have taken place, for example
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, the student movement and the student movement. minor issues such as the miankala haft tepe project and other issues are a concern for these students and they are following these issues. recent clear examples are the registration issue. from the official documents, it is one of the problems of our society, and maybe 30 to 40 percent of the economic problems that are happening are due to this problem. well, if the student movement and the student movement are not involved in these issues, then who will ? before me , mr. qanawati told us the philosophy or characteristics of the student movement or a student who is a member of the student movement. if you want, mr. rahimzadeh, tell us how much. now, our students, who are members of student organizations and student movements , based on the potential of these movements, in
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various political, social, cultural, and artistic fields. every field is active, what grade do you give? how much do you think is compatible based on potentials? thank you. regarding the question you asked , i need some information from mr. qanawati's words. to start my speech, a student is a student due to his nature, and he is both a student of the country's issues and an observer of the events that are happening in the country. student trends regarding the country's most important issues. being active and towards shortcomings or places where things happen contrary to expectations
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they raised your cries and did not let the issues be left to the hands of everyday people and be resolved without anyone protesting or taking any action. today we are the same. i have to enter here a little bit because you asked what grade you were seeing, which means that the activism of the students is also now. in the university environment and in the appropriate student movements and movements , you can see the potential that exists and is there. the issues of the country are active and they are doing activities yesterday students are active regarding privatization as the most important issues of the country, today they are also active regarding pension funds, the type of issue has changed.
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if yesterday about the liberation of haft tepe from the corruption that was formed around self-development, the children were active and celebrated the liberation, today the issues of haft tepe still remain and there is a reaction to the assassination attempt on one of the active workers there . for example, the issues that happened in haftepe, these examples happened in dehbank , mustaq repeated. these proofs show that the student flow is still active, but are they all? is this the capacity of the student flow or not? i have a negative opinion. i mean, we have more capacity . maybe it is from the students and student organizations themselves, but the main problem, in my opinion , is in the institutions that preside over the university and the
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political atmosphere of the university. one point, mr. rahimzadeh, is that you say that a series of expectations should always be raised from the knowledge of the students, and that there should be more cooperation with them, so that what is in the capacity of the movement and student movements becomes more active regarding this issue. i will talk more with you, mr. rahimzadeh, you are a guest in our group the addition of two guests, mr. ahmadi , as well as mrs. mousavi and mr. ahmadi , i greet you, have a good time , in the name of allah, the most merciful , and the most merciful. i am at your service, mr. ahmadi. how much have student movements and organizations been able to draw the philosophy of student day in the university environment for students? yes , look at the student flow in 1332 on 16 azar
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, in what kind of environment, in an environment that is anti -arrogance and anti-tyranny, this student flow sees the islamic revolution in front of itself, then relative he defines himself with the islamic revolution , he defines his relationship as idealistic, content-oriented and discourse-making, and in the current situation, he is idealizing, making demands , creating discourse, and making decisions, in my opinion. the students were able to implement this to some extent , but whether this is desirable for us, definitely no . there are a series of obstacles for this not to happen. one of those obstacles is the depoliticization that happened in the university, that's why the idealistic student is demanding a dialogue. saz sometimes could not use his own tools inside the university do mr. ahmadi, i will talk
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more with you, you are welcome to join us . i greet you. good evening. dear mrs. mousavi. hello , i am at your service. if you want , please make a sketch of student movements and movements in universities. what situation and space are you describing? during this time, student organizations have been trying to communicate with people through various programs, including camps. the lectures and programs that they actually hold, fulfill the expectations of a student as a muezzin of the community. do it well, but the problem that exists is the issue of children's individualism, which was fueled after the corona virus, and this issue causes a little bit of expectations from a student and from a student organization. take some distance.


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