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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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get it from sarai irani. the floor price is at sarai irani . by announcing at 11 o'clock , i present the news of this news section to you. 280 beds in fardis city of alborz province were opened with the presence of the president. this specialized and super-specialized hospital has different departments, including children's, women's, and special departments. with the presence of the minister of industry, mining and trade, the production line of chargers for all types of electric vehicles was put into operation. planned for the production of various chargers. and this concern can be solved to a significant extent.
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this issue should be supported for two reasons, one is because of funds it is environmental, but the second aspect of this issue, which adds a lot to the importance of this issue, is the economic aspect . you can expect that the consumption of expensive fuel is a serious challenge. if we want to go towards green fuels , we have no choice but to go towards electrification. in the presence of the minister of interior, the 63 kv substation of baharestan karaj industrial town was inaugurated. interior minister shod said: all the parts and equipment of this power station , except for some small equipment, were produced inside, and iran has reached self-sufficiency in the production of power stations. with the presence of the minister of agricultural jihad, the production line of new recombinant vaccines at the vaccine research institute and razi serum was opened. mr. nikbakht, minister of agricultural jihad, said: razi institute produces more than 80% of human vaccines, 90% of animal vaccines and more than 32 vaccines. produces poultry
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. at the same time, with the presence of the head of the judiciary in ardabil province, 50 prisoners were released with the help of legal friendships and donations from benefactors. the head of the food department announced the allocation of 178 billion tomans of funds to solve the problems of judicial centers in the province at the end of safar press conference. some of our possibilities, whether in the so-called ardabil itself or in the cities, we are in maziqa of course, we couldn't meet all their needs . in total, it was decided that within two years, of course, about 17 billion tomans, apart from the so-called annual budgets and annual credits that we give them, in addition to them, we can meet some of their urgent needs, repair equipment, within two years. .
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the construction of some of these projects, which are half finished , or the start of some of those that need urgent , in any case, a credit of 178 billion tomans was considered for them, which, god willing, we will be able to pay them. the convoy of the bodies of 12 unknown martyrs of the holy defense arrived in khansar city in isfahan province. the bodies of these martyrs are supposed to be buried on december 26 at the same time as the martyrdom anniversary. hazrat zahra, peace be upon him , will be buried in different areas of isfahan province. that khon paz and news sources of the beginning of a new round of intense air attacks on the city. khan yunus and rafah informs
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. these two cities in the south of the gaza strip were also targeted by heavy artillery attacks. in the past two days, the palestinian refugees who had traveled from the north of the gaza strip to the south of this barrier, as well as the residents of khan yunus , visited the city of rafah due to the intensity of the attacks against this city. rafah is located in the southernmost point of the gaza strip, and with increasing attacks on rifa palestinian refugees have nowhere to run. department of state. palestine had previously warned about the policy of the us and the zionist regime about trying to drive the residents of gaza to the sinai desert of egypt and announced that the purpose of the heavy bombing of khan younus and rafah is to force the people of gaza to move towards the border of rafah with egypt. the egyptian foreign ministry once again warned the zionist regime that the resettlement of palestinians to sinai as a result of the current military operation in southern gaza may lead to the termination of cairo's relations with talawi. leads. palestinian youth with the attack
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of the zionist military to different areas of the west bank they confronted with today's aid, ramallah, the town of ramaneh in the west. jenin, south of nablus, hebron, and south of beitlem witnessed intense clashes. the palestinian red crescent organization announced that 18 palestinians were shot and wounded during the confrontation with the israeli soldiers in beitlem. the soldiers of the zionist regime also arrested the deputy of the awqaf quds organization in beitleh. with the renewed attacks on the west bank and the increase in arrests, mustafa barghousi, secretary general of the palestinian national initiative movement, about the expulsion of residents. the danish parliament enacted a law to deal with the desecration of the koran and religious texts. according to this law burning, defiling, tearing, kicking, and widespread dissemination of insults to religious texts is prohibited
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, and offenders are sentenced to two years in prison. this law was passed after widespread muslim protests against the desecration of the holy quran in denmark and several european countries and the disruption of the flow of water. political and economic with islamic countries. the hidden painting of the last work of hassan rooh el-amin was unveiled. the unveiling ceremony of this work was held in imamzadeh ali akbar chezer along with a kind of prayer and mourning for abba abdullah al-hussein (peace be upon him). the minister of science referring to the creation of a suitable platform for the activity of student organizations on the development of seats he emphasized free thinking in the country's universities. mr. zulfi gol
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added in the program on the front page of the khabar network: we must try to provide the field for the participation of students with different tastes in the establishment of free-thinking seats in universities so that they can express their opinions. feel safe the minister of science was a guest of khabar network's first front program on student day. serving the educated and wise community of the university, all of whom are students of yesterday and today. congratulations. the formulation of the guidelines for the selection of top students was the news that mr. zulfi gol announced. we notified to the universities that based on this directive. students are selected in various fields of education, research, art, sports, and culture, and outstanding students enjoy special privileges. professors can accept brilliant students by using the system of ideas and needs
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. this year, about a thousand students were accepted with this style. we hope that for the next year, you will have a master's degree and a doctorate. it was another news that the minister of science in this program allocates special funds to universities for both the master's degree and the doctoral degree program in the 7th development plan. he pointed out that according to this ruling , the budget program organization is obliged to allocate the equivalent of 15% of the total credit of each university for research and the equivalent of 5% of the total credit of the university for cultural affairs. gol also explained about payam noor university's tuition increase. it is obvious that partly due to the annual inflation of student fees
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, payam noor university has had to raise a certain amount so that it can follow the affairs of our dear students and provide conditions for them to study and graduate. . according to the minister of science. creation general welfare in the society and solving unemployment and job creation are the most important concerns of the country's students. mohammad ebrahim pakzad, sed and cima news agency, thank you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good night. well, last week for 3 or 4 nights, the subject of our conversation was to examine the cases of suspected corruption in the country's football , an important issue that should continue to take serious care of the occurrence of pests in sports, be careful not to cause pests in the country's sports, what does economic corruption mean, i.e. the formation of sports mafias inside well, as i said , we discussed this issue for four nights, we had a party where they said some things. and even raised needs some of them went back to the ministry of sports, some of them went back to the football federation. we really wanted
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these two bodies to be accountable or talk about it, which they don't like to talk about at the moment, but we have this issue based on our mission. as we are continuing, tonight we will continue this discussion with mr. mohammad nouri , a football expert and football expert and mr. ali javadi, of course, a football expert and media expert. that both dear ones are present in the studio next to me , so let's start with mr. nouri, according to the tradition of mr. javadi. i will start for four minutes as a player , an expert coach, you were finally present in this football, what differences did you see in these years that this branch creates corruption in football and you can say based on that that yes, in my opinion.
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well, look, when there is no money, you are now our football or a team. they are less likely to find those cars, that is, we didn't have any brokers at that time. god , now we are agents. we can't do it now. well, at that time, we were the ones who made our own decisions. sir, let's go to a team. no one advised us to have a manager, god is witness. i say i didn't have money, but we played with all our hearts . unfortunately, from the 90s onwards, we came here with a lot of money. anyway, i think it's good for this sport. look, let me tell you something
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right now. you have a player coming and signing a contract worth 40-50 billion. well, the broker who is behind this is denying, not denying the option that is under the table . you calculate it, a percentage will be taken from the player, maybe the manager will take a percentage, maybe the coach will take a percentage. but there really is a manager who don't have 100 doubts . look at the sports managers, the coaches, some of whom have even had their names published. look at me. this is coming back. now , the sports managers who are up there are in charge . see, they say that if you want to find fault, it should be found from the top first. he finds it down to the bottom when we are in charge of sports, if they are healthy, they are healthy. i think there is no manager. he doesn't allow himself that god forbid, he wants to lobby and wants, now i think he wants
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to do money laundering and this, but unfortunately , i know many places. in other places, even with mr. javadi, who we were talking to, now, unfortunately, there is a lot of corruption in our grassroots football , that is, a child wants to come there now without moral connections, god forbid. there are financial issues, and i think that the kid who wants to come has talent, he should pay millions of money to come and reject his name. in any case, in this matter , the coach is also zinefa , my broker, zinefe. the unfortunate thing is that it is very important that why they don't enter , well, anyway, why can't we talk about it here, because if you name it, you will find trouble. and this but god willing, in the hope of god, according
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to what mr. khamenei said, my leader, i think that he should be involved in this case and the sports managers should prevent this corruption, and this has already become a problem for our football and sports. well, mr. javadi is 25 years old. i didn't say less, it's more, not 33 years, 33 years, well, 33 years that i've been in the media space of sports. he said that we also gave the address, i really gave the address with the name, even mentioning these examples and some of them, since when did you see these examples, if you see what the examples you saw were, where they were, and how they were, i would like to say hello first. service to your colleagues and the dear people of iran, see
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, i completely agree with mohammad agha's words, as long as there was no money , there was definitely no corruption in football. i remember asghar agha haji said, we used to lend shoes to each other and played with borrowed shoes since money entered football, and unfortunately, this entry was organized and not correct , unfortunately, corruption also took place, but contrary to your service , i would like to say that our football administration acted in a very organized manner, and i believe that the organization is very, very organized and very powerful. look, ali sir, let me tell you these sorrows which we see now in the football of the basic levels
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, these were fruit knives that were not dealt with. we said that there are so many fights in basic football, we have a fight almost every week . why is this? now you tell me why this happens. look, i am saying that when the talent of the players is sacrificed, the players who are really talented are really. they have quality. their talent becomes a victim. talented players without money are crushed under the wheels of football and some players find the possibility of playing because their father has the switch of his suv. the coach says yes, and let me tell you
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, it is much more painful that we can't. as long as these events exist in grassroots football , there will definitely be a series of people gathering around this accumulation of money, and in any case, when we have the accumulation of money , we will also follow corruption . that happens a lot. agha falls in the country's football, which leaves the circle of academies. you see , fortunately, our current minister of sports is one of the victims of an election assembly in the football federation. he can definitely say that on the night of the assembly, not the assembly football, what is happening in all societies. what lobbies
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take place? what meetings are formed? what promises are made? the national team should act with some caution . i think that a very, very serious approach should be taken in this matter. regarding the association of our federations , it should be addressed much, much more seriously , why is our sport, not our football, owned by the state? what is the
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fear ? it is time for our football and sports to move towards privatization. if it becomes private, there will definitely be fewer spills and splashes , there will definitely be fewer people who want to take advantage of this opportunity, and definitely many people will be cut off from this table. the same organization that you mentioned seems to exist now, for example, during mr. shirazi's tenure, they said in the tehran football board that the score of omid teams will be transferred with 4-5 billion. now , apparently , it is supposed to be 7-8 billion. at the time of mr. sher, 3 billion is coming for a team from asia vision . they were planning a team for themselves
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. d million, 3 million would be a few billion sir, i hope you young people will look at it. now, let me tell you something. it is important that it was the worst corruption of the contract that you signed with mr. willots anyway. in any case, we were going to be removed from this 180 billion treasury money, we could have spent it on our stadiums , we could have spent it on our football schools , we could have spent a lot of things, and the person who was found guilty
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of causing this trend was promoted and sentenced , which really caused mr. ali's regret. you didn't see, so why do we say there is corruption, it can't be fixed because the people who put these people to work. they have a bond with each other, yes i mean, you are hand in hand with each other, they are together like a chain, you see , they put the managing director from the top, they put the managing director . we are the right people , we need to fix ourselves from top to bottom , unfortunately, ali sir, this is a problem. i know it will be fixed later, because there is so much mafia in our football, in our sports, all of them, sorry for the neck-breaking , there are people who i think about anyway. they are powerful, it's hard, i apologize, let's go, we want to go
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now that we have discussed the information that mr. wilmos put in the contract, of course, it caused them to receive compensation of 180 billion. it was much more. now i think it is going to be more because he is paying a fine. they are being sneaky . our blocked sources were paid in fifa , but you know the tax, the federation should be their claim, we say their claim every day, no document, we say, let someone speak, sir, what happened , a document, a piece of paper, handwritten for us , a big pain for our sport, a big pain our sport is that this contract is very very very very non-specific and unprofessional closed. the opposite of the claim that they made at that time that it was closed very professionally , it was closed completely unprofessionally and unprofessionally, and unfortunately, unfortunately, the one who is responsible for the incident that is happening and
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no one is paying attention to it is that the football federation has paid for this unprofessional and unprofessional contract . there was a lease, now the football federation is leasing a building that was his own, mr. mohammad had bought it. i think that if we are going to discuss the various fields of corruption in sports, the discussion is very broad . we have about two or three minutes left to give a solution. let's give a little solution to divide our time now . you can say it. i'll forgive you, mr. n. i think that first of all there should be a will to fight corruption. in order to fight corruption, i definitely think that the top of the sports pyramid should
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inject this will into the top of the sports pyramid. to exist, and this requires people who love the country and mr. nouri, you see, ali sir, i believe that this corruption will not disappear 100% in iranian football. i mean, you see, now there are people who, as the famous saying says , are 100, now there are people who are a table , like our football industry, money has come , a lot of money has come in. look at the players who, for example , have 10 billion. it is possible to contract with them for 50 billion to 50 billion. how can the people behind the case give them? i think that a working group should
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be formed, a working group with healthy and educated people, which means entry. i think about this matter, mr. javadi, that i think there are many people who are staying at home now because they are healthy people. they know that yes , mr. gosheh may not be in good health for a long time now, we have someone in his job who is educated, sportsman, well-known , having a high resume, the trustees of those who choose them should form this working group to supervise. . we have reached the end of tonight's program. thank you for your cooperation. have a good time. god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, or the messenger of god, or fatima al-zahra.
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excuse me sir, do you know the city and the city of home appliances? you are here. yes, you are going straight, km 5 of a special road. this gentleman wants to mislead you do you want to buy a homely open carpet , turn right, you start again, and you go straight for five kilometers on the special road, when you arrive , facing tehran , there is a big sign that says faj city and home appliance city . we will find the address and see where the address
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is. we don't accept the words of a live person. do you trust the phone ? are you a live person? why do you give the wrong address here , when farshe city was not the city of household appliances ? pay attention to the destination: farshe city and city of household appliances after azadi square, facing tehran. don't drink in the dark the sound of the refrigerator, this kid is telling us to fight with him, give him a drink, we don't even know what happened. the largest iranian palace was opened in the city of tehran with an interesting event. officer
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, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. dear viewers , stay tuned with the economic news. the deadline of the ministry of samet to the two biggest car manufacturers of the country, the director general of the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of samet said that 14 of the 22 companies have been connected to the after-sales service community system, and the rest of the companies have until the end of december according to the budget law of 1402.


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