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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the city of tehran, tehran sarah afsarieh was opened. ali mohammad and al mohammad and ajl farjaham hello, dear viewers , stay tuned to the economic news of the ministry of semit's deadline for the country's two largest car manufacturers, the director general of the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of semit said that so far , 14 of the 22 companies have joined the after- sales service community system. are connected and the rest of the companies have until the end of december according to the budget law of 1402 to
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respond to inquiries related to after-sales services in the service community system. two months before it was not possible to file a complaint about after-sales service automakers in the after-sales service community system . now, the group of products that we cannot answer the complaint about is cars. systemically, we have no problem. they can be automobile companies and after-sales service companies . at the beginning of november, the general director of the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of semit set a deadline for the connection of car manufacturers. at most, up to one month, all car manufacturers must obtain an active warranty certificate from us for all the brands they have for their cars. connecting a number of car companies to the system the after-sales service community is connected. out of about
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22 automakers and importers whose main activities are automobile gates, 14 automakers or importers have joined this service community system after joining the carpet, but we expect that our two major automakers will complete this id card, especially for their domestic productions. in the community system of after-sales services, registration and provision of services , the deputy of the technical and engineering services office of the ministry of mining industry and trade says that the connection of automobile companies is a legal duty based on article 4 of the law on the protection of consumers' rights, as well as the law on the protection of the rights of car consumers and regulations related to these two laws require all manufacturers and importers to provide after-sales services, which they have been providing until now. but the mechanism that the ministry of mining industry
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and trade has in order to evaluate and clarify the service provision of these dignitaries and the obligations they have is to use the after-sales service community system according to the budget law 1402 of companies that manufacture, import or supply vehicles. moturi has until the end of december to respond to inquiries related to after-sales services after sales service community system, mohammad elhari of sed and sima news agency, after about two weeks of the legal deadline for connecting the device to the national smart government window, iran's national behri organization has placed 36% of its services in this window, according to the budget law of 1402. all executive bodies were to
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provide their electronic services through the national window by the end of november this year. the national window of smart government services at a time through which people can use the services of government agencies in a smart way without visiting in person. within the next month at most all devices should join the smart government system so that no device is missing. missing a device makes it difficult to draw conclusions. saboubi, which was approved last year in the meeting of the executive council of information technology, and it was decided that government agencies will provide their services through the national window of smart government services. i am asking you to fulfill this legal obligation quickly so that we can witness providing this good opportunity for all our dear people. now, after one year of this law, according to the statistics of the ministry of communications and information technology, some of the 144 executive bodies 100 people joined this system. and others still
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did not succeed. we have 5,200 certified services, in addition to all the authorizations based on the assessment that my colleagues made of these 5,200 services. the service is fully connected. we have 8 devices that are not connected. the president's order was given in the 26th meeting of the council about 3 weeks ago. it was a month ago that they should be connected. iran's national behri organization has also connected only 36 of its services to the national window of smart government services. 9. the service must be connected to the single window of the organization. out of these 9 services, three services can be directed to a single window let me tell you about the remaining six services, that due to the lack of funds in the field of information technology and despite the numerous follow-ups we did from the
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program organization, we could not receive the budget for this work , but what are we waiting for? violating devices are reported through the supervisory committee first. the honorable president will issue orders regarding the executive bodies and after that it will be available to the supervisory bodies of the inspection organization and the article 90 commission based on the budget law 1402 of all executive bodies. by the end of november this year, they should have provided 100 of their services through the government's smart national window . the production of chargers for all types of electric vehicles was launched in alborz province with the presence of the minister. this production line
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has an annual production capacity of 14,500 chargers, 1,500 batteries and 800 electric motors for electric vehicles. fortunately , because of the good capacity building that has been done to produce electricity in our country, this is the reason. it's an economic way, you expect that the consumption of expensive fuel is a serious challenge if we want to let's go towards green fuels , we have no choice but to go towards electrification, the director of horticulture of sistan baluchistan jihad agricultural organization said that this province with
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630 hectares of cultivated area of ​​sour tea is the pole of production of this product in the country, mr. narouyi, of which this year 80% zirek of the province is cultivated in this city, which
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has a lot of nutritional value and wealth in the total area under cultivation of sour tea in the province, and it is also known as the enemy of blood pressure. sour tea has the property of reducing blood fat. blood pressure, liver and bile disorders anti-cancer , stress and diabetes reducer, and a rich source of iron is also delgan pietresh is bought by dealers in bulk without any processing and added value, and is exported to russia and neighboring countries in addition to domestic markets. it can be packed for turkey. turkey sells 1 million to 1 million kilos for 20 tomans. for many years, the farmer's eyes have been hoping for the purposes of the transformation industry. we work hard. we reap a lot from these measures and maintenance. the executive vice president of the movement for the revival of production units says that since the beginning of 1401, with the revival of closed economic units
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, 145,000 people have been directly employed. 653 restored units with approximately 185,000 miles. tomans have been added to the capital of the country, this is the sum of capital that has been revived in this area and 14,145,000 direct jobs. mr. karimpour also referred to the president's visit to alborz province and said that in this province , 184 closed or semi-active economic units have returned to the production cycle . the industry includes both agricultural discussions and cultural heritage issues , and now a series of service companies production has been revived, almost according to the calculations
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made by friends, 12 thousand billion tomans have been added to the country's capital, about 4,500 jobs have been with these units, many of these units are closed, many of them are closed, many of them are operating below capacity, many of them are half-full, well, viewers . . dear, as you can see, the people of alborz province are hosting the president , let's continue to watch and listen to the president's speeches , while saying goodbye, may god protect you, the productive ones, god
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bless you, hajjah ibn hasan, qaid, and nasiran. good luck on friday in a very peaceful gathering of the dear people of alborz province and karaj city. i consider myself in this program to be blessed by the almighty and i am grateful to god almighty and all the expressions of feelings and kindness from you , dear women and men and people of alborz province and karaj city, towards this student of mine. i know your feelings, because of the revolution, because of the system, because of the blood
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of the martyrs, because of devotion to the governor and the province, i know that as a soldier and a servant of the system and a servant of you, dear noble people. these days belong to hazrat siddiqa tahira, peace be upon him fatimah is a model for all mankind . kawsar, the existence of zahra is very good for all mankind . god almighty placed all the blessings of the world in her . god almighty made the holy existence of siddiqa tahira an example for the women and men of our society, in
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her thoughts, morals and actions. let's see him, let's mourn him, let's follow him, the words of zahra athar, peace be upon them, in the fatimiyeh sermon, talking about the qur'an. it is about ali. it is about justice. it is about man and the salvation of man. paying attention to fatimah's words. seeing fatimah's biography today can be very instructive for our society. fatimah, peace be upon him, taught us all. he taught me to pay attention to god, he taught me to implement justice
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, he taught me to pay attention to the poor and the needy , he taught me to untangle people's work. provinces and cities to be placed in. elvorz province is a province with special characteristics. first of all, in this province, it is necessary for me to pay my respects to the noble martyrs of sardarran sarfaraz province , to pay my respects to the dear martyrs and dear veterans , to pay my respects to the respected families of the martyrs, martyrs and veterans, and to those who
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served in this province. to people in the years i must pay tribute to the past. i was lucky enough to find a mission 40 years ago as a young man in karaj city and on that date when i was 19 or 20 years old , i have many memories of karaj city that day and alborz province today. faces of mesamem, revolutionary forces, night and night efforts, jihadi forces, a lot of work and effort has been done in these 40 years in this province. everywhere in the province
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is evidence of many efforts that men. and the women in this province did for the well-being of the people and for the development of alborz province. we should be thankful for all those efforts and efforts, but with all the development that it has changed the face of karaj city and alborz province . it must be said that for some reason we still have shortcomings in this province. communication roads are one of the serious needs of stanze due to its proximity to the center. and therefore, upon entering alborz province
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, i visited some projects and plans in progress and in advance. i learned about the progress of the work, thank god, friends are busy day and night to reduce the problems. the communication roads and the needs of this province, although a lot of work has been done, but after this, a jihad work must be done to solve the problems of our dear people and residents of this area. the fact that we went before coming to serve you, dear people, is a separate region, well, a region of 700,000 residents that does not have a well-equipped medical center was very sad . dear people of that region, we waited for more than 12 years. thank god, the community
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has operated today and has a well-equipped medical center. it started to work in other parts of the province as well, the issue of employment is always an important issue for us, but the province of alborz province , due to its proximity to industrial units and industrial towns, the percentage of unemployment here is the same as we have in some provinces, the percentage here is very low, that is, the ratio many to other provinces it is less, especially what we have should be compared to the educated workers, therefore, regarding the issue of unemployment, the statistics show that we do not have a serious concern in alborz province like some other provinces, but the housing issue in alborz province is an important issue
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, despite the work that has been done, but the need housing is an important issue, as we announced in the government's work program that solving housing problems is on the government's agenda, so today, thank god , we are witnessing 1,900,000 constructions in the country, both rural and urban housing. both the complex construction and the lands that were prepared and it was handed over to the needy people , this work is always going on, but it is a problem in the centers of the provinces , we have less of this problem in the cities of the provinces
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. hectares of preparation for housing construction in the country where this work was done, thank god for the mehr housing, on the day the government started working , the government's commitment was 240 thousand, which had reached this government in the past. naturally, the government's commitment is not different between this government and other governments must fulfill their commitments until today with all that regarding financial issues, the amounts that people paid that day are very different from today, but the government tried to fulfill the pledge, thank god , 17,000 housing units, which are only in the area of ​​housing, not the housing that was started after that, the housing that was previously pledged. in previous governments , it was left to the people, and the rest has been targeted until the end of this year and
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the beginning of next year, god willing, it can be ready and left to the people. dear people, know that the government is working day and night to solve problems in all fields. the welfare issues of our dear people, our women , our girls and boys, employment, housing and everything the needs that exist today in our country are not lacking in capacity. god almighty has given this country a lot of capacity. the president who was our guest recently , when he went to visit the science and technology park , when he had a meeting with me, he said that i i am surprised that a country with this level of threats and sanctions has made so much progress. i said
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that our youth and our people decided to turn threats into opportunities. if we wanted to stop with these threats, we would not have economic growth in the country. today, we have economic growth , production should be the enemy. stop production. we did not stop production. production is increasing day by day in the country. if we wanted to pay attention to the threats of the enemy, we would not have increased agriculture in the field of basic goods by 22%. today , efforts are being made in the field of production in various fields. it continues with strength. we economy. we consider resistance to be a necessity for the country, an economy that is not shaken by impulses, our people are poisoned by the government, and the government
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considers itself to be a servant of the dear people, and my coming to the province and cities was the first round of the approval journey, which, thank god, is the most significant part of today, which i am in albart province, i see that it has been done my amount is in progress. the people will be informed through the media. mr. governor, the managers will explain to the people whether the good works that were approved in the first round of the trip have been done or the few things that are being done in this round as well . i will definitely find the things that today are the problem of different regions, the problem of the general public. on the same way , when we were coming, some of our loved ones were listening to me, some of them were writing letters. you must know that these will be taken into account. i have already
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said that my coming a ceremonial matter to the provinces whether i come once or twice, the issue of my presence in the province and in all regions of the country depends on the level of solving the problem in those regions as long as the problem exists. that i consider myself obliged to serve all provinces and cities as a servant of you people. from this forum and from this sacred place , i ask the respected managers who are in this meeting to take seriously the issues of the people referring to the departments and organizations. lest unhealthy relationships take the place of healthy relationships. may
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allahu akbar not let party games, corruption, bribery, and god forbid govern administrative relations in organizations god is great, god is great, god is great, i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that there is no god but allah . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that allah is the most high.
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good work, good work, god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. may this revolution always preserve the system and we are also proud of you as the true helpers of the leadership . know that any success in this country today is due to
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the blessings of the wise leadership of the revolution and thanks to the presence of you people on the stage, but because the prayer sermons don't be late on friday, i will summarize my offer from all organizations , all departments , all employees of institutions, all my colleagues across the country, colleagues, i say that it is only related to the government, not in a special sense. it is to serve the people and
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to untangle the life of dear people. dear people, honorable people, you are not only thinking of yourselves, but of your neighbors today, you are thinking of the muslims of the world, the nation that is on the scene today to remove the oppression of the oppressed people of palestine, the people who exist today are suffering from the oppression that it is being done to palestinian children, women and men.


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