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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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prominent figures of hamas have planned his assassination. yahya samvar is also the founder of hamas security service. season to glory. since february 2017, he has succeeded ismail haniyeh, one of the leaders of hamas. a child of the khanyounest camp, in his years of activity , he fought for the rights of the palestinians, from consulting and talking with the united nations for the recognition of their rights to gathering . the heads of the palestinian tribes to support the resistance forces al-hamdul salam ibrahim breaking the 16-year siege of gaza is the wish of yahya that the palestinians voice abu ibrahim and finally closing the hands of the zionists from their frequent desecration of al-aqsa mosque, all the efforts of this man to the title of the mastermind of hamas, stick 250 rockets to tel aviv is easy for us.
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the release of all palestinians from the prisons of the zionist regime is also the goal of yahya senwar, the prisons where he spent 22 years of his life, a man whose prison sentences totaled more than 430 years and was released in october 2011 in the exchange of palestinian prisoners with gil atashalit of the zionist military. it has been 12 years since azad. as the mastermind behind the battle of al-aqsa, he managed to entangle the ranks of the settlers outside the gaza strip. the zionist analyst wrote about him in the article "the end of the illusion that israel will never return to what it was." the war that we entered has no end and it is not possible that it will end in victory. in our opinion , what will victory be? killing 20,000 residents of gaza?
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has senwar haniyeh been killed? we have assassinated hamas leaders many times before, but their successors were appointed. this time, what will happen after that? who knows? maybe there are dozens of senwar between the prisoners and the freedom of the palestinians. god, my feeling is indescribable. no , we thank hamas, mohammad zeif and yahya sanwar. the victory with gaza is near , god willing, and the children who are in the camps between the fire.
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bride, i am asking for the third time, am i my servant? my lawyer, no, what's wrong, it's not possible, is it really possible? yes, why not buy dowry with 60 items in 60 times in the city of larger household appliances? yes , this is called a secret and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive purchase credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma.
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we have 730 days until the final payment. pak shuma is always with you . without windows, this house has its own design . besides, the design of this house is also its own work . it's great that you chose the best. they call you a real designer. what is very important to me is attention to details. look at the color and texture of this window wintec data house, window one. why did you break the oath ? it's not finished yet. quality sofa, long legs , get it from an iranian head. the price floor is in an iranian house . marco polo, a great businessman and traveler , has returned to his city after many years. what have you brought us , marco? an amazing product from iran called parshek.
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we should say hello to nature again. it seems you have never used it. this is my gift to you.
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palestine is our ancient and unforgettable land , the jews who demand this land will find their country, we will finally live freely in our land and be comfortable in our homes.
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man. at the end of the 19th century, when todor hertzel, an austrian journalist, wrote these sentences in the book the jewish state. perhaps even his most optimistic zionist supporters did not imagine that they would have a country in palestine 50 years later. herzl was born jewish, but he did not believe in the sacredness of the jewish religion. he had grown up in europe and his enlightened thoughts were more from the european enlightenment period. herzl. he was interested in the separation of religion from politics and mentioned democracy as his main goal. the jewish law had no place in the government that hertzel had in mind, and its emphasis was only on the people it was race. at the beginning of its formation, zionism, in
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fact, looked at the jews more of a discussion as a nationality. it was so that a religion wanted to take it into account. now, of course, over time , various groups and groups were formed, some of them had a cultural view, emphasizing the issue of cultural zionism and enriching their own people in terms of cultural resources and so-called production now. civilization and such issues, but the fact is that zionism did not have a religious view from the very beginning, and this. the difference between zionism as a school that sought a kind of nationalism and defines jews kurds as a race or a culture or a nation , and now, anyway, religion is a part of it, this difference has always existed, of course, over time
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, religious spectrums also joined the zionist project , although at the very beginning of its formation, most of the people who having a religious view and now the leaders. either they didn't accompany or they disagreed. the partition and state-building plan was one of britain's tricks as a colonial power in the early 20th century. england using this plan as a means of direction. continuation of sovereignty and preservation of its resources following the weakening of the foundations of the ottoman government it was the middle east. basically, the idea of ​​establishing the zionist regime was formed in this direction and with the aim of defending the interests of the west against the islamic world. the plan
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of western governments to fragment the islamic lands was implemented with the sykespico agreement, and along with that, the zionist movement provided the ground for jewish immigration to the occupied lands. you see, what colonialism tried to create in islamic countries from maybe 3 centuries ago was to keep the people of society silent and ignorant, and in this regard, they came to divide the region into smaller countries and try to implement newer plans. area. on this way
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, i was visiting different booths for 3 years and 4 years. after 3 years and 4 years, i stopped for any reason . let them support the producer, both financial support and legal support, and administrative support for the organization so that their work is not interrupted. now , when we visited some of these booths, some of them said, for example, at the customs, our work was interrupted, some said in a ministry . the house is dear. of course, i have not checked this yet
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i heard it, but i told my colleagues to follow up case by case and report to me. now, since the minister is here , the minister of roads and urban development is also mr. madani himself , mr. governor, mr. mansouri, the executive vice president of our office, mr. esmaili. i really seriously want friends. industrial units that were interrupted for any reason. we have to bring them out of stagnation and make them dynamic. we have to activate them. this is the duty of all of us. it means that my duty is the duty of all my colleagues in the government to see where the work is stuck? or a product it is being produced in the factory and at the same time it is being imported. they say that import is illegal, which is a stab in the back to production
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, because when we have an acceptable standard product, the product is produced, but it has to be marketed, the product is produced, it has to be standardized. if there is a problem somewhere, let him know. time will pass. food and drug organization now we went to a booth and they said that sir, we have to get a license , no problem, you should give a license, but how much time is important how much time is required in the food and drug organization? time is very important, but the producer is very important. it is very important for employment, because a family that is ready for a man to work at home, a woman to work at home, they are all ready. we say there is work, now you wait for the permit to come from so-and-so, this
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will stop the work, let the permits be revoked, we definitely agree, but the relevant organizations should quickly investigate , respond quickly, shut down, they don't know day and night, let the wheels of production in the country let's move. i came across a product here today required. everyone has it, for example, a mobile phone . well, this is what everyone needs. what is the problem? it must be solved quickly. we import so much when we need it . it is an imported product. we can be independent in the country and do not need to import. our producers in the country help us. they can prove that they can produce a product with the required standard and supply it so that people can use it, both at the right price and with the right quality. when this
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is possible, why not do it? and things like this therefore, from this place and from this forum, i ask all my colleagues to facilitate the work of the producer , not to follow them with the speed of their work. and simaneh, i would like to thank all the managers who took the effort to activate the 185 production and industrial units in alborz province and mention this number of 6,500 throughout the country. it is necessary to point out that all of these should be revived, the revival of these means the prosperity of production, which means
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the creation of employment, which means self-sufficiency in the country, and all this means all this. is see we or should let's build a factory , or import the machines, or let's go manufacture machines in the country , there are manufacturing centers in the country and this will be set up. the installed machines and equipment have arrived in the factory , only the obstacles must be removed so that karia can come to work, which one has priority. it is a priority, no one wants to argue at all, it is very clear that our job is easy to start a production unit , so i want to say that the revival of production units it is very important for us, it is very important in all sectors, god willing, in the ministry of housing, especially in the ministry of home affairs, which should be supported, they will seriously
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pursue this work, mr. dr. aliabadi, who is also a supporter of production and always. in the meetings, they raise the issue of production. banks should help in paying the facilities to the producer and clarify that they should pay for education to the producer and the producers should not have any problem in getting the permits. wherever we have problems, this unit other than that, refer to the governor's office and the governor's office for the rehabilitation of the units we put the production under the supervision of the respected first deputy mr. dr. madani , they themselves are motivated to pursue this work seriously, we told mr. mansouri in the area of ​​the presidential headquarters that the issues that were referred to the validity of the follow-up of the issues of the production unit with the motive of not letting the issue be interrupted, all this is so that the production in the country
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will not be interrupted. i was very pleased with the booths i saw here. i was happy and thanked god that the factory that was closed is open today dear worker here with many languages he spoke honestly and honestly, he spoke very little, but with the same tone and language of a worker , he spoke his heart much better than our language, that sir, this factory was in trouble. now, thank god, 6 thousand workers are working and we are producing. and the factory is placed on the production cycle , the ownership status of the factory should be clarified, what they said was that the dear workers also pointed out, god willing, this is our responsibility , we follow the work. the employees and the workers have the same enthusiasm that i saw in the factory
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because when i was in the food department, the friends of the manager and the workers here talked to me . it came to my mind that this was one of those centers that had a serious fight, and alhamdulillah , it was established with the efforts of the workers and the managers of the factory, and it is very good. this work was done, god willing , after this, with the efforts of you, dear workers, the work will continue with strength, god willing, from the presence of the honorable representative of the supreme leader, ayatollah hosseini hamdani, may your blessings be upon them. i appreciate and thank you for always encouraging new things in this industrial, agricultural, and tourism province . especially compared to jovan and this much it is valuable, the same high position that the wise leaders of the islamic revolution have, and they are always an incentive for production, an incentive for young people, for innovative works. in the province, as a representative
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of hazrat agha, they also have the same encouragement towards their work , honorable parliamentarians. mr. askari and our loved ones who are following the work, please see the work. we all have a duty, dear ladies and gentlemen. it is as a duty that we stand up. we come to elworth province. we thank you. let's make this task a principle of demand yes, i don't want to say that i will take your time . he said that there is a guaranteed employment for you. we are students . we are speaking at school. finally, it should be clear that we have done our duty. that's it. someone tell me, sir, how many hours i worked . i signed so many letters. did i issue a license? it has been done, he must make sure that what god wants from him, what the people want from him, leadership wants from us, we did it, and therefore we should
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not know the day, as dear children, this is your karaj and i was successful in this karaj. i used to be the sincere children of the front that i remember the same karaj does not know the night, nor the day, nor the holiday , nor the non-holiday. the sincere work of sardar rashid, our noble martyrs, dear martyrs, a lot of work has been done in this province, may god have mercy on mr. asheg gholamrezai soltani, whom you karajis know, we have been in their service for many years . he thought, for example, that he would not be able to be so active due to his age, but he was working and trying. in general, i want to say that god willing, with the help of god, with the care of the pure imams , peace be upon them, especially the holy wadud of hazrat wali. asr ajjal allah
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ta'ala al-farja al-sharif, which today belongs to that noble person, god willing, may we be able to take steps that will please god and make the holy heart of the imam of the asr happy for us, and also be able to have a brilliant record for our dear people . thank you all and peace be upon you. and god's mercy, when the zionist rockets
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landed around the village of atta al-shaab in southern lebanon, on the 20th day of israel's war with the resistance front, this picture was published in cafe ain . cafe ain is an abbreviation of koresh aliani, which is my name. this is the news these days from the present and the days of the inflamed mediterranean coast, but koresh aliani's writings about israel do not end with a few articles on the cyberspace. in the real world, he has written a book of about 300 pages on this topic , titled metastasis of israel, my problem and the problem of my book is not the problem of palestine. the israel-palestine problem has started, but it does not end with palestine . the book is a historical account of the first arrival of jews in palestine and their proliferation in the holy land, which is
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their metastasis. and months by passing the sea sork went to egypt and from there to mediterraneh and then to jaffa and finally to quds, as aliani wrote in the introduction, one of the reasons for writing this book. the author's documentary style is evident in many pages of this book, for example here on page 22 when he asks the reader to look at the root of the conflict between palestine and israel. a zionist historian should also read. benny morissette wrote in the book "righteous victims": the zionists wanted to fundamentally overturn the status quo. as much as possible
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, they buy land, build settlements and finally turn an arab country into a jewish homeland. israel's metastases also examines an issue. israel's propaganda perception of the holocaust. in a part of the text of this book, it is written: zionist started his work from nothing, but over time, by training secret armed and security forces , he paved the way for the history of mankind, a history that is less detailed in iran. zohra alizadeh of sada news agency and the surface of our earth deserves to live on this land, there is something that deserves to live on this land.
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you can hear our fingers on them. mahmoud darvish , whose name is also called the palestine defender , becomes a symbol of resistance in this book. beautiful writing it is about the city of gaza and the characteristics of this city, which is like a thorny bite that the enemies cannot lift. where he says: i tell myself, maybe the one i'm waiting for is looking my way.
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considering that this book is a book of poetry , it talks about love and resistance from different aspects, and how many times he has written poetry about gaza, and how much influence poetry and culture have on the resistance of the palestinian people. philosophical thoughts of mahmoud darwish, his relationship with palestine and the concept of homeland are among the themes that are followed in the book "love is a small cafe".
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the issue of food martyrs is rarely covered by the western media finds a way in the same way, in their textbooks , they distort the face of palestine by showing a favorable image of themselves. the narratives that are created legitimize turning a blind eye to crimes. the educational policies of the west about palestine, as well as the type of their narrative , became the basis for conducting a research on this matter. what are the components of the narrative that is told in western universities about the conflict between arabs and israel, palestine and the zionist regime, and how was this narrative constructed? a research on the distortion of palestinian history that seeks to
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answer this question: the palestinian issue in the university how is the west narrated? it seemed to me that these textbooks that are taught in western universities about the history of israel, the narrative that it presents, this narrative is very one-sided, in favor of israel, so the truth is that i think this issue is much more important than that. it is the subject that i had chosen first. therefore, i changed that topic and came to the books that are used in israeli universities to teach the history of israel .
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hello, good evening. you are watching the news at 17:00. resistance fighters in southern gaza city the deployment of soldiers and military equipment of the zionist regime were targeted with short-range rockets. the qassam battalions announced that dozens of zionist soldiers were killed or wounded in the clashes of the last 3 days in the gaza strip. these soldiers were killed or wounded in several gunfights and from zero distance, as well as in explosive traps of hamas fighters.


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