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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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the policy that they specified and all the information also emphasizes that european and american and some countries that cooperated with the west and with the israelis in order to find a way out , now they no longer have a view of what the result is, the result is that israel enters a war. land in gaza kills children, kills women, destroys houses, and commits crimes. it is committed which is unprecedented at the global level, but it has not been able to achieve anything until the israelis are convinced that the weak cannot achieve any goal or the united states is convinced that it cannot accomplish any goal to destroy the resistance, hamas and other forces in gaza, or convince the israelis or the americans.
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first of all, what is the situation in south lebanon now , because at least 70,000 zionists are still displaced. the second point is, what is your perception and view of the future of this battle in the south, in relation to our front in south lebanon, regarding our front. in the south of lebanon, we are from the first day of the 8th of october. when we entered the battle, we said that this front is a support front , a mixed support front, when we say it is a support front, it is not whether this front is a small front or it does simple things, this war that is going on in the south today on the borders of lebanon with occupied palestine with the zionist regime is a real war in which all kinds of weapons are used and war methods are used. first of your question, from the first day in these 40
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years, when we entered the work of resistance, our task has been defined, the interest of our nation, the interests of our resistance, and also its future, we do not pay attention to the american threats, if we wanted to pay attention to the threats americans, now we no longer exist, there was no resistance, no achievements it was about us that
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fleeing the lebanese front puts pressure on the israeli army and puts pressure on the israeli society and the lebanese front. it also puts pressure on any decision that israel wants to make in the future. we should also pay attention to this issue if the resistance is not strong. in this front, israel 's voice has become louder because of the strength of hezbollah, because of the strength of hezbollah and the strength of this resistance that is present, if they did not shout so much now, and god willing, we will continue our resistance in a permanent and permanent way. and the principle and basis in this front , in this parade and at this time, the front of support and the support of the people of gaza is the resistance of gaza, and we continue with this issue. there is a discussion
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in political circles and some european officials in beirut have raised the issue that if they want , the south front of the lebanese and the intention to fire. the end of this war is conditional on the fact that the rizvan units of hezbollah's line-breaking forces are not present in the border areas of southern lebanon and northern occupied palestine. what is hezbollah's position on this matter? stop it, we will talk about this issue later , the policy of ambiguity will continue on this issue it doesn't take time now.
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and in what direction will this equation go to lebanon? we believe that the end of this war is in the interest of the resistance and the interest of the palestinian nation. what is the murder and killing of children and women and the destruction of houses with this ugliness and with this insolence. this causes sadness for all people and the whole humanity.
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whatever the achievement is, the zionist regime cannot return to the previous period. first, secondly, if their goal is to destroy the resistance, we are sure that the resistance will remain in palestine and hamas will remain. these goals are illogical and unrealistic goals, and israel cannot destroy hamas. take and destroy hamas is not just people or buildings. they destroy houses and make people martyrs , but the resistance and hamas remain in palestine , based on our experience, we say this every day, the enemies of america commit stupidities, but they do not learn from the past stupidities, not in 206 and not in
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all the wars and battles that they have with strong resistance and this strong, resistant and powerful axis. his definite decision is to resist and he is moving in this direction and after these images and after this cruelty that exists and these attacks against women and children.
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it will be stronger and more ready for moving forward, the israeli army is also examining this issue, which they should talk about after the war . this is the main essence of the discussions and investigations in the israeli army. we were in lebanon when hezbollah used part of its capabilities and part of its new weapons in this war. more importantly , for the first time, we are witnessing that hezbollah is practically the attacking side and the zionist regime's army is practically in a defensive position. it is located and practically
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, hezbollah is in the equation of occupied northern palestine there it manages the equation and it is the ruler of this equation that the zionists themselves admit , considering the current situation, you are ready for new surprises or if this war expands into a war. in fact, it is alarming, but now israel
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is helpless as to how to deal with this situation , the nature of these weapons, their characteristics, the damage they inflict on the enemy, all of this has made him to be afraid and trembling, the enemy of zionism, and he knows that so far, hizbollah has used very little of its own house he thinks thousands of times before taking big steps. anyway, we are ready for all possibilities, we are ready and we have opened a book for all possible possibilities and we are ready for any possibility and we have enough experience and strength in this matter and lebanon is strong today with its own resistance and in fact we have determined the path of this front in the logic of the conflict with the zionist enemy in the past
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. the future of the zionists in how do you see occupied palestine ? is it possible for us to reach a point where even without a large-scale regional war, the zionists will decide to leave palestine. i will talk about the basic indicator, and that is the israeli army, what
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happened in the al-aqsa storm, the relations between the army and the zionists and the orientals, in fact , they are all soldiers, not citizens. there is no ordinary citizen in the zionist regime, they are all soldiers. even galland talked about revenue when he wanted to. he said that war is actually a relationship between the israeli army and the nation of israel it is now clear that the israeli army does not support them, neither with the security experience it has, nor with the military fortifications it has, nor with all the preparations that have been made over the years, especially from 2006 until now. to do. that the israeli army holds maneuvers year after year and internally claimed that
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it is ready, but it is not ready , it has increased its power in a large way, at the level of tanks, at the level of fighter weapons, and advanced all its facilities, but the storm al-aqsa proved that the israeli army is not qualified to provide security for the future zionists
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they were used in the battle of gaza and there. in fact , despite this, they did not have any military achievements, and finally, at the end of this war, the result is that the israeli army has the air force.
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and what was said now as a joint operation room between the sides of the resistance axis in the al-aqsad storm battle, how and to what extent was it realized? we are simultaneously witnessing operations in the peripheral environment of occupied palestine in lebanon, syria, iraq, and yemen . is there joint coordination? in these operations in lebanon, whether in syria, in iraq or in yemen , there is cooperation and development between the parties there is cooperation and solidarity and support in the region, both in palestine and in all of these parties. all of them
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are now in the operation to support the palestinian front, from the palestinian resistance front. it is their cooperation and communication that the resistance fronts have with cooperation in the best possible and effective way and one of the main points of strength of the resistance in the region is this cooperation between this front and this solidarity between the resistance fronts against israel, which is supported by the westerners and the americans. i see. under the title of the day after the war in gaza, about
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the political landscape in gaza is something that is still the cabinet netanyahu does not accept it at all and rejects it, and also considering that despite the fact that the zionist regime army is stuck in different areas of the gaza strip, both in the north and in the south, but it is possible to even evacuate the people of gaza to the sinai desert. as the first stage of a complete project , which will then reach west bank to jordan from this. how do you see the prospects of political developments in gaza? are americans capable of defining gaza after the war as gaza without hamas and creating a situation similar to karani bakhtari in jordan? is the air force organization with israel to rule there?
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i said and emphasized that america... doesn't learn from the experience of the conflict with the resistance in the region, and neither did israel in the 2006 tammuz war. they were looking for the political future of lebanon without hezbollah. we told them that this is not possible . are you victorious? you will have to plan for after hezbollah, saying yes , we will destroy it, they are using the same term now , during these 3 days, they are using the same term , what happened next, what was destroyed was the israeli power. .
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you have to stop the war and look for the right solution bashi and they looked for a suitable solution and a way out. hezbollah remained. since 206 , its power has multiplied many times. they are repeating the same mistake, now they are conducting many discussions and investigations, holding meetings , examining various scenarios, which in fact , the united states, on the one hand, israel, on the one hand, and some arab countries on the other hand, hold joint meetings. what are they doing and talking about the gaza strip after hamas? is the gaza strip possible without hamas? after the war, if the gaza strip is without hamas, then they can talk about it but this is not possible. after this
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war is over, it should be determined who is the decision-maker in the matter. second, the discussions and investigations that are being carried out are not fruitful, that is, they are not ripe, which means that they have not yielded results so far. the displacement of people from the west bank to jordan and the gaza strip also
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worries them about where they will migrate from gaza. do we see another migration in action on tv channels that they cling to their own land and emphasize this issue of women and children and everyone says that we will be killed in gaza, we will be buried here and we will not go to sinai, egypt or other places. what do these show? it shows that they put forward unrealistic plans and always speak arrogantly and domineeringly, and they look from a high position and plan the land where people are actually present there and they have to make their own decisions. all these plans in fact. first, it shows the immaturity of the israelis and the americans
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. second, it shows their haste for the future . i wanted to know about this i ask that now. the americans, the french , they are trying to talk to hezbollah, and hezbollah does not talk to them, which means that this shows the equation that we are witnessing in lebanon between 1982 and 2023. what is the situation in lebanon regarding the war in south lebanon? people outside hezbollah's direct popular base. in the past two months, we have seen that many lebanese people from different backgrounds support hezbollah's participation in this battle. the second point
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is the situation inside western countries, in england, america, france germany is a different country and we are flooded with people against this war, we see very short branches of lebanon's hezbollah resistance in lebanon, the lebanese nation . hezbollah's resistance supports and supports his experience, and what the respected secretary general sayyid hassan nasrallah put forward in his last two speeches was almost supported by a lot of different movements and groups, which is a definitive and true statement. it was solid and hezbollah prefers this, and the lebanese also have good experience in the future.
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or visit and we said that there is no need for that , they are our enemies and the difference between america and others, america and israel are the same, they are always they are looking for war, israel is behind america , and the weapon that is killing our nations today is the weapon. it is american, so there is no need for these conversations. now america will understand one day that it has no place in this region. now, after several years , it will come to this conclusion, and this is the scene that we will undoubtedly reach in the future. yes , there is sacrifice and resistance, there is conflict. we are used to these issues and it is becoming more and more common at the level of nations. in the past
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, it had not happened in the last 70 years after the west reasonably understood the nature of israel's regime in terms of culture or western media , israel used to say that israel was violated by it, but now it is their opinion. go back and find out the truth about israel, western nations have understood and understand that the role of the media is actually a very big one, that israel is a liar, israel is a murderer, and israel kills children , attacks hospitals, and kills women and babies . it kills and
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commits very ugly operations against humanity and this. a worm in the area that targets children so we in the next level the future of our nation belongs to our country and our region and not to the americans and israelis. therefore , we are almost approaching the fourth anniversary of the martyr general hajj qassem soleimani. we must see what is happening in the region today.
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thank you and i wish you health and well-being. good luck. well , we present to you the exclusive interview of the jahan today program of the khabar network with seyed hashim safiaddin, the head of the executive council of hezbollah in lebanon. we are coming to the end of the program tonight . have a good night.
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at 3:00 p.m., the charging production line for all kinds of electric vehicles with the presence of the minister of state. it was launched in alborz province. this production line has the annual production capacity of 1450 types of chargers, 1500 batteries and 800 electric motors. fortunately, our country is cut because of the good capacity building that has been done to produce electricity. there is no worry about this in general.


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