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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning. god willing, wherever you are, you will be fine, and i hope you have a good and happy week ahead of you. i invite you to join us today as we will take a look at some of today's events. .
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the tidings of rain to the breath of the desert, to the dry veins of the trees , to the tired night of the porch, open the smell of spring to the heart of trembling branches, to the longing of the earth. stop the struggle of the street
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, bring the fever of the troubled soul, i will open iran to the tired heart of the world, put your ointment, open the way of childbirth. like siavash, just pass by these fires and let the storm be fierce. o my homeland, iran, light a candle, make the name of god boil, break the claws of the court, o my homeland, iran.
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bring the good news of rain to the breaths of the desert, to the dry veins of the trees , to the weary night, bring the open porch of spring to the hearts of trembling buds, to the wishes of winter, to the struggle of the street, to fever. dear soul, you are leaving your soil again. every time i see the garden of dreams in your eyes, i see the sun of tomorrow, my iran. i kiss this flag with the love
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of my brothers and sisters. share your love with me , iran, your soil is in the sand of iran, your eyes are bright, iran is also beautiful, may it be at the top of the world, under a feather. let us be a gem of knowledge like siavash, only pass from these fires to the speed of the storm. may my country, iran , light a prayer candle , make the name of god boil the claws of the divan. good morning, my country, iran. in
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another hour, the international conference of 120 years of relations between iran and latin america will be held in the first part of the conversation. we have a plan for the conference that is going to be held and we will check its details, god willing. mr. mohammad shirzadeh, the secretary of this conference, is our guest. hello sir, good morning, welcome. hello, have a good time. i am greeting you and my dear viewers dear colleagues. i am at your service, peace be upon you. about today's conference, tell me the necessity of holding it and the program you want to follow today. see the supreme leader in the sentence. there is a lot of beauty in the interpretation of the book cell 14 , which was translated into spanish. they said how good it is. now, i would like to present to you a stranger to these topics, when they said that it is good that
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there is more familiarity between us and you justice-seeking nations. let's work together and get to know each other better. well, this was a very important sentence and a very important keyword that led us to this. if we focus more, we will be able, god willing, to do something to make this acquaintance happen between iran and the countries of latin america and the justice-seeking nations that the supreme leader mentioned , so 2023 was the 12th year of relations between iran and latin america, and this is a it was a very good excuse to hold this conference, and in this conference, we could
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refer to these scientific, cultural, and media relations, such issues between iran and latin american countries, and discuss elite issues. from the revolution and basically the imprisonment of hazrat agha and topics like this now the book maybe loved ones. it was an honor to read this book, and this book was translated into spanish , and it was unveiled in some latin american countries, and it was very
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well received. in colombia, having a conversation was very welcome , just from this keyword. therefore, this so-called became an excuse for us to hold this conference, and i must point out that this conference of 120 years of iran-latin america relations with the original organization of the cultural media foundation. khayyam latin american and university of tehran, which faculty. world studies was originally appointed as the host to play a role, and on the other hand, the ministry of guidance, the general directorate of publicity and information of the ministry of guidance, and the assistance provided by other institutions such as
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the ministry of foreign affairs and other institutions, were appointed to hold this conference in the faculty of world studies. to be held in hananeh hall. today, with the presence of ambassadors of latin american countries and some high-ranking officials of our dear country, iran , it was decided to be held . how has it been seen and what role do foreign guests play in the conference programs? today, god willing , god willing, it is scheduled to start at 10 am today , and until noon, god willing , we are going to hear the speeches of some of the ambassadors of the latin american countries there. hashon ro and the honorable minister of culture and islamic guidance. some ministers and officials are supposed to give speeches in this conference, but what is very important and
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this conference is that today we are going to unveil the annual international conference of iran and latin america that we call if, god willing, venezuela is ready, we will establish the first international conference of iran and latin america in caracas in 2024, and most importantly , the permanent secretariat of the international conference will be established today, and god willing, it will start working. what task is this secretariat supposed to follow? it is supposed to
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follow all the scientific, cultural, media relations of such issues between the elites of our beloved country, iran, and latin american countries. we hope that this secretariat can play a successful role and i here too , i am asking for help from the dear elites who hear the sound of the harbor, dear who hear the sound of the harbor, and we ask for help, god willing, to help this secretariat so that we can, god willing. inshaallah, we can pursue the deepening of cultural, scientific, and media relations, and we envision a good perspective for it. in which axes should we see the points of commonality between iran and latin america? you see, everyone knows that we have a lot in common with latin american countries in terms of important keywords that are relevant in today's world. among them, you know that in the justice-loving nations of latin
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american countries , we have very good commonalities in issues such as anti-arrogance debates, materials such as justice-seeking, open issues that now have many subcategories, and the history of all latin american countries and our dear iran shows that we can god willing, let's use this point of commonality and we can , god willing, pursue common issues and what capacities we can imagine to expand these interactions. there are latin american countries, we can, god willing , use the capacities , we can , god willing, we can improve our relations in various cultural and scientific fields, especially even media discussions
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. may this sentence of the supreme leader come true, we hope that we can use these capacities , god willing, we can deepen the relations of these countries and nations to get to know each other more and synergize, because this key word is also present in the sentences of hazrat agha, so that synergism happens. hope. to our dear friends at the university of tehran in the faculty of world studies, from the ministry of guidance, from the latin american cultural media foundation, and also from all the dear ones who help today, this conference will be well conducted, god willing. we invite all those who have the capacity to help us and
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the permanent secretariat of the annual international conference of iran and latin america to cooperate, and god willing, the information base will be unveiled soon, god willing. god willing, thank you very much, mr. shirzadeh, for your presence in the salam reporter program dear viewers, stay with us and let's watch a part together. we will come back later in the form of the international part of haq and hola program
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. with your name , i am my flag, i must raise my flag, with your name , i am my flag , and i am bowing to my life. my head and body, my passion, my life, my world, my country, iran.
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from the land of my single rider , i will stay at your feet forever. i will stay at your feet forever. i want to set fire to the top of the galaxy with your name. the sadness of my wife is a nightmare for my wife, every time i am in love with you, my wife, your joy is happiness , your freedom is freedom, o house of our ancestors, o love of my birth
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, i passed away until i made a pact with you. i became a soul because i joined a little bit with your seal and i became a ransom, o my head , my body, the spring passion, my head and my body, the spring passion , my life, and the world, my country, iran, my body, and my body, the spring passion. good morning, dear viewers. yes , as my colleague mr. hosseini talked about the 120th anniversary conference of iran -latin america relations today, this conference will be held in
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tehran university, you know. that the president of cuba visited tehran last week , in addition, today this conference will be held in tehran with the presence of officials from different countries, mr. zayaei , an expert in latin america , is present in the salam studio, the reporter, so that we can talk more about this issue, mr. zayaei, good morning hello, welcome to the studio. hello reporter. i am greeting you and your dear viewers. i am at your service . i hope we can be useful. what importance can iran and latin america have for our country's foreign policy and interests
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? after knowing latin america, we can say , unfortunately, that we have a good knowledge of america. latin does not exist . there are a series of very superficial propositions about latin america in our society, which are not very deep. in fact, one of our duties can be to present this knowledge. look at latin america, well, it is a large region in the west, in fact , it is half the world. west korea, which if we exclude america and canada, it becomes the whole of latin america, which is three parts of the atmosphere. geographically, mexico is in north america the center of efficiency and south america, where most of the developments are actually presented as latin america, in this same south america. well , economically, this region can and is very important for the world economy. most
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of the mineral resources and minerals are found in this region, and many political developments during the cold war are due to this access or to this access. the resources of this area is the largest producer of food in the world, so the judicial security of the world is dependent on this area, at least two big straits and the most important is the strait of panama and the strait of magellan. in the south, which actually connects the west and the east , the pacific and the atlantic oceans are located in this region, and most importantly, the united states of america is a world power in this region. let me tell you about the many developments in this region, which show that this is important. yes, mr. uzzaei, you
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mentioned the importance of latin american countries. now, let's talk about the basic capacity of these countries and what are the areas of cooperation with these countries for us. and the countries of latin america, yes, in fact, the capacities of our relations with latin america are the same as mine he served you and i told you that there are two or three points that are hidden in our country's judicial security . after all, our country is an importer of food . unfortunately, one of our dependencies in the latin american region is food supply. latin america is about 10 billion dollars, of which about 5 billion. in fact , it is food that we import from this region, and now there are other substances that are being added recently. well, we have to
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maintain this judicial security, so our relations with latin american countries are very, very important. it is important to be able to not only maintain these relations but also to expand them. the second debate, the importance of which goes back to the discourse of the islamic revolution , well, the discourse of the islamic revolution is a discourse in foreign policy, a revisionist discourse in the international system, well, the developments that have occurred in at least four decades. it started in the past and reached its peak with the rise of left-wing powers in the latin american region, showing that this region has a high capacity for the emergence of a revisionist power. the world stage is blessed, so there can be great powers in this region, and there is one of them now, brazil as a big economic
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and political power in the region, brazil is now a member of brics and iran's membership in brics this year was actually brazil with the support of one of its supporters . we are looking to create a bloc or a cooperation group in the international system with the revisionist powers that exist in this region so that we can promote our own interests along with other nations, including let's actually follow latin america, the other discussion is the sanctions, now the discussion i mentioned america, your service in this area, well, the united states of america with page. his colonial policies and in fact his arrogance, not only in the region but also in the world , have sanctioned many countries that are against them, including iran
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, including venezuela, including nicaragua , including cuba. to create an anti-sanction that is limited to this researcher. now , the relations between iran and brazil are actually formed in the same framework. it has been formed and is increasing, mr. zayaee, now you have mentioned the importance and capacities of our relations with latin america . in fact , i divide relations, problems, challenges into two categories, a third party challenge , we say in latin america, whenever we
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get close to latin american countries. the two elements of the united states and the zionist regime are active and trying to destroy our relations. look at the relations between iran and argentina before the amiya incident in 1994. well, the best relations with the region were better than even brazil was the volume of our commercial relations, let me tell you the volume of our political relations with argentina was exemplary , but the same incident that they seem to have created in the region in this country affected and destroyed our relations. you can see now that in the region , i would like to say that iran-phobia and anti-iranism are starting, even with the recent developments in gaza
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. yogurt is not actually. there is a desire for our businessmen, which is rooted in knowledge an evaluation or, as the saying goes , initial recognition is the first recognition. we must create this recognition . thank you very much, mr. ziai, for appearing in hello reporter's studio . dear viewers, please stay with us. hello, reporter , my dear, iran is a good place. in the mirror of the era of your love, the gem of tavand cast the passion of the evil eye in my soul . may the pain and calamity be removed from our homeland and our nation. the flag of iran is everywhere .
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good morning. i thank mr. shah suvani and his distinguished guests for watching the international section of the today's hello reporter program. to the different dimensions of the relations between iran and the countries of the latin american region, to the conference that is going to be held today in tehran, the conference of 120 years of relations between iran and latin america, the guest of the program is the guest of mr. shahid and the guest who we discussed in the previous section about the details of this conference and i explained the upcoming program . we reached the news section at 7 o'clock. let's see the news. god willing, i will be with you after the news
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. i am with you in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family muhammad and ajl farjaham. hello dear and respected viewers. good morning, god willing. the united states and the un security council once again failed to approve a cease-fire resolution in the gaza strip. last night, the security council voted on the resolution proposed by the uae on behalf of islamic countries, and 13 of the 15 members of this council voted in favor. england abstained, but america voted against and vetoed.


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