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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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shop easier than ever, tehran serah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the most merciful , i am at your service at 23:30 with the news section of atba. the minister of foreign affairs of iran considered the taliban a part of today's reality in afghanistan, which is fighting for the security of this country with the extremism of isis. emphasizing the importance of stability in this country, hossein amir abdullahian said: afghanistan must be ruled by an inclusive government and iran's efforts in the diplomatic field are defined in this framework.
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the president's special representative for afghanistan affairs said: the birthday of the universal declaration of human rights is the day of accountability the biggest lack of human rights in afghanistan and the world is america. mr. kazemi qomi wrote on his personal page: as long as the war crimes of the us and its allies are not prosecuted with the complicity of the civilian population. this declaration will remain a political document in the service of the ruling system. special representative of the president for afghan affairs. he added that the universal declaration of human rights, if it cannot be a lawsuit and include justice for thousands of children who are victims of the crimes and occupation of america and israel from afghanistan to gaza , it is only a political statement to consolidate and impose the system of domination. the director of the border terminal of milk from transportation more than 263 thousand tons of goods were transferred from this terminal , mustafa ziaei said.
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increase in exports from bazarche marzi milk , i own a trailer, i have loads of cakes from tehran, loads of containers have arrived from this iranian truck with seeds inside. we had incoming iranian trucks and 5,400 afghan trucks . we had 80 tons of outgoing trucks in the bag project, and 230 tons are currently available in the pecan warehouse. there are also other goods. we also imported livestock. we had 52 people , we had 180 sheep.
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we had 6 cows and calves in this bazaar . there are people, you have 200 divided by 80 people . how many people are there? if you want four cars, four cars will be empty. finally, for example, 100,000 . please increase it because an agreement has been signed between them until the end. god willing, i promise you this. i want to be able to increase this again , then up to 2 million tomans, god willing . they promised to get a merchant from them to raise the worker's wages to two million tomans, god willing . more than a thousand tons of all kinds of goods are exported to afghanistan through the milk border market. shoud omid mahmoudi of hirmand radio and television news agency consul general of iran in mazarif said that afghan people should travel to iran legally instead of illegally , seyyed hassan yahivi added that the islamic republic of iran , especially the ministry of foreign affairs. a good education
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has been considered for the issuance of travel visas to iran for the people of afghanistan. according to mr. yahivi , with the establishment of samane jamia to register and issue visas for pilgrimage and tourism to afghan applicants, the process of applying for and issuing visas has been facilitated, and afghan citizens can obtain iranian visas as soon as possible without intermediaries or through travel and pilgrimage companies. to receive progress 3 one the director of the do gharon border terminal project , d qunon, tayeb, said that since the beginning of the implementation of the do gharon border terminal project, which is adjacent to afghanistan , 200 cubic meters of concrete has been poured for different parts of this project. esmail porabed added that the design of duquon border terminal has a great role in the relations between the two countries of iran and afghanistan , which can increase the level of interaction between iran and afghanistan in the fields of export
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, and he said: so far, 2 million citizens have been organized and smart identification cards have been issued. another million are being delivered. according to mr. abdallah mobini, one of atba'i who is in iran 10% of them are non-afghans and they came to iran from about 80 different countries. to receive important news about immigrants for review. and dealing with various issues of the daily life of afghans in iran and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, it is enough to join our channels in the virtual space at sain mohajeran 23. you can also visit
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our website at also , follow more detailed news related to afghanistan, afghan doctors in iran. darul-rahmah portico of motahar razavi shrine hosts afghan immigrants for a memorial ceremony they were martyrs of terrorist attacks. the herat clerical community of afghanistan held a meeting in mashhad and condemned the attacks on the clerical community and targeted assassinations and asked the rulers of afghanistan to ensure the complete security of different ethnic groups and religions.
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the nation is against terrorist groups. unfortunately, targeting a particular people and a particular religion whether in kabul or in other places and recently zoomed on herat is a dangerous conspiracy . the turbans that were stained with blood in the way of religion five shia clerics were assassinated in the last two weeks in herat province, afghanistan, since the ulamas
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were dragged into the lap of everyone and shiites were massacred many times throughout the history of afghanistan, and in the last two decades, with the presence of the united states, the enlightened society of the personality and religious ceremonies have been purposefully targeted by terrorist groups . behind the scene is anyone. their goal is to create intimidation and threaten and kill the people of the region. the people are not afraid of such assassinations and will not leave the scene. to shake hands. his dearest loved ones are still patient and will be in the region stayed the targeted assassinations of afghanistan's harath province were part of the recent attacks. other provinces of afghanistan also witnessed explosive attacks on civilians that
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left dozens dead and wounded. alireza sharifi, sela and sima news agency. and the head of the deputy of literacy of the general department of education of south khorasan. he said: the training of 3,800 illiterate and illiterate people in south khorasan has been notified to these deputy offices this year, of which 100 are afghan nationals. according to hosni, these people have been trained in 9th literacy classes in birjan city. thank you for your attention tonight good bye and god's guardian. the muslim ansar, the palestinian ansar, make
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us, o allah, save palestine for liberation, and kill and kill the great fascists . god bless you with the fascists and the nazis . oh god, take revenge on them from the evil of revenge. we are all our lands, our property, our buildings, and all our children, for the sake of the holy one and for the sake of palestine, o lord of the worlds, free the nobles, free the nobles, o god, the children of malaki god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, lord of the worlds , my love, god have mercy on him, yaba yala qol, god have mercy on you, god have mercy on you, abui, god have mercy on you, ana allah and god
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, be kind to these pictures. let waking up remind you, but standing is only our job. our story is not a story of sleep. come , put your heart into the sea, don't doubt that this river is not the end of the marsh. 42 years of history is now turning its back. in
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the afternoon, i arrived in bandar abbas by plane at 3 o'clock. for 42 years, the author of this notebook has not touched his pen. these writings tell from the days that he became the representative of a province with a collective letter from the people of the south of the country to imam khomeini in order to bring order to the situation. considering the conditions he was in and being familiar with him, he also knew the situation in the region, so the imam ordered the same day the news was spread that they were assigned as the representative of the legal guardian and the representative of the imam in hormozgan province. bandas was not only the destination of his mission. it is from the city of bandar abbas from the years before the revolution.
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he was sent to prison in 1954. his sentence was 12 years. after his release, he did not talk about his time in prison, until one day his wife saw a television interview about him. he tortured her a lot, for example, her nails were bleeding twice. because the cable is on the back the nail would be thrown. the whole side was torn to pieces. after the revolution again.
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at the same time when he was imam juma , he had plans to help the poor, he had a plan to communicate with different groups, all this created an environment that attracted a lot of attention to mr. haqqani , now the old men, the old men, everyone knows him, mr. haqqani, who has served mandervas. the actions of him and his people help him in the south . send him
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to the parliament as their first representative. the majlis must definitely be subject to the lines and lines of the imam. his foot opened here, his presence became more prominent. the daily notes of the representative are a sign of his active presence in the meetings of the islamic council. a number of representatives in the parliament. daren asisi and the late haqqani was one of them who was very effective in the politics of the parliament and the workflow of the parliament. we were in the same commission with the late martyr haqqani, in the commission of defense affairs, and this martyr showed very distinguished qualities in this commission, one of these qualities was his hard work and great interest in the work related to
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this commission, haqqani, but the parliament is the only area active. had shown along with 71 other people in this the explosion killed him. there is a burden from today that will make you fall for a lifetime. everyone is waiting to see where you will go from the road of love.
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the zionist regime's attacks on gaza have entered the third month. the occupiers are still looking for a way to win over the resistance, but the field tells of another reality. military planes of the zionist regime are facing this residential house.
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unload here. deir al-balah, nasirat, refa and khan yunus camps in the center and south of gaza were bombed again. some of the flooded areas are near the conflict areas and it is not possible to provide relief to them. assistance in some areas stopped due to lack of facilities. every day more bodies of martyrs remain under the rubble. the zionist regime asked palestinian doctors.
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the united nations has warned that the situation in gaza has crossed the tribal border and the consequences will be devastating. will have. organizations affiliated to the united nations have said: aid to the people of gaza has reached the stage of collapse. we build this house by ourselves. what else is strange for their mother? wants
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was approved. 1995, the headline of newspapers. it is a long hand that goes to the treasury, which should be investigated. people should know how much this is before their salaries. objections to the benefits rights of several insurance managers the center that was exposed to their rights. it would be great to clarify, sir, we get paid this much. we have so much income, be very clear, people. perfect. rights that amount. it was clear in the treasury, but they had come to different ways for more payments. the money paid against the regulations must be returned. the money was returned, but the story of astronomical salaries was repeated. constitutional experts had specified the means of monitoring treasury payments. but this principle had not become more detailed rules. the
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consolidation commission has decided that the new treasury system will to exist until 2015, when the parliament members brought it in the sixth program. in order to increase the speed and efficiency of the circulation of income accounts and general government expenses, my bank accounts of riyal and foreign currency for the ministries. businesses, institutions , companies and government organizations and public universities should be opened only through the treasury of the whole country with the central bank . close other banks and open an account with the national treasury instead. pay attention, we need the country's budget in the general treasury. be focused the mps demanded the implementation of the law from now on. all the accounts were supposed to be the same. yes. why not implement this? we have reports coming to the parliament. the
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reports are sent to the judiciary, to the officials responsible for this. after these representatives , they brought the issue of treasury unit account every year in the budget law. all this is said about astronomical rights, but until now it was not possible to deal with them. from now on, the court of accounts can deal with them, so the possibility of astronomical rights will disappear. with the approval of this article in budget law 1401 of the parliament, for the sixth time , mandates opening an account with the treasury of the whole country to the ministry and institutions that use the government budget. it creates both transparency and the possibility of monitoring. it provides for the monitoring system to have an income system that does not affect the circulation of the treasury
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. the result is corruption . in the whole year 1401 and five months 1402 rials of the treasury of the whole country for the salary from the central bank iran's treasury did not borrow money, it turned into a glass room in order to reach the flow of government revenues , a glass room where the reduction of astronomical salaries was not the only result . the money we gave to all the ministries was spent, but we are looking at their accounts , we have them online, for example. there is money in the account, there is money in this account, we withdraw from this account, for example , we want to pay salaries now, we are short, we withdraw from them , we pay the salaries, we do not get cheated 15.
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in account 241 and account 801, these are based on the principle of independent accounts in the treasury account. it is available and immediately after that it will be transferred to the account. in fact, the account of the treasury unit will be systematically and irrevocably transferred to the treasury account. according to the law of the parliament , 250,000 government sub-accounts will be converted into 4,000 main accounts at the general treasury, and the government will he says that by relying on this law , he can better prevent financial sloppiness in the
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devices. don't miss the opportunity.
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if we do not accept the shock of this earth , let us not go away.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase with a plan kalanano, we can receive purchase credit from you up to spending 100 million tomans, and we have 730 days until the last payment, pak shuma is always with you. there are so many good designs. i'm sorry. what are your payment conditions? now you buy 1405, you pay 140d and how much is 1405 until 3 years, when i go to the third grade, how much will my salary be doubled by then? well, this way, we also have an easier purchase now from beheshti carpets. buy 1405, clean
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the carpet. beheshti, one by one, the windows of this house have their own special design, and the design of this house is also their own work. it's great that you chose the best. you say that a real designer, what is very important to me is attention to details, see what spirit the color of the texture of this window has given to the house . we searched, you shouldn't have searched so much when the iranian house
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is right next to you with a discount and special conditions. the biggest iranian palace was opened in tehran city with a lot of interesting events. tehran serah afsarieh kat khanum golchin. you were supposed to drink tea for the second time. sir, this cup smells very bad. look , sir, have you washed this cup sitting down, but sitting with the door, it gives you a clean feeling. don't be old, don't take a shower, lady, take care of yourself shui dorto contains baking soda that eliminates the bad smell of dishes and bacteria.
9:00 pm
hello, welcome to news 21. improving the combat power of the army's air defense by adding a large number of karar drones armed with majid missiles, the possibility of intercepting and killing any bird that violates the country's airspace from any geographical location.


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