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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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look at the smiling sun , say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at khurshid, the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza
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, peace be upon him, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. 8 in the morning when we will take a look at some of today's events . say, from the dawn of tomorrow
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, open a window from tamasha. come, tell me from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from tamasha. sing with me to majdeh again about that spring that is not there . they are the symbol of iran, the beating heart of my soul iran, your pure name is on my tongue.
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come and tell me that from the dawn of tomorrow, open a window from watching to magdeh, sing with me again about that spring that is not there, and the dawn will come again to the light of our hope, a dawn bright from the loving breath of our martyr , a dawn from the presence, bright from the distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and his life from your happiness gives me iran a heartbeat, iran, my soul, your pure name on my tongue , iran a heartbeat.
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good morning, dear viewers, in the next hour , the conference on the economy of iran, reforming structures and resolving disagreements, is scheduled to be held, mr. dr. fazleh muridi, advisor to the minister of economic affairs and finance. they are our guests to talk about this conference . greetings and good morning , sir. dear viewers , i am at your service. you are very welcome. tell me about the conference, what is the purpose of the conference and who are your guests. are the experts present or the officials are with the experts ? by changing the approaches that are taking place , efforts are being made to hold specialized conferences in the field of iran's economy. the views and approaches of the government should be explained
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, and along with that, efforts will be made to use the presence of experts and specialists. economic and policy-making, as well as the presence of economic policy-makers and economic decision-makers , iran's economic issues and challenges should be discussed and efforts should be made to build a consensus. this conference will be held today and tomorrow, just like the other conferences that have been held in different governments in the past years. and as your excellency pointed out, both university professors and experts in economics and economic policymaking are present, and in fact the managers of various economic ministries of the government and economic organizations of the government are present and various challenges
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iran's economy will be discussed in different panels. now, regarding the way of holding this conference and pre-meetings , if you allow me to give an explanation . in fact , there will be a conference for two days and some people will gather together and write a series of articles . those previous meetings will actually happen today. yes , several meetings, maybe more than 60 specialized meetings have been held in different fields. now i will share their titles with you. the meetings were meetings where expert discussions were held for hours different dimensions of different economic currents , different economic spectrums , to be present and discuss different issues, and today the output of those
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meetings is going to be presented today and tomorrow, god willing, please tell me the main points of the meetings, the meetings you will have today and tomorrow. yes, see. let me tell you the title of the conference first. the title of the conference is to reform the structures, resolve the conflict and place iran in the international system . what does that mean? it has a meaning and what use and function it will have for iran's economy, but in general. the titles of the conference are, in fact , the titles of the meetings are: reforming the decision-making and policy-making system, reforming imbalances and policy-making in the banking system, reforming imbalances and policy-making
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in the tax and welfare system, reforming imbalances in the energy system, and also policy-making based on data and data governance. and i think that the last thing is to reform the system, in fact budgeting. yes , give a very brief definition of this disharmony that exists in almost every one of these axes that you mentioned, what it means and what should happen next. you see, dissatisfaction is basically a very simple definition. now, for example, if i want to say that in a small economic unit that is a householder , dissatisfaction means income and expenditure
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to solve problems. according to the pre-meetings that you mentioned, it was held and today it is a student. you are supposed to have a final review of the pre-meetings and it will be presented, which means you have reached a solution. in those meetings , you want to present the final solution today in the main conference. in some of these cases, yes, the solutions have been reviewed and presented by experts. the rise of nature. it is still possible to reach the necessary maturity in the general undergraduate environment it is not necessary and it still needs more work and more investigations. you see, the process of solving economic problems in the path of the country's growth and development
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is not the way we come, and the temporary solutions are actually overnight solutions and very urgent solutions. we should present them and want to implement them very quickly. naturally, if we want this path to be developed correctly and the processes to be carried out well, it actually needs an infrastructure. what does that infrastructure mean? it means that a consensus different people have different points of view, express, discuss, and reach a conclusion and that summation from the expert space with some changes, with some considerations, should go into the policy space, and from the open policy space, with some considerations, it should go into the implementation space, so i can say that this conference and these meetings, in fact, are steps. first of all, after that , these should be implemented again, enter
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the policy-making space, and then the new entrant into the space that is going to be brought up today and tomorrow. finally, what will happen after that, if it is put on the same path of implementation, then it should go into the policy-making space, for example. it should go to the economic decision-making councils of the government or economic decision-making councils, for example, the parliament or the diagnostic council, or various ministries, or the economic council, go to the exits. the issues have been examined in different departments from different angles, and naturally, the conference secretariat
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is obliged to gradually move these outputs in the directions of actual policy-making, and the ministry of economy itself is actually responsible for this task. summarize that the schedule is also considered for the matter regarding the politicization of this process and the implementation of these programs. look , i don't think you set a very specific time now, like the holding of the conference itself, where all the panels are clearly defined , there should be a very precise and specific schedule, but i know that there is this will and there is this planning that in fact, each of these panel outputs and meetings let it go and turn into a policy and turn into an executive order and it will be implemented, god willing. thank you very much, mr. dr. mordi, for your presence in the program. hello, journalist , dear viewers. stay with us
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as the green program continues like bharani. at the top, like kusarani, until i am a servant, like a flower of the sun, transparent, like the spirit of rain, every where there is a word from the flower of light, your name shines brighter , brighter, better than your father's smile, kinder than yourself. i kiss you, pure mother, and the sun
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blooms in my soul and in my soul, i love your soil , o country of my hope, pure, i kiss you, and the sun blooms in my soul and in. my dear, i love the soil of your envelope , you are the same country, where the soil is full of hope
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, you must watch, the smile must be chased after us , your name is found in the eyes of your flowers, your name is the name of water and your mirror is better than anything and any name is also a bestseller. and stormy. i kiss you pure and the sun blooms in the soul in my soul, i love the soil of your envelope , i kiss you, the pure hope of my old people, and the sun blooms
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in my soul and in my soul, i love the soil. the envelope, o country of hope of iran, the national conference on the development of the coasts of makran is scheduled to be held in the complex of imam sadiq university, peace be upon him, mr. reza tawakli, who is responsible for organizing this conference, and of course, one of the experts of the economic diplomacy think tank of imam university.
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i would like to tell you that we follow the attention of the supreme leader of the revolution to the issue of economy. sea-oriented or sea-footed and maritime development of the country and the neglect that during our past voices in the issue of attention to the sea and culture we had a marine life, we constantly distanced ourselves from the seas, despite the fact that we are a maritime country , we had neglected this gift both in the north of the country and in the south of the country, the persian gulf and the oman sea, or the correct historical term, the makuran sea. this conference is aimed at involving two there is a stratum in the society , basically a stratum, well, anyway , our executive and policy-making and government institutions are our private sector, which during the 8 topics before our meeting, the cooperation of the ministry of oil, tehran chamber of commerce, the ministry of foreign affairs, the strategic council of foreign relations, the
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development fund national ministry of tourism and other agencies anyway, we used high-ranking managers of these collections at the level of deputy ministers, who both explained their performance records in the field of makran question development and explained their future plans . on the other hand, we involved our own academic body, i.e. professors and graduate students, and the result was 210 political essay titles, and the title of the essay was commissioned to known elites. the collection of articles , god willing, will be held today in the conference hall at imam sadiq university (peace be upon him) by the diplomacy academy economic will be unveiled. the main point is that we
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have distanced ourselves from those common formats of scientific articles, that is , we have gone through the theoretical and methodological debates in the articles to the extent that we have paid more attention to the policy space and practical proposal in the selection. and evaluation of the articles that, god willing, the collection of this effort can fulfill the duty of the university and the university institution towards the development of the makran questions for the first step of this topic and we can be successful . the conference will follow. yes, today, well, the opening of this conference will be held at the university, god willing , from this morning, and i would like to thank the sada and vasima organization during this one year that hazrat agha said that we have raised the issue of the development of makran issues many times in different governments, but as our request was not done, and they pointed out that this issue was their opinion that a good culture
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was not done about it . sada and vasima organization was honestly with us from the beginning of this media campaign. he was with us and today, god willing , we will be at the service of the organization. today's guests are mr. hojat al-islam wal-muslimin, mr. dr. misbahi moghadam , because the group cooperated with the diagnosing group in formulating general policies for the development of the sea. foreign policy of the islamic council. and our special guest is the iranian admiral, the dear commander of the strategic navy of the army, he and the former commander of the navy
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, amir admiral siari, are among the pioneers of this principle in the development of makran issues . this is what we are in we have tried to secure our university status for a goal that is a national goal, our national interest, our national honor. executive bodies whose agenda is directly and clearly , their mission is the development of makran issues. i request you not to be too strict regarding the cooperation with the university and all this is the result of a year's efforts of my colleagues in the university and all the universities across the country to present to those dear ones who , god willing, in the field of action will lead to the development of the people of that region and total.
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the press conference of the international storytelling festival is scheduled to take place today at another hour in the center complex intellectual education of children and teenagers. let's see a short segment, we will come back and talk about this festival. after all, if the people of the world do not make peace with each other, only hearing a story can stop the war. tell a story out loud. if those who are separated are not reconciled, only hearing a story can reconcile them. with a kind voice. let's tell a story, if there is sadness, unkindness and fighting in the house
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, just listening to a story can improve the mood. everything is far away, so what are you waiting for? find a child , ask him to tell him a story in a confident and warm voice, there is always a way. find it so that you can tell just one story. the city of yazd, the capital of storytelling and storytelling, will host the 25th international storytelling festival from the 27th to the 30th of december at the same time as yerda night of the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents mr. farhad fallah, chairman of the international storytelling festival. the guests of this part of the program are to talk about: this year's festival. hello, good morning, welcome. hello, have a good time . inshallah, tell us about this year's festival and the program. which you are going to follow today in your press conference
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, yes, in the name of god, god almighty, the 25th international storytelling festival is almost approaching its terminal station, because we are approaching the yalda nights, and the storytelling festival will also end on those nights. a very good thing has happened this year, we have welcomed a thousand people in the storytelling festivals, the international storytelling festival had 18 thousand participants this year, and these participants are both from within and from different countries, nearly 13 countries participated in this festival from european countries. american actually from africa we had participants and this festival will be held from december 27 to december 30 in the capital of stories and storytelling in yazd. we would like to have a more detailed and accurate comparison with the past periods, especially last year . what new events have happened in this year's festival? yes, this year's festival has both special sections
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and actually has a special policy . the motto of this year's festival is to make people smile with stories. to actually be able to create a good educational environment for children, the audience of the festival is children and teenagers, all classes and all age groups can participate in the festival. and presentation they should have stories, but they should have stories and storytelling for the children. our policy in this course is to move towards publicizing and popularizing stories and storytelling because storytelling is a simple and inexpensive educational tool that actually if we can bring this back to the families and strengthen it in the families, we can very easily have that cultural influence of our own without the need to establish an organization. what are our plans for such activities , so we are in both the provincial and national sectors internationally, we followed this policy, which is happening this year and not in previous years.
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it has been very low-key, the media coverage will be in the course of stories and storytelling. we will be broadcasting live on radio and television almost all the days of the festival. the review sessions will actually be broadcast live and we will also have a special media program at the same time. the fact that the festival will be held by poya network, which will organize a special program for children and teenagers, but we will try to increase the level of involvement of all sections of the society with this festival , god willing. today's conditions of technology development the virtual space and even the presence of the children themselves in the virtual space may make your work difficult. from the point of view you mentioned, the goal you are pursuing is to return both the family and the children to the accountant's space. how do you want to pursue this goal ? with the three or four days of the festival and the days of the festival, only the secretariat of the international storytelling festival operates throughout the year, and we at the
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breeding center. fakhri children and teenagers who is the main guardian of this program throughout the year in cities and in different regions, in fact 144 centers that we have throughout the country follow this program this year. in the past, we had a happy live broadcast during the festival, it had 5 million viewers, but this year we think that with the presence of national media, this issue will be strengthened in relation to the production of stories that can be turned into storytelling. the research that can be done in this field and in fact we ourselves should repeat the so-called proposition of stories and storytelling regularly and promote this at the level of families in the form of culture in newspapers and in the press and in fact at the level of the media. families have a desire and in fact children are motivated to let them use this capacity . how are your products and how do you get these products into the hands of the children
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? we actually have a direct audience and an indirect audience in the set of children's intellectual development activities. they are intellectually related and can visit our centers every day. our indirect members actually gain access to our products in some way. in last year's festival, we had 14 thousand people in the final part of the festival on yalda night. those who are interested can participate in this year's festival during these four days of the festival, be present in yazd city and actually see the stories up close , you can actually see these stories from the shad network, and from the radio and television, god willing. you will have a special program on the night of yalda , of course, yes, after the international festival , we have about a minute. tell me if
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you have any suggestions on how this interaction with other countries will be established, considering the difference in language . yes, see, because your audience is children. maybe not all of them are fluent, yes, not that that we established communication in the international field , in order to be able to establish the position of iranian stories and storytelling, we had the national story-telling register, we are moving towards the global register, this year for the first time we are presenting the world story-telling award, that is, the islamic republic of iran it actually presents the first world storytelling award, and our relationship with storytellers and storytellers at the world level is one of our priorities. our primary audience there is actually not children and teenagers, but the group that actually influences children and teenagers. our goal is the special martyr award soleimani is our special section and the labakht award is one of the awards that we will present this year . thank you very much, mr. fallah
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. after the news , i will be with you with the continuation of the program, mr. tehrani. good morning . dear mr. hosseini. greetings to you and to the good viewers of the basmillah rahman al-rahim channel. please accompany us with the morning news of the week. and as a result , a large number of palestinians were martyred and injured, most of them women and children. in this air attack at least 22 palestinians were martyred and dozens were injured in the residential area of ​​al-maghazi camp in the center of the gaza strip.


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