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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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it is one of the prizes that we will offer this year . thank you very much, mr. falah, thank you for your presence in salam reporter. dear viewers, stay with us. let's watch the news segment at 7, god willing , i will be with you after the news with the continuation of the program. mr. tehrani, hello, good morning. dear mr. hosseini, greetings to you and greetings to the good viewers of khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the morning news of the week. the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip continued last night and this morning, and as a result, a large number of palestinians were martyred and injured, most of them women and children. at least 22 palestinians were martyred and dozens were injured in the air strikes of the regime in the residential area of ​​al-maghazi camp in the center of the gaza strip.
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the ministry of health of gaza announced that the occupying forces are preventing ambulances from helping the injured , also at the same time as the zionist regime's artillery house attack in the jahrdik area and el brij camp in the gaza strip. there have been fierce clashes between the resistance fighters and the occupying forces. news sources reported that the zionist regime barricaded palestinian refugees inside one of the anruwa schools in the jabalia camp in the north of the gaza strip. yesterday also the battles a clash took place in the city of khanyounos in the south of the gaza strip between the resistance fighters and the occupying forces. in the west bank, today's news sources reported the conflict between palestinian fighters and the occupiers in the surrounding area.
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the zionist military barracks in jabaljerzim area in nablus reported. zionist soldiers also to beit town. omar attacked in the north of hebron and east of gluqliyeh in the west bank. americans oppose the policy of the white house regarding the war in gaza. do not have the survey of two other institutes also shows that americans, especially the supporters of the democrats
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, do not agree with the broad support of the biden administration for israel and the veto of the resolutions of the united nations security council in establishing a ceasefire. the streets of toronto, canada, chicago, america, and dublin, ireland were the arenas for marches in support of palestine and protest against the zionist genocide in gaza. participants in the march of toronto in canada holding palestinian flags to stop the genocide of the people of gaza by the zionist regime. the marchers in the city of chicago in america also stopped by raising palestinian flags. regime attacks
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the zionists demanded the gaza strip. the french once again came to the streets and held demonstrations in support of the oppressed people of gaza. the participants in this demonstration asked the arab countries to stop the export of oil and gas to the western countries that support the zionist regime. in the week that
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french libertarians took to the streets this week despite the rain to issue a message. i want to send a message to arab countries and that is to stop exporting oil and gas to western countries. this is the only way to stop the war in gaza. free palestine, gaza hero, israel is a terrorist, biden and macron are together, an immediate permanent ceasefire in gaza and a stop to the genocide in gaza were among the slogans of the people in the march in support of palestine and gaza in paris. in the eighth week of protests. this country, like other countries in the world , came to the streets against their rulers to be the voice of the oppression of the palestinian nation. shahzovar hosseini of paris radio and television agency. compilation of the national knowledge
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base document on food security, the head of the research, education and promotion organization of the ministry of agricultural jihad sat on the sidelines. the supreme council of cultural revolution said: in this national document, the introduction of new technologies with the support of knowledge-based companies, special attention has been given. in this document, we have 7 articles, 19 strategies and 221 national measures. these 221 national measures in the area of ​​the judicial security document belong to all institutions. it is true that amood is the tent of judicial security in the ministry of jihad. it is supposed to, but seven or eight other ministries and agencies should also help so that we can achieve stable judicial security, according to mr. khayam nekui, determining the current conditions of the path to the final goal is one of the positive points of this document.
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you can also see in the national document of judicial security that the current state of judicial security in the country is drawn with different indicators. the situation that we have to reach in the next 10 years and intervals up to the next 10 years has also been determined, and how it is and the set of activities that should be carried out , air pollution and the contribution of cars to this challenge, says the director general of the automobile office of the ministry of mines, says the strategy of the ministry of mining industry and the business of electrification of cars and the use of electric cars is the contribution of this part of the pollution. according to the announcement of the tehran air quality control company, since the beginning of the year, the air has been clean for 9 days , it is very polluted, you really cannot breathe , according to article 4 of the clean air law , the sale of euro 4 cars was supposed to be banned from the beginning of 2018.
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currently, the car production standard is the euro 5 standard, and the motorcycle production standard is the euro 4 standard. the managing director of iran quality inspection and standard company says: despite the pressure of the standards trustees on car manufacturers , we are witnessing the traffic of future cars. we oblige the car manufacturer to upgrade the standard of the car with huge costs, the cost of which is imposed on both the producer and the consumer , but in the end, according to the fuel that we are supplying, practically the car and the public fleet of the country in the field passenger cars up to the vero 5 standard level it is not enough, our gasoline has a problem, mainly gas. it has a problem, and there is the issue of oils, the filters that are offered in the market, and the issue of car wear and tear . there are 27 million cars in the country, of which 6 million are over 25 years old. many of our taxis are
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really worn out. there is no car , it has nothing to do with car production. experts say that in order to reduce emissions, standard gasoline should be explained in the first step. the octane of fuel in our country is reported to be between 89 and 92, while the octane of quality fuel in the world is at least 95. exemption four every year, new cars from technical inspections cause these cars to pollute. in developed countries and countries where the level of car technology is higher, this exemption is generally up to two years. since we don't have euro 5 gasoline in the country, the ministry is focusing on four streams. new technology has been introduced in the automobile industry, that is , the electrification of the connectivity of self-driving cars and shared transportation. these four currents will change the image of the future automobile industry . there is hope that if the mentioned measures
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are implemented in time and correctly, we will see a reduction in air pollution, faizeh shabani. radio news agency , thank you for your support. have a good day, may god protect you, and have a good morning, dear viewers. with the continuation of the reporter's greetings , stay with us today. in this section, we will go to the glass hall of the radio news agency , mr. kaznia. good morning, in the name of god , the most merciful. i also say hello to you and all the viewers, especially the dear viewers of the khabar network
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, who chose the salam reporter program for dan . today, the national media news agency and sadasima news agency are going to cover a variety of programs for my fellow journalist friends in video form. the body is one of the daily programs the supreme judicial council is held weekly , and this program is organized by the expert desk. the so-called judiciary is covered. our respected colleague , mr. fallah, is here to talk about the topics that are going to be discussed today in this meeting and in this council . dear people of iran and audience, hello reporter, according to rabal, on mondays, mr. mohseni hizhii and his deputies in the judiciary are having a meeting in the supreme council of the judiciary, talking about important issues. and examines various issues of mr. mohseniye last week
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they had a trip to ardabil , the travel arrangements will definitely be discussed and checked with their deputies . a new initiative in the judicial branch. it has been a few months since it started, and that is the holding of peace and reconciliation meetings , which the judiciary places great emphasis on inviting both sides of the dispute to the judiciary before the filing of a case is actually done . bring their opinions together in order to speed up the proceedings and to solve the problems that are faced by both sides of the dispute, this will prevent a case from being filed. speed up in different provinces, this has actually happened
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, these cases are being investigated and will be dealt with, the next issue is actually a warning about the re-deposition of goods in the ports and customs of the country . nowshahr city, bandar amirabad, there, well , just like that, the news was widely spread. in fact, the same corn discussion and the corn depot discussion since then, the judicial branch has been strictly following up so that such an incident does not happen again. the customs and ports of the country are also talking about this issue . and mr. fallahi , our correspondent colleague from the judicial and legal group of sedav and sima news agency, be with us, dear viewers, with the continuation of the program
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of the ceremony of the ritual poetry evening called mother in memory of the mothers and children of the martyrs of gaza today, which is scheduled to be held in the garden of books collection. to be held in tehran, ms. zahra haqjooi, director of the guest book audience club we are here to talk about this program . hello, good morning. welcome. hello , good morning. we are at your service . please tell us about today's program . they say that poetry is born and that is why we are related to us these days because of the bitter times we experienced. the farmers and children of gaza and the hearts of many people all over the world really hurt
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. we are mourning them. the prominent poets of the mirror, including mr. alireza qazweh, mrs. naghmeh, the military adviser , and many poets who are not included in this article , i will not mention them, have gathered in the presence of many people who are the real readers of the book, as well as a number of officials of the country and military leaders who we are at your service today at 15:00 in the hall of 8-baq book of tehran , we will hold a poetry evening and god willing, we will be at the service of the audience. in the new management, we took the first step with the presence of psychologists , media educational experts in the field of family and adolescent children, a revolutionary document. we organized the event with educational and educational goals that
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are supposed to give different skills to the audience under the transformation document. we hold regular events, each of these events is a piece of a kind that together organizes the lofty goals that ultimately invite us to a better life, communication with ourselves, communication with society , and communication with god. and we hope that such an era of poetry can show the skill of empathy in the language of culture, literature and poetry in the audience of the rest of the book, god willing, you have a non-iranian guest in today's program. because we invited we have asked many people in different departments , especially related to the anti-phase, but we don't know how much they will accept our invitation and who exactly will be present, but i think that if the people come, they will meet with the officials of several managers on the topic of resistance literature.
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it is true that both in our country there is a lesson in sustainable literature and in the years of the islamic revolution movement , we also have campaigns for discounts on these books on various occasions. in fact , we have tehran books. yes, i am sorry. we do 50% recently we had a discount on poems and books related to sustainable literature in tehran's baghi book store under the title sarosan, and this series is also the same, that is
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, even today, when friends come, they can buy books related to sustainable literature. tehran will receive it with a discount and god willing, the field of books and reading will be promoted. in general, the transformative document that i mentioned, your service will take place around books and libraries, that is, these events will be an excuse to invite us people to study, god willing. today's program will have a poetry reading with the presence of poets, yes yes poetry we will have a reading and i said to you, what is more beautiful than the language of poetry to express such emotions . and how do you want to follow the theme of your program, which is to mention the names of mothers and to remember mothers and children? see, all the poets will write poems based on this theme . aftab hazrat
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fatemeh zahra, peace be upon them , if we had the permission to copy that beautiful single verse of mr. qazwa with the title of the letter. to the children of gaza who, in cooperation with tehran municipality's entertainment culture organization we invited all children and teenagers to write a letter to the children of gaza in their own language. before that, there was an event where children and teenagers drew pictures with this theme, now these two are analyzing the reconstruction and restoration together, so that it is ready to be printed and
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can be used as a book for children and teenagers . thank you. i have to tell you that there are many good events and various reports on the public policy table today. one of those reports and one of those news is the fixed news of the islamic council , but in order to know in the open floor of the majlis today. what is going to happen and what is going to be done to the honorable members of the parliament? from our colleague and reporter of this field, mr. peshbahar, we are here with me to ask them to explain about this issue. mr. peswar, hello, god bless you
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, what is the topic of the discussion of the members of the parliament today. thank you, mr. kazmenia, greetings and good morning. dear viewers and colleagues of yours , hossein agha, i would like to inform you that the public meeting will start at 8:15 pm , chaired by mr. qalibaf. the title of the first command to check that in in fact, the government has requested that the parliament allow the government to issue 300,000 billion rials of islamic financial bonds in the framework of the country's current year budget law, note 5 of its single article, so that it can pay electricity industry companies and settle accounts between the ministry. do your best. with this work, part of the problems related to the demands of the contractors will be solved. of course, there are two urgent conditions for examining this bill. it was actually
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approved in the parliament last week. the minister of energy came and gave a full explanation. today, in fact, the parliament did its own work regarding its generalities and details, as well as voting. gives. after that, the parliament actually amends. the bill related to the trade law has already been approved in the parliament. the council of guardians of problems. based on that, well, there are many problems because there are many materials in this bill. this law is examined in different sessions. today, in fact, in the parliament , we will resolve part of the suggestions of the guardian council regarding the trade law bill. regarding the establishment of information protection of the judicial branch, which is actually also on the agenda of the parliament and will be investigated, of course. today, there are several plans for two futures, including bill d urgency is also going to be presented in the parliament, including the emergency bill to strengthen the central bank in the management
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of the foreign exchange market, as well as the bill related to the amendment of the anti-narcotics law , which will be voted on under the two terms of urgency, and then the details and details will be discussed in the next meetings. in any case, the parliamentary commissions will start their meetings from 14:00 with the presence of some of the ministers and executive officials of the country . the minister of health is supposed to attend the health commission to answer the questions of 11 representatives of the minister. mining and trade industry together with the head of the central bank to attend the principle 9 commission they are reviewing the plan of the business community system , and also the head of the central bank will come again to the economic commission and review the bill related to the referral of claims between the central bank of the islamic republic of iran and the korean government, which is related to the financial discussion, which should be reviewed there. then come to the public scene , of course, the budget consolidation commission
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will also hold its meetings today, so today a decision will be made regarding the general aspects of the budget bill for the whole country for next year in the consolidation commission . next year the whole country in the islamic council the review and decision will be final. thank you for the explanations of our honorable colleague. the explanation of today's meeting and the agenda of the islamic council meeting was at your service. dear colleague, i am at your service. thank you very much, mr. kazem niaz, and our colleague mr. peshbahar from the public policy group of the radio and television news agency, which is today's agenda. let's talk about the islamic council and the commissions and the international news. in the presence of mr. shah sundi, hello, good morning. i am at your service, mr. hosseini, and the dear viewers of khabar al sob channel . good morning . we are at your service with international news. one of the news on the table today
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internationally, we will follow the meeting of the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs. mr. kanani will answer the questions of the media at about 105 minutes. parts of this meeting will be broadcast live on the news network. became. the next news that we will follow in the international field is strikes and demonstrations in different countries in support of the oppressed people of palestine. these demonstrations are supposed to continue today in lebanon the strike has become general and nationwide, and the government departments are going to go on strike, and prime minister najib miqati
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has announced the strike in lebanon. in addition, the hashtag of support for the palestinian people and nationwide strike are trending on social networks and updated. the next news that we will follow in the international field is about the developments in gaza. it is the 6th day of the war in gaza and it is supposed that he said today. it was that tomorrow the united nations will meet again for approval. the crime of the zionists reached about 18 thousand people and the zionist attacks on gaza continued last night. next news what we will follow in the international field is the egyptian elections. egypt's presidential election started yesterday and is scheduled to continue until tomorrow. voting continues today
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. abdel fattah sisi is the most important candidate for the presidency of egypt, four main candidates participated in this election and the voting is going to continue today . he can participate in this election if we are in contact. ok, i will talk with mr taskhiri is an expert on african issues, but it seems that we are not in touch with mr. taskhiri. god willing , in the next news section , we will follow the report and discussion with african experts about the egyptian elections and its impact on palestinian developments . mr. hosseini, this is the international news at your service. thank you, mr. shahswani, for your news, let's see a part of it. we will come back
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. i will be with you with the continuation of the program. guys, don't worry about it.
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before us, we came to sarvard from faran pash at 9 in the evening, and i want to be safe and come to it, sarze raye.


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