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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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until the appearance of the messiah , will you open your proud gaze.
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get ready for the sea, i will come red, there is nothing left until the appearance of the resurrection of the messiah and we will be in the distance of these three things. god is behind us , the captain is behind us .
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the people of hamedan are hosting the bodies of the unknown martyrs today, and the legalization ceremony of these martyrs is scheduled to be held in hamedan. we are in contact with my journalist colleague, mr. amir taqti hassan , so that he can tell us and you what is going on today, mr. taqti. hello , good morning, our colleague. hello and
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good morning to you, my hardworking colleagues in the news network and the program. hello, reporters and all viewers dear khabar network, yes, as you mentioned, today the air of hamadan province will be filled with the pleasant aroma of the martyrs of gemnan. the bodies of the 4 unknown martyrs will enter the province today at 10:00 am from this place where i am at the hunting base of shahid mohammad nojeh basan. and military respect will be welcomed. in this ceremony , military and national officials of the province and families will be present .
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it is possible and the pure bodies of the martyrs will be buried in the hands of the people of darul momineen the chanting will continue in the villages and cities of the province until the anniversary of the martyrdom of hazrat fatima zahra , peace be upon her, and the bodies of these four dear martyrs in koi farhangian of hamadan city and in barzul city of nahavand city and in mellat bostan of qar alisad tourist complex in kabud rahang city, god willing, on this anniversary . witness. hazrat fatima zahra, peace be upon her , will be buried , god willing, we will be able to be the true successors of these dear martyrs. if there is any question, i am at your service.
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let's see today's program together. let's go to alachiq. hello sports reporter mr. baglo. good morning mr. hosseini. good morning to you . mountaineers use this opportunity and we will discuss with saud to the heights of different cities this day in a special way with the honorable president of the mountaineering federation, mr. zarei. hello, good morning . you are very welcome. this day and the mountain day that
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named in the name of god, greetings, courtesy and respect, to serve you, dear colleagues and dear viewers , as you did, december 20th, december 11th is international mountain day since 2002, fao , world thorn and bar organization, due to the great importance of mountains in the livelihood of the people of the world. he proposed this day to the united nations general assembly and this day was named after this . every year this day is celebrated. mountains are the largest source of fresh water for the people of the world, this year's theme is fao it is mountain ecosystems. in fact , in the 20s, the importance of ecosystems was considered as natural ecosystems, and this year, on the occasion
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of the international day of kostistan , you are considering the importance of mountain ecosystems. our country is located on the plateau of iran. there are 51 mountains in iran, and we have more than 260 peaks above 4,000 meters and more than 3,000 peaks above 2,500 meters in our country, and this conveys the importance of mountains in a country that is located in a dry and water-scarce region. for today , how is our annual festival of the best swedes we organize sports whistles on world day. we were concerned about the climbs to different heights of the country and the incidents that occur
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. does the mountaineering federation have a plan to prevent these incidents? well, as i said, the soil of our country is blessed with this natural gift. it is very easy for the general public to access the mountains, especially in the big cities, since most of the cities were built on the slopes of the mountains due to the hot and dry conditions in the center of iran. it is very easy for the people to access the mountains. it is for the people that they should not go to the heights without training. well, the battlefield can save people from the cities, especially in the time of air pollution, but saud should go to the heights due to the harshness of the mountains. without training, you should never go to the heights. the safe haven of the cities is to take refuge in the slopes, which can cause accidents, and unfortunately, every year, people who are unaware of these difficult mountain conditions enter the mountainous areas
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. we have no knowledge of what happened there mountain camp in all cities on the slopes. we have high mountains, we must enter this area through these camps, through the clubs, by seeing the training courses, the least is to know what the danger is and how dangerous the mountains can be. every year dozens of people in the mountains of the world and in our country especially enter these areas and unfortunately many of them lose their lives . in the last week, we again had news about the events that happened in the heights of different cities. bitter things happened, what advice do you have? because it is the cold season, the rains are going to start, and the dangers that it creates , be careful, it is acute. if there is even a minimal amount of rain
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, the snow will not stay on the slopes and will fall . first of all, as i said, we must be aware of the dangers . we must not go to the mountains alone, let our families know about our ascent. let's not forget that feeding equipment must be taken into account in groups where there are mountain climbing instructors. we are trained to take advantage of the clubs at the level of all our big cities, we are mature we have over 700 clubs in the country that are doing mountaineering activities. these clubs are established for the people. now, many people may be wary of other disciplines . i will go and register in that club, but the mountaineering club is very little heard of and it has been around for 5 years. that the regulations of the ministry of sports have forced hayori group to become a club like other clubs you go to in the city for swimming and bodybuilding. mountaineering clubs also have the same aspect. in these 5 years, the number
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of clubs has increased from 10 to 700 in the country the club has arrived, so their number is not small. we also have clubs in the smallest cities. it is enough to search for the names of the clubs through the climbing boards or in the cyberspace , and they can get to know the club and work in their own cities. the heights of the country are in a high-risk situation or. the services provided by the municipalities are covered . it is important for people to consider the height limit. well , tochal is a 400-meter peak . it is one of the mountain gifts in the world. we have few cities in the world. except for south america, bolivia and peru, which have megacities on the slopes of 5,000 mountains
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there are meters, we can see a 4,000-meter peak on the edge of a city, the municipalities come to provide safety services, provide welfare services on the slopes, the altitude is 2,500 meters and above , it is a mountainous environment and it is a harsh environment. let me use these blessings. we are in the northern parts of tehran, for example, the camp of plangchal in derke shir pella , on the slopes of darband or kalkash, which belongs to the breeding education, is located in the kalkash area . it is higher than that limit for mountaineering. they are not allowed to enter the areas without having statistical training. it should be clear how many professional climbers we are now we have amateurs from the portal of the adult federation and 140,000 people have received educational services from the federation in recent years, which is our most important statistic . in the last
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year, according to the statistics provided by the municipalities in the north of tehran city, about 300,000 to 350,000 people climb the slopes of the mountains in the hot season, and it is predicted that about one million people will benefit from mountaineering services every year. and very briefly , tell us about the latest news of our national teams , sangan national teams. our seniors also compete in the asia cup in saudi arabia it will start tomorrow, we wish them success and our senior national team is preparing itself
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, god willing , to participate in the paris olympic entry competition. in fars province, shiraz city , the anniversary ceremony of ayatollah dastghib's martyrdom is scheduled to be held today . my journalist colleague , mr. jokar, is with us. and respect i would like to ask you what is the program today in commemorating the name and memory of ayatollah dastkhabar in shiraz . i would like to inform you that mr. hosseini today, december 20, 1402 , coincides with the 42nd anniversary of the martyr seyyed abdul hossein darqal, who was martyred 42 years ago in a young manly state by terrorists. hai kordel was martyred in shiraz city and it is supposed
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to be carried out today and in the next few minutes by different groups of people. the 42nd anniversary of the martyrdom of dastgheib is going to be held in imam khomeini's shustan in the holy science of ahmad bin musa shah cheragh (peace be upon him) with the presence of various groups of people. yes, but it is supposed to unveil some of the books of martyr dastqib, which were previously in the form of cassette tapes and have now been written. the call of the martyr is also in the teacher's schools. fars will be played so that the students will be more familiar with the pure thoughts of martyr assab. there are many programs that are actually going to be held today, but in
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the coming week, there is going to be a book reading competition for students from all over fars province. it should be held so that students can get to know the thoughts of martyr seyyed abdul hossein dezqib martyr mehrab. mr. hosseini, if there is any question. thank you very much for your explanations, i say goodbye to you and invite you, dear viewers , to watch a report about this noble martyr. it was almost noon. orator friday shiraz azam was the place of friday prayer, every friday from home , they wanted to express that they were on their way to go to the mosque when the sound of explosions filled the city. blind terror
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they were martyred . this is the reason why the enemy was hostile towards the martyr. it was that martyr azghi was established as a character, he was acceptable and influential in fars province and the country of fars, he lost a scholar who was on the foot of the revolution and had confused the hypocrites , the enemy from his father, from the influence that he had, the influence that he had the influence of his words was very important to me. people loved him. he was a 68-year-old moral teacher who spent his life promoting his religion. he received every question, if he would answer himself , he would answer, if he didn't, a mr. yasid al-asghar, other than mr. seyed hashem, would answer, and someone else would answer. give them and fight against the kurdish pahlavi regime . at that time, i was in qom
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. under the supervision of savak , they controlled the movement and sometimes arrested people who were now suspected. he always listened to the order of the imam and helped the founder of the revolution. the special feature of martyr esqeeb, who in my opinion was angered by the enemy, was his zealous defense of the religious authority. he was a friend of the people and a companion of warriors, and his warm breath encouraged the fronts. all these things that are on the battle fronts are in najat hussain's rescue ship all those who are equal to hussain in karbala , the pleasant prayers of martyr dasgheeb are remembered in the minds of the people, the youths are counting the moment of friday night, other than this, the holy month of ramadan is the night of revival, god knows, the night of the sun was full, the life was full
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, the only reason is this. he was his character. the moral messages of the third martyr of mehrab still reach his readers from generation to generation in his books . mohammad asna ashari, shiraz broadcasting news agency. reminder 798 good morning to you, dear colleague , mr. hosseini, and also dear viewers dear program. hello reporter , well, right now you are receiving our voice, voice and image from the city of urmia
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, west azarbaijan province, the land of 12,000 martyrs with golden shrouds. the imam (peace be upon him) of urmia will begin. in this ceremony, different sections of the people of urmia and azerbaijan will be present. the families of the martyrs will also be present in this ceremony . in fact , he is the 798th marzbani martyr, but in this ceremony there will be a eulogy and honoring of the families of the martyrs , and one of the children of these martyrs has a letter that will be read in this ceremony as well. i wanted to say one thing, mr. hosseini, we
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had an interview last night when sardar radan, the country's chief of police, arrived in urmia, and he said that west azerbaijan is one of the safest provinces in the country. we share a common border of about 1,000 kilometers with 3 countries : turkey, iraq and the republic of azerbaijan point. during this thousand kilometers of the common border , we have border checkpoints where the border guards and policemen are present at these checkpoints. i want to say that the security we have now is due to the efforts of all these dear ones. it is due to the blood of the martyrs. we are dear. from here , i wish god's strength to the border guards and law enforcement of the whole country and west azerbaijan. i am at your service. greetings, thank you very much, mr. asadzadeh . i say goodbye to you. the explanation of my journalist colleague, mr. asadzadeh, was from urmia about the details of the commemoration of the 798 martyrs of the police and border guards of the province.
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west azerbaijan, which will be held in urmia in the next hour , we have reached the final moments. hello , today's reporter. thank you very much for your companion. we tied the knot together with a heart-to-heart flag, this world is not our thing when we are together.
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imposed on this regime and brought it into a crisis that may last long with the beginning of al-aqsa storm operation and following it due to the emergency situation of the occupying regime and the private sector for damage control. aggression against the gaza strip by the regime's companies occupiers faced a sharp decrease in their activities over the past decade, and 2023 saw a sharp decrease of 56% in the activity of the economic sector. the statistics show that the tourism sector of this regime has also been severely damaged , and tourism activities in occupied palestine showed a decrease of 76 during the last october, and many flights from and to tel aviv were canceled. although. the tourism statistics for november have not been published, but the forecasts indicate that the tourism activities in this month have decreased drastically compared to the previous month. in the
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framework of last month's statistics of the follow-up database the flight of airplanes indicates that the flight of airplanes from bengurian airport has decreased by 80% since the beginning of the gaza war last month. the war also caused great damage to the labor market in israel, causing the loss of about 900. 50,000 job opportunities have been created there, and on the other hand, hundreds of thousands of people could not get to work. since the war started on october 7th, more than 178 thousand palestinians could not go to their workplaces in occupied palestine. at the same time as the palestinian economy was deprived of the palestinian workforce , 350,000 israelis also left their jobs they joined the army of this regime to participate in the invasion of gaza. also 46 thousand. the israeli workforce has also been fired. in addition to what happened , about 20,000 to 25,000 asian workers, most of whom worked in the israeli agricultural sector, also
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left their workplaces. we don't accept the shock of this earth, we don't want to leave, we don't want to destroy our house, we don't kill , we don't slaughter, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we don't go , we don't go, we don't go, we don't go, we sit in the front row, he said the words of many people.
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questions from us, answers from the first page and evaluation and judgment with you in the first row every night at 1930 minutes of the khabar network.
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washing machine powder with high stain removal and the unique bleaching of homecare is the ultimate purity of history, don't drink it cold.
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this largest iranian palace was opened in the city of tehran with an interesting event .
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good morning, the martyrdom of dozens of other people in the early morning airstrikes in gaza, the zionist regime targeted damascus, the capital of syria, in an airstrike. the requirement for economic operators to be a member of the maadian tax system to issue electronic invoices from the beginning of december. fines await violators of the law. and benefit from artificial intelligence.


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