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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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the national media was held to explain the dimensions of this case , this round table was held in the national media 9 months ago. i was informed that the rereading of this news and bringing it up twice, naturally, people expect that something will happen after 9 months regarding these matters. giving hope to the people , what is expected is this, or a retelling of a news story that was announced 9 months ago, and everyone was told that this discovery of corruption happened here , in the first year of our government, friends have been following this case in different departments. and it is natural to follow up, discover and report that you have to act on this the relation of the action should be reported, the action will reassure the people, the expectation of the people now is that in the cases of corruption, the reform of the economic system, such as the reform of the structures that we mentioned, has been done, for example, among the clarifications, the declaration of
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bank debtors, well, one measure is the clarification of the financial balance sheet. companies are an action, this is an action, and people see it, well, it's not like this happened , it's not like it's a claim, people should see this . whatever they witness, naturally, this can be hopeful and reassuring for people, and actually increase their trust. let me start from the beginning because my dear colleagues are in different fields. did to i want to emphasize, dear colleagues , that the process of working in customs, in ports, in banks , in taxation should be a completely healthy process and away from any branch. this is very important for an economic activist, say an economic activist. my work is stuck in a certain port, i am going abroad. one of
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my very important meetings is with economic activists . i sit and listen to them for 2 or 3 hours. well , some of them point to the same goods that are being transported in a certain port, and the facilitation of these matters is the request of the economic activists. this is in our hands. our friends in various fields are related to the facilitation of affairs in customs, facilitation of affairs in ports for an economic activist. and for a merchant , it is very important for the merchant to be able to transfer his goods quickly and get my money, and then he can increase his activity . this is very important in banks. our ambassadors, sometimes i have a meeting with them abroad, they say that, sir , our business is in a certain bank, in a certain bank. i want the presidents of the banks who are in the meeting to facilitate the work in the field of trade and commerce of import and export and this will be done with your persistent action . in the hands of some deputy or some expert
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the point is, you know , bachelor's degree is one thing, we don't want to show it at all, but bachelor's degree is different from the courses that you give your students in class at the university. we are talking about expertise, that means hidden science, there is open science, what is the expert's opinion, what do you know? two experts , do they have the same opinion? do they have the same opinion? do they have four opinions? look at the expert opinions. in some courts, sometimes our panel is one -person, then it becomes three, then it becomes five. it can be 7 people, then it can be 9 people , it's still up to the judge to decide what to do, we respect it, the expert opinion is very important, but those who discuss democracy say that a twin was born, a democracy
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, two bureaucracies, and these twins side by side are now caught in the second one. how to solve this bureaucracy , this administrative complexity, the complexity of your administration , in the name of your excellency, the general manager, the general manager , the expert, what does the expert think, sir, it is an expert's opinion , what should we do, it is stuck in our system. find a solution , mr. managers, expert opinion is respected by us , but experts do not have the same opinion and we need a solution in order to get out of the fact that it is both an expert and does not stop the plans and actions, you professors think that i raised the problem, we do not want the expert's opinion, i always respect the expert's opinion, but know this , this point is theoretical and in fact my point is that
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the important issue in this regard is that cooperative companies see that we are a private economy and an economy. beside the state economy, it must be activated. now there is also an economy that i had a discussion in karaj last week in the group of donors, i said that today many of the big institutions in the world do not have the private economy. it does not mean cooperative, there is no government , there are charities or economy and charitable affairs. there are many universities in the world, such as oxford, harvard , the vatican itself, and many institutions in the world. their economy is economic, which means it is not private. there is one thing that our religion, 1400 years ago, was the greatest waqif of amir al-mu'minin , peace be upon him, at the beginning of islam, the time of proper vows, the greatest event in our human world
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, at the beginning of islam, the one whose name was called amir al-momenin , peace be upon him, and i, the era when i was a servant of the holy threshold of razavi, peace be upon him. i had it, well, we are from we didn't get money from the government. well, all this was based on endowment and opinion by the dear people who love imam reza, may peace be upon him. this is a discussion in itself , which is not my discussion now. it is your job, elders of economic opinion, to follow in the basics and discussions , maximum use. among the capacities that we have in shanghai, in breaker or the eurasian union and in other forums, these are the economic capacities that connect us with many economic infrastructures in the region and the world . it is very important to use these infrastructures . this capacity of our country is very important the capacity is very high and neglecting this capacity will make us questionable tomorrow. from
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the futures and the ministry of economy and finance, there is serious support for domestic investments and the attraction of foreign investments. you see, our economic growth has two basic foundations, one is an increase in investment, the other is increasing productivity, productivity, i don't have much discussion with you, i have a lot of discussions with my friends in the government to increase productivity according to the amount of facilities and human resources, increasing productivity is very important in order for us to be able to lead this economic growth. in economic policies to 8%. are it is very important and must be followed. i apologize for taking so long and activating my productivity. allow me to explain here in the farikhana meeting. some people think that a new law
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regarding productivity is actually depicted . the law passed by the parliament in the 6th and 5th development plan. the fourth, third , and industrial budgets have come every year, and one of the government's resources is to sell surplus assets , convert them into money, spend them in production , in the country , this could not be achieved in the country. the result is almost zero it was not possible for the government to give up these properties that are in their hands. the government can be whatever government it wants to be. we saw that there must be a way to implement the law. no, the law itself is wrong. in some media, let's find a way to implement the law. this is the method of law enforcement, not the legislation itself. we were told what to do to make it an operational production, which now our friends in the ministry of economy and finance , god willing, will follow with the efforts of the self-development department. the law
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should be implemented, because one of our resources, which is determined by the law, is production, and the excess property of the government should be handed over so that production can be done. the last word is that this meeting is very much a blessed meeting of like-mindedness, convergence, companionship, criticism, criticism and opinions that can unravel the knots in relation to economic issues. we welcome the boss. dear budget program organization and minister of financial economy, chairman of the central bank, chairman of the economic commissions of the house of representatives and all experts, universities , research institutes, research institutes, fields, universities, i am very grateful, i hope this
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cooperation, like-mindedness, companionship, like-mindedness and cooperation can play a role in solving economic problems and progressing the affairs of the country, and god. god willing, grant us the opportunity to know our duties and fulfill our duties. god willing , we cherish the memory of the martyrs of palestine and send greetings to their pure souls. and we hope that what has been revealed to the world today has removed the mask from the face of hypocrisy. everyone knows that america is the cause of all the evils in the world. everyone knows what imam rahal said, america is the great devil. this should prove to the world that america is the devil. great center of all the evils are america. the gaza movement of martyred children
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removed the mask from the face of hypocrisy. it turned out that the center of all evils in the world is america, and this view of the people of the world is not only the view of the institutions and research institutes and the idiots, the view of all the people of the street and the market, everyone understands you. or that america is the center of all the evils in the world, we know for sure that the almighty god, with the blessing of the blood of the martyrs , will bring about the end of the zionist regime , and the further exposure of the face of the arrogant, especially the criminal america. god and his blessings.
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in the name of the lord who creates beauty and loves beauty may god be merciful and gracious to you, dear viewers of khabar khemet network, hello, i would like to present to you the news section of the media, the second national exhibition of audio and video media. gir iran rasta will be held from the 10th to the 13th of december in maslai, tehran. activists in the field of home display of internet service providers will be present in this exhibition. regulatory organization of the ubiquitous audio and visual media in cyber space , in order to support the introduction of capacities, capabilities, and synergies of the ubiquitous audio and visual media, the second rasta national exhibition with the presence of licensed platforms, radio and television virtual space units, and activists.
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this arena is held. the public audio and video activists, home theater, internet service providers, and centers interested in participating in the field of audio and video software are invited to register at the internet site. 10th to 13th on the month of december, the prayer of imam khomeini , may allah bless him and grant him peace, against the regulatory organization for the regulation of sound and visual media in satra virtual space , i will discuss the second national exhibition of sound and visual media in iran, rasta, with mr. hossein zareei , the director general of licensing and media affairs of the organization. regulating the regulation of universal audio and video media mr. satra virtual space. hello, you are very welcome. let's start with the topic of the exhibition, of course
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, what is the difference between this exhibition and the previous one . by the grace of god, the second edition of rasta sound and image media exhibition will be held from the 10th to the 13th of dayah. the category is one supporting image media, secondly, synergy, and anyway, we have to
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bring the media to the same capacity in such a collective . we have to increase our capacity, thanks to the grace of god and the cooperation of the following media, until now, when i am serving your excellency, 132 media have finalized their registration and participation in the rasta exhibition, which i think is one of the differences from the previous year. . we had an increase both quantitatively and qualitatively and in addition about 80 active members of the surround sound and video industry are also
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present, so the service provider has increased a lot compared to last year. those who are media or knowledge-based centers that serve in the field of comprehensive image presentation and are in some way at the service of social media and inclusive image are present in this exhibition and present themselves on the platforms, and god willing. a synergy between these companies and knowledge base and audio- visual media or the same platforms will happen.
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it happened, the reason is that, anyway, attending the exhibition requires a series of coordination it has to happen that there are many requests from our friends on the platform and the registration has been extended until the 25th of december, based on the forecast and based on the requests that are there, it is likely that we will have an active presence in the exhibition with 150 media outlets. . well, those who are interested in participating in this exhibition have 25 days to go to the same satna.r website and register there. mr. azare, some names, well, now, in order to make our discussion a little more concrete, for the audience, some names of the platforms are actually more familiar, for example, rubika , filmet, tamashakhane filmo, these are present.
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or not? the service of mr. ali is of course an important and superior platform from our point of view. and from saterra 's point of view, it is different from the one that the general public and the general public in the field of profit have, based on our ranking and evaluation system , we have a different definition of the top media. surely, the media that has more production or audience is part of our top media. the basis of the rating system is not different indicators. there are different metrics, these are included, but at the same time , with the cooperation of our friends , registration was created on these platforms this year: rubika, registration, media , audience, registration, film, announcement of attendance. for example, the registration of many of these media
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, which are now in the top ten in terms of the general public, does not seem to us to have an active presence, and god willing , we are negotiating and reviewing the films this year. there have been discussions with friends. inshallah, the investigation will be finalized today or tomorrow, and all those who attend the same mosque will of course attend and pray, yes , god willing , they will be present in the main chapel of the great mosque of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon you, on the same date as i mentioned . there is another issue. in my opinion, it is important to register for their service now, out of these 132 media outlets the number of registrations is related to the provinces . last year, 5 provinces participated in addition to tehran. now , about 15 provinces are participating. their media and the activists of the sabbat and image industries
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are present. in what format is it different ? razavi, qom province , mazandaran and isfahan provinces, we have given a special section , that is, we have given a special space, especially for these media so that they will increase more, people can go to those who want to refer to a certain province , and so on. we didn't spread it anymore. which is the most open in these five provinces of qom, the largest number of companies doer well, we have less than 3 minutes left, mr. zarei, since you are the general director of licensing anyway, what news do you have in this field, whether it is related to the exhibition or not. the coordination and execution of the discussion of sound
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and image platforms is inclusive, which is the same 132 media that have registered so far. there may be some differences, there may be experience, our experience this year is especially active in our consultation to the general public we will do it. our experts are present, they guide and advise people on how to attend, how to get a license , they define our levels, they define our licenses . first, it will be based on registration, because you know that we have a long process from the three types of levels we have now to the second level of approval, and
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the discussion about registration is very short. we have a national meeting of the rasta assembly with the presence of all. representative in specialized satra councils, active and effective presence darren, well, this is very different. in any case, if this service is to be said and provided, where is it? this is the exhibition where we will hold the first general meeting of the rasar annual assembly, god willing, on the 12th of december. he also told me something about the ir extension. we were recently updated based on the requirements added to our applicants from
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a date that was two weeks ago . brand registration of the trademark. based on the procedure in the document registration organization, they can refer and take action, that is, after that , after these two things, make a statement and make a request to the media based on the resolution of the supreme council of the cultural revolution , which was recently announced. in any way , we have to make it easier for people to get the necessary permission. we have created 3 levels, the mention in the exhibition is happening with the coordination of the national portal of licenses, level one is registration oriented, level two is limited activity, and level three
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is full activity . we will talk, thank you for the continuation of the news . the tv series "chagh gurdon" is under construction . javad mazdabadi is the director of this 90-episode series. mr. lola'i who sells food together in the park with their spinning wheel and has a personality, he is very intelligent , he loves his father very much
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, they have interesting and funny bad relations, for example, we tried to reach all age groups from teenagers to the elderly in this series. our main is basically hope and entertainment and a refined family atmosphere . the filming of the first 30 episodes of the wheel has been going on for about 2 months in a park. almost half of the work has been completed, that is , we have taken the difficulties of the work, we have taken the busy scenes, now there are quieter scenes, this is expected to be filmed in 40 days, god willing , the first 30 episodes of the work will be called . there are a number of main characters in this park, which are because of the necessity of the stories he designed. every episode they are involved in a story and they try to solve that story somehow, and then again the story after the story and a main line. there is also a story that
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draws the viewer and moves him forward . at that time, the character of amir is an elite character, he is a student who is helping a group to improve the park, to recycle the park so that we can have a better park and space. the television series chakrah gardon is the first 90- episode satirical production of simorgh national media center.
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he considered information and presented it against the warriors. the oppressed but powerful palestinian, his military awe and intelligence awe are equal to the soil, and that's why he becomes a wild wolf in the flock. the brutality they do is not due to his authority, he has no authority, it is due to his dishonor. this is the line of martyrs
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martyrs, this is the way to be on the path of martyrs. the people of rozmanda are jihadists. we should pay attention to the families of martyrs. it is to be steadfast in the face of hardships, the pure path of martyrs and saying no to the enemy in any situation is the pure path of martyrs, let us know that if one day we did not have the courage to say goodbye to the enemy , we left the path of martyrs, whatever it is, in whatever position and in whatever position
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, if one day we feel let's say that the enemy is superior to us , we have left the path of martyrs, if one day we feel that we cannot be, we lost to martyrs. it happens that a land that is once a land of conflicts after that, dozens of clashes are recorded daily in different parts of the country, in all the cities, in all the districts, in some of the villages, we had one day in west azarbaijan. more than 100 clashes
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were recorded in different sectors. this country is like this thanks to the martyrs. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace. dear viewers , stay tuned to the economic news. the president said that the government's goal is to reduce the liquidity growth rate to 25 percent by the end of the year. mr. raisi at the ceremony of the iranian economy conference, emphasizing the need to stop overtime.


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