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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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the desert with twenty-month episodes, the desert, the engine of distinction in motion, sitting, first page, sitting, front page , the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, sitting. stand up, justice is left on your shoulder, the burden of trust, stand up, first line, first line, line of service, line of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr look to you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you
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, dear compatriots, welcome to the program on the first page. in this program, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation, they stand in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies, and of course, decisions. talk about things that can be effective in the development of the country, but tonight about the ministry of mining industry and trade, of course, the mining sector, which is one of the country's biggest reserves and can be the basis for the country's growth and development. in this context, i am having a conversation with mr. reza mohtashmipour, deputy minister of mines and materials products of the ministry of industry, mining and trade. welcome to the front page. thank you very much . stay healthy. i am at your service, people. hello , i am serving all people. you're welcome. it
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seems that mines in the country can be one of the main drivers of development and in the gdp as well it can play a big role . how is our situation in the field of mining? let me tell you, you can see that the mines of the country today supply the needs of our industries . we are in the mining sector of the whole country. our exports are less than one and a half percent of our production , that is, nearly 98 percent of what we produce is used to meet the needs of our existing units. we are among the countries that produce basic metals , perhaps it should be said that this
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is one of the characteristics of iran's economy that we were able to use the capacities of we should use our natural and industrial resources for the development of technology. perhaps, of course, this is one of the consequences of the severe sanctions that we had in the past years, but today we are talking about products. we are developing materials in a large part with iranian technology . this has given us the ability to enter any country we want to enter . processing in its place may be the most complicated part of this puzzle. yes, of course, we
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are facing serious limitations. after all, countries with technology usually don't want to be transferred, but this incident , these pressures, these restrictions have caused development , and alhamdulillah, today in our country, in the mining sector, we are witnessing that we had a good development in the technology sector, in addition to the fact that mines we have been the basis of the development of our industry. some statistics indicate that we export approximately 7 and a half million tons annually , and this may be one and a half percent of our production. now, exactly how much production do we have, that is, we harvest from the materials, we produce about 620 million tons. we have all kinds of minerals in the country what you said is correct, we have about this number this year.
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we found out that the reason was actually a flaw that was created in the country's customs process, that is, the customs that were placed in the government for customs duties on raw materials and the export of some raw goods. due to this, the entry of the food machine was stopped for further investigation and after some time, this confirmation was announced again. this issue caused us to export a large amount of raw materials from the country during a period of time, but this is the same as you mentioned, to this extent, that is, to the extent of half a percent of our total production, if
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it is a percentage of what we export. it is related to the group of mining industries, the main export in this sector comparatively, if we want to look at it, we have less than 1 billion dollars in exports of minerals, a similar ratio, that is, we have about 8, if i am not mistaken, about 8 billion dollars last year. and oil products, we have this situation now. in fact, what we export are mining products, not the raw mineral itself, and this is one of our strengths , which actually
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has an important place in the national economy as a supplier of the mining sector. we have been looking for this issue many times, that is, the ministry was in charge of the bank compile the comprehensive mines, see what is the state of this now, the issue of mining information is usually demanded in two layers in the country. the first one is whether we have the mineral and geological information of the country. the answer is yes, we have been in we have different layers of mineral information production, maps of 205,000 countries, maps of 100,000 countries have already been produced, and you can see many of the mineral deposits that you are currently witnessing in the country from these maps, which means they have been produced for years. and these are available in the form of maps in the form of various reports in addition
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we have a system called the mining cadastre system, which contains information on individual mining areas in addition to geographic information. it was created in the past years, maybe in the past one or two years, what happened in this system was that it was actually very likely that information outside of this system would not be recorded anywhere , information concentration would be created in the system, and this. it was done , it allowed this system to actually become a system like the electronicization of the calculation of basic government salaries in the country in the mining sector.
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he said that it is far away from, for example, a year and a half ago, and the information that we have in a centralized manner in our electrical systems today is much more complete than what we had, for example, even a year and a half ago. all the mines in the country and there is no mine that is being exploited and you are not aware of it, not the demarcation issue which was done maybe a year or two ago, what was added was supplementary information like production information, our so-called exploitation information. there were some defects , maybe a year and a half ago, we were on this issue we entered, but i remember that we found something close to more than 2,000 mining areas, that
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these are the exploitation information, it is not at all clear who has exploited them, that all these have been completed, these files have been completed, or sometimes, for example, the file of a mining area that needs to be the auction was going on for a long time, for example, it was recorded in another layer, so it came back, it was corrected, and just like you, you also followed up on this issue in the same program. it happened, we held 11,000 auctions in less than a year, and this process continues now the follow-ups that have been done based on the available information , of course, we still have a lot to work on, which means that the way we have left is much longer than the way we have traveled so far, but it is in a much better condition than in the past, or exploration. and the exploration of mineral reserves is also within the scope of your deputy's duties
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. the exploration of mines is done in two, in fact, the public and private sectors. we now have something close to 4,000 exploration licenses in the country , that is, exploratory operations that have a license to operate out of these 4,000. i think it's about 130 or something like that, 130 state licenses, that is, related to organizations for the development and renovation of mines in iran , as well as the mawgi geological organization , have licenses that are being worked by companies and natural and legal persons, that is, the private sector in terms of percentage, such a ratio is done by the government in part of the work. in this matter , not very high organizations, but organizations. the official in the governance department is in such a way that the basic information and
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the general information that we need in the mining department is produced by the geological and mineral exploration organization. that too it needs additional work and actually reaching a definite result by the development organization 9. mines are working, which is a continuous process, and even now we are involved in many areas of both these organizations. and this activity is the discussion of government rights.
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you can see how much the government has actually been able to receive from the rights that should be paid to the government from the extraction of mines. if you take a look at the process of the past few years, the process has been increasing rapidly. it has also increased, that is, we had two increases of nearly 100% in the last two years , that is, we have increased from approximately 7 thousand billion tomans in 2019 to approximately 40 thousand billion tomans today. this jump is the main part of it. regarding the first few steps to update , the information was sometimes incomplete or, for example, the price
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of minerals was calculated unrealistically or in a fixed manner for many years . to be preserved, on the other hand, the information of the mines has been flawed, all of this has caused that well, we saw this change. and this, in fact , we saw an increase in the receipt of government salaries , a large part of the same number that i mentioned, for example, this year , we estimate that we will have something close to thirty and maybe 5 thousand billion tomans in the income of government salaries, this is due to the discovery of in fact, there have been arrears that in the past years have now been ignored or acted upon for any reason. if not, these have been followed up and this process will continue so that we don't have any more arrears, god willing, and
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whatever is in fact will be taken care of. if it is an income issue, it is a disciplinary issue, and it is that the government's rights should be respected anyway, on the other hand , naturally, excesses in any issue cannot be defended. if we expect that, for example , unrealistic numbers will be allocated, or that it will be allocated regardless of the performance of the mines, well, this expectation may not go anywhere, but we have tried to reach it. to a good level of transparency, this level of transparency is forgiven regarding the pricing of mineral products. well, in the regulations that were approved in the last year or two, they tried to make mineral invoices a legal requirement. some of the factors that caused sales minerals in the form of non-official invoices
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were dealt with. well, to a large extent , we now see official invoices. well, this helped us to make the prices realistic. on the other hand, the issue of controlling the amount of harvest. well, we started the discussion of drone mapping of mines almost 2 years ago. this work was first done as an executive example in khorasan-razavi province. after it was diagnosed, the flaws and problems that sometimes appeared in the implementation were identified. and a solution was thought for it, it became a national recipe and it was announced with the help of friends well, having the experience of this work in the province, now that we are at your service, we have now started drone mapping in the whole country , the mapping of some of the mines has started, this mapping allows us to keep a close eye on the amount of harvest. let us
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reach the level of transparency necessary for government rights. you don't think that this will be the reason for the closure of some small mines. in some provinces, you should see a point in the budget discussion. it is a crime that the budget is an estimate of the income that we expect to be obtained from a department our expertise does not confirm some of these estimates. we do not expect such a growth without compliments. anyway, i may have said that today we are no longer in the position we were two years ago
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. two years ago, we could not have exactly a clear information. let's put on the table, for example, how much production we have. how much do you expect from government salaries? but today , why do we know exactly how much production we should expect, how much the price is, and therefore we can estimate these numbers well and easily . our estimate this year is not an increase. you have an estimate. see, we think that due to the huge increase in government salaries last year, a large part
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of it was related to the increase . it covers the prices due to the general inflation, which is rising due to the general level of the prices. it may return to the world prices, that is, for example, egyptian stone inside the country is completely affected by the global price trend. well, we have an estimate of these factors. we will see, for example , how much growth we will have this year we know that the general level of global prices of mineral commodities this year has decreased a bit, which means that our global prices will decrease, but due to domestic inflation , they will increase a bit . he won't give , he definitely won't give. we don't expect that
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. last year , we received 38,500 billion tomans of government salaries, which is 22,000. we don't expect that this year we will receive government salaries more than last year, so your concern is not about government salaries, but of course i would like to express one point here. unfortunately, in the program rules of some programs or the annual budget of the 7th program, these are not compatible with the realities of mines, such as receiving one and a half percent of the income of mines. for the roads , this issue can easily, with a certain carelessness , cause widespread closure of small mines . there is this concern, my colleagues, prepare a report
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about the mines, we will see this report, then we will talk about the issues raised in the report. we believe that the path was difficult and uneven, one of the first or the fewest mines in iran, which is located at an altitude of 3,250 meters above sea level. the sea was able to overcome the chest of work, our mine is a treasure of marble stone in the mountains of fars province without use and we came to die . a year ago, a new work contract came there and a will that softened the heart of the stone . el koh. he has a very strong accent.
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let's develop this mine. the revitalization of mines, which has been more serious for years , has been at the forefront of the government's and ministry's pursuits. some of our provinces are called the mineral paradise , it has so many mines, yes, the mineral paradise like kerman. yes, god willing, now we are going to these ambassadors looking for revival. but your follow-up is also good. in order to revive the mines, the number and reason for their racket had to be analyzed in order to be handed over again. we have a number of mines that are the reasons for the auction. well, these must be busy. that is, if they have the possibility of handing over , they should go out and hand over to the people. if it is not possible, then there is no problem, for example, the block might be bad. re-transfer of rocket mines to new owners with. the parliament's gift and the holding of auctions became legal. licenses issued in previous years
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it is available to private cooperative sectors and non-governmental public institutions and other natural and legal entities, if they do not lead to exploration and extraction by the end of march 2019 , they will be available to new applicants through auctions. the issue that was established will be closed by the end of this year. by the end of the year, god willing, all the fields and mines that are in good condition, one of the issues mentioned by mr. mottashmipour in the report is that by the end of this year , all stagnant mines will be handed over through auctions . what you ordered is one of the programs
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our main interests are in the mining sector, of course i would like to make a correction. we promised that we should complete these mines by the end of this year . it is possible that these mines will not be handed over, because some of these mines are due to the defects that they created. for example, well, finally, part of these mines. or some of these mines are not very attractive due to distance, quality, or grade. in the first stage, we will offer everything we have in the auction layer. in 1402, god willing, all of these will be auctioned. if someone feels that there is a mine in these capacities which tends to enter get access, and if there is an applicant for the mine, then the applicant can take over the mine, then the auction will be held for all of these, but logically and naturally, some of
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these will be handed over because there is a demand for them. we will reach a list of mines that are stagnant and there is no demand for them. we also need this list because this list determines our next step . they should no longer be able to mine go back to the natural resources and release them. some of these may need additional measures to be activated . we must define a project on these. we must work to reach a mining capacity, which means a small capacity . we are doing work, sometimes we are in some areas where, for example , there are several small mining capacities in a geographical area close to each other, we give them away in clusters. or, for example, it needs a road , it needs an infrastructure, and these are announced as plans and implemented, we will try that is, in fact, the year 1403, the plan we
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will have is that what is indicated in the year of the reports is that mining auctions are being carried out in some provinces, but some of the mines are complaining that there is a lack of transparency in the system . it has been announced that it does not exist. what is your opinion ? yes, there is a problem . look, we actually had to make a choice or should we keep these mines. we are talking about how many mines, let me give you the statistics. we removed 19,000 mineral areas, we had to narrow them down, which later now this project continued, several thousand new areas were added to it, and we had to assign almost something close to 23,400 mineral areas
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. let's complete the mine in terms of information first, and then, well , this required a lot of exploratory studies. well, this is a time-consuming task, and it needs a lot of time . then, let's enter into the handover or not , and offer what is there to the people and to the carrara mine. miners based on the technical information they have or the checks they make on the documents they can come to a decision and conclude that they will remove a part of these mines. so, we should not delay this process, but what is happening now , due to the same reasons you mentioned, due to the lack of information or some ambiguities that exist, no one was paying attention to the study. at the same time, we are discussing exploration zones
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. these are the things that should be done with a more complete exploratory study based on the output of these, we will come to the conclusion that this mine is now operational or not , and then this information will be provided to the applicants so that, as you said , the defect or ambiguity in other information will be resolved . we could not actually stop this process , that is, the handover process, until now, with those results and these, anyway, the nature of exploratory work requires years of work, and naturally , we had to follow both topics in parallel, and this we are working. yes, it is one of the other issues that exist in the field of harvesting from mines there is this annual cut of gas and electricity, which may be short in summer and in winter at some times, but
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it will eventually disrupt the harvest. this year, the ministry has made a plan so that we do not face such a problem in the mines this winter. this concern that you mentioned is mainly focused on two areas of our energy industry, one is the steel industry and the other is the sima industry. look, i think we should discuss a problem here and explain it to the people very well. see in the past years after our reserves. we actually discovered south pars gas and were able to activate these there was a demand in the country that we should not export this gas in raw form, so it should be invested and these will be converted into products inside the country. well, very good capacity building was done on the energy industries, but these capacity building are sometimes ignored. to the limitations that
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will finally appear in the new form. it went ahead, therefore, capacity building was done, which was beyond the country's ability to provide energy. today, we are facing this problem in the steel industry, that is, for the factories that process them, so this causes that now there is no demand for them in our mines, that is, factories. the factory that was supposed to take this product and process it today has no more demand due to lack of gas or due to power cut , there is no demand for the products at all and this is the reason.


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