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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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and it is not possible to feed our science and technology companies and our industries. there is hope for university research to be invested in the lower levels and in the technologies in the same case. fortunately, the legal path seen in article 13 has been affected in the last one or two months with the help of the scientific exchange, which we thank the friends of mr. dr. karamati, we are probably at their service. this regulation has been prepared and now it is up to the university and the open industry to have good negotiations and discuss the issues needed by the country. define and use the tax budget and in some way that tax credit will be used , god willing, the researches will be directed towards improving the utilization and quality . which has been done, the welcoming industries are, of course, all of them are interested, but
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the problem was that they saw the path as a bit vague, they saw it as complicated and the path was difficult for them, with the help of the scientific experts, fortunately , the path has been eased a bit and we hope that we will be able to let's answer the industry more easily and from him on the part of the universities to participate in getting approval , one of the problems was that the industry had to come and get approval by itself that this path is possible . let him follow this path , now in the bylaws it is written in a way that the university can also participate and since it is attractive for the university to develop research works, we probably think that the universities will help the industry that these definitions and this indeed, the approvals can be obtained and, god willing, that joint work will be formed, prioritizing for the industry of course, we will start with a bigger university . i hope that they have more experience in
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this field and we hope that we will be able to implement it with the dispersion that exists in the provinces of the country . fortunately, in all the provinces, we have big universities and we have an active sector and there are also industries and companies, and with my help , we will implement this in all provinces, and we hope that there will be a serious change. that you tax to goverment it is much more paid by the companies and if we can attract one or two percent of these as well , there will definitely be a fundamental change in the researches and the targeting of the researches will be guaranteed because from the very beginning this budget is for that company. it is defined that in reality he needs and wants to relate his problem, as a rule, this will help to keep the elites in reality, the development of native science and many other things will continue, god willing.
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the plan that we took in the first call, that is, the call, in fact, in april and may of this year , if i want to classify them according to the executive. because the executor of this project that comes from the industry may be the industry itself, it may interact and contract with a knowledge-based company, or it may actually interact with a university, which your discussion today
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is about the university. 50 of his plans were implemented by the university, which is actually a small percentage and number. most industries advance the work that they propose and define for us either internally or in connection with scientists' companies . this is actually a percentage. it made us wonder how we can solve this particular problem to facilitate the definition of the project from the industry and its implementation by the university. that is, we can increase this rate even more, therefore, in the special guidelines that we have prepared with the help of the ministry of science, research, technology and the ministry of health and the scientific vice-chancellor for this issue, we have made a facilitation that , god willing, this work can go ahead and that the forecasting and goal setting that has been done is a number of two efforts during several years of this agreement, mr. saif
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also pointed out that the vagueness of article 13 for industries is one of the reasons why it has not been well received until now. if we open this issue. it is very easy to do. we mentioned it briefly at the beginning of the program. well, article 13 actually replaces the tax that the industry has to pay, and the amount that has to be paid for the tax is spent on technology development projects in that industry. let's see that the path is not unclear, but considering the jobs it has, the industry may give its first priority to this issue. therefore, in the work we did jointly with the ministry of science , we reached an agreement that the industrial projects in a time which defines how many special facilitations should be made with the university. first of all, apart from the public call that we have, all the industries can express
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the projects that are actually concluded between the industry and the university all year round. the second point is this. that we are a joint working group for leadership and system. we considered that wherever there is a problem, wherever someone needs even a consultation to determine a project, in fact research and development , we will help him . which is related to these two the institution that happens has overhead costs , management and project management costs, we have recognized these, which means that you can consider a cost under the title of management cost overhead, because one of the problems that the industry has in signing a contract with the university is the overhead issue. the issue is actually the management of the implementation, and issues such as tax and
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insurance, and the next point is the acceptance of expenses. with what formulas do we accept these expenses ? we can accept the university if if there are no complete and actually official factors in that area, the issue will first be approved by the industry or the university, see a two-way interaction between the industry and the university, which means that the industry may come and present its needs, or else the university will come up with a solution to make the industry work better. let's see the input port that is requested. dan , in fact, the tax credit is made for the industry, but the university can define and upload this plan on behalf of the industry and in interaction with the industry, and we accept it, but the one who receives support is the industry that pays and we from the door
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in fact, we are going to deduct this cost from the tax . we have had a result so far. yes, in the second call, which actually started in november , the percentage is increasing . let's announce the numbers and figures of what happened, but since this work has just started, i think that we should be able to evaluate the results at least at the beginning of next year , and god willing, we will also announce a ceiling for that amount of industry tax. this interaction we have with the tax authority we had and we had the ministry of economy, alhamdulillah, i have to thank my colleagues in other departments of the government that we were able to come up with a common regulation, a common law and a common
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recipe. the recipe that we have has not specified any ceiling for this issue , but even we are looking to achieve a ceiling that we can actually show the performance of this substance. in fact , it is to encourage the big industry. it is very big if you spend in the direction of science and technology development yes, it can be affordable for them , it can create lost value, and our elite manpower can go to work on their own . we have prepared another report . let's see the second report in this regard. we will come back to your service. this concrete will not go under water. with a thickness of one centimeter, it is designed and made by scientists, which has come to a conclusion after 4 years of research work. concrete sea docks can be used, on these docks or on these pontoons, sea villas or even
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floating sea farms can be established. local product medical diagnosis solutions that have been up to before it was imported from outside. you want this kito. buy the european market, for example, let's say you have to pay at least $150 to $120. we have this kit here, we sell it for two or three dollars, eggs enriched with natural folic acid with high absorption. it is very effective for fertility, after the formation of genin , which was formed, it is one of the vitamins that plays a key role in the growth of children's organs. it is a product of scientists that has been commercialized after 8 years of research. this form of folic acid is absorbed by the human body more than 95 times. . these products along with the achievements of 80 knowledge-based and technological companies in the achievements exhibition a research in isfahan scientific and research town.
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isfahan scientific and research town on the sidelines of this exhibition says that a 100% research project of knowledge bases will be commercialized. the achievements of scientific companies are by the private sector. if the private sector cannot earn money, it cannot continue its activities. like this knowledge-based company that after several years of research work. we can have 10 million dollars by localizing the production process of pure cobalt metal. in addition to the knowledge bases in this exhibition, universities and some large companies were also present, which rely on the collection of designs based on knowledge, they said that after completion , it increases the final product. our gasoline reaches 8 million liters, it is all research , it is environmental, and god willing, economy. nafer
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is working in the science and research town of isfahan. mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan broadcasting news agency. well , you also saw in the report that there are plans and ideas in the industry of various scientists, the country's technologists can have various solutions and products for them and lead to the development of the macro economy and the economy of scientists. mr. doctor, let me ask you the question like this the memorandum that was concluded today and the work we are doing in the field of technological research development and their transformation and commercialization is to develop the market for technologists and knowledge-based companies . danian company is now close to 10,000. one of the needs of these companies is market development. yes, now this article 13, clause 11 and today's memorandum can
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help this market to develop this market . it was scientific. the question that arises is how they can be connected to other parts of the society. in other words, industry or society or other institutions in space. ezai, in fact, there are countries, one of the markets of knowledge-based companies is the market for their products, one of their markets is the market for research and development of technology that can be provided for them, this can be done by conducting a research and development plan , a technology development plan for an industry. bozor and we have recognized this both in article 11 of the regulations and in implementation. we said that if an industry wants to define a research and development plan, it can implement it
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a university can choose or a knowledge-based company, and it can be its own manager, so a new market for knowledge-based companies has been created in addition to the product market, and that market is actually the development of scientific production technology and the implementation of research and development projects. it was also mentioned in the same memorandum that by the end of the 14th year , we will witness the development of the daneshmouni market and the development of the daneshmouni economy . program of companionship i would also like to thank you for the economic table program for setting goals and determining the appropriate cycle for technological research that is currently being pursued in universities, and of course, the involvement of scientists' companies was also mentioned in the program. creating a market for the technological products of our country through the production jump law, which can be very attractive for industries where
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they want to pay taxes , spend the tax money on research work, it will be very attractive and it is also useful for the economy. thank you for the economy desk program good day today, god bless you. he stared at these photos.
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this man died like this after martyrdom maybe no one knows about his funeral as much as those who were closely involved with him , being at the service of the people day and night when i was their bride and the phone. they don't allow their wife to kill my mother -in-law, for example, because of the old age, if you visit them day and night, they would ring their doorbell , and now they answer the phone, and they don't turn anyone away from their house, mr. after years of torture and exile
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, he was a teacher, a member of the central council of islamic revolution committees, and a secretary. the community of militant clergy and the representative of the people of tehran in the majlis, mr. shahabadi , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, my brothers and sisters, peace be upon you, and the mercy of god, on the day when he accepted his name to be among the candidates for the parliament, he was a 48-year-old man, and insisted that you remove my name until somewhere else. open the list of those who would like to be on the list , put their names so that this coalition takes place. anyway, it was after 2:00 in the evening when we reached a list of 30 people, instead of 35 people , they voted without any advertising and to the first term of the islamic council was established. the clergy community is a series he printed a poster to advertise
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his list of 30 people. because we had an activity called al-ghadir in the place, these children said. tell me to distribute this list of 30 people. when we saw the list sent here, there is a photo of haj agha in it. a separate photo of haj agha was printed. we quickly did this and closed the door of the dresser. you can try harder . since the day he became a representative , shestang had given his time to the people . no, i'm talking to people about their own business they were following in the same street of saadi
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, where there was a music club. standing behind him was for the time when the union would all take iron. i saw him for the work of one of the lords of rojo who had written several letters and his problem was not resolved . this didn't happen once or twice , the representative who had his house on the street so that people wouldn't wander for his address said i want a house that is on the street. who comes these guards standing on the street should not disturb them. ashikh mehdi, in the middle of the country's pandemic and seizures , was also paying attention to the children of jebbe, those dear brothers who were in the front line of the front and saw these brothers as members of the parliament. islamic, how
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these are just standing on the floor and nothing. they are not bound by whether their anti-aircraft guns are long-range or anti-aircraft, but they only knew that the enemy was protecting them from their revolution and from that volume of their revolutionaries from that revolutionary attack. bern and s on the island majnoon in may 1963. the final chapter of the life of a man who used to be among people has a burden from today that will make you fall for a lifetime. everyone
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is waiting to see where you will leave the road of love.
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he is the voice of resistance and brings passion to the hearts of arab nations. he is none other than abu obeidah naqab, the spokesperson of ezzeddin qassam's battalions. allahu akbar! fikre fikre al-multham bokufi hamra. abu obeidah is dressed in a red cap, and although he is one of the most famous members of the qassam battalions , he is unknown to everyone, and except
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for a few close people, no one has ever seen his real face. known there is almost no information about him and the information published about him is not accurate. the occupying regime has used all its means to identify his identity. he has become a symbol among the arab nations and they see in him a hero who humiliated the occupation regime in the hearts of the settlers
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and rulers of the arab nation . move and, god forbid
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, move your army and tangs. gordan hai qassam, who shocked the world with the al-aqsa storm operation on the 7th of october, was involved in the development of weapons and experience. his military and combat abilities are not enough, but he has succeeded in raising the level of his discourse in two structured parts of the theme in order to use it as one of his most important weapons to confront the enemy whose lies have no ceiling and whose crimes it is unlimited and there is no other solution to destroy it except the weapon that is summed up in the motto of abu obaydah. does not have. this is a jihad that will end in victory or martyrdom. and peace and blessings of god be upon you.
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by participating in a large demonstration , they declared their support for the residents of gaza and those who they have been targeted for genocide and forced migration. demonstrations were held to stop the killings and prosecute the occupiers as war criminals. the voice of palestine is loud. it is important that the voice of the world is loud. because the international community can stop this unruly barbarism that is israel. by killing the palestinian people, the zionist regime has violated all international conventions. is it reasonable to kill a population equivalent to half a million english people or an eighth of the american population? is this right
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given to the palestinian people, is this a crime? the palestinian people should support each other , rather than the nations that support them. this the battle is the battle of all the palestinian people. the west bank , like the gaza strip, has been attacked by aggressors . basically, it was gaza that came to the aid of the west bank after seeing the daily crimes of the occupying regime and the violence of the city dwellers. the west bank is at a stage where the danger is no less than that of gaza.
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especially strategically. as long as the voice of the palestinian people is loud to the sky. and as long as they get their right with bullets and fire. no matter how long it takes, this right will finally return to its owners one day. this is free, yes, free, this is free, yes, this is also free, this is free, this is free
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2:00 am
call 44. in the name of god. hello. the head of the program and budget organization said the allocation. this action , while there is a production capacity of one and a half million cars in the country , will only cause a discrepancy in the customs revenue. we assume it is supposed to for example, in the next year or the following year, 2 billion dollars or 3 billion dollars of car imports will be done.


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