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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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in the last four to five years, we have seen a price jump in the last 3-4 years, from an average of 20% to an average of 40%, so people completely understand and feel this disharmony in the monetary sphere. and our banking means that we are actually in the banking sector, if the monetary and banking system and your belongings, now i am saying this because the banks themselves say in some parts that this model of our imbalance is in an interpretation about our government functions, i don't want to talk too much. in fact, let me fully explain that our time is running out, so we are practically inflation as one there is an imbalance, we must look for solutions to bring it to a balance or to an initial equilibrium, one of the primary ways is to control the growth of liquidity and reduce the growth of liquidity.
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you mentioned what solutions have been assigned to it in order to consider both the short-term version and the medium-term and even the long-term. of course, the fact is that the field of resolving disagreements is never short-term, although the best controllable variable in the economy is monetary variables. including the growth of liquidity, which is the reason why we reached the range of 40% to 20%. the so-called variable is completely controlled in the economy and can be done, but you can't say the variable of employment growth in any economic model. in one year , i can have a large economic growth. we sometimes or actually have a high employment growth. the structures have already been prepared so that you can do this.
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in the best case, the elimination of imbalances is in the medium and long-term areas, but in the monetary spheres , we can, with the measures and models that the central bank is actually involved in, in a period of one to one and a half years, practically a part of the imbalance. let's fix it. i try to follow the words carefully so that my scientific colleagues who look at this will know that i actually factored the other issues from him. in the field of currency, we have an imbalance, and you are looking at us. we are actually surprised that the majority of our dollar production is on the supply side, so to speak, in the area of ​​selling oil plus petrochemical products and based on oil or gas. in a sense , the government is the main producer. the provider or supplier is actually the lands of jahan rova, this is a part. the fact is that we
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have to work a lot on non-oil and non-petrochemical exports in the field of fixing dissatisfaction one part is even more important than this and many solutions are foreseen for it . in terms of land demand management, we must be able to do this practically. in the name of god, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light on light, in the name
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of god, light on light, in the name of god , light on light, in the name of god, light. there is no god but allah. i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of
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god. ashhod an alia , wali allah hai ali al salah hai ali al-falah hai ali
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al-falah hai ali ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-amal god is great, god is great, there is no god but god.
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mr. dr. aamili, what has been presented as a tool and solution is in the context of the economic capacities and potentials of the country. or are there going to be parallel reforms so that these things don't happen ? look, if we actually want to reverse the structural reform so that the entire economy is destroyed, this means either not doing it, or it means that the future ones will do it, but we can make a fair judgment. let's say we can take a significant share of it in these structures in a medium and long term period, this long term does not mean a very large number. in a period of 5 to 8 years , many of these variables should make fundamental changes in it. you talked about liquidity . let's hear some of the president's talks about liquidity. let's go back to playing a role in the international arena with mr. dr. mohadi. let's talk about the liquidity growth budget, well, you saw that
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it was controlled, we were going towards 40%, then it came to 34% , and now according to the announcement of the central bank, 26 targets. 25% has been set until the end of the year, mr. dr. mohadi now how is the position of our economy in the international arena defined? with the vision we have defined , the different definitions we had , which direction we are going to go, which areas and axes are going to be more prominent and active . i would like to mention it compared to the previous governments and at least consider this as one of its outstanding features, that the 13th government is following this new positioning of iran's economy in the international arena, but for this point we have to
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go back and see what position we had and what process happened. what changes have happened? now it is necessary that we should think and give ideas about the new future of iran's economy in the international arena. the point is that we often defined a traditional position in the international arena for ourselves in different ways and historically. this traditional position relied on oil exports. near. in fact, the guarantee of energy security in the world and the role that we had planned for ourselves, that yes , as a country, we are an oil exporter, and we can create some economic security for ourselves with the role we have in this field
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, and naturally, through we can sell oil in fact, we should have the so-called lateral incomes to obtain world currencies and besides that, by relying on these world currencies, we can supply the goods we need in the international arena to increase prosperity. this country was the passive behavior and policy that we had defined, but after the first inflationary shock in 2019-2019 and after the second sanctions shock in 2019-2019, we came to this position. or we felt that we lost what we had, now it is necessary after the changes that took place in a few years
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recently, it has happened in international interactions , it is necessary for us to come and create this change of role , that is, now iran's economy should not only rely on oil resources, which we have sanctioned , we cannot do such a thing, so we have to come and play a new role. assume a new role that depends on regional relations and is defined by the changes that have happened in the political conditions of some countries , suppose the war in russia and ukraine, which itself can create a capacity for us in central asia in connection with russia in connection with countries in it is regional and can generate surplus income in a situation that we can no longer afford. we can get that income from the sale of oil and
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, so to speak, be able to create a new settlement structure with our strategic partners in the region. we didn't have one more plan, and that was this plan, and no plan b or alternative plan was defined, but us. by losing this position and by losing the idea we had of this position, now we can let's create that alternative program for ourselves, so to speak, this was one of the most important things that had to be explained, it had to be exposed to the opinions of thinkers and experts , and now it is necessary to see what potential , what capacities, what so-called capabilities . in order to give shape to this new position that we want to play, i want
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to ask mr. doctori about the requirements, but first of all , tell me which fields are going to be activated in this new role, instead of our dependence on oil. here, in fact, a new strategy is needed which we can fulfill in terms of actually matching our value map with our business map, that is, we have to see what potentials. now, instead of assuming that we are exporters of natural resources and raw materials , we should invest in the industries that are needed by the countries of the region, and by the way , we are importing raw materials from other countries. this is one of the he is a clear proof that iran's economy can be taken into account in this role-playing and new positioning. and various topics and axes that can be raised in between mr dr. ameli, the point that mr. dr. mohadi
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pointed out, new location or new location requires that we rely on new capabilities and capacities, which capabilities, which capabilities and what requirements are going to be placed before us in this position, a point that in my opinion , it should be placed as a keyword. sometimes the key words for policy making as executive directors and our fellow academics are endogeneity and extroversion, which means that in the model you want to define for yourself as a placement, it must be based on relying on your own internal capacities. ok, so that we can have a strong and stable production capacity, and in the second step, the principle is
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that your production should not only supply your domestic space , but also be an export capacity for others . economy can keep us stable with our partners, with our neighbors and with countries that have fair balances or relations with us . it is the definition of value chains that we can play a role in. we do, that is, apart from the fact that we have a discussion called north-south, east-west corridors credit, for example, we define the role of russia or the role of china . in these corridors, we cannot simply accept transit as transportation. we must define our position in the value production chain in such a way that there is
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actually a hybrid dependency between a group of countries will happen and we will have a significant contribution in that position, not a small and insignificant contribution . for example , let's sell 10 million barrels of oil per day, its dollars of course, each of these needs an explanation. i invoice them from him, but now you can see that since the american economy was able to change from an oil producing economy to an oil exporter based on shale oil, in that model we were practically eliminated , that is, several million barrels that actually, in a
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historical period, there was a debate about whether they can remove our oil from the market and have many imbalances in the oil market. in the end, they came to the conclusion that with these capacities they actually did this work, so if we are in the value chain we are going to have a serious presence , we must have an irreplaceable presence, but what are the requirements for our domestic production and what are the requirements for our partners ? we have basic dissatisfactions and we are discussing that these dissatisfactions should be resolved in the context of our economy. actually, finding a new role in the value production chain is very difficult . if we say that it is practically impossible , we have a minute. until the end of the conversation in a new location and
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where is the new position of the private sector people and how is it supposed to be? obstacles should be removed so that they can play a more active role . for example, one of the topics that i was involved in, in fact , this conference was about reforming the structures and resolving the disagreements in the welfare tax system, that is, we were looking for a supportive tax system in the sense that if we want to have a system we want to earn income in it. taxes and sustainable tax revenues should be expressed and supported by the government. we must pay attention to the fact that some changes are required. these changes are to reach a
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uniform tax support system . it is supposed to if we demand from the people, we must consider that if this amount of tax for an individual or the amount of total income that an individual may have for an individual is actually relevant to an individual, if it is less than a certain amount, it should be subsidized and only when we we can tax him who owns more than a certain amount income is a protective tax system , it is a part of this, and each of these issues in the different structures of the people's position is supposed to be seen in particular, so that this package can solve the country's economic problems with these structural reforms. when we say the economic problems of the country, we mean the economic problems of the people . thank you very much, mr. dr. mohadi, for your presence and explanations. thank you, mr. dr. ameli,
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for your presence and analysis. the pictures are good and the sleepy stare of someone's eyes. let it remind you to wake up, but standing up is just our job
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our story is not a dream story, come and put your heart into the sea , don't doubt that this is the end of this august day. perhaps no one knows the secret of the popularity of this man, who was buried in the hands of the people after his martyrdom, as well as those who were closely associated with him. being at the service of people day and night. at the time when i was their daughter-in-law and they didn't allow me to use their phone, for example, my wife and my mother-in -law, because of the old age, if you came to visit me, i would ring their door, but now. they should answer the phone and not turn anyone away from their house, mr. shahabadi, those days after the year.
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he was a teacher, a member of the central council of the islamic revolution committees, a member of the islamic revolution committees, the secretary of the militant clergy community , and a representative of the people of tehran in the parliament of mr. shahabadi. at the insistence of others, he agreed to have his name among the candidates for the parliament. he was a 48-year-old man. he insisted that you delete my name so that a place would be opened. those who want their names to be on the list , put their names so that this coalition will take place anyway . it was around 2:00 in the evening when he went to ye the first session of the islamic council has started . the clerical community has printed a series of posters to
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promote its own list of 30 people. because we had an activity called al-ghadir in the area, we told these children to distribute this list of 30 people when they send the list. we saw here, well, haj aga's photo is in it. haj aga's separate photo is printed in rome. we quickly did this and closed the door of the dresser . the people i see gather around you in the mosque after prayer every night until 11. at night until 11, yes, someone wants to go home. someone wants a loan, someone wants a job , someone wants a wife, so if there is news, i will talk to people i mean, they were following people's work
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by themselves. in saadi street, there was a metal union . we were going to go or say hajj, and then we stood. the crowd was standing behind him . it was for the time when the union would take all the iron. there was no letter, the problem had not been solved, he stopped there and got up , he followed the work of a master rojovi like this, and this happened not once or twice. do not say that i want a house that is on the street those who come, these guards who are standing on the street , don't disturb them, don't be a hindrance. ashikh mehdi, in the middle of all the country's protests, who was coming to the hall of the parliament , was also paying attention to the children of jehbe. those dear brothers who were in the first line of the front and saw from these same
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brothers, representatives of the islamic council, how they just put their heads on the floor and are not bound by anything, whether their air arrows are far away? do they have anti-aircraft? no, but they only knew that the enemy was afraid of their revolution, and because of the size of their revolution, because of their revolutionary attack, they were in the front lines of all their journeys. insisting to go to the front line and insisting not to move the units when they go there , he was martyred in the island in the midst of his going to and from the front to give a speech. the final chapter of the life of a man who used to be among the people has a burden from today.
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that's why you fall down for a lifetime, everyone is waiting to see where you will leave the road of love. o front row meeting, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people
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send the number five to 30485 for free now. the intrusion of reporters. you have seen the landing of all on our faith, you are a messenger of our independence, freedom, the role of our lives , martyrs wrapped in the ears of your cry. payandeh
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mani and jabadan of the islamic republic. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. on the 6th day of the zionist invasion, dozens of people were martyred in the gaza strip. refugee settlement centers, hospitals, schools, houses and mosques were also not safe from the enemy's attack. israeli warplanes bombed a house in mohalla al-salam, east of rafah, on monday evening. as a result, a number of other
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martyred or wounded soldiers. would be martyrs and wounded of this attack.


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