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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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[000:00:32;00] in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings again to you, dear and honorable compatriots, dear countrymen and respected companions of the news network, welcoming the caravan of unknown martyrs in different provinces. in mazandaran province, in the early hours of this morning, the people of nowshahr went to welcome the bodies of the eight unknown martyrs of the holy defense. if we were not there, we would not have
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been safe. for our religion, for our islam, my child's departure should be like these martyrs, may the end be good, be proud, and we have everything from these martyrs, martyrs whose bones and plaques only reached us after years of strangeness and loneliness, but these pieces of their bones are an honor for us, why? because this the best proof of our honor is not that they are happy and happy. the bodies of several martyrs also reached ahvaz and kerman. the people of ahvaz will send away the unknown martyr until 26 december 14. the people of kermani are also going to say goodbye to eight unknown martyrs. the people of jarqouye, dahaghan and shahrezai of isfahan province host the bodies of 12 unknown martyrs. in lorestan , the people
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welcomed the bodies of the three unknown martyrs of the holy defense. in ilam, a vedic ceremony was held with the body of the unknown martyr of the holy defense in the foundation for the preservation of the publications of the values ​​of the holy defense of this province . anonymous martyrs said goodbye. the first convoy of umrah pilgrims will leave for the house of god from imam khomeini international airport on 28 azar. the head of hajj pilgrimage organization announced that iranian pilgrims will spend 5 days in medina and 5 days in makkah during this 10-day journey. in this phase of the deployment
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, which starts from the 28th and ends on the 10th of asfan. it will be done for a long time and before the holy month of ramadan , 70,000 people are planned to visit, god willing, in the form of 550 caravans . 10 groups this year. we have a price that these 10 price groups vary depending on the quality of the hotel. our lowest price with all services is 40 million and 200 thousand tomans and the highest price group is 44 million and
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about 200 thousand tomans. the registration of umrah fardeh applicants who have deposited with mellat and melli banks in 2007 will start from tomorrow with tashraf priorities 1 to 150. the attack on the gathering of zionist soldiers in seven operations, lebanon's hezbollah targeted three bases and four gathering places of zionist soldiers in the north of the occupied territories . allah lebanon in response to the attack of the zionist forces on the tayyaba area and the martyrdom of hossein ali mansour the 80-year-old lebanese citizen targeted the zionist settlement in matallah military settlement. the gathering places of the zionist soldiers in the al-baghdadi military base and the ashtallah military settlement were other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations.
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what do america and israel want? american and zionist threats do not scare the resistance, but increase the resistance's insistence on a stronger confrontation. resistance has no hesitation in responding to attacks and testimony of citizens. hizbullah announced that in two operations, the bases of samagheh and hadbal in al-bostanistan, and in one operation, for the second time in the last four days, the rahab base heavy rockets have targeted barkan. branit military barracks were also targeted for the third time in a week with guided missiles and other heavy weapons. it placed. we are standing firm in this area despite the attacks of the zionists. hizbullah's operations make us proud and our faith in god and the strength of resistance of our protector and lebanon.
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fighters, drones and artillery of the zionist regime also attacked 16 residential and non-residential areas in southern lebanon, including reyhan. the zionist army has also announced more troops to fight with. hezbollah will deploy on the border lines. the zionistari newspaper announced that hezbollah, with its few forces and facilities , engaged a force equivalent to three divisions of the zionist regime's army in the north of the occupied territories. hasan azimzadeh of sed and sima news agency in front of roysat alam zionist military base, the border between lebanon and occupied palestine.
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just 4 days after the resolution of the deputy health minister of the united states, the control of blood pressure and diabetes is the most important way to prevent stroke. dr. farshidi, referring to the continuation of blood pressure and blood sugar screening in the health survey until december 15
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, added that high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack. four times and doubles the risk of stroke. the bus driver had a stroke, it always happens this fast, he fell down the sofa, he can't move anymore, the vein in my back was hurting , i didn't understand what happened. if there is a problem with the main arteries that enter the brain, the blood supply to the brain cells is lost, oxygen and nutrients do not reach the cells, and in fact those cells die, this condition is called a stroke. we call blood pressure a disease he has a stroke at a young age, but the symptoms of a stroke are speech disorders, movement disorders, which are usually unilateral, sensory disorders, double vision , vision disorders, imbalance, the role of time in treating
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a stroke, our golden time will be between 3 and a maximum of four and a half hours. you can't stabilize the symptoms of stroke in the organs, if this patient had come at the right time , we probably wouldn't have this severity of symptoms now. the main factor that causes a stroke is high blood pressure . my blood pressure was high. the pump stopped working . your blood pressure is high. when we all go to levon kej, i went with having a healthy lifestyle, constant control of blood pressure and daily walking can prevent stroke . the deaths we have in our country are at the age of 45, 50, 50.
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now, the national campaign to control blood pressure is an important step to reduce the heavy costs caused by stroke , one hundred and sixty thousand patients who have high blood pressure at home. one dollar is actually spent. in these campaigns , we have at least 17 dollars return on investment . the national diabetes and blood pressure test started on november 20th and continues until december 15th. fatemeh faramarezi of sed and sima news agency, be healthy and stable
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. goodbye. allah is great, i am the witness, there is no god, there is no god, i am the witness there is no god but allah. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad
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is the messenger of god. god bless god, god is great, there is no god but god
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, there is no god but god. in the name of god , i am at your service with the weather report of the country. in the last 24 hours, the coldest place in our country is dasht nandan in the province. it was the most reported provincial center. we expect to witness the activity of the precipitation system in the coming hours it entered the country from the western and northwestern parts. we expect to see rain tonight in the west, north-west and western coasts of the caspian sea. but the main activity of this system will be barista for tomorrow. as you can see, in the entire
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western half of the country, the northwestern parts of the southwestern part of the country, areas from the south of the center of the dry caspian coast, the southern slopes of albut , we will witness rainfall in some areas along with the rains. and we will have snowfall in high altitudes and lowland areas. a warning has also been issued we have the orange level tomorrow for some provinces , including the zagros border provinces, areas of chaharmahal provinces and... the south of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, and ardabil provinces . due to the intensity of the rains , there is a possibility of flooding of public roads, flooding of rivers and flooding of seasonal rivers. also, due to the snowfall that we have in the heights and flood-prone areas , we have disruptions in road traffic. we recommend that dear people avoid traveling do not leave unnecessary things in the coming days. if there is a need
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, be sure to bring heating devices and enough fuel have this system still active for thursday. we will have rain with more expansion, as you can see , it will rain in the whole country from north to south and west to east, although the intensity is a little less than on wednesday , we will still have intermittent showers and occasional strong winds. we are predicting snow in the heights and areas of sarsi, even in parts of the east and northeast of the country, we will have rain . the eastern part of the country is gradually leaving the eastern borders of our country. along with the activity of this system of rains , we will have a noticeable decrease in temperature, especially on thursday and friday, the caspian sea in the next 3 days, and the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz, and the sea of ​​oman will have waves for the last days of the week. thank you and
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god bless you. the construction of this house is in the hands of a woman who is a stranger , for article 1, a grocery license is wanted to be issued, to create competition and to remove the golden signature in support of
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women, and this was an eid night, because the farmers who did not get a guarantee from the lack of full implementation of the purchase law their voice reached here in baharestan regarding the announcement of the guaranteed price of grain by the ministry of jihad and agriculture it has been incompetent for one to several weeks, but the violation of the economic council, especially the head of the planning and budget organization as the secretary of the economic council, was announced and it happened that the parliament, using its supervisory role
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, sent the economic council's negligence to the judiciary, but the concerns of the farmers it was still standing . we have a law called law. guaranteed purchase of basic products in 1368 notes 1 and 2 determine there that the ministry of agriculture gives the government the recommended price for the purchase of guaranteed wheat, so the government also goes to the economic council and the price is determined. determining the guaranteed price of wheat. we had a problem , that is, the price set by the government is different from what our farmer produces wheat on the ground. the result of these protests led to a draft plan to amend the law. until now, the guaranteed price is set. it is not
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zainaf himself. one and two and reaching the wheat farmers and farmers of many provinces who plant, harvest and sell wheat, today we want to determine the price to buy a guarantee from them? its time has passed. 4500 tomans, the full price of wheat with arafaqeh for the poor farmer who spends the night he sews his days together to produce in this country. for the self-sufficiency of this country, to get rid of the need for imports in... mr. gandam, it is interesting for this country to buy 320 toms from him . now 3 years have passed since the implementation of the new law on the guaranteed purchase of agricultural products. a law that, in addition to
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focusing on the ministry of jihad instead of the ministry of economy, also added representatives of private sector farmers to the composition of the price determination council. agriculture that once could not affect the pricing of its own product now, with the application of this law, he has his own representatives. we were able to buy wheat from four and a half million in 1400 to more than 10,340,000 tons today, which is the guaranteed price of the laws that make the farmers make the right decision and when they find out, and more importantly, if the guaranteed price is right, the farmers are ready. they should spend more on their farms to increase their income. with the approval of the new guaranteed purchase law, the price of wheat
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has become closer to the figure expected by farmers. alhamdulillah, the situation is better. wheat used to be 5 tomans, now it is 15 tomans. thank god this year has been better than every year. god has blessed us. i am happy to help the production of my country. thank god, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah . the war has entered its third month. ambulances are still widespread. they bring the injured to the hospital. the medical staff are tired and the condition of treating the injured is very serious. in
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addition, the world food program of the united nations has warned that the people of gaza are hungry. 9 out of 10 people in gaza cannot eat daily. this situation has caused the spokesperson of unicef such have a comparison. i was there when such famine and hunger forced the people of ukraine to flee. in that time. the world opened its arms to them. now i don't understand why the world has closed its eyes. out of the 2 million and 400 thousand people of gaza, 1 million 900 thousand people are displaced. according to unicef, one million of
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these refugees are children. god is great, god is great , god is great, god
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is great, god is great, god is great, god is great , it is a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can buy credit from you up to 100 million tomans. we have 730 days until my last payment . clean up, always drink with you . if it doesn't get cold, the sound of the refrigerator is on me. this kid says to fight with him, drink . we don't know what happened. mom, the gas flame increased by itself what's the situation, why are your things like this? how many things should we change? the last time we went everywhere together, we shouldn't have gone around so much, that's when the iranian house with a lot of discounts and special conditions is right next door, the biggest iranian house with a lot of interesting events opened in the city of tehran.
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tehran, serah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you, dear countrymen at 17:30 , i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. three new radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer in the 24th exhibition of technology and technology research achievements. these radiopharmaceuticals are used to image cancerous tumors and treat various types of cancer, including prostate and brain tumors. at
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the unveiling ceremony of the new medicine radio, the head of the atomic energy organization said:


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