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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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kabir engine distinction in motion. greetings, we are with you with news from the world. household electric and gas-burning appliances with the top two ratings in the economy and the market announced the approval of the release of energy imports . according to this directive, the import of devices with low energy rating is prevented. the board of ministers , at the meeting on 15 azar, proposed this circular. approved. the spokesperson
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of the government informed about the seven percent growth of the country's economy in the eight months of this year compared to the same period last year he said: the increase in economic relations with neighboring countries has played a significant role in this achievement. compared to the same period of last year , that is, in the first 8 months of the year , the value of our exports reached about 18 billion dollars only to other countries. regarding the recent tea case, the government spokesperson also said that the government acted quickly in introducing this corruption to the food system and the food case. it was formed because
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these currencies are not limited to the import of tea , there are also equipments, production factories, equipments for tea production that can be re-exported later, for example, tea bags, aromatic teas, combined and mixed teas. to produce, about half of these transverse sources are equipment, which by the way, mostly imported, half is related to tea, i remind you of the territorial commitment in the production field. it has a deadline of 18 months, that is, when the party pays the rial at half the rate, it goes to the public treasury of the country , and the equivalent is given to the tea factory at half the rate . it has 18 months to go, for example, the equipment of the raw materials. he should import the tea and come and declare it at the customs office so that the obligation can be resolved, which means that the violation will not have passed until this deadline of 18 months. resolving the transversal obligation is possible
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it is not possible to appoint, it is not possible to identify and discover. the head of the trade development organization announced the presence of more than 2,500 businessmen and economic activists from 119 countries in the exhibition of iran's export capabilities. this exhibition will be held next year in tehran with the aim of changing the business direction of ardi behesht country. more than 4,000 businessmen are expected in the sixth edition of tawamandi exhibition. iran's exports should be present. the deputy minister of mines and material processing of the ministry of samt announced a 100% increase in receiving government salaries from mines. reza mohtashmipour added that this year too, it is estimated that more than 35 thousand billion tomans will be earned from mines be received government mining rights are taxes or fees that mines pay to the government. from
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approximately 7 thousand billion tomans in 2019 , today we are estimated to be around 40 thousand billion tomans. this jump is mainly due to the first few actions to update the information, sometimes the information is incomplete. or, for example, the price of minerals was calculated unrealistically or in a constant manner for many years, well, this has been updated, the location of those mechanisms has been changed to keep the information up-to-date , on the other hand, the information of the mines itself is sometimes flawed. this has caused us to change we saw that the minister of mining industry and trade
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announced the issuance of 500 million dollars guarantee for the export of technical engineering services. according to mr. aliabadi , the next goal of the ministry is to reach the figure of 2 billion dollars to provide a guarantee for the export of technical engineering services. 23 billion bonds and guarantees for exporters of all kinds of goods with more capital than today. the registered capital of the export guarantee fund has reached 247 million euros . the services that some traders and exporters are satisfied with. as collateral , i use a guarantee letter and some others i have a request to increase the service. i am now exporting to a country that faced a 50% devaluation of its currency. sometimes 20% 50% of this money value of that country and who should guarantee it. the main problem is that we don't have a relationship with some countries to be able to do the guarantee jointly. in that country
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, there are high risks in the global structures , which the ministry, god willing , is trying to change its model and manage this risk, and the officials who seek to increase it. commitments and financial credits are more. in the first step , we should aim for more than 2 billion dollars, but in the future, we should increase this figure for the talent of our country, which is a country of 80 million people with so much engineering capacity. big is not only exclusive and smaller companies can also benefit from these facilities . we provide financing for vehicles and many other things even without collateral, and we provide financing for small and medium enterprises, especially knowledge foundations. seyyed hossein kazemnia of sed and sima news agency, drivers can also issue
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a bill of lading, according to the vice president of the business environment improvement center, the circular related to this approval will be issued in the next two weeks . a driver who owns a vehicle can issue a bill of lading himself. in fact, the freight companies should not wait so long to issue a bill of lading for him, this is his right, and it can be determined with the very good cooperation that the road organization had with us that this decision of the operational board becomes a rule and the notification of its directive has also been promised to us by the road organization. that during the next two weeks to all general departments notify and with this, every driver with a vehicle can issue a bill of lading, and this is a very big event. mr. haji jafari said: every driver
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can issue a bill of lading by registering a company in the company registration office and depositing 5 billion tomans as collateral or presenting his truck as collateral. the managing director of iran's urban regeneration company said: shahrhar metropolis of tehran along with khorasan-razavi, isfahan and khuzestan provinces have the top ranks for issuing renovation permits in dilapidated contexts. mr. ahini said that the municipalities can, according to the law , re-create incentives in the reduction of tolls and building density to reach one hundred percent. despite the growth of issuing permits in the worn-out fabric, neglecting some of the worn-out fabric's incentives has caused the complaints of builders and people. the alleys are narrow and narrow. this alley is so narrow. if god forbid something happens, how can we help you ? they say that if they get support, they will rebuild the house
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. we ask god to give us an education. we don't have the money to fix this. if the government gives me enough incentives, give me a hundred, i use it, its features are currently 2 million and 700 thousand units. there is an unstable situation in the country, which should be 150,000 annually renovate the unit. if the encouragement that we just mentioned is implemented in all cities , it will actually be implemented in 136 cities. we had a good growth in these 136 cities, on average , we grew by 140%. despite the improvement of the conditions , the builders have some demands to speed up the renovation of the worn-out fabric. we have more problems with property. it has put a lot of pressure, for example, every unit that every manufacturer builds takes about 20 million transfers from the manufacturer of the 7th program. in fact , he has some good clauses for you to put there. he says that these areas are
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they are considered underprivileged and less developed areas, which means that investment in these areas is busy with tax exemptions, some of our areas, but we cannot build them, it is not luxurious, it is not what we want. it is necessary to give incentives to an actor based on the problems he is having now. this is our own loan. basically, it is necessary for the price of pavement to be reduced . we have to work on this demand in a way that ignores some of the worn-out pavements from the obstacles of other manufacturers. first of all , tehran municipality gives 1 discount for the above sum, that is. see license fees and discounts for permits. their discount is for the percentage of the year , not giving such a discount to the rest of the construction experts
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in farshude fabric ensures a lower cost to the government and the people due to the existence of infrastructure services . mohammaduri of the sed and broadcasting news agency real estate and sovereignty fund is on the way to the stock market to subscribe investment units of the real estate and sovereignty investment fund in the symbol of amin shahr from dushanbe. it starts on december 27. the available units of this fund are one billion and 690 million units. the minimum number of investment units that can be subscribed is 338 million and the maximum number is 845 million units. the price of each investment unit is 10,000 rials and is fixed price method. the owners of the investment units share in the net assets of the fund to the number of their units. the buying and selling of these units is done over the exchange and the transfer of these units is exempt from tax.
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hormozgan director general of natural resources and watershed management said that with the implementation of a memorandum of understanding called pearls, 1 million saplings will be planted annually in jask with the cooperation of the army navy, local communities and industrial companies. mr. normoosvi added that 650,000 seedlings will be produced and planted in hormozgan by the end of this year. same name pearl scanning for work. nahal was signed on the coast of jask city with the participation of the army navy, hormozgan governorate and the country's natural resources and watershed management organization. in this campaign , one million saplings are supposed to be planted every year in memory of the martyrs of the naval forces in operation pearl. 5,000 saplings were planted by the army navy and local communities in sawel, jask city. god willing, this campaign will continue, amir shahram irani , the commander of the navy, said:
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we are with the people in the implementation of the pearl campaign to preserve natural resources and the environment. there are beaches at our disposal it is located with the bases where we are established , so that area comes to be available in this department, and this area of ​​seedling work actually happens, professor mehdi dosti. dar hormozgan also said: along with sustainable development and sea-based economy , people's participation in preserving the environment and natural resources should be provided. we planted an average of less than 100,000 plants per year, but when people came to the square , it suddenly increased from 100,000 to 20 times. if we wanted to produce on our own, it would have taken us about 4 years and billions of tomans of investment. according to researches. the southern coasts of the country have the capacity to plant 400 million mangrove seedlings. almost 50% of the trees
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that are going to be planted in the hormozgan region and the south of the country can be any way. in fact, the scientific committee can do the best research to choose the right species for the regions, considering that there are different growing regions in the country, as well as the natural resources organization. marwari's survey will be carried out in the implementation of the plan to plant one billion trees in the country for 4 years on the shores of jask city. 600 thousand saplings will be planted in hormozgan province by the end of the year. abed ghasemi, sed and broadcasting news agency, shahristan it's here
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destroying a palestinian 's house in the north of the gaza strip was a gift from the zionist military to his daughter on the occasion of her birthday
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. these days they published naked pictures of palestinians. they say, they stripped the palestinian fighters. the narrative of human rights institutions is different. the occupiers demolished one of the schools in the gaza strip and destroyed their walls. the zionists killed civilians, some of whom were journalists. they were academics and doctors, making me remember the clothes of world war ii and how to treat them . the first thing that came to my mind after seeing these pictures was the detainees and prisoners of war. this behavior is inhumane and constitutes torture. this action
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is also considered a war crime and a crime against humanity. formerly isis. it is taking revenge on the people of gaza in the way of isis. hossein rouhani of sed and sima news agency. 430 years is the total number of years he served before he was released in the war of loyalty to the free people on october 18
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, 2011, israel's liver suffered the greatest military loss in history. the required number is the unit number of illah yahya ibrahim al-sanwar the leader of hamas in the gaza strip, he was born in khani yunus camp, south of the gaza strip, on october 29, 1962. he received a bachelor's degree in arabic language from al jamia al-islamiyya, baghza university. the leader of al-kutlah al-islamiya , the student wing of hamas, was arrested by the israeli army in 1982. he was released for the first time in 1982. after that , he was arrested again in the same year and sentenced to prison in the city of sete ashahr on the charge of participating in anti-
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israeli security activities. after i was released from prison, the foundation of al-majd al-amini law for prosecution the occupation is part of the epic movement since the establishment in 1987 and the plans for the establishment of the agencies al-askari al-dhi, also known as al-mujahidun al-falistiniun. the execution of israel in january 1988. sentenced to life imprisonment four times and thirty years. his love for sheikh ahmed yassin during his imprisonment is one of his closest advisers, and he volunteered to help him manage his daily affairs. al-sinwar spent years in prison before being released
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in 2011 in the 2011 war of loyalty to al- ahrar. in 2017, the phase headed by hamas in the gaza strip was replaced by ismail haniyeh, as the testimonies of lashkhas indicate. arfa al-sunwar is an orderly, ambitious, and sharp-witted man , according to the israeli officer who investigated him in 1989 . the confirmation of the israeli al-tatarir that yahya al-sinwar is fluent in the hebrew language does not allow us to follow and analyze him inside israel, as israel admits
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that he is very popular among palestinians , military officials, and that the wrong estimate of al-sinwar's character was a prelude to israel's deception. the battle of al-aqsa storm, we faked netanyahu to go to adwa al-awwal and put a picture along with the list of assassinations in the headquarters. the israeli ministry of defense knows the habitation of this house.
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it was that the farmers , whose voices reached here, did not get any benefit from the non-implementation of the guaranteed purchase law. the farmers of baharestan dekhtuz were one to several weeks late at the time of announcing the guaranteed purchase price and the ministry of agricultural jihad, but the violation of the economic council, especially the head of the organization of the program and
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budget, as the secretary of the economic council , is clear in announcing with contempt the price of agricultural products. according to article 234, it should be submitted to the judiciary. dear representatives, let us know your opinion. was approved. and it happened that the parliament using the failure of the economic council in its supervisory role sent it to the judiciary, but the farmers' concern remained. we have a law called the law on guaranteed purchase of essential products dated 1368. notes one and two determine that the ministry of agriculture gives the government the institutional price for the purchase of guaranteed wheat. well, the government also goes to the economic council and determines the price. we always
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in recent years , we had an issue regarding the determination of the guaranteed price of wheat, that is, the price determined by the government is different from what our farmer produces wheat on the ground, the result of these protests. the work is done in a two-urgent plan to amend the law of farmers . until now, the guaranteed price has been set. zainaf himself is not the issue for next year, to amend interpretations one and two and to reach the wheat farmers and farmers of many provinces who plant, harvest and sell wheat . today, we want to determine the price. let's buy a guarantee from them, the time has passed. 1,500 tomans is the full price of wheat with arafaqeh for the poor farmer who works day and night to produce in this country for the self-sufficiency of this country to get rid of the need
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to import wheat to this country. then it would be interesting to buy 320 mezos. this is correct. from dear colleagues, please participate in the voting . it was approved with 207 votes in favor. 3 years have passed since the implementation of the new law on the guaranteed purchase of agricultural products, which, in addition to focusing on the ministry of jihad instead of the ministry of economy , also added private sector farmers' representatives to the composition of the price determination council. agriculture, which once could not have an effect on the pricing of its own product, now by applying this law , its representatives are involved in the pricing and side supports that can be involved. we were able to buy wheat from four and a half million tons in 1400 to more than 10
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million 340 thousand tomans in this guaranteed price is the law that makes farmers make the right decision and find out in time, and more importantly , if the guaranteed price is right, farmers are willing to spend more on their farms to increase income . the figure expected by the farmers has become closer and the situation has improved. from us, the farmers, we offer the hand of wheat flowers to the noble nation of iran. there is no chance to fly, no matter what you do, there is no chance to fly.
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there are so many good plans. excuse me , what are your payment terms? you buy now for 140 dnd and five payments do it for 140d and how much 1405 for him until i reach the age of 30, when i go to the third grade, how many times will my salary be by then? well, this way, we also have an easier shopping experience. buy now from beheshti farsh. 1405.
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arrange for beheshti farsh. strong types and. industrial profile in the dimensions of 20 x 10 to 20 x 20, water and gas pipes from 1/2 inch to 14 inches, construction of all kinds of industrial sheds, design and construction of equipment and machinery required by the industry, certified by iran's national standard and certificate of the quality management system of gestar steel. don't drink any more. listen to the sound of this kid's refrigerator he says fight with him, drink it, we don't know what happened, mom, the gas flame increased by itself, what's the situation, why are your devices like this, how many devices do you have to change , just last time we searched everywhere, we shouldn't have searched so much. when the iranian palace with the whole
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discounts and special conditions, next to this, the largest iranian palace has opened in tehran with an attractive event . tehran, afsarieh palace is very comfortable, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral, no blocking of the guarantor deposit, up to 50 million, no guarantor, no repayment within 5 years, no genuine. i said wait i want to ask about roman law. excuse me, do you have the conditions for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees . have you heard of nikan milli's loan plan of al-hassan, up to 3 billion rials for natural persons and 7 billion five hundred million rials for legal entities ? 5 years of short-term deposit and long-term repayment of the nikan mella plan.
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nations credit institution. we will kill all enemies. we all follow the leadership line. we miss all the leaders. laera, laeran. la la la la lahde, welcome, andna, andna, andna , welcome, nazla, nazna, nathla. on us


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