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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

10:30 pm
no, that's all i want to say. one thing, because mr. doctor said, gentlemen are looking to make it more expensive. i am defending the parliament, and i have the courage to broadcast on the news network, which gave us time to continue the question . look, we are optimistic now, because there is another incident. optimistically, about 400 hamat next year, our budget has a shortfall. if we ask for rials, we feel that we have not defined the costs. you are coming now. we have defined the costs in line with the income, and definitely, because today the honorable speaker of the parliament also said that there is an energy imbalance. now is your interpretation of the energy imbalance. it means making it more expensive. we are in favor of the people, we want it what do you want to be cheap, mr. doctor ? my question is this. my question is that we have 400 too many . this is actually your claim, not my claim . i am saying that we have given you the income , and the expenses are in line with the income.
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let me ask you to pay close attention. yes , there is a deficit of 125. our forecast is that there is a deficit of about 200. now why, mr. doctor, if it is true that we should not have implemented it now, do you want to tell me a sample , where did you get the money for 160 hemats of wheat? tell me, we predicted in 52, you were not more than me. this is what i want to say. you did not see the sources of expenses correctly, you caught us. we did not see how much did you see in your budget
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? you saw a total of 58 for wheat in your budget . you saw it yourself, mr. doctor. in the end, what you gave us was this . believe me, if we have one rial of wheat, both the government and the parliament will look at it. there is support from the people, they are sure , look at the parliament, i have nothing to say. see, this is what i am saying.
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now, with this process , with this process, what is our plan for next year , to create a transformation in the resources? what is the price increase? we should increase the resources, or you, not you. we in our parliament should increase the price. i want to do it, doctor, i want to say that this budget is 2460 for you, right?
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my friend, our goal is to help the government . thank you very much. please give me one last minute. i am really a servant of the people. i definitely think like this. our other friends are the same . we will do everything we can so that the government can succeed . they know that i am in the parliament. all my strength has really been used. we have no hesitation in hosseinit, mr. doctor. yes, please, but my heart really hurts, which means i can't bear it , they might say. i said all this in the parliament do you know if one day in order to preserve the system and livelihood of the people , it is necessary to sell the building of the islamic council, to take your property, to sit in the dirt, this is worth it for us who can't compliment the people
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, sir, you can't buy bread in the morning with 10 million 9 million, even this education. let's do it. you are the most compassionate of me . he is really the most compassionate of me. i want him. god forbid. we are one in the government of the parliament . we agreed on the matter. now that we have agreed, i am saying that he really came to the square and helped us. we all have to satisfy the people and find a way. we don't have details, our resources are limited we have to come up with a new plan in relation to the sources . no one doubts this new plan . the parliament will definitely support the government , it is its duty to support it, mr. doctor . if the honorable parliament proposes any other source that we can realize, we will kiss the hands of all the dear ones, that is, if we can create a source, we can definitely increase our expenses in proportion to it, but we cannot define expenses that will definitely be realized.
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he won't find it and we will have to use inflationary methods to find it let's make it so that someone who gets a salary of 10 million tomans says that i can no longer live with this 10 million tomans. let me tell you that 2 years ago people had a good life with 10 million tomans, now because of the inflation that has been created in the society , which is mainly due to the imbalance and especially the budgetary imbalance, people are in distress, in their distress , we want this experience not to be repeated in 143, god willing. we want to send a message to the people, god willing , a stable market with low inflation and a decent livelihood, the government will use all its support policies for low incomes. we with the goods by paying subsidies with tax exemptions , we will definitely support the weaker sections of the society . it is our duty to support them. mr. doctor , you are speaking.
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you should bring the resources for your work, mr. doctor. if we bring resources, if we say resources , you will say, we say resources , they say that we should say resources, they say, sir, maybe you want to create an expensive one, or god forbid. responsive budget in the future, you suggested about this new plan , mr. doctor. anyway, the hamyar commission of the 7th plan is fighting for the same thing in the 7th plan. in the plan, no income order has been approved for us, only the cost has been approved.
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it really happened that i am a member of the parliament here, now that the whole parliament is here, maybe i am, yes, you are also the representative of their government , which means that there is really a debate. i have to appreciate them, this and its outcome is also the point that dr. qalib is on stage today the parliament refers to the interaction of the government and the parliament to the type of people. thank you very much, mr. dr. revolutionary majlis , the revolutionary government, god willing, all of us are servants of the dear people. god willing, thank you, mr. dr. haji babaei, to both of you for your presence in the special news interview studio. thank you for broadcasting on khabar network. he gave us more time today, and as always , thank you for your good company. good night and god bless you.
10:40 pm
in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in tonight's program, in the first case , we will analyze the plan of the current military goals of the zionist regime towards gaza, and in the second case, the dimensions we will examine the pressure against the supporters of palestine in america, but first let's see pictures of what happened in palestine in the last 24 hours . stay with us.
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he is unemployed for your benefit. shater shater, god willing, you, god willing, you moved your leg, did you move, no need, morning, where were you, my mother, where were you, by my side, by god
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, the house in which you were lost, mothers , fathers, eunuchs, brothers, eunuchs , eunuchs. i mean, the destruction of al-dar, and she is not knowledgeable , who is missing the family, we, the daughter, is not fahme
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, she is missing the family , and who will go out? khumsa allah akbar
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, alhamdulillah, in the name of allah, now, as i said at the beginning of your program, we want to review the latest situation of the war, and in this regard , we are hosting mr. ali abdi, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime
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. at your service and all the dear ones who watch the program, greetings and politeness, mr. abdi , the war went on for a long time, and in a way, the zionist regime declared the goal of the war to be the destruction of hamas and the release of its captives. but the discussion of destruction hamas continues. for the far-reaching regime as we saw last week, even european officials such as joseph brill or french president emmanuel macron said that such a goal is not very realistic. but the bombing continues in gaza and the south, this time the war has taken more casualties than the palestinians and ordinary people are not killed. now , what are the authorities of the zionist regime looking for in such a situation ? the fact of the matter is
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that the zionists are more than followers. implementing a specific strategy or a specific goal is more sought after they are saving themselves from the gaza swamp, because after 66 days since the start of the al-aqsa storm, israel has had absolutely no achievements in the field. this absolute that i am presenting to you is not an exaggeration. it really has had absolutely no achievements. the military achievement means that the goal was declared to occupy gaza, to destroy it. hamas, the release of prisoners. well, none of these have been realized so far. israel can say at a time that i succeeded in terms of a military that can do at least three things in the field. first, the physical removal of epic commanders and leaders, that is,
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political leaders and military commanders. ok. so far approx we did not witness this incident in this field, except for a few middle commanders, which is normal in the field of the battlefield, with this size and scope in a very limited area , it is completely natural. the arena is actually fighting. the first area is defeating the israeli infantry and armored units that entered gaza, which are suffering heavy casualties daily, and the second is the continued firing of rockets and rockets from gaza, despite the fact that the israelis claim to capture or harvest parts of it. day of resistance
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rockets are still being fired inside gaza. the israeli media said that you said that you captured the north. but it is launching rockets towards tel aviv from the north, and the third issue is that the resistance structure must be seriously damaged. well, of course, the combat power is established and the commanders are still there, so the structure is still in place, so israel would not have achieved anything if it had achieved something, for example. strip parts of the citizens of northern gaza, bind their hands and feet, and close their eyes , and tell them that these forces are acting against israel and public opinion in the world completely in terms of the media.
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he has completely incited the public opinion of the world against israel. recently, some zionist officials and even the media inside the occupied territories are pointing the arrow at netanyahu and saying that the reason why we could not be successful is netanyahu and there must be a change, it can be said that political change within the regime has been keyed. it is great that he wants a great sacrifice, which means that israel needs a sacrifice. give him a raise so that this pressure can be relieved to some extent, and there is no better victim than netanyahu, the victim who was appointed on the 15th of mehr. it was the 40th week of protests , israel had been plunged into the biggest political crisis in its history, it had lost its legitimacy to a large extent, the public opinion of israel
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was generally incited against it, and now it is the best victim. biden's government did not want him from the beginning . today, he has to take the positions he has taken. in my opinion , he has officially started netanyahu's downfall. he said that netanyahu is my friend , but he must change because he has an extreme cabinet . they do not believe in a government . and foreign policy or actually defense and politics the foreigner told the police that bengurian was a great leader but he gave in to american pressure, but i will not give in to american pressure and anyone who wants to be the prime minister in israel must have the power of resistance. this shows a very serious challenge at the highest political level between the end of this war and it has reached a point where
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america wants to get rid of its expenses. yes, and netanyahu's downfall was actually started with the speech that biden made today . netanyahu must be gone, my government is gone. storm. al-aqsa will release or not? to i think not. the consequences of the al-aqsa storm are so serious and deep that it will not leave israel. and i have said this many times , i will announce it here again. we will witness another storm inside israel after the end of the war and the ceasefire. i think that even the dimensions of this storm are not clear to the captives themselves. no matter, the story is completely related to the political crisis after the 1973 yamkipur war or even the 33-day war, that is, two investigative commissions
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of the truth-seeking committee were launched. in 1973, vinograd , in 2006, the story was drastically different from that time. well, at that time, we had the resignation of goldmaye. after that. the 33-day war was followed by the fall of the al-murt state three years later, but here the issue cannot be resolved by the withdrawal of a government, the pillars of israel have been shaken, and this shaking of the pillars of israel does not stop with the fall of the government, it will cover the entire fabric of israel. the question that arises is that zionism was dealt a blow on october 7, 15 mehr, which has never been done in its history. from the establishment until that time, they had not received such a blow that a limited and besieged group , which has been under embargo and siege for 16-17 years
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, could enter the occupied territories. the military should take them captive and take them and now they want to make them do their duty and impose their conditions. if you want this work to be released, you must now accept what we are saying. well, this has ended up being very expensive for the zionists . in the same way as it was said , the time with these bombers was irreparable from the beginning, but trying to say that we will enter from the north, then saying, well, now we will enter from the south, they can change the position of the winner and the loser. maybe it was thought that until this position is changed and the zionists can't find a permanent victory in this war. don't end my support for america with these words of support. the image of israel is a losing image, you are right, but the problem is that if the situation wants
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to continue like this, how long should they continue this is important, i mean that if israel is not supposed to achieve something, they cannot continue until a if they can't go next year, they won't be able to for the next 6 months either. they should stop it much less than this , i think it was a couple of hours ago, john kirby used an expression from jed sullivan. we want to give it to the zionists. yes , you see, the problem is that the world is collapsing. i have public opinion. they say that what biden said today was that netanyahu's government has endangered the security of judea. look at the picture we have of poland today. we had the days of hanukkast , hanukkast. a polish citizen cut the fire extinguisher and extinguished the big candle of hanukar in front of the cameras
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. we don't say jews, we say this zionism is a conflict related to there is no anti-semitism. first of all, anti-zionism has given it a legitimacy. the world has accepted this. see , the world is asking itself this question today, when israelis in the 21st century, in front of so many cameras , commit crimes so easily and kill women and children so easily. they draw blood and lie in front of the cameras with all dignity , get your healing from the hospital, they are all lying from the al-muhamadani hospital , then the world will ask itself this question , when in the broad daylight of the 21st century, in front of all these cameras , they lie so easily, how do you know that tell the truth about the holocaust, maybe the holocaust is a lie sir, i am not saying that the holocaust is true
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or false. but i want to say that what they are doing is actually destroying the web of legitimacy that the west has built for israel . i think the function of the beginning of the war was the same even for the palestinians, that is, it was shown to the world that an issue there is the title of palestine, a people who were forgotten under 75 issues , bring them back to the top of the world's issues and news. even one more interesting case can be mentioned, the israeli atom bomb, which they hid for years. the nuclear threat is actually with nuclear weapons he threatened that after saying lapieh's mistake , this was the second one.
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the idea of ​​israel has been based on two pillars until now. the first pillar that made israel solid was the holocaust. the second column was the continuation of israel. this stereotype of israel is the only democracy in the middle east. in fact, israel has always been sold to europeans and americans as a part of western civilization. now the evangelists have nothing to do with theological discussions. now these two pillars are collapsing.
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that is, the customer had the war of 73 and the war of 67 nasser's famous saying that he said , "we will throw judea into the sea", which hazrat agha also pointed out , "we don't believe in this at all. well, this has brought a lot to israel. the al-aqsa storm for the first time pulled the israelis out of the defense of the oppressor." naked in front of the camera and... in recent years, we have been told about the dreyfus story that zionism will be started with us until it comes to the holocaust, and after that,
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not even the arab-israeli wars. but all these are lies and in fact they are manipulations in public opinion, which of course is the main part of it and this is for israel is much more dangerous than, in my opinion, the fall of netanyahu's government or, for example, consequences of this category , so as a final point, do you think that when this war ends, the bloodshed will increase and it will affect the regime in the future. . aksha has planted holes inside and in the center of israel, and only after the ceasefire and the dust of this war settles , those holes will be activated and can gradually swallow the existence of israel. i thank mr. abdi for you appeared on khabar network and jahan program today , the attention of the viewers is on the second category
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we draw our image. al-abd khalik khalike.


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