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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 12:30am-1:01am IRST

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after 9 years of waiting, the first umrah pilgrims will leave for the house of god from imam airport in a week, on december 28. according to the head of the hajj organization , about 70,000 pilgrims will go to saudi arabia in the form of 550 caravans until march 10, where they will stay in mecca for 5 days. mukarmah and 5 days will be in madinah. the priority of registration for the holders of registration cards is 1 to 150. tomorrow at 11:00 a.m., applicants who made a deposit at bank mellat and melli branches in 2017, and their priorities are from 1 to 150, will be registered for umrah system with
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address. refer to and preliminary registration they are doing themselves, which includes grouping , in such a way that family and friends who want to be together will do their own grouping at this stage, which will start from 11 am tomorrow. after this stage on thursday at 9 o'clock. in the morning of this initial action , they go to their group and make their final registration , they choose the price group they want and the date of their departure. mr. hosseini also said that we will not have new registrations until about 6 million pilgrims are sent in the turn of omar. hajj organization of the ministry has the ability
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to reach 800 to 1 million people annually. to send the organization, but it is necessary that other organizations, which are more than 17 organizations that serve alongside the hajja ziarat organization , can provide services such as providing foreign currency or the airline fleet. if these resources are provided and the airlines can provide the flights , then the capacity can be increased within 5 to 6 years. the beginning of the exercise of the traffic plan of the winter of 1402 in 28 barfgir provinces of the country, the head of the traffic police said that in this plan, which will last until march 20, 81 thousand officers from 8
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aid and service organizations are present. the beginning of the winter traffic plan on the country's roads. as of today, the police, red crescent, emergency, highway and other emergency services are on standby to provide relief in jeddah. in 338 cities of the country, this plan is implemented in 28 provinces and actually in 120 snow-making passes . in our country, we are facilitating safe traffic in trips, preventing and reducing the number of deaths from accidents, one of the main goals of implementing our winter plan. we are supporting each other in the places where there is a gap, we or the emergency department is covering it . the operational capacity of the country's emergency department has also increased by 10% this year to around 3,020.
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there is a base of about 26,000 personnel, with more than 5,000 ambulances, 12,000 road workers , who will provide services in 105 road bases of the road administration organization, more than 600,000 tons of sand and salt are stored in these bases, and about 960 machines for light, semi-heavy, and heavy machines are also ready in about 120 snow removal areas. the minister of interior is also on the sidelines of this exercise of efforts to resolve the points accidents on the country's roads were reported. of course, a lot of good work has been done to fix the accident-prone areas , for example, it was about 5,000, this has been reduced to, for example, 30,300 , it is also about 700,800 . it is serious. this is on the commission's agenda. the complexity and difficulties of that point itself. after all, our roads
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are an infrastructure problem that our ministry of roads and highways takes seriously. relief and services will be deployed and provide services on the country's roads from today until the 20th of march. nafisa sohrabian sada varsim news agency. the unveiling of three new radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer in the 24th edition of the technology research and fan market exhibition. these radiopharmaceuticals
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are used to image cancerous tumors and treat various types of cancer, including prostate and brain tumors. the success of nuclear industry specialists in generating generation. the new generation of lutisham radiopharmaceuticals is used to destroy cancerous tumors without damaging healthy tissues. the radio drug is mounted on a peptide, molecule or protein that can be used by cancer cells. attraction it is, and obviously by doing this they send the radio medicine to the place where the cancer cell is, which means that the quality of the treatment is much higher, the speed is the same and it causes less damage to the healthy tissues of the body. this is the most important part of the new radio medicine therapy to
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complete the treatment process. 20 types of cancer are used, lutetsium 177 radiopharmaceutical, the continuation of our research is on the accuracy that can reflect the damage very well , so that the doctor can diagnose very well early, so that we can focus on the effectiveness of drugs in the treatment sector. along with the introduction of this new product , two other diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals were also unveiled. there are radio drugs that are used to detect cancer by using pet imaging . radio has copper 64 and copper 64 double, which each of these works. cancer tumors are used. mehbouba delangiz of sed and
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sima news agency. 28 public hospitals and 110 private hospitals do not have contracts with basic insurances. the deputy director of the ministry of health had announced earlier. all government hospitals have signed contracts with basic insurances. this is free . now the money is 40 million. so far, it says that i don't have a blood transfusion. i stopped here, which hospital is madras, this is part of the flock of patients is from a government hospital that does not have a contract with basic insurances. for example , we went to the government department to pay for the blood test. we went to the government department. you are not, and of course private centers are not happy with basic insurances. is your basic health insurance accepted here ? no
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, it is free now. public and private centers should have contracts with basic insurances from the beginning , which at that time the officials of the ministry of health of this law declaring it useful is a very good law because when people get insurance, they can use their insurance when they go to private centers , so they should be able to use this basic insurance , but contrary to the promises of these officials, we don't have any government hospital that contracts. however , in practice, it has been determined that even the government hospitals under the ministry of home affairs are not paying attention to this law, of course, all the academic government hospitals do not have a contract at the moment, there are various reasons. i said that i think there are 20 hospitals in the country that are government universities that we have contracted no some private hospitals are also complaining about insurance debt, which the insurance officials deny. we
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have loved ones at the back of our contract line as long as you want. wherever the liquidity of the organization allows, the demands of the organization have been paid on time. we have more than 53,000 contracting parties. that these institutions actually acknowledge the fact that the health insurance organization has been making payments on time for 2 whole years in the last follow-up. the vice president of the ministry of health has stated that this law has nothing to do with the current conditions of medical centers. of course, there is something in the law it was a mistake. i think that canceling the contract or revoking the license is not included. when renewing or issuing a license , they should have a contract with the patient. now, the ministry of health will determine what will happen to the patients who, after 9 months of the requirement of the law, still have not tasted the implementation of it. tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency.
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ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you , welcome to sports news. alipour won the gold medal in asian cup rock climbing in the asia cup rock climbing competition hosted by riyadh, saudi arabia. reza alipour from iran reached the final with a victory and a competitor from hong kong in the speed event. alipur in this stage won the gold medal of the tournament with the superiority of seng noord kazakani. the iranian team is participating in this competition with 9 stone-rollers. a report of our country's labor sports caravan after winning colorful medals in the world competition in mexico.
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very satisfied with indoor volleyball and 7-a-side football , winning gold in karvan team competitions and good quality level. it was good, but it was held very intensively, the children were really under pressure , and thank god the result we wanted was achieved . i would like to congratulate the pure souls of all the martyrs who defended the shrine, especially the martyrs of gaza, who won 12 golds, 10 silvers and 8 bronzes in the field
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of athletics. the world workers' championship next year will be hosted by athens, greece . seyyed mehdi pourhini , imam khomeini international airport . today is wednesday 22 azar, 29 jumadi al-awwal and 13 december. from that morning in tehran at 5.35 minutes, sunrise sunshine is at 7.5 minutes.
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stay with us.
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the construction of this house is by my own hands, which you saw is strange and useless. insure the construction worker, those families who have 3
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children and above will get a car without lottery. i will face a mafia in a certain hall. this is said by the representative of the judiciary in the property organization. this mafia does not allow me to buy. or i will harm me in the way they plan i will not be able to participate next time. this lawyer also refers to the problems of judicial auctions and the sale of confiscated property of convicts. the first problem was that this disadvantage was renewed and the buyer did not come and time passed. the second problem in another case was that the auction was held, but not everyone was informed, the brokers came, for example , a certain person came to the expert price of the property and bought it. and here , the benefit of the convicted person would be better guaranteed, and the benefit of god's convict would be better ensured by the sale of property
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convicts who can use these auctions to get rid of their property and pay their debts. an example of this is the buyer who bought a property in a food auction many years ago . we participated in the auction and won the execution auction. the way in which the possibility of violation and selling the property of the convicts at a price lower than the real value was not out of mind. in the year 1400, after examining the budget bill of 1401, the parliament of the whole country approved
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judicial auctions in the context of the headquarters system or teda system. electronic government should be done. if this happens , then the entry of cases to the judicial system will be reduced and also, if the cases are reduced , the issue of delaying the proceedings will be resolved. the judicial branch is obliged to hold the auctions of the executive branches of the rulings of the executive branches for registration and liquidation of bankruptcy matters through the electronic procurement system of the headquarters government, since the holding of the opposition. judicial electronic systems were more or less implemented since the second half of 1401. in the budget of 1402, the representatives emphasized the implementation of auctions within the framework of the headquarters system
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. the possibility of establishing the aforementioned tenders in this system should be provided and the sale should be done in absentia, and finally, with the cooperation of the judiciary and the follow-ups of the parliament , it became part of the electronic judicial auctions to put an end to the corruption and violations in the context of the sale of confiscated property of the convicts of article 90. we had complaints. in which the complaint of some people whose properties were auctioned through the judiciary, unfortunately either they did not have customers or they did have customers at a price. he bought it, they complained, we checked and they are right. since the beginning of this year, all electronic judicial auctions have been held and some provinces are at the forefront of implementing this law. since we started this topic , thank god, 26 people from the whole country participated in the first auction.
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alhamdulillah, this work was implemented in south khorasan, the number of people in the company. increased in the auction, and the result was that, finally, these auctions were sold at a higher price. the law, which, along with fair access to the auctioned property, increased the speed of sales and provided the possibility of online presence of applicants. they are only held in person. recently, it has been a while since it will be held online and in iran's sadad system. those who participate in the auction are much better, the speed is very good , their deposits are made very quickly, the development of transparency , the reduction of joints. administration and increasing people's participation in the purchase of property is one of the most important aspects of this law, which the parliament
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played an effective role in bringing it to fruition . 430 years is the total number of years he served before he was released in the war of loyalty to freedom october 18 , 2011 israel's liver is the biggest military loss in history and the required number is single. yahya ibrahim al-sinwar, the leader of hamas in the gaza strip, was born in
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the khan yunis camp, south of the gaza strip, on october 29, 1962. he received a bachelor's degree in arabic from al-jama'e al-islamiya , gaza terrace. arrested in the same year and sentenced to prison in lamdeh sete ashhar on the charge of participating in security activities against israel. after i was released from prison, the base of al-majd al-aminy jahzat for the prosecution of the collaborators with the occupation. in addition to the epic movement since the establishment in 1987 and plans for the establishment of military forces
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al-awwal al-dhi, known as al-mujahidun al -falistiniun, was arrested by israel in january 1988 and sentenced to prison. badi four times and thirty years of his love with sheikh ahmed yassin during his imprisonment, he was one of the closest advisors to him, and volunteered to help him manage his daily affairs . the al-hamas al-saqqah is responsible for the leadership of the military factions, kataib al-qassam. in 2017,
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the phase at the head of hamas in the gaza strip, caliph lasmail haniyeh, as indicated by the testimony of arfa al-sanwar he is an orderly, ambitious and sharp-witted man, in the description of the israeli officer who was in charge of the investigation with him in 2000. 989 he is a man with a commanding presence and charisma of few words, but he is also quick to anger , the israeli authorities confirm that yahya al-sinwar is fluent in the hebrew language. as israel admits, it enjoys great popularity among the palestinians. the military officials confirmed that the wrong assessment of al-sanwar's personality was a prelude to israel's deception during the battle of al-aqsa
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, making netanyahu go to the enemy and put a list of assassinations in the headquarters of the ministry of defense. israel people from many countries of the world continue to come to the streets and support palestine. for example , in west chicago, supporters of greater palestine block the road and demand an end to the genocide in gaza . or in front of the british parliament in australia and new zealand hold unprecedented demonstrations.
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or even this anti-zionist demonstration in the form of a different image that was held in paris. cyprus, south africa, georgia, spain and many countries, even those that show less reaction in global developments , have become the scene of anger and hatred against the zionists and their crimes these days. users virtual space from all over the world. they shared these pictures and said in every language of religion and nationality that they stand against the crimes of the zionist occupation and their supporters, even if their representative in the security council prevents the approval of the ceasefire resolution , this is a hand stained with blood, a murderous veto when the feet of blood innocent is mentioned and veto is always ready. the widespread wave of reactions to palestinian events continues in the cyber space
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, call zest 29/15. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, peace be upon the pure bodies 280 the unknown martyr of the era of holy defense, 26 azar, simultaneously. on the anniversary of the martyrdom of hazrat fatima zahra, peace be upon her , in tehran, legislation is enacted throughout the country. the commander of the great tehran corps said: this ceremony will begin in tehran at 8:00 am on sunday, december 26, in front of the main door of tehran university, during which 110 martyrs will be honored towards the ascension of the martyrs. 170 martyrs will be buried in 30 other provinces. sardar


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