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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] let's check more with ms. azadeh taheri, an expert and reporter of the international news agency , ms. taheri. we have seen your report . the beginning of the story was the hearing of the congress. the american congress had a meeting to examine the issue of anti-semitism in american universities, where the presidents of three prominent universities namely harvard pennsylvania and mit attended that meeting and answered the questions of the delegates. however, a part of this question and answer session is now in this report we saw that it became very controversial. the republican representative is very pressured by the presidents of these three universities to condemn the request for the genocide of the jews. however, now i have to explain this about the genocide of the jews, which is said to
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be the same slogan. the freedom of palestine is from the sea to the river, and in some of these gatherings of supporters of palestine , students and supporters of palestine have been given, that is, those members of congress believe that the slogan of the liberation of palestine from the sea to the river means the genocide of the jews , a request for the genocide of the jews. i mean, he grew up just a while ago talib, the only representative of palestinian descent in the congress , had included this part of this slogan in a post he had on his twitter page, and it reached the point where the congress drew a resolution condemning him and had many widespread criticisms, only after this meeting now, you mentioned that the latest news is that the board of trustees of harvard university had a meeting and in that meeting they decided that the president of harvard should continue his work. i think
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it is important to note that american academics. being very against these political pressures to remove university presidents and many letters it was written both in support of the president of pennsylvania university and in support of the president of harvard university and their concern had two important axes. one of their concerns was that this chapter would be used to question the independence of universities against political pressures coming from outside the universities, and their second most important concern was the weakening of the issue of freedom of speech in american universities. just as you said, the issue of anti-semitism in america, why is it highlighted so much by these authorities? in order to give a clear answer to your question, i must point out two points. let's say that the issue of anti-semitism in the enlightened and political environment of america is an issue that has always
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been sensitive, now this is a historical background. now, the reason is that we have nothing to do here, but anyway, it has always been a sensitive issue, but the issue is that american politicians have always abused this sensitivity to eliminate their opponents on the pretext of anti-semitism, and we now see many examples, one of the most recent and perhaps the most prominent of them was the recent resolution of the american congress, which considered anti-zionism as an example of anti-semitism. check with mr. abdi after the holocaust, we used to show the story that the jews were oppressed in a way, and then they were able to establish the zionist regime under the same justification, then in order to prevent them from being oppressed, they said that anti-semitism is a crime and must be dealt with. ok, in many european countries, this has become the norm , it's a new thing, so they are saying that criticizing
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omar had a place in criticizing the role of the zionist lobby in the american political environment , considering this as an example of anti-semitism , even passing a resolution against it from the foreign affairs committee. the house of representatives too dismissing him because of this comment. yes, i think similar debates have taken place outside the american university since the al-akhsar storm in america . susan sarandon, who is one of the famous actresses and an oscar winner, was left out of the film projects because she was in this gathering
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and the cooperation of the hollywood recruitment agency was cut off. it happened that a series of famous new york times writers signed a petition in support of palestine somehow they left it aside , we have many cases of this issue, and now an interesting point to note is that the tik tok filtering issue has even been raised in america because they claim that tik tok is fueling anti-semitism in america . thank you, ms. taheri. we are in contact with ms. semane ekwan, an expert on american issues , and i want to continue the conversation with her . hello, mrs. ekwan. hello , i am at your service . thank you, mrs. ekwan. the past week has seen an increase in pressure. to presidents of american universities obviously, both harvard university and mit , they refer to a label called anti-semitism , which equates anti-zionism with the same anti-semitism
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. how is it that in the american space , genocide is taking place in gaza at the exact same moment, and a crime against the global eye of american officials debate. another thing is that they are bringing up possible anti-semitism and an incident that may happen to jews in the future because of these slogans. yes, you see, i want to look at this story from the historical perspective first. talk or they are members of organizations and organizations supporting a specific group and a specific political thought . and they are fired, and in general, their political life, especially in the academic environment
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, the life of their academic environment ends, their working life ends . probably , the communist party will come and enter america and will actually do more activities in and support that soviet ideology in america at the height of the cold war crisis of mr. mccarthy, who is a member of the house of representatives. the us senate came and actually started a system that later became known as mccarthyism and this was actually the same inquisition that we had during the dark age or the old vesta era and fired people because of the way they thought in that political system. . and about mccarthy's, for example , the americans in general talked a lot about the system we have in the us regarding the university and about supporting gaza
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. some of them are very considerate. they are saying that this system should not be the same system again cartism, this time for palestine and gaza, mrs. mr. biden gave a speech last night, yes , he was in the crowd of jewish officials and zionist lobbies, and he made a very important speech. in general , his entire speech last night was very important because the clear policy of the united states muttahida will show the same talks about gaza from now on and in one place he mentioned that our most important concern is the behavior of teenagers and young people in this regard, because the public opinion has been formed very easily in this regard and well most of it. also because of social networks and especially now it was said about tik tok which is very much it is clearly showing the zionist crimes directly, and it is no longer the case that
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the american media indirectly and indirectly read something to the american people. the american people are seeing all the crimes directly, so what the american government is doing. he wants to do it , especially since he considers himself a zionist. and he announced this many times and last night he emphasized again that we must finally recognize the ideology of zionism in america and not allow this ideology to be questioned at all and now regarding the public opinion as well. we must do our best to prevent this issue from happening so that the people understand what is going on in gaza, and that is why it seems that from last night's speech and now the issue that was raised about sending more weapons to the zionist regime it seems that the united states has really opened its sword to the people of palestine and gaza
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, to the people of the region, and to its own people, who may protest against this war and want to declare their support for gaza, mrs. akwan, so you say that this has reached anti-semitic label thing. it is not new during the cold war with the label of communism in face we experienced the same thing, i think, in the previous two decades , the label of terrorism. it has been that he could silence the opposition. yes, yes, absolutely . why has this happened now, for example, at amity university and university of pennsylvania, because the students have they support palestine
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. the pro-zionist students who are in that university feel threatened and in the classes in fact, if they don't show up now, they are afraid that these universities will lose the financial aid that they get from these zionist packs, or from jewish associations , or from the parents of these jewish students, of course, the universities themselves. they are not so sensitive because they know the atmosphere that has arisen and the sensitivity of public opinion towards the war crimes that israel is committing in palestine is a correct issue, the universities themselves are not so sensitive, but the american government is afraid that once this issue will lead to anti-semitism in america will be formed or there will actually be a threat to the jews, which in my opinion is yet another excuse, the threat will actually occur to the american government itself, because the final year of activity must be prepared for the elections, and just
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like last night the jewish authorities announced that they are actually looking for help from zionist lobbies and zionist groups who are helping a government in america to remain in power or to be able to win the votes of the people. and now biden is suggesting that trump is suggesting that if if it were me, such a war would not have happened at all. no one dared to attack the zionist regime, and for example mrs. nikki haley, who now has a small advantage over the republican candidates and has come to the top of the polls, of course, after trump, she is also saying that if it were me, yes, i would fight to completely destroy hamas. i'm going because they all know how they need zionist financial resources for next year's elections, mrs. ekvan . my final question to you is that you see in american circles and the media that in recent days
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, biden and blinken have been talking without reference. to the killing of civilians by israel , declaring war to end the cannon war on the ground, and hamas must surrender, as well as saying that america's support for the war will continue until the end of the evil of hamas for israel, but we sometimes hear whispers that continuing this war in this way is harmful. the zionist regime itself. now, at the beginning of mr. abdi's program, i think they had a similar analysis. some time ago, i think , last week, the us secretary of war austin implicitly warned israel that this model of fighting against the palestinian cause is exactly in the arms of the epic that he swears by. and this is to the detriment of zionists. austin also said a sentence that with this way israel is killing civilians. it may
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achieve a tactical victory, but it will suffer a bigger defeat at the strategic level. with all these conditions, do you think what the american government in the governmental circles of their think tanks think about the end of this war? the beginning of the war was also brought up and the administration of defense minister biden. and even general james glynn had suggested when he had gone to the occupied territories that this war should happen soon it should be over and the zionist regime should not enter gaza by land because, as one of the officers of the zionist army said today , the hamas group attacked them like in the night, which could not be seen, and from now on
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, the tunnels and the ruins of the buildings. attacked. in telling the number of casualties of his army, he is lying and hiding many of these casualties from the very first days of america . he warned the husseinist regime that you should plan in such a way that your deterrence, which has been lost , is regained, but this means that it is not that you have the opportunity to fight in gaza as long as you want he said this publicly in the first days of the war. some of the think tanks even suggested to netanyahu that later in the war, the number of civilian casualties actually increased. finally, we ask the israeli authorities not to target civilians in their war against hamas , but in the end, it became clear that there is no way for civilians not to be targeted, because
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there is basically no separation between the people and hamas in gaza, and by the way , it showed that the zionist regime wants to regain its lost deterrence by killing civilians. to it was for this reason that the secretary general of the united nations said when he gave a speech, i think it was just a week ago, he gave a speech and said that throughout history , collective punishment and killing of civilians in a retaliatory act and in an act of war has never been done with the victory did not come, that means you israel and the sinist regime can never declare that we killed so many civilians, we killed 20,000 civilians, so we won the war, they must have an achievement, the netanyahu government's mistake was that it achieved its achievement , it announced what it announced that hamas should be completely lost. most american analysts write and warning that hamas is an ideology. you can't destroy ideology by making it rain.
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you cannot destroy ideology even by killing the leaders of a group. even mr. ilamesk , for example, came and said that for every one person you have in gaza, you kill several members of the same family. he becomes a supporter of hamas and the thinking of hamas and the thinking of the resistance, so the goal that the zionists set was a completely wrong goal, now america is trying to come and say that the situation is such that hamas should hand over itself, hand over its members, and surrender so that we don't kill any more civilians. well, this is never acceptable as before it has been said before that every nation will do whatever it takes to liberate its own land. he gives as much as it takes, he actually sacrifices and it's not like they think they can win, by the way, in my opinion, what will happen is that in the future, the american government will have to create a kind of victory for itself in the form of
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hypothesis and try to make the whole world accept that the zionist regime won this war, even if there were no signs of this on the ground. yes, because he wants to think of a dignified way out of this crisis for the zionist regime, therefore, i don't think that any of these talks will ultimately lead to the final result that netanyahu or biden are looking for. this war may last two or three weeks , may continue for a few months, but in the end, never with the victory of the zionist regime will not end. thank you. i will say goodbye to you, ms. ekman, ms. tari. there is something at the end that you want to tell us. i am thinking. it is interesting to point out that at the same time as there are many noises in the american society about anti- semitism, attacks on american muslims are very serious. has increased and these attacks are not comparable at all in terms of intensity and number, however, we
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do not see much trace of these statements of american officials condemning these attacks or wanting to confront them, that is, even when they say these things. anti-semitism is a real attack on muslims. thank you, mrs. taheri, for your report and your presence in the studio of khabar jahan program today. well, we are coming to the end of tonight's program
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. good night, god bless you. its consequences will be devastating for the whole region. as before , we saw conflicts spill over to the west bank, lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen. the secretary general of amnesty international also announced in a statement that the united states brazenly used its veto in the security council as a weapon and in this way reduced the credibility of the security council. the united nations has warned that if the attacks of the zionist regime on southern gaza continue. 600 thousand people will be added to the number of refugees in gaza. meanwhile, no camp or shelter
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has the capacity to accept new displaced persons. ali rajabi , united nations broadcasting agency, new york. demonstrations were held to stop the killings and prosecute the occupiers as war criminals. voice of palestine is long it is important that the voice of the world is loud. because the world community can this savage
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barbarity that is israel. or it is related to demonstrations in support of gaza and conveys the voice of this city to the world. but in a world that is ruled by different standards and global arrogance, the palestinian people should support each other so that maybe the nations that have stood up to support palestine will influence their leaders. this battle is the battle of all the palestinian people. karane bakhtri is the same. gaza has been attacked by aggressors. basically, it was gaza that by seeing the daily crimes of the occupying regime and the violence of the
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settlers came to the aid of the west bank. the west bank is at a stage where the risk is no less than gaza, especially from a strategic point of view. as long as the voice of the palestinian people is loud and as long as important global issues always bring them together . this time, at the suggestion of the uae , they came together to stop the recent war with gaza, which had more than 17 thousand martyrs. when the representative of palestine in the
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un asks for the reality of these days in palestine as it is. as if he is not interested in listening to the palestinian representative. finally, the american ambassador in the organization nations vetoed this resolution, that is, they did not support the ceasefire in gaza. this would mean issuing the american death sentence to thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of other palestinians. england also abstained and the ambassador of the zionist regime
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thanked america for this action. in the virtual space, users all over the world with english words. is. they killed a million iraqis and now they want to destroy 2 million palestinians. both the united states and the united kingdom want more israeli withdrawal from gaza. america chose the wrong side of history again. send the naskash joe home. this means america and england with their vote to stop killing children and innocents refrain. fatemeh
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