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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 3:00am-3:28am IRST

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take off your shoes. of in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, salam. government's support for jat paper production factory in the paper publication working group which was held under the chairmanship of the first vice president , according to the necessity of self-sufficiency of the paper product, it was decided that the semi-finished jat paper production factory of zayatani shakkar will be put into operation in the next two years. the central bank and national and export banks. and the
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sugarcane development company was obliged to support these projects. in this meeting, mr. mokhbar called attention to the sustainability of the budget of the paper sector in the 1403 budget bill as a necessity and asked the officials of zirab to have a serious monitoring of the price of paper in the market. line the production of yasin training combat jet will be unveiled soon. the defense minister visited this training jet with a statement. he said that the pilots who are trained with this plane will be able to fly new generation fighters: this plane will be used to support the ground forces in the battlefields. amirashtian also said that yasin is capable of using all types of weapons with optical and thermal guidance, such as anti-tank missiles and laser bombs. yasin, the first training combat jet built by iranian engineers , performed its first operational flight on the 1st of azar. and all his flight tests
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it has been done and according to the officials of the ministry of defense , the production line will be put into operation soon. poetry evening was held in the name of mother. a literary gathering on the occasion of the fatimid days and cherished the memory of the mothers and children of the martyrs of gaza, which was hosted by the book garden. it is very good that we are on an important issue. how close is the age of poetry named after the fall of lashkar sahyoun. in this literary gathering , resistance poets sang their poems for the people of gaza. we translate into other languages ​​and at our disposal.
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in this original poem, about 15 of the prominent poets of the country recited their poems for fatimieh and also to support the oppressed mothers and children of gaza so that the mother's name lives in the eyes of her lover. to convey the message, the best format should be chosen. that the listener of the message or the recipient of the message accept the best form of this message. the artistic format definitely has a very high impact. these days we are all witnessing very unfortunate events in the land of palestine. many women in this land are suffering a lot of hardships. the events that happen to the children of mothers in gaza these days at the same time fatimid days. it is happening
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, it doubles the smell resistance. today's poetry and literature came and wanted to prove its existence in my opinion , because it says that with the language of poetry, with the tenderness of poetry, with the tremendous impact of poetry, words and words are supposed to express an oppression and at the same time an authority of resistance . poems in support of the people of gaza and the storm. noor hossein from zeinab kobrast iman yadgari of sed and sima news agency, the head of the national weather and climate change center of the environmental protection organization said that electricity generation plants inside the cities are not allowed to consume fuel early in the cold season, mr. golallizadeh added:
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power plants outside the city are only allowed to use this fuel in a limited way if there is a discrepancy in energy consumption and an increase in household gas consumption per capita. the pollution of the big cities in the past days and weeks has led to discussions about fuel burning in power plants as the main culprit of air pollution. you really can't breathe anymore . breathing is difficult. no place to breathe at all. centers that pollute the air should be stopped . matters were actually narrowed in the society regarding the cause of tehran's air pollution and its appointment as a maze and burning in tehran's power plants . we have two power plants in isfahan, one power plant. islam is like the power plant of barashat in the city, which
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has not been consuming for many years, and the shahin power plant in isfahan, which is a very large heating power plant, has been consuming until now. now the question is: if the main culprit of air pollution is not fuel burning in power plants, then what is the cause of air pollution in karanshahrs? according to the black report, from the point of view of the production of polluting gases, about 83 are related to mobile sources of polluting gases such as knox and sax. these can become secondary suspended particles. i will not be able to participate next time. this lawyer also deals with the problems of food auctions and the sale of confiscated property the convicts point out that the first problem was that the dispute was renewed and the buyer did not come, and time passed. the second problem in another case was that the dispute was held, but not everyone
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was informed. if this auction had been held in real form, this price would have been higher, and here the benefit of the convicted person would have been better, and the benefit of the convicted person would have been better secured. sale of the property of convicts who have the possibility to reject their property and pay their debts with these auctions. many times in the auction, the buyers are not informed at all and the auction is renewed. that condemned by allah will also have his rights delayed. problems that of course have involved some participants in the auctions. an example is the buyer who bought a property in food auctions years ago. we participated in the auction and were announced as the winner of the auction. after 3 months, the judge or the court informs us that the auction is invalid. according to the announcement of the judiciary, more than 80,000 auctions for the sale of property of convicts are conducted in the traditional way. the way in which
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the possibility of violation and selling the property of the convicts at a price lower than the real value was not out of mind. year 104. after examining the budget bill 1401 of the whole country, the parliament approved that the judicial auctions be conducted in the context of the headquarters system or the government's electronic procurement system. if this happens, the number of cases entering the judicial system will decrease, and if the number of cases decreases, the issue of delaying proceedings will be resolved. the judiciary is obliged to register the orders of the executive departments of the auctions of the executive departments. organize the procurement affairs through the electronic procurement system of the headquarters government. since the holding of judicial electronic auctions was more or less implemented since the second half of 1401. representatives in the budget of 1402
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emphasized the implementation of auctions in the framework of the headquarters system. the government is in favor, the commission is in favor, 23 people present, voting begins. was approved. the ministry of mining industry and trade is obliged to provide the possibility of holding the mentioned auctions in this system and the sale must be done in person, and finally with the cooperation of the judiciary and the follow-up of the parliament , it became part of the electronic judicial auctions to be the final seal. corruption and violations in the context of the sale of seized property of convicts. we had a complaint in the principle 90 commission in which some people whose property is through the judiciary was put up for auction , but unfortunately either it didn't have a customer or the customer who had bought it at a low price, they complained, we
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checked and they are right. they are at the top of the implementation of this law . since we started this issue , thank god, 26 people from the whole country participated in the first election. alhamdulillah, this work was implemented in south khorasan. the number of people participating in the auction has increased. the result was that, finally, at the price of the highest auctions the law that, along with fair access to the auctioned property, has increased the speed of sales and provided the possibility of applicants to appear online, arguments were previously only held in person in the courts , now it has been a while since they were held online and in iran's sadad system. it is possible for those who participate in the auction , it is much better, it is very great, the speed is very good, the promises and deposits
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are made very quickly, the development of transparency, the reduction of administrative corruption and the increase of people's participation in the purchase of property are among the most important aspects of this law that the parliament has put into effect. it has played an effective role in flight we can't do nothing. water in the anthill.
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on the last night of may 1961, the zionists put the noose on adolf eichmann's neck. eichmann was arrested about 17 years after world war ii. that too in argentina, where he lived under a pseudonym. the kidnapping of eichmann by the mossad spy agency and his transfer to occupied palestine was one of the most controversial things that was revealed later. documents that decades later showed that some of
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the heads of the jewish agency who later reached the position of prime minister and minister in the fake israeli regime were among the closest friends of the nazis. zionist interaction and the nazis were driven by a dual need. hitler wanted to drive the jews out of europe and the zionists wanted to drag the deported jews to occupied palestine. adolf eichmann was in charge of jewish affairs in the main directorate of reich security. he was one of the high-ranking officers of the nazi party during world war ii, who ordered the killing of a number of jews. after the defeat of nazi germany in world war ii, eichmann managed to escape to argentina with his family, but was identified by the mossad. ashman by a commando group. abducted from mossad and shabak officers and was brought to israel. in a court in
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jerusalem, eichmann was convicted of 15 different crimes, the most important of which were crimes against the jewish people, crimes against humanity, and war crimes during nazi germany. he was executed in the occupied territories in 1962.
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german-american philosopher and historian hannah arendt in her book eichmann in jerusalem: a court report. and ashman's trial process has presented. hannah arendt was responsible for writing the report of this trial on behalf of the new yorker magazine. after the publication of these reports , arendt was excommunicated by jewish associations. in these reports, later in the book eichmann in jerusalem were published, hannah arendt demoted eichmann from the main culprit of the holocaust. he pointed the finger of accusation at jewish associations. and he talked about the impact they had on the fate of fellow believers. in 1960, arendt went to the occupied territories for the trial of adolf eichmann to prepare reports for the new yorker. later, arendt's five articles were edited and published in the form of eichmann in jerusalem.
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the nuremberg trials are a series of military trials that took place after world war ii by. allies and held under international laws and laws of war. the importance of this court in the trial was a group of prominent members of the political, military, judicial and economic leaders of nazi germany. people who planned and executed war crimes , or were somehow involved in them. the proceedings were held in nuremberg, germany, and the verdicts were issued. the transition point from classical laws to contemporary laws. it is international. hannah arendt was born in hanover, germany. he was born in october 1906. 8 years before world war i broke out. he later studied political philosophy and got his doctorate from heidelberg university, the oldest university in germany. the searching mind of this woman the same years
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he worked as a director at the research center of the jewish relations conference. on the jewish history and the situation of his co-religionists. arendt focused on writing the biography of rachel farnhagen, a jewish woman, in berlin. hannah arendt wondered what it meant to her to be jewish, especially in germany. many people interpreted arendt's account of rachel farnhagen's life as arendt's personal biography. writing this book was an excuse for arendt to find the identity of judaism. that too, in the period when anti-semitism once again threatened german jews. arendt only biography did not write he was stuck between two identities, jewish or german. this was a very difficult time for arendt. because he was against many positions of the zionists. but his heart wanted to do something for the jewish people. until he was arrested and
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was interrogated for 8 days and finally decided with his mother. leave it hannah arendt was one of the participants in eichmann's trial who wanted to narrate what she saw and heard with her pen. the author of the book eichmann in jerusalem at the beginning of the book represents qazian and the prosecutor as the representative and voice of david ben-gurion , the prime minister of the zionist regime. and in the final pages of the book, the justice and impartiality of the three judges inserts a dash. in the eichmann case, the zionist regime confiscated all of eichmann's handwritten papers in prison, and for this reason, the defense lawyer did not have enough documents and proofs for his defense. arendt writes about the contradictions of the eichmann trial: in
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israel, just like in other countries, until no one's crime is proven, beg. he wrote in his book that it soon became clear that israel is the only country in the world where witness statements called by the defense lawyer cannot be heard. defense attorneys cannot cross-examine some prosecution witnesses who testified in a previous trial to interrogate and despite such conditions , he had neither the means nor the time to do his work properly. prosecutor's argument that district court judges.
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it is still on the list of books that are passed around many years later. this book jeopardized the reputation of the zionists.
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social political critic of the united states of america. although he is known as a serious critic of the united states, chomsky is actually a jewish critic of zionism. chomsky became famous as a social critic of american foreign policy during the vietnam war. in 1980, he doubted the existence of the holocaust in the book of robert fourison he had written an introduction. although this introduction only defended the freedom of expression, it was met with harsh reactions. he later revealed that he had been asked to write an article in defense of freedom of speech
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and that he had no knowledge of its use as an introduction to furison's book. in october 2012 , he traveled to gaza to participate in the zabanasi international conference. the islamic university of gaza planned to
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award namchomsky an honorary doctorate in recognition of his humanitarian positions in defense of the palestinian people. the soldiers of the zionist regime arrested nawamcheki at the al-karama crossing located on the borders of jordan and the west bank. he was scheduled to meet and speak with a number of writers and university professors in birzeit university . chomsky took his wife's daughter and some old friends with him on this trip. except for chomsky , his daughter was not allowed to enter, but chomsky's friends were allowed to enter palestine. chomsky told artes that it is not clear how the israeli authorities proceeded at the time of his arrival at the border. this issue was placed. after detaining chansky for five hours, the authorities of the zionist regime told him that he cannot enter the west bank. this regime
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sent a letter to the american embassy in tel aviv they announced that they will explain the reason for their opposition to his entry into the occupied territories. the ministry of internal affairs of the zionist regime notified chomsky that he was prevented from entering palestine due to his anti-zionist positions. what israel's doing is much worse than apartheid. to call it apartide is a gift to israel, at least if by apartite you mean south african style apart, what's happening
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in the occupied territories is? much worse, there's a crucial difference, the south african nationalists needed the black population, that was their workforce, was 85% the workforce of the population, and that was basically their workforce, they needed them, they had to sustain them, the bantu stands were horrifying, but south africa did try to sustain them, they didn't put them a diet, they tried to keep them strong enough to do the work. they needed for the country, they tried to get international support for the israeli relationship to the palestinians and the occupied territories is totally different, they just don't want them, they want them out or at least in prison, that's a and they're acting that way, that's a very striking difference, which means that the apart analogy, south african apartide to the west to the occupied territories is just a
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gift to israel, all the countries of the world rejected and did not accept . the zionist regime cannot count on washington's help forever because tel aviv's other actions in recent years have caused public opinion in the united states to turn against them. chomsky in his speech in 2011 on the occasion of israeli apartheid week about the similarity between the palestinian struggle and the struggle of african people.


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