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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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the issue is not just one nation , the issue is the rule of an international dictatorship, the issue is the rule of force , massacres people , destroys houses. has usurped a nation, then they hold a peace conference there in washington, peace with whom, which peace, what peace between whom and who. their biggest crime is that they want to judaize the holy quds, the qiblah of the muslims, and the dear palestine as judaization . they put themselves in the center of oppression and conspiracy
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the american people have recently announced a plan to call it the deal of the century . they are delighted to give it a big name . it's something that doesn't belong to them . the property of the palestinians is traded with each other . did not include in this the islamic republic of iran has an innovative plan as a solution to the palestinian issue. has suggested that
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it also coincides with western democracy and human rights . the solution is to return these millions of palestinians living outside palestine to palestine. the main people of palestine, whether muslim, christian, or jewish, should hold a referendum and decide what regime will govern their country. that military it is desirable to bring this population to work, then the system will decide what to do with these people who came to palestine during these 40 years, 45 years, 50 years. this is the solution to the crisis. formula one is a secularist formula. these people who believe in votes say that we believe in democracy. they say that we believe in democracy. very well. save my palestine. we
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are not anti-semitic. in our own country, there are some jews who are living in complete safety and living in the statements of imam rahel. may allah's blessings and peace be upon him and the statements of the officials of the islamic republic of israel have been raised. enemies take this in a bad way. like, erasing the state of israel does not mean erasing the jewish people , erasing that government is an imposed regime. it is possible for the baltic sea countries to be part of the former soviet union after more than 40 years. return to independence.
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caucasus countries after returning to independence, now kazakhstan, azerbaijan, i don't know. the rest of the countries, georgia, are independent. however, it needs will and determination, it needs courage and courage. analytical review of the events of recent years shows that the zionist regime is suffering from many crises and is constantly weakening. on the other hand , the palestinian resistance, by resolving the differences between the different groups , their daily coordination around the axis of the palestinian cause, as well as achieving numerous successes in the fields of technology and military equipment and the implementation of numerous successful operations promise a growing and promising trend. today, america
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is weaker in this region than 10 years ago, and 20 years ago, because of the evil zionist regime, today is weaker than in the past. a few years before this. the zionist regime was defeated in front of hezbollah in lebanon, it was able to resist for 33 days and then it was defeated. a year later , it was able to resist against the palestinians for 22 days and it was defeated. not being able to conquer the palestinian tunnels, see how different it is how weak it has become between gaza and the zionist government , which claims to have the strongest army in the region. 8 days of war happens, when they want
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to establish a ceasefire, the side that bets for a palestinian ceasefire is unbelievable. 10 years ago , if you were told this, who would have believed that one day there would be a war between the palestinians, not all the palestinians, a corner of the palestinians in gaza, and the zionist regime, and for the ceasefire of that war, the palestinians would bet on this week. lately. he was able to resist for two days and was defeated. this weakness of the zionist regime is the growing weakness of the zionist regime the palestinian resistance
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had raised its resistance and resistance factor. on the one hand, the zionists had lost their resistance and their resistance factor, which is now evident in the zionist society, and it found a downward trend. the zionist society can no longer afford human casualties, despite that they did not stop their occupation and did not stop their attacks in islamic societies , but from their main slogan, which is from nile tafrat. it was falling short and being forced to be short and put themselves in the barrier wall and pay for it. the struggles of the palestinian people inside the land
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palestine is fragile and crushing for the zionist regime, because they gathered people from all over the world in this judean region , promising them that here is security , here is comfort, here is a good life, come here and become men with this hope. the arabs will not fight with them. the people who came to palestine with this false hope are not ready to sacrifice their existence for the political goals of the zionist founders. but the zionist regime in its 75-year-old life has never faced dire troubles like today, first of all, political instability in 4 years. the prime minister has changed, the party coalitions
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have not yet been properly formed and are falling apart . there is a strong polarization throughout the fake regime. these demonstrations of 100,000 people and 200,000 people and more in talavih and in various other cities are a sign that soon the number of those who they are leaving israel , the jews who leave reach 2 million , their own authorities regularly warn that the collapse is near. compared to the past
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, the power of the palestinian groups cannot be said how many times, maybe tens of times. occupation everywhere in palestine. in quds, in the territories of the west bank, in the territories of the 47th , everywhere, the first oslo, which you remember, yasser arafat and others , what a disgrace they created in the oslo agreement, that palestine, oslo has become the black palestine , erin the black lions, the lions have become so different today, the whole islamic world they should consider the issue of palestine as their issue, this is the secret key. which opens the doors of faraj to the islamic ummah.
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we hope that you young people will see that day. and inshallah you will see. and god willing , you will pray in bait al-maqdis with success there allah. all this bloodshed and usurpation and displacement of palestinians started when some conservative jews decided that an independent jewish state for after the fall of the ottoman empire, according to the secret agreement of saxe-picot and later, based on the approval of the league of nations, the guardianship of palestine was entrusted to england. british policies also coincided with the rise of the evil zionists, and over time, the influence of buying land provided the immigration of jews from all over the world to palestine in order to prevent muslims from regaining power in that region by forming a non-islamic state. the excuse of the zionists
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there were atrocities that they claimed had been done to them during the nazis in germany. but the main question here is where is the documentation of these claims and basically what did these atrocities have to do with the palestinians even if they happened. in 1948, during a resolution in the league of nations , palestine to two. it was split in half and the fake state of israel declared its existence. it hasn't been a year since he launched a military attack on the neighboring countries of palestine, such as egypt, syria, jordan and lebanon, with the support of europe and the united states, in order to gain more land. the contemporary history of occupied palestine is full of cruelty, destruction of houses, destruction of farms, displacement of families and killings innocent people. just because the idea is great. in the palestinian issue, the role of arab and
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islamic countries is very important. some of these countries even engaged in war with israel but failed. at one time, even on the surface , they cared about palestine and supported their fighters. but later, in the face of western pressures, they fell into the trap of compromising policies and failed in their duty. if all the capacities of the muslim countries are used synergistically, this cancerous tumor which is the bed of all the crises in east asia will be destroyed after the victory of the islamic revolution in iran gained strength in hearts with the support of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace, and the designation of the last friday of the month of ramadan as the international holy day of hope. took and the resistance current was strengthened. israel has been struggling
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to create an identity for itself for seventy years. but still their biggest problem is their identity and legitimacy crisis . during the last few decades, various methods have been tried. but in practice, it was proven that the zionist usurper regime did not adhere to any of the commitments and contracts, and every day it is indulging in more aggression. land expansion and settlement. proposal the islamic republic of iran is a logical way to solve the palestinian issue, which is even compatible with western democracy and human rights. in this solution, all the real palestinians settled in palestine or displaced in other countries, whether muslim, christian or jewish , put their elected government to work through a referendum or referendum, and this government is about the affairs of palestine. the immigrants who have come to this land over the years decide. a variety
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of colors with a wide range of use in different industries. the paint industry is not limited to buildings and cars. marine industry, oil and gas petrochemical industry and similar industries consumers in this industry, more than all the industries , the various sectors of this industry are providing paint, resin and coating services, for example, in our offshore and onshore fields, in fact, all our marine structures. they need ministerial paint and special coatings. in the field of automobiles, our automobile industry now, according to statistics from the automobile industry, not more than 90% of them are done by domestic companies. it has been about a century since the establishment of the first paint production factory in iran. in the field of producing oil paints , water-based acrylic and plastic paints, and industrial paints
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, we have raw material production in iran. oil industry. it is used in oil and gas, tank covers, transmission pipes, oil and gas transmission, petrochemical, refineries. scientists came to help produce products used in the paint and resin industry. we produce more than 60 new products. we are the first producer of nano zirconium coating in the country, which has replaced the traditional coatings. the products we produce are material products. the first in the field of paint industry is resin thinner , which is the first ingredient and the effective ingredient that is used as the parent product in this industry. the foundation of knowledge that opened to the paint and resin industry domestication of machines in this industry also increased . a large federation of iranian machine manufacturers has been formed. and the first thing
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they do is to supply each other's materials and machines. more than 80% of cars. now the paint and resin industry is domestic, in order for it to reach its capacity of one million tons in production, it must be able to overcome the challenges ahead, like all other industries , the provision of human resources , we have many problems in this field, the problem of gas electricity interruption, well, we have in different seasons that gas is cut in winter and electricity is cut in summer, so it really affects our production regarding the issue of importing raw materials, it is very difficult to allocate the amount of imports according to the issue of sanctions , a process of at least four to six months. the private sector is not considered. now , for example, we have a development plan . we have put a machine with a capacity of 50 tons in the factory
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. we have no problem with starting it , except that the industrial partners do not give us electricity, which means we have a problem with electricity. and if your factory goes to sleep , the workers should be unemployed and production will go to sleep the deputy minister says that this ministry listens to the producers and seeks to solve their problems and challenges. we tried to remove the ceilings for domestic producers with the permits we got from the ministry of industry . i am presenting their own information that they have special production. export -oriented production, when they transfer these to the ministry of industry , it actually puts them in our own priorities for the allocation of width and in removing the restrictions of the currency ceiling. production in this sector is approaching its nominal capacity , thank you very much. do you know the unit of gas
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measurement? no, sir, air pressure, air pressure, you don't know the unit at all. gas is a kilo , it's a kilo. do you know what the unit of gas is ? yes, sir, in the specific things, yes , it means that this question should be an exam now . the unit of measurement of gas consumption is your home. now, one question per cubic meter, for example , what device to use, can be answered i don't know exactly, but i think that if it is a three-burner heater, if it works lightly , if it wants to use it in a month, i don't think
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it should use more than two, three, two, or one cubic meter. is it possible to heat water for 2 hours? what do you have? let it be on for 25 minutes, then heat the water . if it is on, it will be one meter. now, what do you mean by this question? i want to tell you that in a period of 45 days your gas bill comes, how many cubic meters per month in one period of gas consumption, i have to calculate, i don't know
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anymore, i don't know anymore, my calculations are weak , your question is very calculating, very important in this season cold, these calculations are very important. i think it was 300, 300 cubic meters in summer. i saw it here once, but i don't know about winter . with this number that you said, more than 450, 45. yes, because our package is working for us , you are saving or 100. why is it because the children will enjoy it tomorrow? due to the fact that this gas comes from the south to the north, the pressure will drop by 100d and the pressure will reach all the compatriots, god willing. so let's all cooperate, god willing , if
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you save 10 to 35% on your gas consumption by the 15th of march, you can also receive a savings bonus. as soon as it is consumed, all loved ones can actually see its traces. it is clearly visible . the main culprit of air pollution in cities these days is diesel fuel. power plants have no incentive to use liquid fuel. our preference is to burn gas fuel in power plants. it is not a priority in power plants, but 90% of electricity production is currently in the country. through the thermal power plant of the face it is understood that their main fuel is gas fuel , in the situation that gas fuel increases in other sectors, including in our domestic and commercial sectors, we use
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backup fuel, which is mainly diesel fuel, and then we use it soon, but this point is wide. let me say that out of 140 power plants in the country, only 16 power plants have the possibility to use mazud fuel , which we use in emergency situations . of these, three power plants are located inside the cities, and two are in tehran. we don't use diesel fuel to generate electricity, let's go to these two we went to a power plant in tehran, one is basad power plant, the seal of its fuel oil tanks is old and the cobwebs are closed in the winter of 2019. we did not use diesel fuel in basad power plant, after that in 2012, with the issuance of a court order dated 5/24, which means august 24. in the month of 2012, based on this ruling , the power plant was stopped from consuming diesel fuel, and the environmental protection organization
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, based on the ruling, in fact, following the ruling of the respected judicial authority, proceeded to seal the tanks of the power plant , which happened again in 2018. environmental protection organization visit and check again. it happened that in both cases the form of the meetings i presented it to you and the trisht power plant , whose reservoirs have been collected for years and whose land has been planted with grass , was collected about 30 years ago, perhaps mostly due to compliance with environmental standards , instead of the sports complex, it was actually established. the outlets of our reservoir are all bridges. the outlet that actually brings the fuel from that side has been closed, they plugged the pipe itself , as well as the heaters that heat the diesel fuel with , and the stability and patrols that you see now that the pipes are open, this is because in actually, we don't have diesel fuel anymore and this station is being maintained in a symbolic way
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the requirements that the environment has communicated to the country's power plants and a series of trusted tests that are part of the environment have been introduced to the power plant. powerhouse. it is inside the range, if it was outside the range , it would be shown in red. isfahan power plant also has an old seal. the fuel path of the fuel used for the burner of all our boilers is bridged. in any case , since 1993 , it has not been possible to use mazda fuel in the power plant. due to the limitations in there is natural gas and water in span power plant, we are producing almost with a nominal capacity of 50. there is electrical energy, the steam you see is the result of the evaporation process in the cooling towers, and it is only water vapor, not a pollutant
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in the hasfa power plant. there is no reason for this system . in isfahan power plant, during the last seven or eight years, not even one drop of fuel oil has been used . the experts of the ministry of energy say that the reason for the presence of fuel oil equipment in some power plants is that in case of gas restrictions , they can produce electricity with do not encounter problems. according to the thermal power company, the most consumption of fuel oil is in power plants in the last two months of the year they predicted this year to less than 50 million. letter to tina salehi of the oslo broadcasting agency, the nobel foundation , gathered here to give the award to the family of this person
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. amed should be evaluated , in addition to supporting sanctions against the iranian people , he also has a history of supporting anti-iranian separatist terrorists, and as his wife says , he is one of the survivors of the hypocrites, and most of narges' family were mujahideen who were executed. nargez's cousins, nargez's uncles' sons mostly have several executions in their family, the head of the nobel committee gives them a prize in the name of peace, which
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were palestinian girls, children and elderly in the hands of egypt before. this peace award was also given to another war monger. shimon perez, nicknamed the executioner of qanai refugee camp in lebanon. the zionist operation by his order led to the martyrdom of more than 20 palestinians. apart from the zionists, this award was also given to henry kissinger, the former us secretary of state. when in the era. his ministry killed more than 3 million vietnamese, the former ruler of myanmar, aung san suu kyi giving her the nobel peace prize to a woman who was responsible for the killing of thousands of rohingya muslims and the displacement of tens of thousands of them at the same time as this ceremony, but one of the former candidates for the nobel peace prize has killed more than 17,000 people in the past two months alone. a palestinian was killed in gaza
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. there is no mention of the perpetrators of this genocide, neither the perpetrators nor the supporters of mohammad javad reza soltani, sada and cima news agency.
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