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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 6:30am-7:00am IRST

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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at khurshid, the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza , peace be upon him, to the end of the journey.
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god willing, if you are well, i invite you to join us with today's program, where we will take a look at some of today's events.
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bring the breath of the desert to the dry vein of the trees to the tired night of the porch . behin amiran
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, put your balm on the world's tired heart, open the path of souls like siavash , let alone pass through these fires, let them be the fierceness of the storm. my homeland, iran, light a candle, make the name of god boil , break the claws of the devil, this is my homeland. good news of rain to the breath of the desert. bring the dry
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trees to the tired night of the porch, open the spring to the heart of the trembling branches, bring the longing of winter to the streets, bring the fever of the troubled soul with your soil. every time you go to raya bagh, i see tomorrow's sun in your eyes, iran, i kiss this flag, bashak piran, golbar. live the world with
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your heart, with me, iran, your soil, iran, your eyes are bright. dear viewers, stay with us in the first conversation part of today's program, we will take a look at the plans of national post company today
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the conference of the country 's postal network managers should be held. mr. dr. mahmoud liyai, the deputy minister of communications , the ceo of the national post company, is our guest. hello, good morning , welcome . in addition to the directors of the post company , you have other guests all over the country, or we, in the name of allah, rahman, raheem , we hold a conference every year in these days that lead to the end of the year to communicate the policies until the end of the year and the next year. the programs that we have in this conference will be announced we have put three programs on the agenda of our workroom, the discussion of smartness and digital transformation, as well as the development and increase
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of post offices and post centers , we have adopted policies that we are going to talk about in this conference. let's do it. my policy is that we are going to move the post office boxes to people's homes . this policy covers almost all skin processes. in the past, we only went to people's homes to deliver parcels , and people to send them. the recipients should visit our post offices to change this approaching and turning it into a shop for people's homes. let's go, we needed a series of new policies, so we are going to discuss and review this new policy in this conference. it is supposed to be the least to go to post offices. in the past, unfortunately
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, new post offices were created according to the development of cities and the increase in the population of post offices. it was not done, and we are still facing our buildings and post offices, which we almost designed mobile counters to solve this problem, which go around the cities and collect postal items, while also explaining make this separation from that referral to the people in the neighborhood. their location was for explanation. yes , apart from that , we create mobile kiosks all over the city in a smart way that people can find these mobile kiosks with the applications they have on their mobile phones or based on the
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specific timings that we specify. in the form of a clock that, for example , it is clear that this counter of our planet is located at this hour until this hour at a certain crossroads, people can. in those days, instead of going to a physical counter that is in a building and is far from their reach, they can ask for it near their place. the delivery of our postal network has already started, or the program, yes, this process has started. we have a plan to start with a thousand postal vans . in order to implement this policy, god willing , when will your colleagues refer to the compatriots , when will it start, or has it already started, but it is
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a test, it is also a test, it should be determined which areas have the highest density and traffic of postal enclosures that we have there. let's provide more service until the end of this year, god willing, this is the stage the experiment is over. our effort is to start this main stage of this program , god willing, and in today's conference, we will talk about the same thing. that by using the available facilities , we can increase the speed of our work, work accurately and reduce costs , we can design in such a way that we can find access to these kinds of issues from this intelligentization. we do it
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and create more speed and accuracy in the system , but usually, intelligentization is for repetitive tasks that human resources can't handle. if he doesn't have more speed or doesn't have the necessary precision in that work, everyone in the world is moving towards intelligentization in order to use these opportunities that it provides them, god willing. i have room, now i owe an apology to our people from this media because at the end of the year, we usually face a huge increase in the traffic of postal parcels. they show many products to customers and people flock to buy these products. we are really surprised this year our forecast to overcome this
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black friday crisis was a 20% increase in traffic, but now it is also a source of happiness that people have welcomed this issue and faced us with a 37% increase in traffic, which according to the current infrastructure that we have in we have authority , our infrastructure is under pressure now and in terms of we are under a lot of pressure in terms of human resources in terms of infrastructure and in terms of logistics, and this causes the people to receive their parcels with some delay . as the end of the year is approaching day by day, our traffic is increasing. let us overcome this crisis and god willing, we will be able to deliver the people's parcels on time . be us, dear viewers , by continuing the program
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, come and tell me that from dawn tomorrow , a window will open from tamasha, or say, from dawn tomorrow, a window will open from tamasha , sing with me again about that spring that is not there , a happy dream, singing in the name of dia, to the feet of iran , be patient. its people kiss the flag of iran out of hope. the heartbeat of my soul, iran, the name is pure
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you come to my mouth and tell me that from the dawn of tomorrow , open a window from tamasha to magdeh with me. again, from that spring that does not exist, a dawn will come again to the light of our hope, a bright dawn from the loving breaths of our martyr, a dawn from the bright presence from distant horizons, its light from the rain of hope and its soul from the joy of you .
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good morning, dear viewers , the transportation and economic development conference is scheduled to be held in the next hour, mr. peyman sanandji, the chairman of the transportation commission of the chamber. the elders of tehran, who are responsible for the executive of the conference, are our guests , mr. sandaji, hello , good morning, welcome. dear viewers, i am at your service . you are very welcome . please tell me about today's conference, what is
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the purpose of holding it and what is your agenda. and in any case, it has other elements of the government, and in general, in the whole field that it is operating in, the field of employers is the private sector, in various fields of issues, there are many problems in the field of electricity transportation, well, in any case, considering the importance of the issue and considering it is an interdisciplinary area and it can be discussed in the finished price of the product air pollution and such issues are influential. decided to hold a conference for the first time on the occasion of december 26 and invite elite academics and people who are active in this field in any way, and fortunately, today was planned for this program
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. god willing, by attending this conference, the problems of the private sector and position. in any case, many problems had arisen for them in the southern brother since onur, in any case, we discussed the war , we discussed the transfer of essential goods, in a very big action, the imam gave the order to complete. the cars were sent to the ports, and in any case, a big event happened on that day of that year, essential goods entered the country, and for the sake of these dear ones, 26 december was named as the cash transportation day . what is the cartoon? we
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have many axes in the field of transportation and economic development. well, in any case, fleet renewal is one of the most serious issues and issues that are the topic of the day. air pollution is perhaps one of the issues that we are all concerned with now. the wear and tear of the roads is one of the very, very serious issues that everyone is concerned about now we have a problem in this area. the problem of car manufacturers and issues related to car production, the issue of self-sufficiency, the issue of parts makers, are very basic issues that exist. smart in any case, construction is one of the very serious issues, our expenses are very high due to discussions of smart building and issues like this, self-ownership in the field of transportation is one of the very serious issues, and it can be said that all the issues discussed in the center of the conference there is around the field of logistics and transportation that we
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hope this big event happened for the first time in the country. which has its own effects. inshallah, you are going to reach an implementation solution based on each of these axes that you mentioned. at the end of this conference, a resolution will definitely be presented to the speaker of the parliament. in any case, the parliament as a legislative power can be very influential in drafting laws. for example , in the discussion of clean air, well, you have 10,000. you can almost say that a law was passed in 2016 and this law needs to be revised now. in any case, the discussions are in the field of legislation or the discussions related to the roads to decide how to maintain the roads , fleet renewal is one of the very serious issues. in any case, a resolution has been prepared based on the axes and challenges that exist in this field, and we hope that it will be delivered to the honorable chairman of the parliament at the end, and he will, considering
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his experience in the field and his great knowledge. they have in this field. we hope that we can take the first step firmly and well , that is, in this resolution that you mentioned , you will present your suggestions and implementation solutions for the devices to use. it is specified that the solutions are also provided we hope that with his order , he will enter into legislative debates and, god willing, we will be able to see whether the clean air law like this law only needs to be amended , or we have a legal removal, in this case , we definitely have many disturbing and parallel laws in the clean air law, which should be included. the law is a series of laws that are 6 years old and should be revised. this
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law is one of the topics of the revision of the clean air law . the issues that exist are related to cars . there are regulations for devices that are in charge they are a clean law. more than 23 of our agencies are now in charge of the clean air law. these are topics that, in any case, it seems that in the legislative field, there should be a way of thinking . we will hold a parliament, god willing, some of the executive officials will also be present in the conference. yes, we are all elites, academics, senior managers, and the honorable chairman of the parliament himself, in the legislative field , what about the government and the executive branch. we invited the honorable governor, ministers and deputy ministers to attend this conference, god willing god willing, considering that the tehran chamber is responsible for the organization, the attendees
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will be seen in the same provincial or national debate. in the national debate, all the heads of the chambers of commerce, the heads of transportation, the heads of the energy and standards commission , as a very important issue and all the members country rooms in addition to being invited to this big conference , elites, academics and professors are also invited , which is a conference that has both a scientific aspect and an executive aspect in terms of policy legislation . how did you receive them at the conference? yes, this is a very important point that the concerns of the private sector in this area. people who own capital in any way and invest in our country is to use the private sector
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. well, we in the transport commission and in the energy commission take all the opinions of friends who are somehow involved in the so-called transport sector. we held many expert meetings, about 7-8 main axes and about 10-15. the challenges of all the problems that exist , we came to as basic challenges and we moved forward based on this, of course transportation problems in our country are much, much more than these topics, but we tried to bring up topics so that other topics are also covered . as you mentioned , sometimes there may be a need to legislate or amend laws. how much time do you expect to see the impact of the conference? in any case, the clean air law, which is now a very
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, very serious issue, and we are in the days when the issue of pollution is a very important issue, i think. considering that the time has passed , we should be able to do this very quickly, it seems to me that the topics that are raised in this topic are very important. it is not complicated and if there is a will to solve it, it should not take more than 6 months and it should not take longer than the so-called legislative process . yes, as a rule, it must have been performed in 1403. thank you very much, mr. sandaji. thank you for your presence in the program . hello , journalist.
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come with us, let's go to the glass hall of the broadcasting news agency, ms. azarfam, hello, good morning , mr. hosseini. greetings to you and the viewers of the khabar network, with an overview of today's news and events with you. here are the news and events that my colleagues in the specialized groups of the sed and sima news agency are obliged to cover. today , the smart system of khairat nazurat nan is going to be unveiled . i am talking about this with mr. azaribaga, the reporter of the business group, mr. azaribaga . hello, good morning. hello. reporter, as you also said, today , in fact, the charity of nazorat bread becomes smart, that is, a platform is provided to
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give bread as charity in an intelligent way. what is this platform , ardonan's smart subsidy plan, these same card readers that are available when buying bread and in the registers, in fact , a menu and a section are embedded in these card readers that from today those who visit the registers can refer there and in let them choose the number that they want, for example , 100 to 20 to 50 to, for example, d to whatever. they actually consider the bread and it is possible that it is they specify the time when they want this opinion to be done , they specify the time when they want this opinion to be expressed, and what happens is that from then on, those who buy food and bread with a a discount now depending on how many breads the person who has an opinion has bought and paid for, with
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a discount of, for example, 15% each. for example, i am in tehran, i can be anywhere in the farthest region of iran. let me choose a name in that system, the bakeries are located there and say, for example, sir, for example at a point where i now feel that there is a greater need, i should choose that, sir, in this time frame and this amount according to the amount i pay, a discount will be given to those who buy snacks and bread, mr. azaribaga, there is no ceiling. no, there is no ceiling for this khair , i say according to the amount that is paid. you can
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specify the time period and the amount of the discount that is going to be given to those who will buy snacks and bread later, then all the bakeries are connected to this smart system. you can see that all the bakeries are actually these smart card readers of yarani ardonano. which they must have, well, in all the lists that these card houses have, this menu will be added to this section, and the comment system, which is a system , anyone can do this without referring to navai at all . this is actually planned in cooperation with the ministry of economic affairs and finance and the imam khomeini relief committee. the infrastructure and executive work is with the ministry of economic affairs and finance, which is actually the basis of ardonan's smart subsidy plan . the question arises as to how to reach those people who now are qualified, you can see those people who cannot be identified, what is happening here.
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according to the amount of money that the person who has an opinion enters into the system, those who buy bread at a discount during that period of time, which the person himself specifies, will buy it with a discount. now, how can this be done? i think that if a system is implemented , it should be referred to the comment system, and in fact, people will come to a place where we now know that they are more deprived. there are more problems, if he chooses a distant village, for example, we know that there anyway there are more needs in a certain period of time , according to the payment that is made, those people who buy bread with a discount, now again , that discount depends on the payment of the downloader . thank you for your explanation , dear colleague, we are with you. and our reporter colleague mr. azaribagha from the market and trade group
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of the news agency. after the news , i will be with you with the continuation of the program. mrs. khalji. hello, good morning . good morning to you too, in the name of allah , the most merciful. dear and respected, we are in egypt with a collection of news in the morning, the united nations general assembly approved the resolution proposed by the arab and islamic countries for a humanitarian stop to the conflicts in the gaza strip with 153 votes in favor. in this voting, 10 member countries of the united nations general assembly voted against this resolution and 23.


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