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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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the information published about him is not accurate. there is almost no information about him, and the occupying regime has used all its means to identify his identity, but it has failed.
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psychological and media have overcome this regime. abu obeidah has succeeded in exposing the deceptions of the occupying regime, putting the military political leaders of this regime in a tight spot and discrediting their false narratives for the domestic front . and founded a new approach in psychological warfare and based on conventional principles and it is well known that he uses the tone of voice and body language well, and with his eloquence and eloquence, he is able to address the subconscious mind of the arab nations and the world with the skill of experience and intelligence. i say to the leaders and rulers of the arab nation. we
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do not ask you to move to defend the arab and islamic children in gaza and, god forbid , to move your army and tanks. gordanhai qassam, who stunned the world with the al-aqsa storm operation on the 7th of october, developed his arsenal of weapons and his military experience and official capabilities , until it was considered one of his most important weapons. to use to confront the enemy whose lies have no limit and whose crimes are unlimited and there is no other solution except to destroy it except the weapon that is summarized in the slogan of abu ubaidah.
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people from many countries of the world continue to come to the streets and support palestine. for example , in the heart of chicago, supporters of greater palestine block the road and demand an end to the genocide in gaza . or chanting truce in front of the british parliament in london. or unprecedented demonstrations in copenhagen, denmark, sydney, australia and new zealand . hold or even this anti-demonstration
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zionism in the form of a different icon held in paris. cyprus, south africa , georgia, spain and many countries, even those that show less reaction in global developments , have become the scene of declaration of anger and hatred towards zionists and their crimes these days. users of cyberspace from all over the world have shared these images and in every language, religion and nationality, they say that they stand against the crimes of the zionist occupiers and their supporters, even if their representative in the security council prevents the approval of the ceasefire resolution, this is a hand stained with blood. it is a murderous veto when there is blood innocent is mentioned and veto is always ready . the wide wave of reactions to palestinian events continues in cyberspace.
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may god have mercy on our martyrs, we are invalid, we are gaza, this is you , and the arab countries, god's refuge, or gaza , is your knowledge of all the countries of the world. we are at the service of the father of those who were martyred in this house. crimes have happened and its effects are in front of our eyes. your children
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were martyred in this attack and a number of neighbors were also injured. what do you say about this crime? hasbna allah and naim al-wakil. it is a great tragedy. there is no god except allah. no resistance forces are in this house we had a weapon. my three children were martyred. in total , five members of my family were martyred. the sixth person also disappeared and i don't know where he is. we do not have any facilities for debris removal. aid workers do not have facilities either. i don't have the fuel to run the simple facilities and machines that they have. i don't know what to say to you as a bereaved father. for fathers who. they see you all over the world, what do you say? may god give us patience, the most valuable thing that every father has is his children. all of them are gone, all my children are gone. many of the wounded
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who were taken to the hospital are far from death they don't have much. one of them is in the intensive care unit. i was not at home at the time of the attack. i am in the emergency department of the ministry. they do, but when i came here, i saw that everything was destroyed , as if an earthquake had happened here. i was looking for my children. i was shocked. what was the sin of killing them ? people who
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give even the slightest possibility that their homes will be bombed , evacuate their own homes. i didn't evacuate and i didn't think it would rain here because i didn't see any reason why. to empty i am an employee of the civilian sector, this work of israel is racial cleansing. they do not want anyone to die in gaza , whether those who cooperate with the resistance or those who do not cooperate. may god reward you. i am ashamed of your tears . accept the condolences of all the staff of al-alam network . this is one of the stories that we see every day. these scenes happen in all the streets and areas of the gaza strip. his name
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was the code name for the attack on iran.
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shab to masih alinejad, the human rights activist of the zionist regime, the organizer of this event, the people who happened to be influential figures the ambassador of the united arab emirates was at the united nations, the ambassador of israel is here too, he is going to take this gift harder on iran. you hope the us secretary of state will take it harder on the islamic republic. time magazine also chooses masih alinejad as an influential woman. because of the chaos in iran. an award worth the courage of italy goes to gohar eshq, who said that he had hit the security guards, but the cctv cameras showed a different story. the women's rights award
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was given to shima babaei at the geneva summit. this award contains a message for the islamic republic and the peace foundation award sidney reached nazanin fadi. he was also one of the leaders of the riots last fall. this year's freedom award goes to the national press club of america. mrs. mohammadi and hamidi, those who had a hand in the fire of last fall's chaos, are a symbol that can be a lever of pressure. one of the most important tools of pressure lever should be more pressure from international institutions. unesco gave its top award for press freedom to narges mohammadi, nilofar hamedi and elahi mohammadi.
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he nominated nilufar hamedi and hamed ismailiyoun for his award . ismailiyoun is one of the leaders of the opposition in the clashes last fall and one of the most relevant organizations of the hypocrites. this year's human rights award in guangzhou, south korea was awarded to the trade unions of iranian cultural workers, the members of the teachers' union from tehran, the leaders of the illegal teachers' union, who met with the agents of the french intelligence service in tehran and in order to implement the destabilization project , a large amount of dollars. to recieve. pour terroriser la population
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pour se battre contre la police et également to be able to have teacher rallies to riot. whoever wants to take this right from us, we will stand against him and him in various ways we will kneel down. international center.
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the zionist lobby was responsible for giving this custom award. in the past, the same
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lobbies gave the nobel peace prize to shirin ebadi, the head of the illegal human rights defenders' center. shirin ebadi, winner of the nobel peace prize from london, reported that in order to receive this award , messages from abroad are sent to narges mohammadi to intensify his behavior , he did not use leave and treatment opportunities in prison. to achieve the goal of winning the prize. narges mohammadi also accepted the leave and called her children refrain and with his brother who is on leave to follow up. he had referred to encounters. the slogan of the donors is the same as the slogan of the riot leaders. the nobel peace prize was previously awarded to people like shimon peres, yitzhak rabin, menachem begin, leaders of the zionist regime. while
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last year, the west treated its citizens like this, especially women. but in this one year , he gave all the awards he had to the activists of insecurity and fire-bringing in iran, so that these awards are kursovi to ignite the dormant fire of ashura. amina sadat zabihpour sada varsim news agency. i am shabani, the elder brother of martyr parviz shabani, his brother was martyred 39 years ago, or for example , at 129:00 on march 24, 1963, in the friday prayer explosion of tehran university, pay attention to the explosion that
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resulted in 14 martyrs and 88 injured. brothers and sisters, please note that no force can surrender our nation. now the martyr's brother is waiting for the start of the court in which the criminal case of the perpetrators of these assassinations is to be investigated, but today is tuesday, the 21st of azar from the year 1402 aj. the first session of dealing with the gang's accusations terrorists of the hypocrites accused of the people's mojahedin of iran in the 11th branch of the criminal court of tehran province to
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serve as the head of the court. and the accompanying judicial board is being held and formed. in the 700-page criminal complaint of this case, there are accusations of the legal entity of the people's mojahedin organization and 14 people from the central cadre of this group. this court, considering the presence of taskhiri lawyers present in the court session. shakat family and shakat present and the honorable representative of the prosecutor announce the formality of the court. after the judge's speech, the prosecutor's representative read the first part of the indictment. after the passage of months many people like mohammad
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hanifnejad saeed mohsen and asghar from that event. they tried to form a group that years later took the name of the people's mojahedin organization of iran. according to the court announcement, the accused in this case had been officially informed to present a lawyer for themselves . the proposal of the bar association got five lawyers for them. i am a professional lawyer . i took an oath to defend justice and
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the client's rights. we do it does not matter who the client is, even if it is the mojahedin organization. no matter the people, even if it is masoud rajabi, who is my client , we will definitely defend all their legal rights. the next hearing of this case will be held next week and the lawyers of the defendants will present their defense case . mehdi javadi of sed and cima news agency. the construction of this house by my own hands is strange to the woman.
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surrendered. i am the type who wants to come for the first time, the second time, or the third time. i want to participate . i will face a mafia in a special mafia hall in the auctions. this is the representative of the judiciary in the organization. property ownership says that this mafia won't allow me to buy or they will harm me in the way they plan, i won't be able to participate next time . the first problem was that this auction was renewed and the buyer did not come and time passed. the second
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problem in another case was that the auction was held, but not everyone was informed, the brokers came, for example, a special person came, bought the property at an expert price. if this auction was held in real form, this price would be higher he was leaving. the example is the one i bought years ago.
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the way in which the possibility of violation and selling the property of the convicts at a price lower than the real value. it was not far from the mind of the year 1400, after reviewing the 1401 budget bill of the whole country, the parliament approved judicial auctions in the context of the headquarters system or the government's electronic procurement system. if this happens, the number of cases entering the judicial system will decrease, and if the number of cases decreases, the issue of delaying proceedings will be resolved. judiciary is responsible for branch auctions. the rulings of the executive departments of registration and liquidation of bankruptcy matters through to organize the electronic procurement system of the headquarters government
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. since the holding of judicial electronic auctions was more or less implemented since the second half of 1401. in the budget of 1402, the representatives emphasized on the implementation of the disadvantages in the framework of the headquarters system. the government agrees with the commission. these 203 people started voting and it was approved. the ministry of mining industry and trade is obliged to provide the possibility of holding the mentioned auctions in this system and the sale must be done in absentia . electronic judiciary until the end of mehr may it be against corruption and violations in the context of the sale of confiscated property of our convicts in the commission of article 90. we had a complaint in which some people whose property was put up for auction through the judiciary, unfortunately either did not have a customer or
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had a customer who bought it at a low price . we investigated these complaints and found that they are right from the beginning of this year, all electronic judicial auctions will be held, and some provinces are at the forefront of implementing this law. since we started this issue, thank god, in the first auction, 26 people from the whole country participated in the auction. to do. alhamdulillah, this work was implemented in south khorasan. the number of people participating in the auction has increased and the result is that these auctions have finally been sold at a higher price. the law, which, along with fair access to auctioned property, has increased the speed of sales and provided the possibility for applicants to appear online. demonstrations used to be held in court only in person , now for some time now they have been held online and in iran's sadad system. those who
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participate in the auction are much better. it's great, the speed is very good. their pledges and deposits are very fast it is possible to develop transparency, reduce administrative corruption, and increase people's participation in purchasing property . these are the most important aspects of this law, which the parliament played an effective role in bringing to fruition .
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now it's time to buy a refrigerator, it's time to buy an installment of a refrigerator, it's called an installment, they charge a fee, the method is this , it's not the reason, it's not the reason, you can go to the city of household appliances because the fees are less and the fee is calculated only from the cash balance, in two days the ceremony of choosing the best entrepreneur is said. .
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can save up to 100 million tomans you will receive purchase credit. we still have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. washing machine powder with high stain removal and bleaching. what's going on? why is there no one in the city ? where are the people at this time of the day? aha, so everyone is going
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to sarai irani, the largest iranian sarai opened in tehran, so that you can shop more easily than ever . we should say hello to nature again.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news the government is unilaterally canceling visas. travel to iran for 33 countries until the order of the president for facilities for life savers. the first phase of this year's profit of adalat shares will be deposited into the shareholders' accounts tomorrow. qassam hit the zionists with the death of golani brigade battalion commander and 9 other soldiers in shujaiye area of ​​gaza. puma announced commercial cooperation with the
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football federation.


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