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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 2:30pm-3:02pm IRST

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life is very difficult. life is very difficult for them in terms of health . there is no drinking water for them . there is no adequate and healthy food for them. even in the camp and in the schools, unfortunately, i have to say that basic needs. there is no provision for these displaced persons and all these problems are covered by children who have medical problems and are not vaccinated. unfortunately, every child who is born gets sick and his life is in danger. thank you, madam.
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shaba from gaza, before our communication, i told you that in the meeting of the united nations general assembly, 80 countries they became members of the demand for the establishment of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza. these applauses are the support of a majority voice of 80 % of the world community for the defenseless people of gaza and when with 15. the members of the united nations approved a resolution requesting an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza . the four-paragraph resolution is similar to the resolution that america vetoed in the security council last friday . arab and islamic countries presented this resolution to the united nations general assembly. after the permanent representative of our country voted in favor of this resolution in this meeting , it is based on iran's fixed position.
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he emphasized the non-recognition of the zionist regime and said: the situation is completely clear is. a member country, which is a permanent member of the security council , has decided to stand by the criminal regime of israel by abusing the unfair power of veto and enable this regime to continue killing civilians in gaza. america's clear opposition to the ceasefire means prescribing a war of violence and eventually more deaths for children and women.
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some of israel's friends have proposed reforms in order to condemn only one side and acquit the other side. most members of the international community blame israel instead of hamas for the bombing of gaza's open-air prison . although this resolution of the general assembly of the organization nations, like other resolutions of this un body, is not binding and has no enforcement guarantee. but the fact that 153 countries are here in the un general assembly formally. they declare their opposition to the attacks of the zionist regime on the defenseless people of gaza. after this, the regime will definitely put more pressure on its allies in the international forums. ali rajabi , united nations general assembly news agency, new york. a group of anti -zionist american jews gathered in front of the white house and demanded an end to the crimes of the zionist regime and an immediate ceasefire in gaza. these jews who themselves
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they chained the gates of the white house and asked us president joe biden to support a permanent ceasefire in gaza in front of the buildings of the new york times, citigroup and starbucks in new york. there was also a gathering of supporters of palestine. the people of gaza protested.
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the campaign to boycott zara, one of the companies supporting the zionist regime, reached the uk. a number of supporters of the people of gaza gathered in front of one of the demonstrators to protest against the advertising images of the zara clothing and jewelry company, and said that these images depicted gazan mothers with dead children and their shrouds. embrace they are being teased. they demonstrated with the palestinian people and condemned the crimes of the zionist regime. hebron in the west bank also witnessed a large-scale public march in
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support of the people of gaza. demonstrators have demanded an end to the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. puma, a german company that manufactures sports equipment and clothing, announced that it will end its cooperation with the zionist football federation. for a long time, puma has faced widespread requests to boycott the zionist regime. the pro-palestinian campaigns on social networks also announced the reason for this decision to boycott the zionist regime. of course, puma's spokesperson says that the decision to end cooperation with the zionist football federation
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is only a business decision. nevertheless, the campaign to boycott companies supporting the zionist regime emphasized that puma's decision to end cooperation with the zionist regime has been a direct response to international calls for sanctions. the good news of the minister of communications and information technology for the villagers, mr. zarpour, said that by the end of the year, all villages with more than 20 households will be connected to the network. according to the minister of communications , more than 560 new villages have been connected to the internet since the beginning of the government's work. mr. zarpour informed by the end of the year, 8 million households will be connected to optical fiber. nearly 4,70,800,000
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households are covered. by the end of this month , god willing, it will reach at least 5 million and by the end of the year according to the plan that has been made , god willing. the minister of education said that the dairy industries that did not supply milk to schools in some provinces will be introduced to the ministry of agricultural jihad .
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their distribution is different in the provinces. 12 provinces have sadrasadi coverage. 7 provinces up to 70% coverage they gave. eight provinces will finalize their contracts this week. unfortunately, none of the dairy companies gave them milk in four provinces. in today's government meeting, while reporting on the issue, i requested the honorable minister of agriculture, jad khazuri, to talk to the industries that did not cooperate. they said that they must introduce the dairy industry that does not provide milk to schools. today , i will not mention their names from this platform. but i will definitely introduce them to the honorable minister of agriculture because they do not play an important role. heroic iranian students. the 2023 asian robotics games was held in malaysia. china and malaysia
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winning both the second and third place in the competition. in this period, the iranian team consisting of 34 students competed with their asian opponents and was able to win the first place in this division by presenting the best design of the innovation league. iran's elite medalists will return to the country on december 23 to prepare for the 2020 world championships. the overselling case of one of the assembly car manufacturers, which has been going back and forth for a long time between the consumer and producer protection organization and the government security organization , has approached the stage of announcing the verdict. the head of the penitentiary organization says that the government is dealing with the verdict of the high-priced case
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the car mafia will definitely not be complacent. what the spokesperson of the government says is related to the over-selling of one of the assembly car manufacturers , whose violation is related to two years ago. at the preliminary stage of the punishment organization, when the conviction was issued and finalized, they naturally had the right to appeal. again , expert opinions are excluded from expert institutions. file this issue. in the year 1401, the support organization was formed and reached the hands of tazirat, for 900 billion tomans of overselling, a fine of 14 thousand billion tomans was cut, the request for reconsideration and a series of documents to that branch, the penitentiary organization requests an inquiry for more details . according to the inquiry of the general legal department of the state penitentiary organization in september 1402 , the response of this organization
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is sent to the said general department through letter no. 9934 dated 206 1402 . the answer must be in a way that can convince our investigating judge that this accusation is directed at the accused . we went to the ministers of justice and justice . i will not interfere because i do not have deep and accurate information the cases in which it has been reported that the village itself is selling their cases at high prices are in the process of investigation . it should be decided. we can't announce when it will be decided . think about when it will be decided. now it has to go through the process. it seems like another time. that process has been resolved and now what they told us, god willing , probably next week, if god gives us success, god willing, there is a high possibility that my beard will be issued. experts are of the opinion that speeding up the handling of such cases can
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reduce the occurrence of such incidents. national license portal since the beginning of the year, about 300,000 licenses have been issued to guilds. i started the workshop about a year ago. fortunately, i managed to get my license easily. about 9 months of facilitating trade union licenses in the country. the past and this is telling and the situation of trade license applicants. i applied through the license.ayr and paid all the fees online. after i registered on the website, i was followed up through sms and i uploaded all my documents within 24 hours. although more than 60% of all business licenses are issued by trade unions since march last year the issuance of these permits was completely electronic. without the presence of you, sir, 100 magi. now, the unions say that this path has been opened, in the beginning
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there was a lot of opposition because it was unknown, but now the more we move forward, the more we become known, the easier it is to do the work. business licenses have been unique . they are the cleanest reference units of the licensing authorities. they are easy to comply with the law and easy to implement the law. according to the statistics of the national portal, there are nearly 300 thousand licenses so far. trade license applicants can get their license without visiting the national license portal.
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the central bank's statistics indicated that the income and expenditure of the two banks, melli and sepe, do not match . due to be issued in 5 years with the guarantee of principal and profit by the government, it was decided that by issuing these bonds, the power of these banks will increase from people's capital and get out of the loss circuit. both banks have obtained the necessary approvals from the ministry of economy and we also approved the assets of 25 thousand billion tomans of national bank and 25 thousand billion tomans of sepah bank, and this means that the capital increase of these two banks with the help of the people and these
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government bonds can do better repairs and provide better services. in the form of facilities or other services that can actually be provided by banks, they should actually be provided to the people when the educational power of the bank increases , there is no need to touch the resources of the central bank or the resources that are available in the market from the place of capital increase to provide education. there is a bank , it doesn't exist anymore, it creates financial capability the same amount of unbalance reduction. but now, after about 9 months, these papers are supposed to be published soon . it was our administrative correspondence and administrative bureaucracy that caused the delay, otherwise, from the first day of a 1402, both melli bank and sepa bank took action , an extraordinary general meeting was held. we expect that this will happen by the end of december
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, as the minister of economy said, the issuance of these bonds was done in line with measures to get state banks out of losses and increase the power of these banks in managing people's capital. somia mardani, sed and sima news agency. according to the announcement the tax affairs organization has issued more than 69,000 taxpayers electronic invoices in the taxpayer system. according to this report, 200 listed and over-the-counter companies and 200 state-owned companies are still in the system. according to the law, all legal and natural persons must issue electronic invoices in this system from the beginning of the month by connecting to the taxpayers' system , otherwise they will be subject to fines. the implementation of this system is to increase transparency and prevent tax evasion. specialists of a knowledge-based company
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succeeded in producing asphalt rejuvenator and non-improving polymer to improve road construction infrastructure. asphalt chips are one of the harmful things to the country's environment. now, an existing knowledge-based company recycles asphalt by making a product called asphalt rejuvenator. we have exactly the same old asphalt with this one. we do a very small percentage of mixing and use the same asphalt . again, by making this product, the road surface, in addition to protecting the environment, also saves a lot in the consumption of fine sand. approximately 40 million tons of fine sand are used for road construction projects. 40 million tons of tangential sound will be preserved
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in the country and the same old asphalt with exactly the same quality of new asphalt. asphalt is recycled and the other product of this company , the quality-improving polymer , reacts with any kind of bitumen and increases the quality of bitumen . we have a problem in many places in barts because of the brakes and the weight of the cars. pollen in its original state, no change in shape can be seen after an unlimited period of time. this polymer has been used in some road construction projects in the country. and according to the officials of this knowledge-based company, although the cost of asphalt will increase by 20% with this polymer , it will eventually increase the life of the asphalt twice. coat of other products related to non and asphalt has been produced and exported. other than antifreeze and colored bitumens
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, we could reach shabtab bitumens in the colored bitumen phase. there are bitumens that reflect the light they absorb in the dark . these are not paints, they are not coatings , it is bitumen that does this and it can be very effective in the beauty of the road and in reducing the dangers that exist on our roads. this company is only one of 200 scientific companies active in the field of housing and road construction, all of which are supported by the innovation and prosperity fund. more than 120 billion tomans of our financial services and companies in the domain we provided housing and transportation. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. research day celebration in national media. the presence. the head of the broadcasting organization , the secretary of the supreme council of cultural revolution and a group of researchers, seven research collections were unveiled by mr. dr.
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jabali, mr. dr. shaker nejad and mr. razi . let's assume that in the case of a new issue, for example, the same case that happened in recent days, regarding the so-called financial corruption that happened , we want to plan, not for two in another month, not for another 6 months, that's why tonight we want to make a program. what is the pulse of the society, what does the society think about this financial corruption that happened, who can help the district. political, news and planning areas are definitely research centers. i am happy that during this period the relationship between the organization's research center and
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planning areas has been greatly strengthened, even for immediate and obvious planning. we requested our loved ones at the center of the research center two days ago. yesterday , the result of nazarji's opinion on this issue is that i said that the stronger this connection is, the closer it is to us get tighter. it will definitely help the depth and effectiveness of the content produced in the organization in different fields. the broadcast of the second season of mastoran , directed by ali hashemi , will start from 28 december on channel one. did you say a doctor and an apothecary? narrations of old iranian stories such as hizar and yak shab, kashgol, golestan and shahnameh, which
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had never been experienced, this series made it possible to combine one of my very favorite and attractive genres in one. experience a wide and professional way. mostasuran collection also narrates legends from the safavid and ghaznavid eras. their minds are full of adventure refresh seria ghasemi, farhad aaish, fatemeh gudarzi and behnam tashkar are among the actors of the second season of mastoran. how to make them bow down? second masoran will be aired in 38 episodes directed by ali hashemi. we all eat from the same bag and we share in murder, robbery and love. mohammad sadegh
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zamani, sed and sima news agency. today, the meteorological organization has forecasted parts of the western half of the country with rain and temperature drop. due to the intensity of rains, weather warnings have been issued for some provinces. greetings. dear viewers, i have to tell you that today in the section in the northwest, western regions, southwestern parts , southern coasts, southern slopes of alborz , we expect the temperature to decrease during the afternoon and early night hours , rains in the northwestern parts of the country , western parts, southwestern parts, southern regions, as well as the southern parts of the sea. caspian and the southern slopes of alborz are witnessing the rains in the high altitude and sirsi areas in the form of snow, depending on the intensity. barshah , flooding of public roads, rising water levels of rivers and canals in the provinces of west azarbaijan , southern parts of west azarbaijan province , east azarbaijan province, ardabil, gilan, western parts and
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mazandaran province, the provinces of kurdistan, kermanshah, ilam, lorestan, the eastern half of khuzestan province, chaharmahal and bakhtiari, the northern parts of bushehr province, the northwestern parts of fars province, the western parts of the southern parts of isfahan province, and in the heights of alborz for the heights of zanjan, ghaznin, alborz and tehran . in the name of god, hello , have a good time. in the delayed games of the fifth week, a game will be held today. the referee of shahrvard has also been determined . the teams of sanat naft and golgohar sirjan will play against each other in abadan from 15:00. golgohar is eighth with 14 points and nafti. with 10 points in the category
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the thirteenth the remaining three games of the fifth week will be held on thursday, and in the most important and sensitive match in the capital city of vard, the two teams press police and esteghlal will face each other at the azadi stadium from 16:00 and 15:00 respectively, with the agreement of the football federation and the agreement of fifa. this match will be held with a video assistant referee and the refereeing of the game is the responsibility of the fundamental difference. will be. the championship freestyle wrestling competition of the selection cycle of the national team started this morning with the competition of wrestlers weighing 57, 65 and 97 kg. the biggest competition to reach the honor runners in seyed rasool hall hosseini sari started. 400 wrestlers from all over iran came to sari to compete.
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these competitions will be held in three days. a number that brought the contenders together to show off the eye-catching techniques of wrestling. any wrestler who wants to actually claim to wear the national team jersey for the asian and olympic competitions must participate in these competitions. seyed mehdi jafari defeated masoud fallah salehani in 97 kg weight. in this connection, yusuf lamei or
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a group of these competitions, manchester united lost to bayern munich with one goal and left the competition. copenhagen went to the elimination stage with a 1/0 advantage against galatara . they faced eindhoven with arsenal, who had previously scored a draw. real madrid had also beaten anian berlin by 3/2, and napouri won against portugal with two goals. the match between inter and sociedad ended in a goalless draw. in the most important games tonight , atletico madrid also played. in tehran, sunset at 16:51 , maghrib call to prayer at 1712 and midnight in the city.
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it will be 23:14. today's economics desk and my colleague, mr. bozor nasif, please say hello . in the name of god, i greet you respected colleague mrs. hosseinzadeh , i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to all the viewers of meiz ekhtos program. we have heard in the news that 200 stock companies and 200 government companies are not connected to the madian system and the stores are waiting for their violation papers to be issued by the tax administration. there is an event that is going to happen in 10, that is, approximately 9 days from now for all the traders, guilds, all those who have economic activities, if they do not connect to the maadiyan system, they will not have a store , it will happen to everyone. which is basically the connection process so far, how many people , how many companies, how many real legal companies have come to connect and their work has been done, how long will they stay, what
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will happen to them if they don't connect, and many other questions that may arise for you, if you are interested in this discussion. follow us on the news network , thank you. yes, you are with the economy desk, we want to talk about saman maadian, today's discussion is about taxes, let's see the first picture together, let me give you this point first of all, the more precise the tax is, this means tax justice, if it is established, there will be many problems. that the existence of many protests in sanfa , kasba, and companies will be resolved. don't look at it from this point of view, for example, you have to pay taxes. look at it from above . you don't agree, we
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didn't have that much sales, we didn't have that much profit .


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