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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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goodbye god hello, please accompany us with the news at 18:00. the european union foreign policy official supported the un secretary general. after the zionist foreign minister criticized the un secretary general and claimed that he is a threat to world peace. now , eu foreign policy official joseph brill said: you can agree or disagree with gether's request for a ceasefire in gaza, but no. the secretary
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general of the united nations should be qualified. zionists' criticism of the united nations increased after the secretary general of this organization, in a rare act, violated article 99 of the united nations charter to hold a meeting. emergency activated in support of the ceasefire in gaza. with the continued attacks of the zionist military and the difficult conditions of the hospitals, due to the lack of equipment and medical personnel, the sick and wounded in gaza are struggling with death. according to al-mayadeen network , the occupation forces faced serious problems with the gaza treatment network. hospitals in the center and south of the gaza strip are facing severe work pressure. the ministry of health in the gaza strip says that the treatment network in this area is different.
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he cannot tolerate the continuation of these conditions. transferring the injured to hospitals continues without interruption. the situation here is difficult undoubtedly , it complicates the work for the treatment network in the gaza strip. by renewing attacks on the center and south of the gaza strip, the occupying regime is trying to kill as many people as possible. hospitals under siege are almost paralyzed and can only provide first aid to the wounded. the pictures here are undoubtedly similar to other hospitals in the center and south. the food bar is full of injured people and medical personnel say the situation is getting out of control. the number of injured is very high and the hospital cannot serve them . there is no place to throw needles in this hospital. injured people are constantly being taken to the hospital. the situation is truly disastrous. as you can see, the wounded are on the ground.
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the international community should send us medical equipment and medicine. medical teams should be sent here. field hospitals should be established. all injured must be evacuated for treatment. tattatah al-nazumah al-sahiyyah in the gaza strip. the healthcare network in the gaza strip is collapsing in front of the eyes of the international community, and no action is being taken, and warnings about the impact of these
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conditions on the lives of tens of thousands of injured patients who die every day the struggle with death continues. more news, the minister of education said that the dairy industries that have not supplied milk to schools in some provinces will be introduced to the ministry of jihad agriculture. according to mr. sahrai, out of a total of 8 million primary school students, approximately 70%. have received milk. their distribution is different in the provinces. 12 provinces covering hundred. have. 7 provinces up to 70% coverage . eight provinces will finalize their contracts this week. unfortunately, none of the dairy companies gave them milk in the four provinces. in today's meeting of the government, while reporting the issue from the honorable minister ajad agriculture, i asked them to talk to the industries that did not cooperate. they said that they should
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be introduced to the dairy industry that does not provide milk to schools. today , i will not mention their names from this platform, but i will definitely introduce them to the honorable minister of agriculture because of their lack of important role . the minister of culture and islamic guidance said: with the order of the president, better facilities will be gradually provided to umrah pilgrims. referring to the resumption of farda umrah from the end of this month, mr. esmaili added that with the cooperation of the ministry of roads and urban development and the central bank, the conditions for sending farda umrah pilgrims are easy. it gets wet. in relation to the single umrah , the government has actually provided this number by using half width, that's why this package, which is presented between 40 and 434 tomans, which was announced
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based on this, of course, mr. president, ordered that we can gradually let's provide more serious support, god willing, this will start to turn around . i will take it later, god willing, maybe we can do these discussions gradually. the meteorological organization has predicted heavy rainfall in most parts of the country for tomorrow in parts of semnan, north khorasan and the southern coasts of darya. it will be caspian. in the name of god, i greet you, dear viewers. i have to tell you that during tomorrow, almost as you can see on the map, we are witnessing rains in most parts of our country , the rains are in the form of rain at high altitudes, and the areas where these rains are in the form of snow , tomorrow the rains will be intense. more in the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, golestan, north khorasan province and
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the highlands of semnan province. due to the intensity of the rains in these areas , the water level of the rivers and canals will rise. in the south of el bard and the central areas, we expect to see strong winds in some hours. approval of the first agreement of the countries of the world for the transition towards the gradual elimination of fossil fuels. the united nations climate meeting in dubai, which was supposed to end on tuesday, finally and despite the differences. the comments reached the final agreement today. this agreement requires countries to include fossil fuels in their plans. however , the criticism of the less developed countries and also those with fossil fuel reserves caused the gradual elimination not to be included in this agreement. may critics
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they say that global measures to deal with climate change should be proportionate to the national interests and capabilities of countries. vulnerability of the uk national and private sector to the catastrophic risk of cyber attacks. the national security strategy committee in the british parliament has warned that this country is vulnerable to catastrophic cyber attacks both in the national and private sectors due to poor design and lack of necessary investment. the national center for cyber ​​security in england has introduced the infrastructure structures of energy supply, water supply, transportation, health and treatment, as well as communication. strategy committee national security in the british parliament, suela braverman, the former minister of the country, is responsible for the delay in not designing and not allocating the necessary capital in this regard.
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the guardian also wrote that in the latest cyber attacks on public services in england, hackers entered the organization's computers last year. the nationalization of health and treatment of this country and the information of patients were stolen. end of this news section. her name was the code name for the attack on iran. her name has become a code word for last year's riots and for reviving
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insecurity. who presented his award to mehsa amini is the winner of this year's sakharov prize . it is awarded to an iranian singer . the fact that the president's wife gives this award is definitely meaningful and it definitely shows that the issue of iran and this movement is important. american jews, however, gave their committee's moral courage award to masih alinejad. the oxy courage award is going to be given tonight to masih alinejad.
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the high commissioner for refugees and your excellency to assist afghan refugees in iran we note the fact that only about one percent of the total costs of hosting the crowd. more than five million refugees in iran from international humanitarian aid. i must also point out that our generous hosting of refugees takes place in a situation where iran itself is under the most severe inhumane and illegal sanctions from the america is located. illegal sanctions by reducing the capacity and putting
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pressure on the activities of aid agencies prevent them from fulfilling their duty in humanitarian assistance to the needy people in the countries under sanctions. mr dear mr. hazar. in the end, i would like to emphasize. no person in good conscience, he cannot remain silent about the human tragedy in gaza and the entire occupied palestine. where the innocent people of gaza are massacred with the aim of driving them out of their homeland , their residential buildings are destroyed. the occupying regime is creating a new wave of displacement and adding millions. dear colleagues, a
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new displacement crisis is taking place in the worst possible way in gaza and the west bank. more than 20 thousand innocent people, most of whom are women and children. last month in gaza, they were dragged to the ground and blood, and we we have a duty to reopen the border of rafah and send large humanitarian aid without any explanation and to send medicine, food and fuel to the women and children of giza and the west bank. thank you for your attention .
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by god, let us fight steadfastly. by god, if they kill us, let us all fight steadfastly, and willingly, against all the arab countries that declare our will , steadfastly, willingly, against the whole world that has given us, despite the whole world that has given us, all the spies that help us, we are our lord. palestine, the martyrs of fida, the whole world, may god have mercy on them and pray for them all. the shrapnel of the battle that
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gaza continues thousands of kilometers away and victims are killed in american universities. hisham artani is 20 years old, the bullet that hit his spine has left him on the ground forever. esham is of palestinian descent because he was wearing a chaffiyeh along with his two other friends. who are also palestinians were shot near the university of vermont campus. elizabeth magir is 57 years old. from palestine nesita is the daughter of a senior judge , studied law and has been the president of one of the most important american universities for many years. the war in gaza cost him dearly. losing his job. during a congressional hearing on my anti-semitism based on the university's rules, which are taken from the us constitution, i emphasized that speaking
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alone cannot be prosecuted. magill along with the presidents of two other prominent universities namely. the reason why they are not strict enough against the opponents of the zionist regime were asked and answered. even as students chant the slogan of palestinian freedom from nahr to behrdan, these three have been accused of being silent in the face of calls for the genocide of jews.
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the authors of the letter believe that his resignation is a violation of university freedom. everyone should be able to express their opinion freely in the academic environment. a survey by the university of maryland shows that in recent weeks, 81 of academics focused on west asian studies are forced to censor comments. they became their own experts. 72% of them said: after the start of the gaza war , they had more requirements for self-censorship. azadeh taheri, radio and television news agency. i am now inside al-aqsa martyrs hospital in deir al-bala. but
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this time i am here to narrate a story that is unique in its kind and may only happen in the gaza strip. umm samia is now the mother of four children that she did not give birth to. i ask the truth of the story from my own somia. we were displaced from gaza city and came to nusirat camp. we had rented a house here and lived in it with several other families. unfortunately , this house is the target of the zionist air attack. it was placed and all the mothers who were there became martyrs. in this attack, 12 mothers and their children were martyred and only four children were saved from this attack. one of the children is four months old and the other is one year old. i breastfeed them and i have a one year old child. one of these children underwent surgery and the shrapnel was removed from his foot. what made
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you do such a thing? first thing the first factor is the sense of philanthropy. the situation in the food bar is very serious that we should have mercy on each other so that god will have mercy on us. access to food and sanitation in the gaza strip is almost cut off and we are in the midst of war and destruction. all our children have become orphans and there is at least one martyr or wounded in each family. the boycott campaign of the zionist regime and the pressure on western trademarks, like this picture in the middle of the night, a worker was killed or the regime was injured
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, also targeted approximately 20 to 30 percent of the primary forces and managed to kill a large number of them. destroy many tanks and personnel of the zionist regime in sheikh rezvan
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the resistance has been able to mobilize a large number of zionist soldiers , and the clashes continue in al-falujah area in the north of the gaza strip. gaza city and the north of gaza have fallen. in this regard , the clashes are continuing fiercely in the khanyunu axis, and
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in the name of god, in the name of god , in the name
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of god, in the name of god, in the name of god, in the name of god, the akbar. khumsa allahu akbar, alhamdulillah, in the name of allah
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we are at the service of the fathers of those who were martyred in this house. crimes have taken place and the effects are in front of our eyes. your children were martyred in this attack and a number of neighbors were also injured. your words
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, in total, 5 members of my family were martyred . the sixth person was martyred. he also disappeared and i don't know where he is . we don't have any facilities for debris removal . many of the wounded who were taken to the hospital are not far from death. one of them is in the intensive care unit. i was not at home at the time of the attack. i am in the emergency department of the ministry i work in health. now this is the case here
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when someone is at work.
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this work of israel is ethnic cleansing, they don't want anyone to die in gaza, whether they cooperate with the resistance or those who don't. may god reward you. i am ashamed of your tears. accept the condolences of all the staff of al-alam network. there are still traces of blood on these children's clothes. traces of blood on. do you see this child's clothes? this is one of the stories that we see every day. these scenes happen in all the streets and areas of garza strip. i am now inside al-aqsa martyrs hospital in deir i am bella. but this time , i am here to narrate a story that is unique in its kind and may only happen in the gaza strip. om samiya
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now. she is the mother of four children that she did not give birth to. i ask the truth of the story from my own somia. we were displaced from gaza city and came to nusirat camp. we had rented a house here and lived in it with several other families. unfortunately, this house was targeted by the zionist regime's air attack and all the mothers who were there were martyred. in this attack, 12 mothers and their children were martyred, and only four of them were children the attack was saved. one of the children is four months old and the other is one year old. i breastfeed them and i have a one-year-old child myself. one of these children underwent surgery and the shrapnel was removed from his foot. what made you do this? the first factor is a sense of philanthropy. the situation in the gaza strip is so dire that we have to have mercy on each other.
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all our children are orphaned and there is at least one martyr or wounded person in every family.
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have a good time . welcome to the economy and market news. the first phase of dividends will be deposited into the accounts of the holders of these shares tomorrow. according to at this stage, the head of the stock exchange organization will deposit from 736 thousand tomans to one million and 385 thousand tomans to the shareholders' account in proportion to the assets. the first time, god willing, from thursday, december 23 , interest will be paid to


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