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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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every taste is covered and it has a variety of products . the desert engine is differentiating in motion. sit on the front page. sit on the front page. isar is there on the other side of the fence. see, the pleasure of meeting is there. on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are on you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello and good night, dear viewers of the news network, the first page of the program, we present to you the islamic council, which is responsible for legislation and oversees the executive and government bodies, and among the supervisory institutions is the majlis diwan, the court of accounts. all the accounts of the ministry of home affairs, government institutions and companies are handled, including the members of the prosecutor's accounts court there is a court. the prosecutor takes action within the limits of the financial regulations to protect the treasury, and whenever the monthly or annual accounts and financial statements and any type of documents or documents required are not provided to the court of accounts, the prosecutor of the court is obliged to file a lawsuit against the officials or officials. to prepare and submit to the head of the country's audit committee in advisory boards. in a few days, it will be
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the first anniversary of the new team working in the audit court, and tonight we have the honor of hosting dr. kamia , the honorable prosecutor of the audit court, who is at your service. hello and polite. you are very welcome . thank you. i am at your service and all the dear viewers . hello. i say, alaikum. peace be upon you. you are very welcome, mr. doctor. thank you . allow me to say hello to our dear people , in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. i offer my condolences to the dear viewers on the days of fatimah. i hope that the lord of the universe will grant us the opportunity to be a true guide for the pure imams , peace be upon them, especially fatima zahra, peace be upon them. i want to use this program that the opportunity that in well, these opportunities
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are very important because we can find an opportunity to enlighten the public opinion of the society in relation to the functioning of the court of accounts and the duties of the court of accounts, which is a very important body . let the people be related to the performance of the accounts court . as you know, the accounts court is the largest supervisory body for the financial performance of the so-called executive bodies, and this is precisely attributed to the people, in fact, the accounts court , precisely because you have a subpoena. diwan the president and the prosecutor of the court of accounts are elected through the parliament, so the people's representatives, who are elected by the people, appoint the president and the prosecutor.
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what are the functions of these ? what are the duties of these? monitoring the way of income and expenses are executive bodies. well, the people have the right to be praised for the performance of the court of accounts and report on its performance from time to time. i thank you for this opportunity, and regarding your question, fortunately, we had a meeting last night, the senior managers of the audit bureau with the managers and vice presidents and vice presidents of sed and vasima. it would be very good if i give a brief explanation in this regard, and then i will answer your questions . the things that were raised there are really a good coordination between sada and sima and considering that sada and sima is the director. they
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should have the necessary policies regarding public opinion. one of these cases is the court of accounts. we discussed the matter there. there is a question of supervision . unfortunately, supervision in our country is a so-called issue that has been neglected. all the so-called various cases related to the implementation of the institutions, their duties, the various institutions , in fact, many opportunities are provided. but regarding supervision, i can actually say that lack of kindness is one of the most important supervision devices in the country. which deals specifically with financial issues and institutions, the court of accounts. well , the people are actually the main owners of the people's public treasury. people like to know the public treasury , how it is used, how it is monitored, and the income
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, even these things. with the honorable president , sada vasima became the national media. the national media should spend some time in this regard, compared to the fact that people are involved in cases, now the advantages will be that the authority that calculations related to commenting on the use of the treasury, people should have this authority , and another benefit it will have is that the different media are yours. do you expect that one of the problems of our society is that news and issues are published through so-called media, these media do not even accept the responsibility of publishing that news and in fact they don't report the news, and this news that
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was dropped is now almost true. it is not true, did he have a duty or not, who was responsible for giving this news or not? in this regard, the monitoring system is important, well, this can be very important, and another issue that is the responsibility of the radio and television media, well, naturally , the first news should be given to the people . the first institution in relation to the financial performance of the institution of executive institutions is the court of accounts. this opportunity was yesterday, alhamdulillah , we were also prepared for the issues that were brought up regarding the cooperation of radio and television with the accounts court, which have common goals. very well, thank you very much, doctor
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. let's address the questions in the field of duties. how many cases can be filed in the media since the beginning of this year? that being said , it is under investigation. now, the ones that are a little more important, if possible , please tell us in brief which cases were on which topics and which agencies. first, i would like to say which cases are reported to the court of accounts as violations. there are many channels, one main channel that we have is the channel of the auditors of the divan of accounts. there are auditors of the accounts court all over the country, and the central accounts court in all provinces and financial reports and financial performance of these are monitored, and all these
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are sent to tehran under the title of processing in an annual society account under the title of budget subtraction, and this report comes and is collected. it can be audited from the provinces and another one of these audits are the audit boards in tehran itself, which are based in the ministry of housing , which we also have for this reason, and another part of people's reports that we use the 1980 system as public relations has been established now. people can contact us and inform us about the violations of the device.
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we have a full report on this. well, according to the law of the parliament budget reduction should be made known to the people, this budget reduction will be taken care of. now, fortunately, in the last two or three years, especially recently , we give the budget deduction to the parliament earlier than the next year's budget . in the absence of performance, it is presented that i can here different devices that actually work. what happened to them , whether it is in terms of attracting funds, the so-called lack
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of income, the so-called reports, or in moving places that we now call devices. let's not go, but i would like to tell you some of the so-called violations, now there is a ban , you can name it, the ban should also be put in a form, so to speak, teflik, and people can know about the device itself, yes, but itself. the device is finally the custodians of the cases we have now, the performance case of 1400. today , when we name the so-called previous offender, who was he with , we should name him. when we don't name the people , the so-called responsible person will be accused. that's why i don't want to. yes, we discount 1401 now. we present the deduction to the parliament. now it is ready and this subtraction almost now, we are waiting for the order of the assembly
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. well, no, which devices have violations, or all of these are listed there. no, you can also tell us. here, we now have a detailed description of the various parts that have been subtracted , for example, in that device itself. it is in the courtroom , because the courtroom comes to the courthouse after the presentation of the entertainment that is read in the parliament . is this something that can be said on the air now? now, you can say, for example , which device belongs to the most important cases that have been discussed. it is certainly a question for everyone in connection with the closing of the so-called government accounts, which is one of the important issues that the court has entered .
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according to the law, the institutions were obliged to close these accounts and the treasury income should be concentrated . in the last two or three months, i can say two-thirds of the accounts other. as for the remaining accounts, only about 4,000 of them have been closed, and 470 more are left. these accounts are too many for us. the number we had was around 40,000, and now, due to this , the attention of the court of accounts has almost completely decreased. to 4 thousand to those 4 thousand in terms of health care has actually
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created a problem due to the fact that some hospitals have joint accounts between themselves and the government, and especially private hospitals have their own accounts. not being connected to that centralized account of the treasury is a health problem, and recently we have to thank the ministry of petroleum, which, according to the entry of our audit court. yesterday we also had a meeting in the ministry of oil , they have 600 different accounts, and these accounts have been centralized in the last few days. thank you for a report. if you agree, we will see and come back to continue this conversation . shrugging off the shoulders of the guardians of the law. clean air from the implementation of that law, which has been implemented only 10% since 2016
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the practical action that we have seen in these years is the closure of schools, offices and some production units . if we want to close the school, people's businesses should be closed as the last option, but we, contrary to the first option , are quick to close the schools under the clean air law. they are responsible for the implementation of 176 tasks. some of them have been followed up by the inspection organization and the parliament. we filed a case against the previous officials . when the performance of the devices is stable as before, there must be different issues in this regard . one of the issues may be the law itself. it should be updated according to the requirements of the day, and some of the bottlenecks and some of the legal loopholes that
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the devices have found and are implementing for this act, well, of course, if it is blocked , the prosecutor's office will find it online and find the cases. of course, we are always looking at prevention and we hope that the devices themselves will be found, but the legal tools that the court has will be used decisively in the coming weeks, and we will handle the cases related to clean air out of turn. we will give both in the courtroom and in the boards consultancy mr. doctor, in your report , how many complicities have occurred in the implementation of the clean air law, fortunately , it was almost two weeks ago that the technical deputy of the audit bureau was in a detailed conversation on the same news network
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, sufficient explanations were given in this regard, but i briefly your service to avoid repetition. the clean air law approved in 1996 from 1996 to 1900 almost caused some of this law not to be implemented and the consequences of not implementing this law caused the attention of the people and the authorities to turn to this side more than the regulatory bodies themselves. and this arrival of the court of accounts acted on this year, examined the report, and during a report sent to the islamic consultative assembly regarding non -action in this regard and leaving the verb led us to report this report, which indicates this. it was that 12% of this law has been implemented and
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almost 600 of them have been incompletely implemented and about 30% of them have not been implemented at all. 23 devices each due to different reasons , some of them not working and fortunately this report is from the side of the majlis shura court of accounts was sent to the majlis in the open floor of the majlis for these readings. and according to the legal powers of the parliament, according to the regulations , this report was sent to the judiciary, and now this case has been submitted to the judiciary itself, in relation to the people who should be held accountable for the so-called violations, as explained in the term of your report was also the
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honorable chairman of the court of accounts. recently, two weeks ago, we had a meeting with the head of the environment in this regard . diwan mazbat wants to enter in a centralized manner in this regard. you should refrain from taking the names of, for example, the devices, those who are not the only devices, there are 23 devices, including you, for example , count the ministry. there is the country , there is healthcare, there is almost the ministry of energy, there is the ministry of industry itself, there is the ministry of automobile , there is the ministry of oil.
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if you want to analyze the contents of the clean air law, they leave the action or do not do it please tell me what is the reason. in fact, we have some items whose answers are self-explanatory , while some materials' answers are not self-explanatory. for example, the place where it is not justified is where the device had the money and the authority, but stopped acting and did not act, but where we accept the justification for this, where, for example, the credit in this regard should have been given to them by the program organization. for example, in this regard, the bylaws that should have been approved, the bylaws should be approved , and the device should be opened to implement them, which, unfortunately, we can see here as well. we happen to be in there is no time for me to explain more about the issue of subtraction
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, including the issues that we have focused on in the subtraction . they can have their own duties, but when, for example, the regulations are delayed by eight months, then the task force waits for the regulations, and we will get there now. when i ask for the device itself, it says that i was waiting for the regulations, and the draft regulations were also given by me because of this law of the court of accounts. in order for the organizations to be able to identify their violations separately and bring these violations back to the prosecutor's office to file a case and be held accountable, we entered the court almost until the end of the year. it will be clear which devices had facilities in this regard , but not entering, for example, you should consider regarding the issue of the so-called
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fuel delivery to the ministry of oil, or the ministry of industry regarding vehicles that are standard and do not pollute the air or in it is related to the amount that we are burning in our own country , which is now using gasoline that is more than the allowed amount tehran is consumed, all of these reasons are given together, and this actually has an effect . he was checking these and reporting their violations , but it was still a single action, and your handling was also done. my air is still dirty . every year, the accounts court waits for these people to really perform
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their actions in relation to their duties. it is not a year, for example, compared to the production of standard cars, which, for example, is the production of electric cars, well, this is not a single job that we can say about it, for example, these opportunities, i mean that it worked for 3 years in the same report given by the court of accounts to the parliament. and the parliament has now sent this so-called to the judicial branch, and it has never happened to these institutions before? it will be pointed out, and now we will pay some amount. this is the first time that they will be applied to the judiciary. in this regard , everyone entering the court of torture is, of course, i must say that the judiciary itself has entered in this regard , but the report of the court of accounts
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is a very good document for them, because this so-called document has been read and discussed in the parliament itself , and it can be very inspiring in this regard. this is that, first of all, from now on, the devices must be the answer to the so-called prosecutor's office. and one of the problems that we have is now being implemented with the agencies themselves for more coordination. the agency comes and says why my credit has not been given, why has the credit not been given , for example, the so-called budget program organization in this relationship should have been budgeted , we say, why didn't you give it? well, i had a budget deficit . we go back to where the budget deficit came from. we see that a series of laws that we have
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show that the revenues are subtracted. last year, you could only get 10% of this. this number will be increased next year, for example, when it comes, it will increase that number, but it will also add 10,000 billion, so it means that now , in the budget of 1403 subtraction, for example, the previous year , it was really examined and these things were taken into account. you mentioned that now we have a detailed discussion here. our detailed discussion is that now currently, the bill that has been given to the parliament, this bill actually has problems between the parliament and
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the government. the parliament says that you did not consider the things that i saw in the program law in your program law. from that, the government says that i was waiting for the program law. the program law has not been promulgated yet. the guardian council should have approved it . the government also says that, well, finally, you agree with this. you wrote, but you were writing with this, sir, he came tomorrow , for example, in faith, we have nothing to do now, let's see the fight, what can i say, the difference. 2. the so-called parliament and the government should be in this regard let's see what will come out, but fortunately the government itself has welcomed our subtraction. i mentioned it in a so-called front page program .
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he blamed the violations of the devices to the government. for example, the government took a so-called guard and said that it is not like that, it is not true, instead of asking for an argument, but this government, for example, we are facing the subtraction of last year, when the subtraction was handed to mr. raisi , he himself wrote that the government is the so-called government board. be diligent in complying with the cases that the court of accounts has said, and thanks to the court of accounts, that's it. it shows that the government itself is coordinating with us regarding the eradication of surplus . thank you. another report. if you agree, let's see again. this industrial group had formed almost 20 real and legal companies and from 130 and 1998 to
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the end of 1401 access who is entering the system of the trading community, and at this stage , he registers an order. in the order registration, he specifies what kind of goods he wants to import in the country and registers this information in the system. does in the form of order registration, of which approximately 1 billion 400 was allocated to import machinery related to tea packaging , packaging related to printing, nearly 2 billion dollars was allocated to the tea product itself, 30 thousand the fraud that was stopped at eshtret customs by the respected judicial authority and
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was prevented. from the departure of that and these 30,000 tons , in fact, it did not have the required quality . there was no matching of the order registration with the imported goods in this import by this industrial group. in one of the customs offices in the south of the country, some of these teas lacked the required quality and are actually being smuggled. there is a film about this in the customs of the south of the country. you were very involved in the case of debash tea, mr. doctor . it is correct that we entered the issue of debash tea. .. and
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the width that belongs to this is half width , not preferred width. court of accounts in all cases , it was half width, it was half. yes , we did not have a preferred width here. now i am a friend in this regard i didn't have to enter because the entire judiciary has already entered, the head of the judiciary has commented and the first news in this regard has been given by mr. khodiyan, the head of the inspection organization, but i am following the words of these elders. i want to use it, see if he himself explained in this regard in the meeting he had with the students , he said that this is a crime that will be investigated and accurate statistics will be given and it is being investigated. i have a problem that here, i want to draw the attention of our dear people, and that is that some news we and...


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