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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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jordan is a destination for refugees in the deal of the century plan. currently , nearly 3 million palestinians live in jordan . there are conflicts between palestinians living in jordan and the people of that country. the jordanian government is worried about the increase in the new wave of palestinian refugees to this country. the economy of jordan's population structure. it cannot afford to accept more immigrants. the extravagance of the zionists has turned jordan into a permanent host for palestinian refugees. jordan with everyone.
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he announced that the drinking water of half a million palestinians in the west bank was contaminated. manzar haddadin, minister jordan's water and agriculture department confirmed that the factories of the zionist regime on the shores of lake tiberias were the cause of the contamination of the lake's water and its spread to jordan. the water purification systems of jordan were not able to purify the polluted water of lake tiberias. later it became clear
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that the zionist regime stores the fresh water of lake tiberias in the winter season. in lake tiberias, jordan only has the right to withdraw from the underground water that the zionists polluted. jordan and israel regime palestine. they consider it to be the cause of the looting of the water resources of the day houses, the lake and the drinking water crisis of this region. israeli regime it has prevented the delivery of water from the red sea to the dead sea on the border of jordan and the occupied territories. act ii, egypt. the nile
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is the longest river in the world and the lifeblood of faraene land. the long nile river has put egypt in a better position than other hot and dry african countries. nile water is the main source of life for the people of egypt. the lack or absence of water may present egypt with a security crisis. it is predicted that the sum. egypt's population will reach 160 million people by 205. if the population of egypt increases to 160 million people , the economic and social life of the people will be endangered due to the reduction of the water of the nile river. with more than 2 million egyptian farmers will lose their income due to the reduction of the water in the nile river. masri need nile water to meet their living expenses.
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while many zionists have looted the water of this long river. basel, switzerland in 1897. theodor herzl dreams of the zionist regime from zanil to the euphrates. at the time of the announcement of the existence of the zionist regime, egypt was the first arab country that
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turned the egyptian government from israel's staunch enemy into its ally after the death of gamal abdel nasser and the rise of anwar sadat. after the peace negotiations , egypt was the first arab country to normalize its relations it started with the zionists. the united states bureau of land reforms has designed a project to build 100 dams in ethiopia. it is decided that
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the karadubi dams, mabil , mandia and al-nahzeh will be built in ethiopia within a 10-year period. the client of the dam construction project in ethiopia is building a hundred excuses to start relations between the zionist regime and the ethiopians. ethiopia is the source of the nile river. in july 2016, benjamin netanyahu said in front of the ethiopian parliament: we use ethiopian technology to use its water resources. we support . simultaneously with netanyahu's visit to ethiopia, the first phase of the construction project on the nile river was opened.
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the presence of the zionist regime in ethiopia's dam construction project was initially denied, but hilawi youssef, the former ambassador of ethiopia, announced that an israeli company will manage ethiopia's power plants, including the power plant. hundredth of the movement has concluded contracts with addis ababa. israel has sent 240 investors in the field of water and electricity to this country to implement huge irrigation projects with ethiopian water resources. israeli companies are supposed
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to exploit them after the construction of hundreds in ethiopia . israeli engineering experts are supervising the construction of the ennahda dam in ethiopia. at the stage.
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the less well-known of the two, it's actually far larger than the white nile as it carries 85% of the water that flows through the nile itself. of course, 100% of this immense river ends up passing through egypt. now, while these may be their legal borders, for all intents and purposes, egypt is not this, but this. some 95% of the country's 98 million strong population lives within the narrow strip of land flanking the nile river. and cc. he added that we are planning to negotiate with the ethiopian government about the rights of our country. ethiopian statesmen based on the centuries of israel's construction in their country , they claim ownership of 86 percent of the nile water. in addition to egypt, ethiopia, sudan, uganda, kenya,
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tanzania and congo also have a share of nile water. the nile river is the lifeblood of the african continent. the conflict is over the nile water. be the prelude to the outbreak of war in the african continent. the zionists this time , they moved the battlefield from the occupied lands to the nile river. israel is implementing the same behavior it has with golan and karani baghtri water resources regarding the nile. the netherlands and argentina are illegal activities after israel's water policies they boycotted the israeli water organization. this time, the zionist regime is looking for theft by building a dam in ethiopia. the water is rodnil.
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the nile river has now become full of flowers due to the theft of the young men of israel. this is a market of colors and cultures, where you can get acquainted with three peoples and cultures. harad and khorasan can see everything in the world. how was the reception
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? thank god, alhamdulillah. all these works that you see come from chabahar zahedan, afghanistan and pakistan. from colorful fabrics to spicy pakistani spices and traditional foods of different nations , the food here is mostly afghani traditional food for the customers who come here. usually , we have traditional foods from afghanistan, pakistan and iran . we have these spices from pakistan, afghanistan, and the customers are really welcoming . and of all things , different tribes have been trading with each other for years in tajerabad this place has ethnic diversity. it is true that we people here, my dear people, are from the baloch
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people, they are from the pakistani and afghan tribes of afghanistan, and they live a peaceful life in this place, along with the dear people of mashhad. the neighboring country has a long cultural background, daoud sharifi of the mesh news agency. the sacredness of culture is what i am ready to sacrifice my life . i was a mosque. i have been a mosque for many years now, and if god gives me a lifetime, inshallah , i will be a mosque. before i was 16 years old , i did not know how to read the qur'an. i learned everything in the mosque. i got it. their goal
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was to build a correct model based on islam. this is where if our mothers can be active in this field and can hand over their children to the society, the best place is the mosque, where the activities that are done and educated in the mosque, our students or families or girls or women can be expanded. in our society, of course, these activities, these encounters , these trainings will be double. our girls , especially 12-13 teenage girls, who are at a very sensitive age in intellectual, mental and spiritual development, can very well ask their own questions and find the right answer. befitting an iranian lady , they learn many things in the mosque, they learn how to interact with their friends. they establish how to respect their parents, respect their elders , the quranic classes they participate
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in, they get to know about quranic issues, apart from reciting tadbar in the quran , tajweed, they get to know all these things , the activities that are done there have a great impact on the children the lessons they learn in the mosque are something that i think will remain in their memory no matter how old they are. these children are still children there are some of our mosques that we are in contact with, and we see that there is a good response to the mosque's programs, attracting children . the gathering place of good, reward and worship of a thousand active women, each of whom
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had created an educational circle in the field of the importance of women's role. the first national congress of sister activists of cultural and artistic centers of mosques in the country. according to the head of coordination staff of mosque centers in the country, the importance of the role of women in islamic thought and the place of women in the knowledge system of the islamic revolution should be it should be taken more seriously in neighborhoods and mosques. we want an operational unit that promotes this discourse , a discourse that does not see women with a petrifying view, nor with a modernist and perverted view. therefore, when this third model wants to be formed in the society, it needs discourse creation. we must have managers who are equipped with this knowledge weapon and
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are diligent in promoting the idea of ​​islamic women and islamic women in the society. therefore, it was a priority for us to put this issue on our agenda, and alhamdulillah , we met with a unique welcome from the sister activists, and this the women's front that has been formed now, we have limited 1,300 centers, otherwise maybe we could have established more than these, the vice president of women and family affairs, the president says that institutionalizing the position of women in society can train successful mothers for the future, it is a matter of culture. the issues of education and training, especially in the family sector, are one of the issues that must be managed by the popular forces, and if women, who are one of the very good capacities in the popular forces, are well organized and their capabilities are well used, what about skill training ? and the training they need and what to do
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employing for good causes, for consulting and for covering the moods that exist in different environments. definitely, we can have very good efficiency and productivity at the cultural level, and cultural centers, as well as women's special centers , are one of the ways that this cohesion can have a part in the forces, coordination and consensus, and that we can be one line. it is very, very effective to follow a certain path in cultural discussions. it is very, very effective that people from villages and small neighborhoods are invited and given importance to them and their work is seen. this is also very important for them to find motivation and god willing, this movement will speed up, we hope that with the coherence of the good part that is being done, and according to the plans that we have for the family as a family and popular culture, we will be able to witness good developments in the culture sector, mainly
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the soldiers of this path and this field. there are women. the drug production pole of the country is marked on the flood crisis map in the country's flood atlas of 10 million hectares of the flood-prone critical area. one of these critical areas here is the southern darial of the alborz range. kurdistan watershed. the industrial town producing medicine is located upstream of this critical area and in the year it has seen many floods in the past. in 2017, when the flood occurred here, about 800 cubic meters of internal flood sediments entered this destination . and it is used for green space
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. this is an area that is completely devoid of vegetation and it is a degraded land where a lot of sediment is formed from the rainfall. here is a flood valley. in the past years , the flow of flood water came from above that watershed this valley was flooded and eventually entered the industrial town. in order to reduce flood damage in the kurdish watershed, the researchers of the soil conservation and water management research institute started working to save this critical area by implementing the water management community plan. or they can do two or three works together on this bank until the numbers have been reached. well, they take the sediment and the runoff created by the rainfall is controlled here , so we have flood and sediment for the downstream. we have controlled 100% here. the researchers of this project say that 85 hectares of the watershed are prone to biological measures or vegetation cover.
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it has been done in 75 hectares. 5,000 rhododendron shrubs have been planted here. there are other species that are appropriate to the climatic conditions of the region, which are currently being implemented, such as elderberry , bitter elderberry, barberry, sumac, and the aspect of protection. have the aspect of infiltration, in fact, the water has been stored by constructing mechanical watershed structures upstream of this watershed, 30,000 cubic meters of runoff water caused by rain and floods has been stored. to store the flowing water of the water that is upstream and the plant cover of the downstream we use the same water as the runoff water that collects in these. the industrial town of darweh has partnered with the soil conservation research institute and the natural resources organization to implement watershed community measures. in this partnership, the upper part of the town
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was covered by watershed management and green space projects , which we hope will be a model for other industrial spots in the province and in our own country that can play their part in the development of green space and natural resources in alborz province. especially those overlooking the city and residential areas are critical areas, and unfortunately, they are now changing their uses although the following has happened, it is necessary that the work of the community and the natural resources be done in the beginning, and in part of the implementation of the measures , according to the calculations of the researchers of the research institute of soil protection and watershed management, the amount of erosion in the watershed area in a flood is more than it was estimated from 12 tons per hectare. it has collected about one billion of the cost of these sediments. the watershed management measures that we did above the town
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no longer enter our watershed, and the water that can be used for green space is stored here and used in 232 hectares of the watershed area. it has been done and with the restoration of this watershed, the intensity of flooding and the damage caused by it has decreased . radio and tv , god is the best of adam and noah and abraham. mehfil had a new approach to memorizing and reciting the holy quran. the second season of this program
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is in the production category. its ideation meeting was hosted by the ministry of culture and islamic praise. the ideas that are supposed to be considered in the production of this program. part of the devices last year, cooperation , coming, being at work, the main effort is on the friends of sedah. and sima and the main agents of the program , the program provider and friends who are all good friends this year, we are drawing a lot of devices , a lot of collections, more than the general ones , they need us to be able to advance our words in the subjects, that is, we have the most conversations with mr. hashemi, his friends, so now, for example, we say go the gathering towards the meaning towards the concepts, what subject can be attractive, shape the same direction for the program , well, here, if different devices can add subjects to the program according to the relationship they have with the field, they can be effective. the first verse
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on that page is baguman balgharbi, page 367 of surah shaara surah shaara has 227 verses, it is located on the right side of the page , the first and last ah shalati, part 19. my suggestion is that women who are based on the qur'anic verses of the transformation of european countries have a place in the program of the conference . we should highlight these so that they know that the quran is the source of transformation. therefore, the invitation to the believing women of non-muslim countries to transform with the quran and through the quran is a humble emphasis, and the proposal here is a new chapter. the program of the conference will also have changes after the end of the last season , the friends started their work in the secretariat of the conference last year.
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actually 30 nights that you observed. this year, there will definitely be more subjects and we went towards the islamic world, we probably have more subjects from the islamic world, we are trying to add one of the famous egyptian reciters as a judge, god willing, which means that the judging table will be completed , the subjects will be approximately we are finalizing the list of subjects, we are starting the decor and directing the subjects. we make subjects so that we can process them better in the program. this program depicts the quranic depth of our society. anytime media, especially media if the nation comes up with something like this, its penetration rate will multiply. we had good faces, quranic faces in the 70s. in the 60s and 70s
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circles. we had the glorious qur'an. i emphasize in this commission every meeting that we should revive those golden points with more strength and enter newer fields. we should respect the quranic figures and introduce them as role models in the society . the event program of the upcoming two months of ramadan will be broadcast on seyed sima network, mohammad. once the news agency of radio and television.
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take off your shoes. it is now 4 am in tehran and the viewers welcome to this news section. fighters. sam published pictures of the attack on zionist soldiers and their vehicles in a neighborhood of zaytoun in the east of gaza city.


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