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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten. hello and good morning , dear viewers of khabar network , welcome to the news section at 6 am. the head of the political bureau of the hamas movement emphasized that the battle of walaqsa gave a heavy blow to the occupation, which shook its political leaders and military commanders. ismail haniyeh said: the heroism of azdin qassam battalions is an obvious resistance and caused heavy losses and damages to the enemy
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, the last example of which was in shujaiyeh and jabbalia. referring to the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza, he added: the enemy will pay for his crimes will give. the head of the office of the political movement hamas addressed the leaders of this regime and announced that now is the time for the occupiers to know that they should end their decades of presence in palestine and the holy city of palestine by leaving the beloved palestinian land. ismail hanid at the same time, the united nations general assembly welcomed the position of the secretary general of the united nations to establish a lasting ceasefire in gaza and emphasized: the resistance groups always adhere to the implementation of the ceasefire resolutions and respect human rights standards , but the zionist occupation has repeatedly violated the ceasefire. they do not adhere to any moral and humane principles. battalions of ezzeddin qassam branch military of the hamas movement.
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they inflicted a heavy defeat on the occupying forces in several operations. as a result of these attacks, a number of soldiers of the zionist regime were killed and a number were injured. the qassam battalions published pictures of the zionist soldiers targeting the remains of their destroyed tanks and vehicles. in some of these images, the conflict between the resistance fighters and the occupying soldiers in a school can be seen closely. the cries of wounded zionist soldiers are heard. resistance fighters also.
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they blew up the car of zionist soldiers in the city of jenin, which led to the death and wounding of several people. assembly us representatives officially started an investigation into the impeachment of joe biden. the us house of representatives voted in favor of a resolution calling for the continuation of the investigation into the criminal activities of joe biden's family for impeachment with the aim of removing him from the presidency. reacting to the opening of the impeachment inquiry in the us house of representatives, biden said: republicans have focused on attacking me with lies and are wasting time with baseless political deception. biden added: republicans do not want to help ukraine to fight against russia . mike johnson, speaker of the us house of representatives
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he said that the evidence shows that joe biden's family has received millions of dollars from foreign opponents . according to the opinion of the wall street journal, the political position of us president joe biden among american voters has reached its lowest level since the beginning of his presidency. more news, the declining trend of liquidity growth continues, president. the central bank said that the 12-month growth rate of liquidity in november this year continues its downward trend in recent months, with a decrease of about 7 percentage points compared to the beginning of the year , and has reached 26.2 percent . go buy at least 10% gone, the method of inflation is a phenomenon that has occurred in recent years. it has reduced the people's table, what
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can we say, the thing that is rampant is inflation, which, according to the report of the majlis research center, has its roots in the long-term excessive growth of liquidity and the base. liquidity policy is the sum of the deposits that exist in the banking network , in addition to the amount of scans published by the central bank in circulation. if the growth of this amount of money is greater than the growth of the production of goods, this disproportion means that there is more money in the economy for the country's goods. it is that this money wants to be converted into goods, the demand creates the price. now it is increasing. the 13th government also has the aim of controlling inflation and curbing the liquidity horse. several measures have been taken for this purpose
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. the government's non-use of debt has been the government's attempt to use its resources in other alternative ways , and it has not turned to debt in recent months , dealing with non-performing banks as one of the main engines of liquidity growth in the bank's order. it is centrally located. we are close to 8 banks we have already given them a correction plan. if they can't make the necessary reforms, then we should go for the use of article 39 or liquidation, which resulted in the liquidation of the bank. it became liquid in 1400. to 39% growth rate in 1401, fortunately , very good measures were taken in the central bank, this rate decreased to 31%. a process that the economic managers of the government had promised to continue. in the coming months of the year
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, we will witness the realization of the 25% liquidity growth target, god willing. we made a plan, god willing , we will be able to do it. control liquidity and now statistics show that achieving this goal is not far from reach. in september, we succeeded in reducing the liquidity growth rate to 26th. in october, it became 264th. the liquidity of our country, the government, as much as today. it has not been able to control liquidity , the growth of more than 23% of the banks' payment facilities in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period last year shows this
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. . he was born in sweden and his name was alfred. his father owned a weapons factory and made sea mines. alfred nobel chose chemistry to study and according to some sources, nobel wanted to revolutionize the world in the field of making explosive materials. noble. finally, in 186, he made dynamite. now his deadly invention had changed the equation of explosives in the world. dynamite would get more kills in less time on the battlefield. and for this
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reason, dynamite customers from all over the world were looking for the noble explosive substance. noble is now one of the rich people with the massive sale of deadly dynamite. the world was over, but nobel's death came in 1896. the world was left with dynamite, whose invention increased the number of victims of wars. according to statistics , nearly 40 million people were killed and wounded in world war i alone, and only about 85 million people were killed in world war ii. the result was to change the equation of wars with nobel's dynamite, but nobel had made a will before his death. with his wealth, which was the result of selling dynamite, a fund should be formed and the profit should be given annually as a prize to those who have worked for peace. now the nobel fund with a wealth equal to 31 million swedish kroner from the income from the sale of drugs
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deadly dynamite blast awards prizes to selected individuals every year. henry kissinger was one of them, who is said to have killed 3 million people in cambodia. laos and vietnam. this is angstan souci, the former leader of mianbar. with a history of killing nearly 50 thousand rohingya muslims, but among the people who nobel peace foundation. he says that they have tried to promote peace in the world. the name of the zionists is also visible. manakhi begin is one of them who received the nobel prize. in just one case, he massacred 20 palestinians in the village of deil yassin. another zionist, isaac rabin he massacred 6,000 people in sabra and shatila in three days. another zionist, shimon peres, is also according to the announcement. the nobel foundation deserved to receive the award.
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in 1996, he martyred 110 palestinians and lebanese in qana camp in lebanon. and in the last one , this person benjamin netanyahu was nominated to receive this award in 1998. the one who history tells, since the beginning of his political life, killing palestinians and lebanon. he massacred 17,000 civilians in two months only at the end of 2023 , and the criteria of the nobel peace prize selection committee for awarding this prize have not yet been determined. one million dollars from the nobel wealth fund , the wealth he made by selling the deadly explosive substance dynamite. seyyed mohsen hosseini, sada and sima news agency
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, march 25, 1401, strasbourg, france , european union parliament agenda, the issue of iran's meeting is the plight of students in some international network schools in par mahal. the story started a few days ago, from the days when the experts demanded european intervention to recall diplomats from tehran and expel iranian diplomats from their countries. an expert group of international inspectors can be in tehran.
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at any moment, something new may happen still, the plight of the students has increased a lot, and everyone is really waiting for something to happen. in fact, we are facing a collective fear in iran. it does not seem that one gas is private, and it must be a combination of different gases. there are toxic gases , especially phosphine gas, which is a very well-known gas that is used in the electrical industry or in agriculture . now
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they are going to find the culprit, they can do their job the islamic republic itself commits these actions, the main point of responsibility and blame is naturally directed at the security institutions and political governance in iran. it has been established that this center organized by the authorities of the islamic government of iran was built to create intimidation , and it is giving way to a chemical and terrorist attack. the issue is the issue of the chemical attack. wars used gases that in the conditions. it is not peaceful, they can be used in schools, an apocalyptic situation has been created
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, the apocalyptic situation they called it in these studios will end with the entry of the security forces. they let us go back to the european parliament 7 months later, at the end of mehr amsad, again to hold a meeting, this time the topic is the bombing of gaza and about 4 thousand ships. palestine only up to this point that in the last 2 weeks, half of the dead women and children of the international network are still on the spot the parliament is ready, israel has the right to defend itself, another member of them is in brussels at the same time as the meeting of the heads of the european union , they are interviewing the supporters of the zionist regime . palestinians are reacting to
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the civilians who voted for hamas and these monsters are coming to power in gaza. consider gaza, and the european union and the united nations acted very simply at that time. the number of people killed by the zionists here increased every day and is still increasing in these studios, the zionists are still innocent. israel's work is not a war crime in any way. this is the nature of this war and there is no other way for israel. it has been more than two months since the bombing of gaza . now the number of palestinian martyrs
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has reached more than 18,400. in the european union and international organizations, people still gather every few days. to decide whether the massacre of more than 18,000 people is as shocking as the release of a smelly substance in girls' schools or not, and in their last session, this past week, the result was again negative, and america vetoed the ceasefire again. did mohammad javad reza soltani, radio and television news agency. the boycott campaign of the zionist regime and the pressure on western brands, like this picture in the middle of the night , an egyptian worker is cleaning a restaurant empty of customers. this situation can be seen in other egyptian restaurants and in similar branches. the name of the restaurant is mcdonald's. one of the trademarks
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used in the recent boycott and strike campaign against the zionists . many services and goods with western brands in egypt are in such a situation these days, following the heavy bombardment of the zionist regime in gaza. in the past hour and following the continuation of the crimes of the zionists in gaza and people's support for the resistance front, this time the users of the world have started working. by launching a spontaneous campaign to unite empathy with the people of gaza, users in different countries showed their anger at the crimes of the zionist regime against the people of gaza with the hashtag strike for gaza and boycotting the products of zionist and american companies. no business should be done with genocide. tomorrow we will all unite together. now
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western brands are affected by sanctions in jordan and egypt. they feel campaign to boycott trademarks related to the zionist regime in other countries it is expanding. recently, arab citizens have announced the entry of this sanctions campaign into the two countries of kuwait and maghreb , and plans to strike in protest of the silence against the crimes of the zionists. these strikes include all aspects of our lives, from transportation, banks and trade to schools and universities. since this po. by listing the names of products made by the zionist regime, boycott activists ask arab buyers to replace israeli products with products made domestically or in other countries. salar vaezy of the radio
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and television news agency. the construction of this house is by my own hands, which is almost complete.
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well, gentlemen who agree to revolt , it was decided that we closed a spider's web on this chassis, the production and assembly work was done here. i said that most of the imported glide loaders have taken away the power from domestic production . with the removal of the law, we have not been paid for 6 months now. we just want work from the authorities. we want work , there is nothing for children to work. they are also closing it down. if hepco has a job , it can have three shifts of 200 workers
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. most of the companies, i don't know , according to the habit that has been from previous years, are still willing they have to buy foreign goods. one kilo of tires that we are producing is less than one dollar in width, but each tire that is entering the country costs between $3 and $7. derna medical unit is about to leave the country. unfortunately, a very large amount of imports were made . the maximum use of the production and service capacity in meeting the needs of the country is the biggest opportunity to increase the national production both for the purpose of replacing imports and for using the export capacity of the country, it simplifies the whole country. the ability of the country. he should announce that when we want to hold a tender and implement a project , tomorrow we will not make any more excuses that we did not know about
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the shipbuilding issue. but 10% of this can be used. the end of voting was approved in may 2018. article 4 of this law stipulates that a system should be set up to include the list of internal capabilities. in this system, all manufacturers, service companies, people who have the ability to produce goods inside the country, or can do so they have construction and production projects inside the country. they put their abilities in this system. on the other hand , the executive bodies that have included all of these are among their needs. those who have large national projects, government companies, companies that have a board member from the government, and
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even the private sector that uses national facilities , they should enter this site, become this system and present themselves. first , our professionals register in the system , the standards, the technical specifications of their products are also registered in this system, and the operation is completed. they do the final. after that section , the requirements can register the project information in the system one month after the approval of their own project. the information of the able-bodied is shown to the needy, and the information of the needy is shown to the able-bodied, and this two-way communication is done at this stage, and they can communicate with that unit by viewing the information of each unit. in support of iranian goods, some orders are registered. goods will be banned . goods that are similar in quality are produced domestically. the import of capital goods that are produced here is really unfair to production.
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we have banned the import of domestically produced goods with this law, because with this we can control the triangle of import management, horizontal management and liquidity management of the country. based on this law, the import of more than 2000 items of goods in support of high-quality iranian goods is prohibited. when the support of iranian goods is put on the agenda, the internal strength is evident. our production was completely closed at one point or two, until now , fortunately, we produce at least 10 a day. currently, our industry has become completely localized, which means we have no need to go abroad. after crossing the line, there are a few people among you at least he gets busy and bread comes to them. by passing the law of maximum use of power. inside and supporting iranian goods, now in this factory and many other factories, spiders don't get a chance to weave their webs.
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it is unique in its kind and maybe only happens in the gaza strip. umm samia is now the mother of four children that she did not give birth to. i ask the truth of the story from my own somia. we were displaced from gaza city and came to nusirat camp. we had rented a house here and lived in it with several other families. unfortunately , this house is the target of the zionist air attack.
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the first factor is the sense of philanthropy. the situation in the food court is so dire that we have to have mercy on each other so that god will have mercy on us. access to food and hygiene in the gaza strip is almost cut off and we are in the midst of war and destruction. all our children are orphaned and there is at least one martyr or wounded person in every family.
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this is free . yes, this is free . yes , this is free
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look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him


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