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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 8:30pm-8:59pm IRST

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by the way, i am here to introduce the cleaning agent for your door, let's see if it removes this stain. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers, hello at 20:00 and i am at your service with some news. the minister of foreign affairs asked the united nations high commissioner for refugees to pay attention to their duties, especially regarding the situation of afghans living in iran. hossein amir abdollahian said on the sidelines of the second meeting of the world refugee forum: the islamic republic of iran has been defeated. the first place in the countries receiving refugees
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has the head of the national migration organization attached to the ministry of interior said: preventing new displacements and eliminating the factors driving the forced migration of afghans should be considered as the main and new goal of strategic solutions for afghan refugees. at the meeting of the support mechanism for strategic solutions for afghan refugees in geneva, abdullah mobini added: afghanistan has been the main source of forced migration to other countries due to the interventions of foreign countries, economic, security and social problems that have always changed . according to mr. mobini, the islamic republic of iran it tries to provide appropriate services to afghan refugees as much as possible, and in some cases.
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cases have also exceeded their fair share of responsibility. according to the announcement of the national plan for the return of illegal immigrants, these people will be returned to their original places in accordance with islamic principles. voluntary return of printing press is also underway in sistan baluchistan. in line with the implementation of people's demands to deal with measures. contrary to those who complain about the illegal entry of people from the borders of the country, dealing with illegal residence and illegal employment of doctors is on the agenda of the ministry of interior and the responsible institutions. i am from afghanistan
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, panjshir province, from tajikistan, afghanistan, faria province, golzivan district, from russia, from afghanistan, panjshir province . i decided to come here to tajikistan, a school is run, for example, my situation was a bit heavy in terms of taxes, and we heard that, for example, there is a zaydan school in the school who, for example, ate his food, because of this , we came with good lessons, i did not study. the university course, not the religious course, lasts 11 years. it is here. i had previously studied religious studies in afghanistan, so i wanted to come here to continue the same religious studies. the department of foreign migrants club of sistan baluchistan governorate is ready to assist and cooperate with the voluntary departure of citizens from neighboring countries. let all the students leave this school. i think that there should be a law. khorasan governor razavi said: working
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groups such as employment, academics, services and other working groups needed by the press that can the effective activity and interaction of authorized nationals with our countrymen will be established. mr. nazari said in the esba organization meeting in the form of different working groups. it will be determined in what matters normal foreign media or investors can enter and in which fields they should not enter , according to the governor of khorasan razavi, the supervision of nationals should continue in such a way that authorized and legal media are respected and non-authorized ones are respected. identification will be returned. the commemoration ceremony of the 7th anniversary of the martyrdom of ali mohammadi, one of the defenders of lashkar fatemiyoun shrine, at the same time as the natabah prayer this week. tomorrow in hazrat mosque
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zahra mashhad will be held. according to the tradition of fatimi thursdays, our reporter visited this martyr family . martyr mohammadi was martyred on 19 december 1995 in tadmur city . he was born in 1360 in a religious family . he was born in mashhad city and was from afghanistan. my son was a good boy, he used to pray , he read the quran, he was very kind and compassionate to nato, strangers and the poor, and
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forced him to immigrate to the islamic republic of iran again in 1992. when he came to tehran , he worked here as an architect. after a few years, he was here. it was decided that, for example, we and his wife would bring their children to iran, who would then go to syria, a martyr mohammadi, who grew up in a religious family, could bear seeing the captivity of harf. ahl al-bayt was not in the hands of the takfiris. he joined the fatemiyoun army in mehr 95 and went to syria
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. i am happy that my son was martyred in the judgment of religion and islam of the quran. we didn't hear from him for a month, then they called us and said, for example, that we shouldn't worry about the departure of syria and finally, the martyr ali mohammadi in his first appearance and after two months of fighting with takfiris were martyred in tidmer in december 2015. martyr mohammadi is survived by three children, alireza sharifi. sada vasima news agency is enough to reach important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of the daily life of afghans in iran, and to see the reports
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broadcasted in this news section, it is enough to join our channels in the virtual space, the address of sain mohajeran 230. you can also join . by referring to our website at , follow more detailed news related to afghanistan, afghan doctors in iran. graduation ceremony of 120 people from the training of the assistants of various fields of technical vocational education centers was held in kabul university. graduates in the fields of computer, electrical engineering, battery making, agriculture. general and carpenters spent two years of training. the head of the department of vocational technical education called the education of this department important and considered economy, agriculture, mines and railways to be dependent on technical skills.
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the main purpose of the technical and vocational education department, which i serve as your servant, is poverty alleviation. and the education of manab. bushra is a professional expert for the job market of graduates due to the lack of equipment laboratory and applied for training in this office , they said that we did not have a single repair, the repair was self-repair, the problems in the offices. according to the officials of this department, the field of employment for graduates and the provision of
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practical educational equipment for education will soon be provided. the drug factory was opened in kabul with the presence of government officials. this factory, however, the officials of this company asked the afghan government to support domestic production and stop the importation of low- quality drugs and smuggling. there is an afghan smuggled in the afghan smuggling market for 15 afghanis and 10 afghanis, none of us will buy it. the officials of the food and drug administration still announced the work on a system that, with its completion, the production and import of drugs and food in the country with the criteria of global standards should be measured, really
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the standard criteria of india, pakistan, and iran, and in some places we also visited pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturing factories during scientific and personal trips , and really the standards of the world, which put them in the standard, almost 98 percent. 97 so to speak. thank you for your company. good night. goodbye. he was born in sweden and his name was alfred. his father is a weapons factory. and made sea mines. alfred nobel chose chemistry to study and according to
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some sources, nobel wanted to revolutionize the world in the field of making explosive materials. nobel finally made dynamite in 186. now his deadly invention had changed the equation of explosives in the world. dynamite would get more kills in less time on the battlefield. and for this reason , dynamite customers from all over the world were looking for the noble explosive substance. nobel had now become one of the richest people in the world by selling deadly dynamite. but nobel's death came in 1896. the world was left with dynamite, whose invention numbered the victims of wars were increasing. according to statistics , nearly 40 million people were killed in the first world war alone. and wounded and only nearly 85 million dead in world war ii
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was the result of changing the equation of wars with nobel's dynamite, but before his death, nobel had bequeathed a fund with his wealth, which was the result of the sale of dynamite, to be formed and the profits of it annually as a reward to those who have tried to promote peace . now the nobel fund with a wealth equal to 31 million swedish kroner from the income from the sale of drugs. deadly dynamite blast awards prizes to selected individuals every year. henry kissinger is one of them it is said that he was responsible for killing 3 million people in cambodia, laos and vietnam. this is aung san suu kyi, the former leader of mianbar. with a history of killing nearly 50,000 rohingya muslims, but among the people the nobel peace foundation says, they have worked to promote peace in the world. zionist name. it is visible. menochim begin is one of them who received the nobel prize
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. in just one case, he massacred 20 palestinians in rosetta del yassin. another zionist was isaac rabin, who massacred 6,000 people in sabra and shatila in three days. another zionist is shimon according to the announcement of the nobel foundation, press deserved to receive the prize. he was nominated for this award. the one who history says has been killing palestinians and lebanese since the beginning of his political life. he only at the end of 2023. he massacred 17,000 civilians in two months and the criteria
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of the nobel peace prize selection committee for awarding this award have not yet been determined . seyyed mohsen hosseini, sed and broadcasting news agency. the seal of failure is forever engraved on your people , messengers of life to your land, the child of gaza, if in i want you to eat a pile of iron domes , like you, who is sitting on every side of death, waiting for you
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, an accident is waiting for you, turn to your country. ozgan, until your saddle is broken, you should love one by one, because you are sitting on every side, death is waiting for you, an accident is waiting for you, face your country. no , your work is good, your burden is right, you are crying, your friend is bad, the gem of the religion is a man of victory, you are not a danger person , you are not an opponent of a child and a woman , your zeal is fiery until you feel like it.
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give it back or you will die at the moment of death. who are sitting on each side of death waiting for you, an accident is waiting for you, turn to your country, o you who sit on the back of your horse until your saddle is not broken
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, the shrapnel of the battle that is going on in gaza thousands of kilometers away is taking victims in american universities. he is of descent because he was wearing a chafieh and was shot near the university of vermont campus along with his two other friends who are also palestinians. elizabeth magill is 57 years old. he is not from palestine. are you a girl. a senior judge is a law student and has been the president of one of the most important universities for many years america is in charge. the war in gaza cost him dearly. losing his job. during the congressional hearings on anti-semitism, i emphasized that speech alone
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is not prosecutable under university rules derived from the us constitution. magill along with the presidents of two other famous universities, namely harvard and emmet. they were criticized in the us congress because they are not strict enough with the opponents of the zionist regime. even though their students have raised the slogan of the liberation of palestine, these three have been accused of being silent in the face of the call for the genocide of the jews.
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they faced political pressure for his resignation. the authors of the letter believe that his resignation is a violation of the freedom of universities. everyone should be able to express their opinion freely in the academic environment. a survey by the university of maryland shows that in recent weeks, 81% of academics focused on west asian studies were forced to censor their expert opinions. 72 % of them said: after the beginning of the gaza war , they had more requirements for self-censorship. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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the construction of this house is by my own hand, which you saw is strange , for article one, frozen groceries want to be issued , creating competition and removing the golden signature in support. a lot of women and this eid night. it has taken away the power from domestic production. with the removal of the law
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, we have not been paid for 6 months now. we only want work. we want work from the officials. there is nothing for the children to work. they are helping me . they are closing it down. it did not end with machinery and its shadow weighed on other industries as well. i don't know, the companies still tend to buy foreign goods according to their habit from previous years. one kilo of tires that we are producing has a width of less than one dollar, but every the tire that is entering the country has between 3 dollars and 7 dollars in currency and is leaving the country. derna medical unit, unfortunately, a very large amount of imports were made . production and services in meeting the needs of the country , the biggest opportunity to increase the amount of national production is to replace imports and
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to use the country's export capacity . let's not make excuses that we know we did not have a site in the discussion of shipbuilding. we are building at isoiko in bandar arab and at the sadra site in bushar, 5 thousand billion tomans have been spent on the construction of these infrastructures, but 10% of this will be used . in may 2018, the end of the voting was approved. in the fourth article of this law, a system for entering the capability list is established. internal systems should be set up in this system for all manufacturers and service companies. those who have the ability to produce goods inside the country or have the ability to carry out construction and production projects inside the country put their abilities in this system from the side of the executive bodies that
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since they include all of these among their needs in the system, pay attention to those who have large national projects, government companies , companies that have a board member from the government, and even the private sector. who use national facilities, they must enter this site, become this system and present themselves . first, our capabilities register in the system , the standards, the technical specifications of their products are also registered in this system, and the final completion operation. doing after that part of the requirements can project information a month after the approval of their own project is registered in the system, the information of the able-bodied is shown to the needy, and the information of the needy is shown to the able-bodied, and this two -way communication is done at this stage, and they can communicate with that unit by viewing the information of each unit
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. in order to support iranian goods, the registration of orders for some goods is prohibited. goods that are similar in quality are produced inside. importing capital goods that are produced here is really an injustice to our production. in this law , we have banned the import of domestically produced goods, because with this we can manage the import triangle control the horizontal management and liquidity management of the country . according to this law , the import of more than two thousand items of goods in support of high-quality iranian goods is prohibited. it used to be about 2. now, fortunately , we produce at least 10 a day. currently, our industry has become completely localized, which means we don't need to go outside the borders or abroad
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. with the approval of the law of maximum use of domestic power and protection of iranian goods, now in this factory and many other factories, spiders don't get a chance to weave their webs. from zero to 100 , this product that you have seen now is produced to meet the needs of hebko. this is the first time such a movement is happening in iran. you can't fly, if you don't get down , you won't have a chance to fly.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive up to 100 million tomans of purchase credit from you. we still have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. what a good plan. excuse me, what are the conditions of your settlement? you buy 1405 , you pay 140d, and how many 1405 he is up to three years old as i will go to the third grade, my salary will be doubled by that time. it's good. this way, we will have an easier shopping experience. buy now from beheshti carpet. 1405. arrange the beheshti carpet for the bride. madam
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, i am telling you for the third time, what happened to my lawyer ? it is not possible. is it really possible? yes, why not 60 ? it has been notified to buy dowry with 60 types in 60 times in the city of household appliances. each and every window in this house has its own design , and the design of this house is also its own work. it is great that you have chosen the best. they tell you that you are a real designer . something that is very important to me is the attention to detail. the color of the texture of this window gives a spirit to the house. wintek window 1 on the occasion of the opening of the tehran branch, saturday to
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wednesday, buy from sarai. iranians , get a bonus. why, because it is much easier to shop without traffic and crowds. remember, only from saturday to wednesday , you can get a 10% bonus on every invoice . the big iranian house in tehran, sirah afsariye , can you guide my wife? yes, please, the truth is, i am sick i saw that my doctor ordered me to use original argan oil to repair it. it is better to see a specialist, doctor. expert, i mean prezhke , who has already tried it with the production of argan conditioner he has produced a shampoo containing argan oil that you can use with confidence. prajek should salute nature again .


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