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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm IRST

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it can be said that france should have given up its french identity at that time and bowed to the germans and chose this german identity for themselves . french shows that they are trying and demanding that palestinians from their own identity. stop it and the palestinian resistance, hamas and the palestinian youth who are today in front of the zionist regime and are trying to regain the palestinian identity , they are condemning this so-called and alongside the regime. the zionists are fighting against the palestinian resistance and against the palestinian identity. there is a point that the news we heard today shows that it is close.
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the fact that 4,000 so-called french dual nationals and the zionist regime are fighting against the people of gaza in the gaza war and killing palestinian youth one by one and seeking genocide in gaza and palestine shows that human rights are an issue. politically, it is a subject that is based on the framework. and the interests of the westerners are secured, and the resistance that was holy for the french 8 decades ago is condemned for the palestinians today. we are witnessing a duality in the so-called western politics and the french, mr. masoumi, so you also know the issue of france's behavioral contradiction beyond individuals and it is rooted in governance and politics.
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grandfather of france, have you seen, according to the answer you gave, but you mentioned these 4,000 frenchmen who are fighting against the palestinian people in the occupied territories in palestine, i want to ask mr. tsakhiri what can be done now, considering the presence of these 4,000 dual-national french soldiers. in occupied palestine, he filed a lawsuit in court and was convicted. look at the french government, this is an issue the need to give so-called facts and accurate legal information, as it is said that they have dual citizenship, we need to see what the exact meaning of these two citizenships really is, that is, these are israelis who have french citizenship . i want to tell you how it will be if you show it.
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in a court of law, these israelis who have french citizenship now, either by acquiring it or having it in their ancestors, really have effective french citizenship, which means that it is a debate in law, they say that someone who has dual or multiple citizenship should let's see what his effective citizenship was, which passport did he use, where did he live, under the guidance of which government, if indeed this effective citizenship was french, that means he was under the guidance of the french government, under the direction and supervision of the french military , his life was in france, his business was it was in france. yes , it is possible to file a lawsuit against france itself. now, it does not necessarily have to be a lawsuit. in international human rights forums , they can be brought into the process of reporting. that life they say that this is a small town
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almost all of them have a dual citizenship. they have one citizenship somewhere . if it is like them, they really live in israel. their life is israeli , their place of business is israel, they are under the guidance of the israeli government. in this case, they are appointed to the french government. it is difficult, i don't want to say impossible, but the assignment of attributing the actions of this number of labor soldiers. it's hard, but what the french politician is referring to, he says that this number of our people are committing murders there, this has an answer, it is not an action, it is a reaction, an action. the fact is that the people of france are angry at the presence of people who took their citizenship and are killing other people, and this politician is showing a reaction to that action and says that
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the government should investigate the issue that people have dual citizenship and a its citizenship is our citizenship and protection from the point of view that france is aiming for . human rights issues, human rights claims, human rights claims should be prevented from participating in this war. regarding the crimes of the zionist regime, it must convince the public opinion that, as the french politician pointed out, 40,000 people with french and israeli dual citizenships are on the battlefield. in fact, based on the genocidal thinking that the
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zionists have in palestine, they are killing the people of palestine and gaza. the so-called kill shows that the french government in the hand-holding of the people of gaza has an active and effective approach, contrary to what the french people want, that is, i want to say that in the developments in gaza, each nation state in france follows a so-called different path, the people of france go against the approaches and supportive policies that the french government has had in relation to the palestinian issue. are protesting and they are looking for france and mr. macron's government to condemn the aggressive approach of the traditional regime, while not only this did not happen, but today, as
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the government of the french parliamentarian pointed out publicly in the war against the people of ghadam had an active approach, so it can be said that in international lawsuits, it is necessary to enter and file a lawsuit based on legal approaches and arguments, and france in the genocide of the people. the so-called member palestine analyzed and evaluated it . the next point is that we should not consider the approach of the zionist regime today as a different approach from western countries, especially the french and americans. today, the zionist regime, along with the western side and the full discretionary support it has received from the westerners, has the courage to seek genocide in gaza
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and palestine, and so to speak , it is seeking to destroy the region from the so-called palestinian identity. while this will not be the case, the people of gaza and palestine are certainly proud and victorious in the developments in the region, and their crimes are the same. that the nazis did not succeed in the french in france during the second world war, today the zionist regime will not succeed in the generation of the people of palestine and gaza, the next point is that , just like the resistance of the french people in france
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during the second world war against the nazis, different countries to support france, it was expected that today the french are also from the people. stay tuned to the program of the world today and we would like to talk about the confrontation of the officials of some western governments, especially france, in the field of human rights in two cases. iran and gaza will see a report about this, we will return to the conversation with experts of last year's program, the death of a girl in iran in front of the eyes of the president of france becomes emotional and in a meeting with the iranian opposition
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, he declares his disgust that the french government should tell the people of iran that they heard their voices, and the foreign ministers of the european representatives cut their hair. the prime minister of canada marches in front of the iranian opposition. anti-revolutionary demonstrations. a number of prominent officials of the islamic republic are on the sanctions list. the human rights council takes a position against iran
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and issues a statement. in the previous resolution of this council, we expressed our deep concern about tsar's oppression doers terrorists bordering iran are armed with the support of america and europe. they promote bomb making and terror training, legitimize violence and terror . stay on the street. right of disposal in 46 days, 38,000 lies
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were told in several media against iran . we witnessed the support of other countries for this uprising. on twitter, robots spread hatred against iran along with the opposition without any obstacles in their way. the incident was a code name for a girl who became an attack march for a combined war. so that the west can show its human rights to the world. exactly one year later here gaza, hundreds of girls are being killed in front of the eyes of the world , the worst genocide of children and women in the world in the shortest time. the british deal with students who are rallying for palestine. the prime minister of the netherlands has ordered the mayors to deal with any slogans. italian police
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attack pro-palestinian demonstrators in rome. columbia university suspends two student organizations that led demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in the gaza war. and a number of professors from european and american universities were fired or suspended for supporting palestine. minister of justice. my day is nothing compared to the hell that is coming upon the innocent and defenseless people of gaza.
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because of this support, karim benzema was threatened to take back the golden shoe . fifa banned the fans of the kozo football team for booing the zionist anthem. and the fate that included the english chelsea team. the third time.
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janzanan became the real tableau of the discourse of liberal democracy , which was hidden behind the mask of democracy's freedom of human rights for years. this is a double standard. because some people want to instill in the society that only they have the right and keep the right only for themselves. they want only themselves to win to be but with the help of social networks, people now see things that the media tries to hide from the people. amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. you
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are still watching the world today. conversation with program experts about france's human rights record. we will continue. first, i want to ask mr. masoumi, who saw the report and you mentioned that france and now the west have shown this contradiction in behavior. he can claim human rights as before this report that we saw just now is an excerpt of this french behavioral contradiction. two examples were gaza and iran. the so-called martyrdom of nearly 20,000 people in gaza as a result of the barbaric attack that is trying to raze gaza to the ground shows that
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we are witnessing a dual approach in the so-called current of international developments. from the west during the past year. this means that, as you mentioned in your report, following the so-called sedition discussion last year, we witnessed that the french and the westerners were constantly criticizing human rights for democracy and the oppositions who themselves the term ``ajirkhor'' is a self-made term and they dictate the content to the opposition because they are trying to accuse the islamic republic of iran. this shows that the french are trying hard to avoid issues like rights people of democracy
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should face the challenge of their opponents in different countries, so to speak. while they themselves do not tolerate the smallest protester inside their own country and suppress them with the worst possible approach, mr. masoubi , i want to repeat my question, i want to know later. since the al-aqsa storm, france can still claim to support human rights . the french are trying to make this claim. but the public opinion of the world will not accept this talk of the french in the discussion of human rights in any way, and even inside the so-called france , they
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consider the issue of human rights by announcing it through french statesmen to be more of a joke. and i believe that in the course of future developments , the french will also be concerned about legal issues. not only do people have nothing to say, but they themselves are the main culprits in violating human rights the 16-year-old teenager who was killed by a police bullet and the protests that happened inside france , these are the efforts of their own people to silence the protesters under the worst possible conditions, and count through you in france , which itself he knows that it is the cradle of democracy, in one way , 40 thousand policemen are on standby in that city in paris to show that what works in the cradle of democracy and what the government is looking for
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is through bullets, so-called weapons, and not these. not only do they not believe in human rights, but they are also extremely alien to it. mr. taskhiri, we heard the words of mr. masoumi adding an issue to france's treatment of its own citizens and the violation of human rights in the protests that france went through almost this summer, so we actually see three types of contradictions. his dealings with his own citizens in the field of human rights, his dealings with the iran issue and his claim to support human rights. regarding gaza , do you think that after these three developments that france has gone through, it can still make human rights claims before the public opinion of the world. ok , see, ms. shabiri, what france and western governments are using its results
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to promote human rights issues in one year or two years . it's not like these 100-year-olds are showing themselves as the standard bearers of human rights. well, it's true, but i want to know if the al-afsa storm was able to turn history in two . the dividing line in the field of law. people of france, if you can wait a bit, i will get to that issue, i want to say this, i want to say that this is structuring, institution building, now you mentioned very well in your report , they are giving awards, writing books, training people for this lady, that is, the college. they are for our colleges they train people to teach us about human rights , watch them, i want to say the level of actions they take, although today they are caught in contradictions , now you have mentioned some of the contradictions . in africa, right now , france is expelling the affiliated forces. they do not believe
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in adhering to a repressive government against the principles of laicism. is it similar to what happened in front of iran? it is certainly not. d to the important event of banning veiling for muslims in itself. it happened in france, one of which you all heard, you know, they announced in schools that they are not allowed to wear islamic clothing , they used to say that they should not wear the burqa, but i completed the islamic clothing. our guardian council is the supreme pillar of their constitution , it banned the use of islamic clothes in sports for women, so these contradictions are nothing new in my opinion, if you ask. i believe that the insolence of france in its contradictions in the gaza issue is clear and obvious, but will it stop its demands, not really? russia is involved in this issue, that is
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, while they are working, they are creating institutions , they are creating norms, they are training people, they are giving scholarships for human rights, they are writing more books, they are building institutions, but at the same time, they are acting in contradictions, and should we wait for that later ? from the events in gaza, these are on themselves. let's say that history was divided into two parts . how many years has it been since 1945 until now? during these 6-7 decades, the blood of the palestinian people is certainly in the blood of the palestinian people, but they are not giving up on their demands. they have, but how much has their reputation changed before the public opinion of the world yes, of course, their reputation was damaged, is there any doubt that america's reputation has not been damaged , sir? or germany has not been harmed, they are not afraid that their legitimacy and interests will be affected by public opinion. i
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repeat my initial speech again. these are the heirs of a colonial government. in the basics of their philosophy, this is what ms. shuiri thinks. look , i don't want to inherit kant's ideas , i want to say all the ideas one by one. in other words, the governments are in two situations, either orderly or disorderly, which they consider to be orderly and create order to govern. they have the authority to destroy the unruly government. you, the attack that america made against afghanistan and the people of iraq, didn't they kill a few people the night they wanted to attack, bush father, now i don't know if you remember or not, in that speech at the beginning of his military operation, he says several times for democracy, for democracy, for human rights, he has a legacy. this his thinking is the blood of an asian, african human being. look at this elegant and elegant appearance and this leather-covered hand. put it behind the door
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of this mind. it is a colonial thinking, a self-critical thinking . in the human rights books that have these, for example, you rooh al-qwanin is talking about human rights issues, about the human rights of the human members of his own society , then he says in the middle that of course, in my opinion , by human, i mean the same human being that we are, except for these black people with big lips, their faces, god knows this. it's the same with us , they say these things in their baseless books, so i 'll say it again, the audacity of this is a contradiction that we don't need to discuss at all, but will they stop making claims, they are the legacy of the previous governments , only their form has changed. a series of public opinions have changed, i hope to change but something like that. i know it happens due to trends. thank you very much, mr. taskhiri. as a final question and a short answer , i would like to have mr.
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masoumi. in the discussion of human rights , is it so deep-rooted and fundamental that they don't change their procedures after the al-aqsa storm? you see, the point that exists is that human rights as a tool of the west and the french for colonization, and so to speak, in a general view , to continue the liberal process as the supreme hegemon in the world. it can be analyzed and evaluated after the operation the verksa storm of this issue means that the world's public opinion is sensitive to that issue, and the west can no longer, compared to the past, through human rights and in the so-called general process, through cognitive warfare and soft war, in the name of human rights, democracy, its own superior attack. in my opinion
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, in the future, we will see that the current approaches of the west are costly for themselves, and the west will no longer be able to continue this previous trend, and we will witness the new world order, and the public opinion of the world will no longer see the west as a superior attack will not accept. thank you very much, mr. akbar masoumi, an expert on international issues, and also from mr. mohammad. saleh taskhiri, an expert on international law issues , who accompanied us in today's world.
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during the scorpions. as a result, the force shot at abraham and they were killed. הוצאים אותם היים, היים, היים, מדיים בחיים.
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we do not confirm that we are trying to arrange the palestinian home. but let's see a report about the continuation of protests in germany
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against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza . the german protestors once again expressed their solidarity with the palestinian people and condemned the obstruction of the great powers to establish a ceasefire. protests in berlin against zionist crimes for the 10th week continued consecutively. while the united states with the resolution of the security council to establish a ceasefire in the war. opposed, and an official report of the federal government's military aid to israel was published in germany , which shows that this aid has increased tenfold in the past year, and public opinion condemns these unjust policies. it says that
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american statesmen support murder and war crimes . i hope not only the german government, but all european governments will stop the mass killing of palestinians. objections to
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you are at the end of the last part of the program the world today.
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by allah, we
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thank you, habibi allah, for joining us with the jahan today program.


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