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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 3:30am-3:58am IRST

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and road construction, land separation, land separation that should be done, mapping and other things were expenses that are all within the site , it is clear how much was spent, we did not pay for the land at all . are you satisfied? you are very good. yes, you can play with your sisters. yes, what games did you play? for example, we play with our toys. we go to hayat to play . do you have a playhouse?
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you can see how far our house is built my blood is going to grow up and i can run around with my brother and aji. my dad says that for example, the blood of the grandmothers should have a garden with colorful flowers in the middle of the night, a blue field with a red swimsuit like this. i will ride with my brother to the small
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gulkoche or do we all live in chargi, because mom says that they are all female brides who are going to start their lives in these new houses, which means i can really go to iran, which is very cool . yes. monitor your government services that are anyway at the city level.
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you see, neighbors are talking about the national housing movement and some houses are being built it is being completed, 40% of the semi-structures, 70% of the houses have moved forward. how do you really see the progress of housing in your city? i mean , i am talking about the company i work for, and my surroundings in the area where i work. i think there are 20 people, if not more. there are 20 people who can do it, one of them being me. we were the ones who never thought that we would be able to own a house even one day . now, we have a house. i saved a person he buys something, furnishes something, works on it, and settles down little by little, but it was about his land that he really had.
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they were quoting prices that we had no hope of being able to buy the smallest piece of land now that the house is built . with this, the government really made a move in the market , and you can almost say that the sale and purchase has decreased. investors themselves need more difficulty. there are friends of ours who didn't expect to get a house at all. the question of getting a house was completely out of the question. i said that we already know that we have to be renters and renters. moving once a year, eventually once every two years , had its own problems, but they are all really happy and happy now, and they have found a way to understand that now they are talking about capital, if they are not.
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what is there to hope for? i hope that god has asked me and my officials take steps with trust in god to solve all these problems, that is, those who do not expect at all to have a house in their lifetime . it was very important. i mean, personally , i have been married for almost 11 years now. on the first day of my marriage, i had almost nothing. it was a negative trip. was. i wasn't negative at all. now i understand that with this move the government made, it really treated the weaker section of the workers. they will finally have a house one day. this is what they are building. they will all have a house
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one day. to find someone to marry me , to be surrounded by people we used to talk to each other in the company. he was 28 years old, he was married. god's servant, get married. i was 22 years old. i had a child. now you are not married. why should i go to this house once for two days? if someone else comes to bother me, i don't think that people who are old enough to get married are single, and some of them are single. giving them land right at the beginning , telling those who commit to marry for two years , giving them land and getting married, how many people around me, now i don't count, marriage because of this issue made them get married, but when you have hope, you have land anyway.
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they will deliver it to you almost free of charge, they will give you a loan. well , a start is made by a person, a start is made by a person anyway, and when you start, well, god help me. does unfortunately, the country and yazd province as a result, due to some neglect in recent years in providing the needed housing , is faced with the writing of demands for housing, especially for the dear young people , the national housing movement plan, which is considered one of the important slogans of the 13th people's government. a reliable way to provide the housing you need at a reasonable price. fortunately, this huge project in yazd province is more pioneering than other regions of the country , and it is rapidly being implemented, and the young people of yazdi have many hopes for owning a house.
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in the form of the national housing movement plan , it has marked one of the largest construction projects in the province, which will bring good days to the housing market of the province. the changes in human life since the 21st century have expanded greatly , showing that science and research are growing every day.
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today, research is considered as a tool to achieve some goals. of course, these goals differ according to the age of the audience. research call. for children and teenagers, it was planned on the occasion of the 15th research week, a special program of the research week, which was designed at the center of cultural and artistic creations of hijab. this program includes exhibition of research games, exhibition of books with research purposes, section of research workshops for children who can speak from school and use this capacity, we have a question, children, so far . so today, when we left here, this week , the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents has prepared workshops for them, including four designed workshops, an exploration workshop, a game workshop, a research workshop, a
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storytelling workshop, and a happy life workshop to guide the children towards research. research gives children the ability to communicate better with the world around them. wheels a bicycle is better. the steering wheel of a car is a rectangle instead of a circle. our feet get stuck in it. it goes somewhere else. this is the center of intellectual development. the research week of the center of intellectual development invited us here to learn more about exploration and research, problem solving skills, such as how to do research, what are the stages of research and what does this strengthen in us? research means to go after a problem and find it, and
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when we find it, solve the problem. let's research the book and research articles and newspapers and write a very good article. most of the children are familiar with the phenomena around them to see well and think well, and our goals in this, in fact, our workshop is to strengthen their senses, to strengthen their thinking and thinking, to strengthen their spirit of questioning and exploration, and to be able to solve a problem that occurs to them well. kenan helps them very well in the science lesson , in different subjects, they can research the questions that come to them beautifully. and let them reach their desired goal and their answer. alcohol, continue, or mint
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, continue. i want to see where you experience it what did you do? what questions can you make for the next person who wants to come here to do research? answer your question . the game can be the starting point for research in children. for example, one day, god forbid, one day we will suffer temporary blindness, this hearing will be useful for us, for example, what are the different devices, we can smell and make loud noises so that hearing is used. let's hear that you had no smell at all you couldn't smell anything. here is a research game booth called air circle. in the circle of senses
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, we engage the children with their five senses, and in fact, our goal is to focus attention and focus on questioning. or they hear that they have to ask a question about that substance or object and answer it themselves. in another part, their eyes are closed. and these bags, which have different objects inside, they touch its details , they say their feeling towards it, the roughness of the cold, the warmth of the bush. where to experience, what memory to remember and how they explain to us about the nature of that object. research can institutionalize the culture of collective work and sincere communication with others among children. what did you like about the game? because muhammad's race. as a result, games should
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be designed to teach children that are purposeful and that children and teenagers will primarily enjoy it and experience research and teamwork step by step. what are you doing? they are using my own creativity. this magnetia has a shape, what do you make , for example, for example, if possible, i will make a tower, well, this is the game what help you in your opinion , it makes us use our creativity . what are you making? now we want to make a brush and then make a star-like object. if so , did you like this game? yes, it 's very interesting. we give these patterns from this work. we give it to them, then at the same time as we said to start , they start to arrange these patterns in order, the game that the speed
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of the action, the speed of action, who is faster , the one who arranges his cards first will ring the bell. and eye coordination and dasshone, then, the focus of the game is the focus of the minadamchi news agency. asphalt chips are one of the harmful things to the country's environment. now, danesh boonad company is recycling asphalt by making a product called asphalt rejuvenator. we do exactly the same old asphalt with these materials mixed in a very small percentage and we apply the same asphalt again on the road surface. by making this product, in addition to
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protecting the environment , you can save a lot in the consumption of sand. and another product of this daneshmian company is a polymer that improves the quality of bitumen and reacts with any type of bitumen and it increases the quality of tar, which is a problem in many places. in barts, due to the braking and the weight of the cars, the shape of the asphalt surface is changing , because it returns to its original state, no change of shape can be seen after an unlimited period of time. this polymer has been used in some road construction projects in the country , and according to the officials of this knowledge-based company, although the cost of asphalt will increase by 20% with this polymer
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, it will eventually double the life of the asphalt and this company's other products. it is related to other and produced asphalt, which has also been exported. other than antifreeze and other paint. in phase colored tars, we could reach shabtab tars. there are bitumens that reflect the light they absorb in the dark. these are not paints, they are not coatings, it is bitumen that does this and it can beautify the road and reduce the dangers that exist on our roads. very effective. this company is only one of 200 scientific companies active in the field of housing and road construction, all of which are supported by the innovation and prosperity fund. on the occasion of the beginning of the year, we designed the production growth package this year to increase the production of daneshmanda products .
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we are paying daneshm companies that have the ability to grow production in the field of housing and furniture. the minister of roads and urban affairs also confirmed the activities of the two research and technology funds in the ministry of roads to support these knowledge-based companies . we will put an initial capital of about 100 billion tomans for each of these funds. these funds are to help startups that students should enter our companies. if they have reached a good financial capacity , we will connect them directly to the project itself . they don't need to be connected to the projects themselves like a contractor in the form of a contract with the word project. mehdi naqvi of sed and broadcasting news agency works 15 kilometers away from the center of
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aqla city in golestan province. we went to akbar village. a village whose women started working for vocational training . we arrive at 8 in the morning and leave at 12. we will come again at 20:00. well, in the evening, he brings fabric to our work, we sew. we work in the village and earn money. learn to art. we will work together . apart from these, there are other women who became professionals in this workshop. we have been working here for two years. the relief committee has given us a loan and provided us with these wheels to help our family we can earn 56 million per month. they say that now that they have become professionals, they don't have to worry about getting a loan.
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aid committee, instead of giving us money , lend money to josh. the purchase that we are using, they pay their installments since we work on wheels , and they also pay their installments. each wheel now costs 17, 18, 20 million tomans. we made it our own, and with this , more people who were interested in tailoring began to work in our village. they were told that i am here. i want to work. i was also interested in sewing . we work in a chain. this workshop is one of the four workshops that have been established in the villages of aqla with the participation of the irgc and the relief committee. 63 people are directly employed and
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170 people are working indirectly. we will expand to 3 more villages , god willing, we have in the program until the end of the year , which, god willing, will create more than 60 jobs. have another person directly. like this workshop at the end of the day, there are three more workshops in aqla. hamid agha, there is a workshop, one of the workshops that are working here with the help of the relief and infrastructure committee that the irgc arranged for us. the work here is mostly cut for the workshops around here and distributed to the next workshop for supply. the daily work there is cut here every day and it is sent for their work. mr. taneh says that the results of the relief committee women's work from these
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workshops have been exported to different places. we had accepted the three cities of aqla, gamishan and banddar turkmen and their schools, and in the first 6 months nearly 35,000 school uniforms have been produced with the help of our dear assistants, the works that are sewn for cities. like zabul , zahedan and tebet, these are sent outside our country, which we sent to arabil, iraq , for the schools there, we were able to take measures that were approved. the work and production was the childhood dream of mr. purviz and his brothers. we started our business from a small place where we were very interested in sales and our father sharif 's job was in this field . we always wanted
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to prepare a small workshop, however small it may be , after the end of the military service, it is up to us to start working from there. it's difficult and the problems that this red worker has, both to receive their salaries and because it was for their income . we are 8 brothers , we are all active in the clothing field we all joined hands in this work, we were able to develop it, and besides this job , we encouraged other people in this field, in this field, we spoke for four days. that now we were able to start with the help of the relief committee , we have another village in gamishan city nearby
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, we are doing the preliminary infrastructure works in this city, where we were able to register more than 28 people, to create stable jobs, work in the village is one shot and i have been living in tehran for some time and now with my wife's retirement, i am very satisfied with this profession before, i didn't know much , i wasn't involved. i came here first, i started with sewing for a year . later, i got to know sewing , and i became more interested. then i came to work behind the wheel, and now i have learned both cutting and sewing, thank god. for example, some women are looking for government jobs. work is not just household work or, for example, government work. now i became interested in sewing, now
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i continued sewing. mr. taneh has been able to directly create employment for 63 people by setting up this production chain in chahar rosesta. vahid hajian , radio and television news agency. and the bed of one of the most important historical events of iran the mongols were the ones who, as soon as they conquered the cities of iran and plundered and destroyed them , established the ilkhwani government . much has been said in history about the consequences of this campaign, but the mongols to an ancient land. they were steeped in thousands of years of civilization and culture. because of this, very soon they were drowned in the shadow of this land in the layers of its culture. after timur, we have shah rukh's son. and goharshad
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khatoon, both of whom, especially his wife goharshad khatoon , are great supporters of iranian culture and even serve the shiite culture. they are remembered in the vicinity of the shrine of imam reza (peace be upon him) and how effective their services are. the workshop tradition of iran established the foundations of an art workshop in herat, and as an artist , he became a friend and supporter of art, an educated prince who is interested in his own artistry and his own art education, but also the originator of cultural movements and large-scale artistic actions. during his lifetime, although this
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is not a tradition in calligraphy , different artists write different lines on the same paper, but perhaps one of the most important documents of bison's time is the statement that in a parliament he wrote it himself and the famous artists of his time also wrote the same sentence and each of them signed in front of their own handwriting. during this time , calligraphers, painters and illustrators came to create and edit books in groups in large artistic workshops. the art of iranian calligraphy, which is one of the most important arts of iran in the islamic era, is a collection of group work of different artists, calligraphers, painters, tabulators, paper makers, typewriters, and it is in this group work that a book cycle is formed. well , it is natural that from the beginning of islam, the main concern was the writing and copying of the holy quran, but in the following centuries, books literature such as shahneh book and other books and
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historical and artistic books. they enter this cycle and as we move forward in different centuries, we see more emphasis on elegance.


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