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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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nafti announced the manual activation of more than 275 fueling stations across the country. in the year of installation , a number of stations were connected to the fuel system on a trial basis and they supply gasoline at the rate of 1,500 tomans. alhamdulillah, 2450 of our stations are now activated, and in the next one or two hours, god willing, all our stations will be active and it is possible to burn.
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the issue of disruption in fuel stations in the country was investigated in the first economy desk at 9 o'clock, when in fact, a so-called fraud was seen on the so-called intelligent system system. based on that, my colleagues immediately started in fact, the working of the connection with the system was cut off in a way, and in that way, the operational teams were actually formed. at 11:00 in the morning, here is one of the gas stations in mehabade, which has a fuel supply problem , since 10:00 this monday, fuel has been supplied in gas stations are disrupted right now as we are talking, about 23,400 people across the country are completely involved with this issue and all their efforts are to shorten the time , at least for the situation where the manual offline and essential needs of the people are met. there are a total of 420 active gas stations all over the country
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they were on the way to attack , but we were able to control nearly 60% of them. in fact, this happened . in fact, we directed the rest in a direction where the challenge, in fact, did not continue . the security of the fuel system is completely online and has no external connection. one of the capacities that was created in saman, we are samanun. in fact, the fuel smart card was actually designed if we can refer to the resolution of the supreme council of cyberspace which is the creation of security operators and the organization and the ministry of housing towards this brand. having experienced companies that can operate at the level of a security operator in the country, they can maintain their own security. the ministry of petroleum has announced that
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there is currently no shortage of gasoline and diesel in the country, and people's quota is reserved in their fuel card with the previous prices. tina salehi of sed and sima news agency. since this morning, some gas stations have faced disruption in their operations. according to the deputy minister of oil, by the next hour, all stations will enter the circuit without the need for a card. to know about the status of the positions i will talk with the news reporter. radio and television in mazandaran, mr. goli, hello to you, how is the state of gasoline in mazandaran? in the name of god, i am greeting you and have a good time. i would like to welcome you and all the viewers of this news section. well, we are now at one of the main fuel stations in the city. we are in sari , as you can see, well, the process of refueling is being carried out normally, in most of the places we visited in the city, there are screens, but compared to the early hours of the morning. well
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, it has become less and less. it was around 10 o'clock that this disorder occurred, so the stations are offline providing fuel very quickly, the stations are ready. until now, when the handover is at 6:30 in the evening, 92 stations out of 143 stations in the center and east of mazandaran have returned to the normal state of the fuel supply circuit , and 60 stations in the west of the province are ready for refueling according to according to the directors of the broadcasting company , all the stations will be added to the fuel supply circuit in the next hour or two, but i have to point out two points, and the first point is that it is not possible to use the card and share at the moment, and because the stations have offline fuel supply doing it means refueling operation is done, but according to managers of the distribution company of oil products quotas on their own strength. the rest
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can be used by the citizens after this defect is removed. the second point is that according to the company's managers, behind any rumors and rumors about the increase in the price of gasoline. there is a rumor that there is no problem in terms of fuel supply in mazandaran , the others are not present in all the cities of mazandaran , there is enough fuel, but the citizens have been asked that those who do not urgently need fuel , do not go to the station for the time being until it is resolved. if this is a problem, then without delay , get your own statement and fuel, thank you, thank you from you, mr. goli, news reporter. ghazari sed and radio in mazandaran, following his headquarters monitoring visits, this morning, while attending the ministry of economy and finance , officially unveiled the iranian economic observatory .
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government companies and non-government public institutions. integration in the data and economic information of the country, the possibility of accurate and up-to-date monitoring of this information. creating transparency in the performance of ministries of economy and all government-controlled companies, as well as the possibility of daily monitoring of the latest the status of organizations subordinate to the ministry of economy is one of the features and applications of these systems. equipping 100,000 vehicles of the out-of-town cargo fleet with the sepehtan system by the end of the year. the vice-president of transportation of the highway organization says that by the end of the year, all passenger fleets outside the city should be connected to the system. this issue requires investment, based on the news published since the beginning of azar, with a thumb calculation, it can be said that during this period, more than 500,000 liters of smuggled diesel fuel have been discovered in the country, but the estimates of
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diesel smuggling are at least 500 times the amount discovered. actually, if real monitoring is done, a major part from consumption management, at least 10 to 20 million liters is a high number. is it possible to increase this number in the cycle, in fact, the export of this news, in addition to the several hour delays of some drivers to receive the quota gasoil for 30 minutes. we go for a fuel card to buy free gasoil at a cost several times higher than the quota price , we borrow from our friends, we go up to 77 liters. which is actually the basis of fuel consumption management.
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the collection of cars that are in the first stage the fleet of their equipment is 368 thousand cars. after 9 years in may of this year , a four-way memorandum was signed between the road authority, the traffic police, the fuel consumption optimization company and the national oil products distribution company to launch the sepehtan system. god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad that we can equip at least half of the sailors and half of the fleet with this system by the end of the year. in august, this memorandum did not advance even one step, the economic council held a meeting and reduced the goal of implementing the law to 60% of the legal obligation by the end of this year, but the deputy of the organization's transportation the road administration says that this year the same amount will not be realized. this year the bus section will definitely be completed
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. of course, the results will be for the year 1403, because the discussion there emphasized that the system should be installed. the project in the cargo section should also be done with a large amount of investment. in this regard, the government will not act. allocation of diesel fuel based on mileage will reach 10 years. saeed khalkhali , the deputy minister of economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs , said that the export to tajikistan has increased by 500. mr. safari he added: our trade with russia has also increased by 32% with a very good growth. the deputy minister of economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs announced
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the remarkable growth of iran's trade with these countries this year, referring to the government's policy to develop economic and commercial cooperation with neighboring countries, the african continent, latin america, east asia, and the commonwealth of nations. gave we export to oman from 900 million dollars. it has reached 2 billion dollars . this is the number that the customs says is a number. well, you know that in most trades and businesses, it is a non-customs market. there he is referring to the signing of numerous documents in the last two years, the international economic and commercial cooperation of the country has announced a significant number of them related to the field of agriculture. in total, we have signed 50 documents in the field of agriculture, 16 of which were in the presence of mr. president. this year we are in agriculture. we had about 25% growth until the eighth month , mr. safari. the country's exports in 8 months of this year, compared to the same period last year
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, announced a decrease in world prices, especially the price of urea , and explained about the increase in the country's imports up to 43 billion dollars during this period. and your product should import raw materials so that you can produce either in the steel sector or in the sector. non-ferrous metals, both in the automotive sector and in various industries. he also pointed to the resolution of the problems facing the astra border crossing between the presidents of iran and russia and announced that the activity of this crossing is the reason for the activation of the international north-south crossing in the matter of trade. the deputy minister of economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs also said about the development of trade cooperation with saudi arabia: we hope that our relationship with saudi arabia will also improve. it exists in the private sector as well as in the mutual investment sector, and
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we hope that we can solve the visa problems may we have a good growth and jump. mohammad mohajeri, sedah and radio news agency , monday's capital market indicators showed an increase. at the end of the market , more than 70% of the indicators were in the positive range. the group of petroleum products is also the most inflow of people's money. hello , the capital market ended positively on monday, december 27, and the total index increased by 165 and 350 points to reach 2 million 2800. the increase reached 76,400 . the value of transactions also increased to 8,000
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one billion tomans was received, the result of the purchase and sale of real estates is approximately 90 billion tomans , it shows the inflow of money into stocks and mutual funds. the highly traded symbols of petrol, 6sata, steel and to the nation have the most positive effect on the fars family steel index and tapico, the most negative effect on the symbols of k gol and ati. although the currencies increased slightly at the end of the market, more than 70% of the symbols were in the positive range at the end of the market , the automotive and chemical products groups allocated the most transactions to themselves, and it can be said that the negative symbols are more in the bulking group can be seen in the order buy orders were 765 billion and sell orders were 680 billion tomans at the end of the market. also , the number of symbols that reached the buying queue was 73 symbols and 30 symbols were on the sell page.
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the per capita purchase and sale of real estates was 33 million tomans per capita and 30 million per capita sales, which shows the relative power of the buyers. the largest amount of money was in the oil products group with 92 billion, 55 in equity funds and 49 in the investment group. he recorded billion tomans inflow of money against more. the largest outflow of money was from the banking group with 83 billion from the insurance group with 61 billion tomans recorded the exit and the cement group had 21 billion tomans of money exit and in the end, two asset funds, the first one and refining in the first one, the final price was 48% positive, and refining also had 2 shares with a positive percentage in the final price. thank you for your companion
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, god bless you. god is great
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and praise be to god, god is great and praise be to god, god is great and praise be to islam. praise be to god, lord of the worlds. praise be to god alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds , let us not be martyrs or martyrs, o sons or sons of our honorable people, we have sacrificed, slaughtered, and killed, and our soldiers, when they go out, they
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are crying. it should be issued to create competition and
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remove signatures in support of women, and this eid night is very special. in the distribution of equity shares, it was removed. people became shareholders in the fall of 2005. before those years
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, a limited number of people traded in the stock market. the number of shareholders of our stock exchange is 3 million and 200 thousand approx. after announcing the general policies of article 44 of the constitution. promulgating the general policies of article 44 of the constitution. government time goals. he implemented a section of this law in the form of allocating equity shares among the people. our equity shares are 10 years ahead in terms of privatization. in fact, it is the explanation of wealth among iranian housewives. since the time when the government decided to give shares to the first six tenths of income until its approval, the plan of allocating justice shares to the people was reviewed and hammered many times in the parliament. obliged government of the subject shares. article 35 means to hand over the same shares of justice in such a way that
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do not provide for the increase or continuation of government ownership and management in the companies subject to transfer, wasit company as a government company will continue to cast its shadow over equity shares, and finally, in the fall of 2006, 19 shares of government companies in the form of the equity portfolio in installments between six decimals first, daramdi was divided into four provinces. 2179 billion tomans of 19 companies have been assigned to 5 million 800 thousand people. with the passage of time and the acceleration of the privatization process, both the variety of shares of the justice basket increased and the number of its beneficiaries. so far , about 40 million people have registered or become shareholders. support they are 67 large companies, originally 44 in the late 1980s, the engine for the allocation of equity shares, even though 45 million people had not yet been included
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, stopped working until the parliament investigated this issue to resume it. sir, your registration has been stopped and the allocation of justice shares has been resumed with the follow-up of the parliament. we are sending invitation forms to loved ones to start giving equity shares in about 20 provinces of the country. of course, with the shares of companies, contrary to article 44 of the constitution. equity shares are structured in such a way that it is completely government owned. we want a government department to give a resolution to a government department. seven companies. a profitable stock refinery was removed from samalt's portfolio and replaced by two high-yielding and low-yielding non-profitable companies, so once again
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the parliament intervened to prevent any possible violation , requesting an investigation and investigation by some of the respected representatives of the islamic shura majlis. the follow-ups of the parliament gave results and once again the allocation of justice shares to some groups began. dear seasonal and construction workers and their families , there are about 8 million people, which is 8 thousand billion tomans in fact, the equity share portfolio was considered for them, but until 2015, the issue of equity shares was still undecided, just for one reason, the financing of the equity equity portfolio from the companies' profits in the fifth plan was not clear, what the law and regulations say is that any amount of the value of shares that by. if not, it will go back to the government. so the parliament
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came in once again to solve this problem. give them 6 months time so that they can give the rest of their 430 tomans to the government, and finally, after 11 years in 2016, the shares of this portfolio ended and the ownership of these shares was handed over to the people. servant and the result of the bham adalate drawing is a lot of help to the people, because if a weak group is the support , the adalat share allocation train has been moving on its specific path since the mid-80s, and every decade the passengers of this train are added, such as the survivors of this train who are going to soon they will become stockholders, there is no opportunity to fly
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, let's not do anything. many people talked about things on the front page, but they were not with the people. hey, the front page meeting is fair to some of us with your own reports. we exchange the test that the train is on the ground. there are functions and opinions. every moment, the most important thing
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, washland's special formulation with easy washing it brings cleanliness and shine to the skin. washland is the land of cleanliness . this is what they call a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's design, we can reach the queue
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of 100. now is the time to buy a refrigerator. you can go to the city of household appliances because the fees are less and the fee is calculated only from the cash balance . gestar haddad steel company produces all kinds of strength and
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industrial profiles in the dimensions of 20 x 10 to 20 x 20, water and gas pipes from the size of one and a half inches to 14 inches, design and construction of all kinds of industrial sheds the equipment and machinery required by the industries have the iranian national standard certificate and hadak steel quality management system certificate. you know how difficult it is to go to shahr farsh , and you will see the originality of all the patterns and designs you have on shokla at a great price . shahr farsh and home accessories from tanod jahan ist isfahan, imam
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khomeini street, corner of mino street. we will kill all the enemies. with everyone following the line of leadership. of all the leaders, narde la al-dare. allah la yahla mahda ahlah alahla andna andna andna andna it is a unique publication la jeddna jedavi banfar.


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