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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri , and i will accompany you in this program for an hour . in tonight's program, germany's track record in dealing with human rights will be reviewed, and we will examine the re-election of mr. abdel fattah from sisi as the president of egypt and the impact of this election on palestinian issues. we are also having a conversation about
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the published pictures of the empty tunnel belonging to hamas . i invite you to follow the world today until the end , but first, pictures of the world's support for palestine, especially in artileh
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, baid ashan al-wahidah sharafna keif lo tardwa atifna lo takhdomwa al-bayut nana bazahrin. i am talking about germany's human rights record at jahan studio today with mr. abbas sarosani, an expert. european issues
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, mr. sarbistani, welcome. first of all, i want to ask a question about the pictures that we have seen. in germany, the demonstrations in support of the palestinian people and the condemnation of the crimes of the zionist regime are still going on. in the past 70 days, we have held the biggest marches in berlin, the capital of germany, in hamburg. we had a problem with germany . has there ever been a history of such demonstrations in the history of germany? dear jahan, today, as you pointed out, this kind of demonstration has been common and unprecedented, but not to this extent and intensity
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. german government in support of our israel. we are witnessing the largest human gatherings in support of the oppressed people of gaza and palestine in such a way that some of the opponents of the islamic republic of iran, who believe that with these attacks, the strategic depth of the islamic republic of iran may be reduced, but they are forced to admit the bitter reality that the depth the islamic republic of iran's strategy has now expanded to berlin, london, and paris. in fact, you mean support. it is from that discourse of resistance that , in fact, the defense of the oppressed, which is now supported by european countries, yes, exactly , despite the fact that germany is an official government policy to support the zionist regime, and this
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is because of the guilt they feel towards to forgive for the sake of guilt, to forgive the myth of myth-making to establish a fake regime. they are zionist and there is a feeling that they must support these policies of the usurper regime and this is part of it. there is also the legal status of this country, which mr. sarosani, you mention , is part of the legal resolution and maybe it is the strategic policy of germany, which should support the zionist regime. i saw in the news that some believed that even germany. in most cases, the united states is behind and supports the zionist regime, but perhaps in the past 70 days , if we review the conversations of the german officials , especially now their foreign minister, whom i have been observing , mrs. burbok, has changed the words a bit and sometimes
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the other side. taking the palestinian people and asking them to defend , in a way, actually say something with regard to that that we have in our thoughts. we see that there is not much distance between the government of the german nation. how do you analyze this? yes, it is precisely the pressure of public opinion that forced the government of this country to change its announced policies, although in its actual policies it still has diplomatic support and arms support from the zionist regime, but this pressure of public opinion and this generation gap that created between politicians and public opinion, as we saw recently by nazarji of harvard university. did or polls that were done in germany we see that in the united states itself in fact, more than 50% of the youth want the elimination of the zionist regime and the formation of a single palestinian state. in germany itself, according to a survey conducted by the bach institute, more
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than 57% of the people of the official government policies regarding the conflict between the zionist regime. and questioning the state of palestine and calling for more support for human rights issues, stopping the war, and issues like that . mr. morteza nashad, an expert and reporter of sed and sima news agency, is also with us, mr. nashad. hello , our expert in the studio, mr. sarbistani, believes that germany in the last 70 days. the politics of his actions means what he has shown in his behavior there is no change in the issue of palestine and its support for the zionist regime, but in the declaration policy, it means what is expressed and said and now seen in front of the media cameras, it has changed a bit
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. as a reporter and a person who observes , i want the media space may i ask how much you agree with mr. sarbestani? yes, hello, in the name of god, i say good night to you and ladies , dear viewers of this program . a deep sense of moral shame towards the jews who, in fact, they themselves say that they give me statistics and numbers that in ashwick.
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and they always feel ashamed even after the end of the second world war and mr. konrad adenauer who is the first chancellor of the second world war. they often say, and even the foreign ministers of the german governments, who are always present in coalition governments, and we did not have a single party , that there are social democrats, christian democrats , and social christians . the political armor of the federal republic of germany, which is actually this image is fixed in german sovereignty and this sentence and this it can be summed up in a sentence that was first
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uttered in the form of a repeated sentence during the time of chancellor mrs. merkel, who in the first years of her presidency was actually the parliament of the zionist regime, the knesset , and that sentence is the sentence that israel's security is the reason for its existence . ours is the reason for existence. well, in translation, many people call it philosophy of existence, many call it the reason for sovereignty. staat razon is the german equivalent and stait razon. i say this so that those who are interested can find a reference to the reason for this. the reason for this support goes back to the fact that our whole being to ensure the security of the zionist regime, and when we analyze why and why this should happen, you see a significant gap between the nation and the german government, that is, the nation-state from each other. he says, in a meaningful way, separate the two parts, the nation says, why
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do we need to use our tax money for how many years? is 75 years not enough? is it not enough that we no longer have this financial support, all-round support for weapons, you look at it in 2023, tv channel 1 tv germany recently published a very interesting report. in 2022, only 10 times the military weapons exported by germany to the zionist regime has increased all of this shows that the germans have another idea that we unfortunately faced recently after the gaza war, and that is that they always say that israel, the zionist regime , has the right to defend itself. to that shame, these sentences should also be completed as pai and piru sentences. but there is also a very significant point here because they recently
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used a phrase that says israel not only has the right to defend itself but also has the duty to defend itself. see this duty when one task is to listen to one person, that is, o zionist regime, which means that if you don't want to defend yourself, we have to come and defend you , and then. the last thing he does is that he comes after all the heads of germany, from the president mr. stammeier to mr. olaf schulz , who is the chancellor, and ms. annalina bergo, who is the foreign minister , all came to express their sympathy. did any of them come to express their sympathy for even just coming to ramla. in the event that ms. burbok
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repeatedly comes to her meetings with the israeli families of the zionist regime, who are also in fact, we sympathized with them because they lost members of their own in the bombings, and now you see, they came to egypt and told us to open this channel, we want 20 trucks, 20 trucks. we want to send humanitarian aid. that is, on the one hand , when you come to hartaka and you actually look at their very tough political roundtables , you see that these experts are talking among themselves, saying why do you expect these people of gaza to go to war step by step. they are different and leave behind and their young people are middle-aged they will grow old and you. you add your glorifications and your support for the zionist regime day by day and
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test them, you will see that they themselves are using double morals, that is, double morals, double morals , we say double standards, but when we say morals there is no other dualism more conditional than this, that is, you can see that in every speaker, the same lady, the same mr. allam schulz met with the head of the center and the jewish council of berlin less than three hours ago. thank you for your continued support until we are done if the zionist regime wants to defend itself , it should be within the framework of international law, but when we come to the conversation of reporters who are truth-seekers , journalists who are german, but with investigative methods, as an investigative reporter in the gaza strip , in sana'a square, in this same war, we are delivered in
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different borders are present. you can see that they don't allow their conversations to be published at all, except on social networks, and this, in my opinion, is actually very unfortunate for a country that constantly presents itself as one of the western democracies, mr. nashad , based on what you said. i am about the question i came to this conclusion as to whether there was a behavioral difference in the declarative policy and the declarative policy of germany. paying attention to your words that you believe that if there was a change in announcing and expressing it , it was very limited and mainly a significant part of supporting the zionist regime, and this is rooted in morality, in fact, their moral view of the issue, you even knew that there is a duality about the current issue of palestine and the zionist regime, but you said one thing
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, but you didn't say the reason . i want to ask you as a final question, and please give a short answer. you said that the germans say the security of israel is the reason for our existence , why do they raise this sentence and this statement? yes, in my first speech, i said to you and dear viewers , look, after the second world war, and in fact, the jewish community, which was under a lot of pressure from the social, social, and socialist sides. .
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in fact, in mr. hytner's party gatherings , they used this literature after it happened, and even we see that various german chancellors agree that the issue of the holocaust is even statistics and circulation. and the amount and conditions are actually under the title of yadd vashem memorial or the holocaust event they always cherish and regularly. by the german authorities , they move to various buildings that exist in the occupied territories and pay their respects. this all shows that they want to somehow get out from under the yoke of this shame, they want this skirt of their own. they should clear this accusation. in a way, you mean to say sorry, i didn't understand your question
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. they want to clear themselves from this accusation. to erase and somehow compensate for what happened , exactly their plan is that and because they are looking to find a higher political position, several countries unite so that they can increase the permanent seats of the un and they are active in this field , they are trying very hard to remain active non-permanent members of the un security council at least on different occasions, and i want this stigma to be removed from the field . . and they should clear their political and even international secrets, that's why they always say that the security of israel is the security of the federal republic of germany. i am very grateful to mr. morteza nashad, an expert on european issues, who was with us, and also a reporter for sedav and sima news agency. mr. nashad's communication was through messengers, yes, but as the program experts point out
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the war in gaza aroused emotions and tensions in germany and caused differences. this war has revealed a lot both within the european community and among this community, and it also highlighted the gap between the official positions of the german government and the public opinion of the citizens of that country. however, despite the spread of israeli attacks against people, especially civilians, the german authorities continue to side with the zionist regime and deal with protests against the occupation regime's actions. in the latest case , mains football club anwar al-qazi , their 26-year-old player, for expressing sympathy with the people palestine expelled. anyone who has been working with football for a long time knows that this issue has nothing to do with football and sports. this is a completely political issue related to law. we have never
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had this issue before in mainz club and i am very sorry that this happened. the bundesliga player wrote after his dismissal: stand up for the right even if you are alone. the loss of livelihood for me is nothing compared to the hell that has been created for beghan. stop the killing in the demonstrations that were held in various cities of germany, including dost and berlin, the people of the neighbors were silent they condemned palestine and the support of western countries to the zionist regime. we came here to protest against israel's attack on palestine, especially gaza, and the brutal hospital bombings. palestine is occupied by a racist regime. but we express our solidarity with the palestinian people. the participants in these gatherings and demonstrations demand a strict approach from international organizations and european countries
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to the zionist regime to prevent more killing of palestinians. amir shujaei of the berlin broadcasting agency. in today's world , we continue the conversation with mr. abbas sarosani, an expert on european issues. mr. sarostani about. we discussed germany's behavioral contradiction in facing the palestinian issue and its support for the zionist regime . i would like to hear from you other examples of this government's behavioral contradiction in supporting human rights. there are other cases, yes , just as our reporter pointed out, we are witnessing this generation gap and declaration and actions of all european countries, but in the meantime, we see that german policies
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are much more radical for several reasons that i will mention, one of them is as well. to point out this is a historical guilt that, of course , they have towards this false narrative about the holocaust . it is not convincing to me that the main perpetrator of the holocaust, if he stops supporting the zionist regime , will demand the same as the public opinion is now. if germany stops
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the public opinion of england and other countries like france, the question will arise for them that germany , the main accused and the first row, does not support why other countries should pay taxes to support the crimes of the zionist regime. the second issue is that now is the harvest season of the politicians of the regime. zionist lobby the zionist is the strongest lobby in the german bundestag and all the politicians who want to reach higher positions, including the foreign minister annalina baerbock, who is looking for the chancellorship, are now seeking the support of this zionist lobby because she wants to be the chancellor, and we lobbyists who very broad economic support.
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from the green party, we hear the loudest voice of support for the oppressed people of gaza from the left movement in europe , but contrary to the policy of the german green party, we see that the foreign minister has become the biggest supporter of the crimes of the zionist regime. the second issue germany's dependence on the policies of the united states of america is germany, as a country that lost in the second world war and still has to endure the humiliation caused by the defeat of the second world war , the physical presence of the soldiers of the united states of america and that this country has to it pays 2% of its gdp annually, which is about 60 billion euros, to nato, but it practically has no strategic independence, unlike the previous chancellors, including schröder
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and to some extent mrs. merkel, who tried to secure this strategic independence of the european union with france, but we see that mr. schulz to it follows that germany's lost greatness is secured by linking politics with the united states of america , that is, you believe that if it were not for this degree of german dependence on the united states, perhaps they would have expressed their support for the palestinian people with more independence. the democratic and human rights people who are trying to spread this chaos in the world war are in the war and the defense minister has openly talked about the world war and even said that the germans should prepare themselves for war because this war is an opportunity for germany provides military assistance firstly and secondly expand its arms sales, and thirdly, the space
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as a country that should be a permanent member of the security council as a military and economic power , which means that the strategy writers of germany are well aware that the new world order is a non -western order and they are trying in this order, in fact, after the americans find a place for themselves , you also mentioned the war, mr. sarosani, in the 8-year imposed war, in which iraq actually invaded iran . the regime in question was one of the arms exporters to iraq and germany's baath regime , which is also associated with chemical weapons, which is german this is a reminder that germany seems to see its own interests in war and chaos , exactly to get out of the current situation, germany needs chaos in world politics so that its majesty can find a justification for
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reviving its military force. do it sir, the feeling that the germans have now is like the feeling that hitler had in the 1930s and he tried to rebuild the army of this country within 5-6 years. in the next 10 years, the german army will not be the army we see wherever there is chaos, not only in the middle east, but everywhere in the world, in africa, even in europe, we germans are naturally warlike. from 1648, when the treaty of vassalya was signed and national governments were formed until 1945, france invaded 23 times, and today this nature of violence is not only violent, but the greatest political philosophers justifying war, from karl
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schmittide. recently, habermas, we see that the greatest philosophers justify the war of german violence , and this spirit of violence and belligerence is suppressed in them, and for this reason, we see that contrary to the policies that are based on the pressure of public opinion they are forced to support a ceasefire to some extent , but in practice we see that they vote for the resolution of the united nations in the meeting of the european council of heads, in the end they do not vote for the ceasefire , which means they are forced to give a word to a max, for example, human rights. it's new, which can be interpreted very well . it's a barzakh word, but it's not the fact that in order for their zionist supporters to hate them , they have to invent a word that
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doesn't hate zionists and can fight against them. last year, on these days, german officials participated in human rights circles and accused iran of violations human rights are doing now they are referring to the death of a young lady in iran, whose documentation was in a state of ambiguity, but now in the face of the obvious and clear killing of thousands of women and children, we see that they choose kut, mr. nishad also mentioned this. how much did the contradiction in behavior after the al-aqsa storm challenge the credibility of germany and these europeans who actually claim to claim human rights? yes, after years of media apartheid that we had in the field of gaza and palestine, that is, for more than seven decades, and they tried to use the holocaust and jews.


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