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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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soya smart, did you receive warnings about this issue and were you basically prepared for it? look at the issue of the smart system. well , i'm sorry. we always have meetings about security devices such as solar protection and other sets . they have a close relationship with our loved ones, and based on this, those meetings are actually held . those arrangements are already in place and the meetings are held continuously and regularly, and now this issue and this incident that happened today must be clarified, then i want to see if you have a warning. did you receive the cover before this incident or not , in order for us to update the system regularly, well, it is necessary
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that we take into account the new infrastructure, which is the so-called new proposals , it was definitely the same. in the system, in fact, sos systems were created, we created another set, some of these have been protected, or in the area of ​​card houses, finally, we went to actually change , we went to reform, we went to reform , using knowledge-based forces. we were able to actually do the localization process. and on the basis of the equipment that was produced in this field was tested in the set of security devices in the laboratories, and finally after that, it was authorized that we could use them in our own positions and that it could actually be used, and this is the end. it was that the system was finally installed in 2006 and gradually we should act on the basis of this . and
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did we have any internal sabotage or not? in some places, we actually had messages that we could actually prevent these messages from. do. thank you very much, mr. salari, deputy minister of petroleum, board of directors of palash company and distribution of petroleum products, mr. nawaz, please point out that the previous series that we had in the smart fuel system, until these fuel stations supply fuel to the people as usual for a while. it took a long time almost until the night to do this. well, it seems that the work was done faster . now we can see that a large part of the positions have returned. what has changed compared to these two incidents? is there a new order issued? or was given more authority to act in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful hello, dear colleagues and dear viewers, yes, this is a correct point and it is worth thanking that this time there is empathy and a special principled protocol.
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ownership of managers and employees of the fuel station, contractors and officials of the oil distribution company has happened and now you can see that the speed of returning the station even offline and manually is much higher than in 1400 and i can tell you right now that we are talking about 23,400 people all over the country who are completely involved in this issue and all their efforts are to shorten the time, at least for the situation where people are offline manually and the essential needs of the people are solved. a special thanks is also here because i was reading the reports from the people. it means that the people cooperated very well. we even have reports that many of those who were on the pages were removed from the long pages. and because there is no essential need for fuel, in fact, the managers and owners of the stations also had excellent cooperation in this field with the officials of vard nafti broadcasting company and the official notification that
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will be issued from now on will actually inform the people fully, it is a rumor. did it happen because of the change in the price of gasoline? basically, you, as a fuel supplier , had such a recipe. for example, this was supposed to happen. now it has become this way or not . really, no way. we have talked transparently with the people until now . now, if something like this happened , we would have announced it clearly to the people. nothing like this was ever on the agenda and we have not seen anything like this at all. i am talking to you right now . there is no problem with the lack of gasoline and diesel in the existing tanks of the fuel station, which means that we do not have any problems in terms of the availability of the tanks and their readiness. we don't have any problems and people can be sure that if they don't have an urgent need , they should come back a few hours later, there will definitely be fuel at the same price as before, and when the smart system comes back , they can use their shares in their card . 9.50 am tehran time.
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the hacker group known as the predatory sparrow claims to have hacked iran's fuel supply system. this hacker group wrote this attack in retaliation for the attack of the resistance axis on the interests of the zionists in the region . immediately, the media of the zionist regime channel 12 of this regime, israel army radio, jerusalem post newspaper and persian language international network covered the news of this hack. even though cyber attacks were attributed to the zionist regime in iran before, this is the first time that the zionist regime's media has publicly announced the responsibility of the cyber attack against the zionist regime.
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they were able to make up for it, but it turned out that the zionist media needed this small achievement to somehow show off their work. this hacker group has published pictures of iranian fuel stations and factories before mobarake isfahan steel and khuzestan steel had informed about the hacking of the systems of these centers. today , december 27 the cars are being refueled at 12:09 p.m. the images we received show that some stations have returned to normal . mohammad javad reza soltani of the sda news agency , mr. habibi, vice president
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of afta syndicate, is present in the other studio. please tell us that we had the experience of the year 1400 regarding the hacking of intelligent fuel systems, why is this happening again now? basically, what should have been prevented that did not happen in your opinion and again we saw a hack in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, to our dear viewers, in the field of security in the country , unfortunately, we do not have a lot of manpower, and of course we have specialized forces, but considering that the issue of security is a very important issue in the field of cyber security, we need to supply specialized forces. a little demand is a lot, so i think if we can refer to the resolution of the supreme council of cyberspace which is the creation of security operators, and the organizations and ministries towards this brand, which will provide experienced companies that can operate at the level of a security operator in the country. kenan on the side have their own and in other words
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implement all the powers and tasks related to security in that company , they can keep the security specialists active in the country to a large extent. and in order to prevent them from migrating or moving to other places and other areas, and to maintain their own security, in other words, when a legal unit of a law firm acts as a security operator alongside the organization and the ministry of home affairs. it is assumed that, like all other organizations , that organization can be responsible for security, and if something happens, it must be held accountable. so. he uses all his power and strength, he uses all his strength and power, so nothing like this has happened to this intelligent system , it does not have anything like this.
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i have a point. it is a new issue. the issue of security operators has come from some organizations and the ministry of home affairs and established companies in the field of security. now, i do not want them to establish a private or public company, but there are large companies in the field. security that can do the same task for the ministry should do it and take responsibility for security along with the senior management of that organization , and this will make them use all their abilities to establish security . you can tell us what situation we are in now, teda. as i said, it was considered that the fuel station should be found manually, since the supply of oil , gas and gasoline is a bit different , they should find the permission to supply this fuel according to their needs, and now this is also happening.
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however, i would like to say three points, a criticism, a recommendation, mr. salari mentioned that our equipment in 2006, in this program , different programs about wear and tear. we talked about the availability of these equipments, this requires the government to take a serious look at this issue and make a final decision, and let me say one thing, this year, what happened, a plan was devised so that the number of places did not increase from 60%, and this plan means an epidemic. now, with the technical facilities of the software that they have and the actions that they have taken, more than 60% of this did not happen, the last thing i want to say and recommend it is also true that in the provinces, the respected managers of the broadcasting company's regions are already listening to the conversations, and the owners of our stations are important fuel stations all over iran . we do not have any more important or less important stations, and we ask that you do all your efforts for the return of all . the positions are done to the same extent . thank you very much to all the guests of the program and all the viewers of the mez ekotan program who
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accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you from stroke as the second cause. shahid rajaei hospital hotel hosted 120 specialist doctors from 15 countries of the world to the latest solutions for prevention and present with this disease. if the blood supply to the brain is disturbed for any reason, a stroke occurs. according to global statistics, one out of every four people has a stroke and it is a very important and debilitating disease. the most important factor is actually the disability of adults. when blood pressure is high in society, when diabetes is not well controlled , when we are inactive
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, when we are obese, when smoking is high, when there is a lot of stress, all these and all add up to stroke. unfortunately , stroke is one of the main causes of death all over the world it is considered that stroke in children is very rare, but in young age, unfortunately , it has recently increased. the goals of this conference. from the words of the organizers, there are the latest scientific achievements, skill experiences, experiences all over the country in the world in the field of stroke with the presence of domestic colleagues and prominent foreign colleagues . let's share together. to the training of nurses and doctors who perform their specialized duties in this field, in this conference there are all topics related to stroke and vascular diseases spinal cord is related. their living conditions are addressed, smoking, chronic diseases
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, diabetes in women after menopause, and especially in people who use osipia contraceptive pills, because there is a possibility of blood clots, this actually aggravates our conditions. the more oriental and traditional our life was, the higher the age of stroke was , the more we went to a lifestyle without smoking and inactivity. unfortunately, the age of stroke has decreased. the role of doctors and nurses in the treatment of stroke was one of the main themes of the conference the country is successful in the field of medical or medical treatment of stroke in the golden age , the next stage of treatment is vascular, i.e. the removal of clots and angiographic methods from the brain vessels. facing serious hospitalizations and having a psychological and economic burden for the families, but okay. today , by using the drugs that are easily available to us and the very good diagnostic methods that
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we actually have in iran, we can actually start the diagnosis and treatment very quickly. minimize disabilities. in addition to drug treatment, which includes tpa injection, which is a drug that sticks to the clot and the clot dissolves now , another new treatment is thrombectomy. it is possible and this created a very serious change in the time of cerebral palsy. at the regional level , according to the statistics, the incidence of stroke is almost one and a half times higher than in western countries. recent under title of program 724, very good measures were taken at the national level. from the point of view of equity , the so-called stroke treatment phase , we are in a very good phase, that is, it has a world map and with the participation of the world health organization, the treatment status in the phase of
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the stroke line is very good. in iran, the average age of stroke, unfortunately, in iran according to studies, stroke is 10 years lower than in other countries, because our risk factors are not well controlled, and this is a warning to the society, and if we can join hands again, the risk factors and we must control the risk factors we can go
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dear nurses, let's all join hands , we can definitely reduce our strokes. golden time in stroke treatment. unfortunately, stroke treatment is done in a certain time, and this time is only about four and a half hours for medicine, and for thrombectomy, it may take up to 24 hours to help the patient. you can visit them, considering that you may not know which treatment center. brain is done, please just call 115 and treat with mechanical trobikton according to the statistics of the organization global health iran is among the top 10 countries in the world in the treatment of stroke disease. fatemeh faramarezi of sed and sima news agency
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shows that the changes in human life have expanded greatly since the 21st century. science and research is growing every day. today, research is considered as a tool to achieve some goals. of course, these goals differ according to the age of the audience. the research bell rang for children and teenagers. planned on the occasion of the research week, the fifteenth special program of the research week at the center of cultural and artistic creations. hijab programs are designed. this program includes exhibition of research games, book exhibition with research purposes, research workshops section, for children from school who can express and use this capacity. do we have any questions, guys, so far? so today we left here. this week, the center for intellectual development of children and
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adolescents has prepared workshops for them to guide them towards research. including four designed workshops: exploration workshop, research game workshop, storytelling workshop and happy life workshop. research gives children the ability to communicate better with the world around them . bicycle wheels should be triangles instead of circles. the bike slips. the bike slips. a mobile phone that is rectangular instead of a cube. the screen is bigger, the steering wheel of the car is rectangular instead of a circle, our foot gets stuck in it, it goes somewhere else, this is the center of intellectual development . the research week of the center of intellectual development invited us here to learn more about exploration and research. it is the skill
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of problem solving that for example, how to be an explorer, what are the stages of research and... and what things does this strengthen in us? exploration means to go after a problem and to go after it, to solve the problem, we learned here. we take, for example, to research things, for example , to research books and articles, newspapers, and a very good article. to be able to write, most of the children are familiar with the phenomena around them, that they can see well and think well, and our goals in this, in fact, our workshop is to strengthen their senses, to strengthen their thinking, to strengthen their spirit of questioning and exploration, and to be able to solve a problem that occurs to them. solving
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helps them very well. in science lessons, in different subjects, they can research the questions that come to them beautifully and answer them according to their desired goal. let's go to the alcohol, continue. can you continue the mint? i want to see where you experienced it. what questions can you make for the next person who wants to come here to do research? answer your question. the game can be the starting point for research in children. it helped me to be able to recognize sounds , to be able to concentrate better, for example, one day, god forbid , we may suffer temporary blindness , this hearing is very useful for us. for example, we could not hear you couldn't hear the sound playing here
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, we didn't have a smell, you couldn't smell anything at all. here is a research game called circle of senses in the circle of senses. in a part of this circle of words, they are given a question according to what they are testing here, i.e. smell, taste or hear, they have to ask a question about that substance or object and answer it themselves. in the other part, their eyes are closed by blindfolds and these bags inside there are different objects, they touch them, they say their details , and they say their feeling towards it is roughness, coldness, warmth. falling and explaining to us about the nature of that object. his experience can
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institutionalize the culture of collective work and sincere communication with others among children. what game do you like? it's a race, come and go. as a result , games should be designed to teach children that are purposeful and that children and teenagers enjoy it first and foremost. take them and experience research and teamwork step by step. what are you doing? i am using my own creativity. it has these magnets. it makes a shape, what do you make, for example, for example, if possible , i will make a tower, so how does this game help you, in your opinion, it makes us use our creativity in a proper way, what do you make, now we want to make a panjali and then. let's make a star-like, if possible , well, did you like this game? it's very interesting
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, it makes you focus a lot. it's like a game where the speed of the action is faster. this most of its purpose is to improve children's speed of action and coordination of their eyes and hands, then focus on the game . asphalt chips are one of the most harmful things to the country's environment. now, danesh banyan company recycles asphalt by making a product
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called javan saz asphalt. we use exactly the same old asphalt with a very small percentage of these materials and apply the same asphalt again on the road surface. by making this product, in addition to preserving the environment, you can also use a lot of sand. it saves approximately 40 per year million tons of slag used for road construction projects, these 40 million tons of slag will be preserved in the country and the same old asphalt will be recycled with the quality of new asphalt and the other product of this company is a polymer that improves the quality of bitumen with any type of bitumen reacts and increases the quality of bitumen. in many places, we have a problem in barts, because of the brakes and the weight of the cars, the asphalt changes its shape . this is because it returns to its original state, and no change of shape can be seen after an unlimited period of time.
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this polymer is used in some road construction projects in the country has been used and according to the officials of this knowledge-based company, although the cost of asphalt with this polymer will increase by 20%, it will eventually increase the life of the asphalt twice and this company. it has produced other products related to non-asphalt, which have also been exported. non-antifreeze and non-colored ones, in the colored bitumen phase, we were able to reach shabtab bitumen. there are bitumens that reflect the light they absorb in the dark. these are not paints, they are not coatings, it is the bitumen that does this and it can beautify the road and reduce the dangers on the roads. we exist it is very effective. this company is only one of 200 knowledge-based companies active in the field of housing and road construction , all of which
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are supported by the innovation and prosperity fund. on the occasion of this year's production growth package , we designed the production growth of daneshmaian products. so far, a total of more than 6500 billion tomans of facilities have been approved and are being paid to daneshmaan companies that have the ability to grow production in the field of housing, and from this 6500 to 3070 it belongs to this field, which shows the high capability of our academic companies in the fields of hamvand and maskaneh. minister of roads and urban affairs. both from activity two research and technology funds in the ministry of roads to support these knowledge-based companies . we will put an initial capital of about 100 billion tomans for each of these funds. these funds are to help startups who want to enter knowledge-based companies. if they have reached a good financial capacity , we will connect them directly to the project itself, they don't need these funds anymore , they will be connected to the project itself
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, they will work like a contractor in the form of a contract with these big projects of ours. naqvi of sed and sima news agency.
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it's free, yes, it's free, it's free , it's free, it's free, it's free, it's free, it's free all this is free with mahd farsh plus design , become the owner of iran mahd farsh's free carpet. have you ever bought your shoes by sms? tetis shoes have a series of special conditions that you can buy now and pay later. tetis shoes are a very light and flexible shoe designed in such a way that you can easily use them during long walks. the top of my shoe is very cool because the air is flowing through it. how can it be prepared? very easy just
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add the number one to the result. the system is 1000 79 78 and it has just replaced the warranty within 7 days. what else do we want? his behavior has become strange, what happened? saeed has become aggressive at a special age. farzane, who is stressed about the exam, is tired. i am very stressed these days . i don't know what to do. it is better to talk to a good specialist . call hamraz first. i also got advice from their psychologist for maryam's marriage . send one to the thousand 686 system or call 0219.
2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, the control of inflation and the axis of production. he emphasized the necessity of using new financing methods and mechanisms for investment in the provinces. while explaining the government's priorities and main plans to control inflation in the last months of the year, mr. mokhbar asked the governors to diligently pursue the government's policies and plans in this field.


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