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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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take off your shoes. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the 7th transportation, logistics and related industry exhibition was opened at the same time as transportation week. this exhibition with the slogan of smart transportation, transit and development will be held for 3 days. opening an exhibition with the aim of presenting achievements in the field of transportation. an exhibition attended by more than 316. the company, which
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is active in various fields of transportation, our main services are the preparation of containers for the transport of classified cargo in the persian gulf , the middle east and the far east. carry our cash let's make a change in reality, whether it's in terms of infrastructure or renovation. afghan che in the use of technology and technology of the minister of roads and urban development at the opening ceremony of this exhibition announced a 33% growth in the transit of goods from the country. the blessed decade of fajr, we can present the caspian rush project to our dear and noble people and witness what we said as a sea-to-sea rail connection in our country, which will be one of the strengths of the transi area in the region. mr. bezpash also. from trying
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to import train wagons to increase the rail fleet, he said passenger wagons, whatever is within the power we are going to place an order . i informed rahahan that this matter is impossible no matter how hard it is. of course , there is a legal discrepancy in our request to the leaders . we are currently discussing in the secretariat of the council of leaders that we can also get a license to import passenger cars. vice president of science and technology the president also welcomed the entry of daneshban companies. in order to reduce the damage caused by road accidents, he emphasized: by using the network of daneshmounian companies in the 5-year plan , many issues in this area should be solved, and god willing , we will see a reduction of at least 20-25% compared to today. several memorandums at the same time it was also signed for the growth of the transportation industry. the national program of solutions for male academics of the sed and cima news agency. equipping 100,000. the device of the
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out-of-town freight fleet to the sepehtan system until the end of the year. the vice-president of transportation of the highway organization says that by the end of the year , all suburban passenger fleets should be equipped with an intelligent road transport traffic monitoring system. it catches fire behind the lamp. according to the news published since the beginning of azar , it can be said that more than 500,000 liters of smuggled gasoil have been discovered in the country during this period. but estimates of diesel smuggling are at least 500 times the amount discovered it is. actually, if real monitoring is done , it is a major part of consumption management, at least 10 to 20 million liters is a high number that we can increase this number in the cycle, and in fact, the export of this news is in addition to the several-hour delays of some drivers to receive 7 quota gasoil. we have been standing here for 30 minutes and still no gas has come. or sometimes
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we rent a fuel card to buy free gasoil at a cost several times higher than the quota price . which has remained on the ground since bahman 1993, the allocation of diesel fuel based on the distance traveled, the intelligent monitoring system of the traffic of the road transport fleet, or in short, sepeton, is a system that is actually the basis of fuel consumption management, the collection of cars that in the first stage this saman roshon fleet will be installed. there are 368 thousand cars. after 9 years in may this year, a four-way memorandum was signed between the traffic police organization, the fuel consumption optimization company and the national oil products distribution company to launch the sepahtan system. god bless ali mohammad. it has been assigned to us until the end of the year at least
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we can equip half of the geniuses and half of the shipyards with this system. in the middle of august, this memorandum did not advance a single step. the economic council held a meeting and reduced the goal of law enforcement to 60% by the end of this year. however , the deputy transport director of the road organization says: this year, the same amount will not be achieved. this year, the bus section will definitely be completed. of course, the results will be for the year 1403, because the discussion there emphasized that the system should be installed. the project is in the high volume cargo sector. investments should be made based on the failure of governments to allocate diesel based on this account the distance traveled reaches 10 years. saeed khalkhali of sed and sima news agency, since the
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al-aqsa storm operation, support for hamas in the bakhtari bank has increased. according to france 24, a large number of palestinians living in the west bank reject peace with the occupying regime.
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he held a demonstration in front of the mosque. nazarji's result shows that this movement is flourishing, which
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was affected by the gaza war and the fate of the palestinian prisoners. since the october incident, support for hamas has increased. if elections were held in the west bank today. a harvard university survey shows that most young people americans support the end of israel and the establishment of a palestinian state. this harvard poll, which was conducted in partnership with the harris polling institute, indicates that 51 american youth aged 18 to 24 believe that the solution to the conflict is the end of israel's existence and handing over the government to israel. palestinian groups include hamas. in the harvard survey, 60% of 18-24 year olds said that hamas's attack on the occupied territories on the 15th of mehr was legitimate and justified. join us.
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it is not an exaggeration if we consider the output of these small fuel nozzles as the driving engine of today's civilization, an element without which all cars stop moving. actually, the transportation cycle is stopped. maybe everything seems simple at first, but behind these stations is a complex network of gasoil transmission pipes to
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a point that was targeted exactly on november 4, 1400. herzliya a city in the north of tel aviv , the capital of the occupying quds regime. this small town does not seem to have anything to attract the attention of people from other countries of the world. but it is a familiar name for many cyber security analysts. this city is the main headquarters of unit 820 of the intelligence organization of the zionist regime. a unit whose purpose is directly sabotage and. cyber ​​espionage is in different parts of the world and by the way, iran is considered one of its main priorities
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. but this military unit of the zionists is not alone in sabotaging and attacking iran. the national security organization of america, known as nsa, is the main ally of the zionists in this direction, and billions of dollars of funding and the most advanced technologies are at the service of targeting iran's vital infrastructure. the attack on the nuclear facilities of our country with the release of the stuxnet virus in the natanz enrichment facility is a part of this long-term cooperation between the us and the zionist regime to attack iran over the past 15 years. utilize what's called a zero day exploit or basically a piece of code that allows it to spread without you having
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to do anything, you don't have to, for example download a file and run it. azer exploit is an exploit that nobody knows about except the attacker, so there's no protection against it, there's been no patch released, there's been zero days protection against it, but the target list was not only limited to iran's nuclear facilities, but everything that could be controlled with the computer, it could be the starting point for a new cyber attack. from gas transmission pipes ranging from power transformers and even hospital oxygen producing equipment. a broad plan that the americans named nitrozeus to take control of iran's main energy infrastructure. i'm not
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going to tell you the operational details of what we can do going forward or where, but the science fiction cyber war scenario is here, that's nitro zeus, but my concern and the reason i'm talking is because when you shut up down a country's power grid, doesn't just pop back up, it's more like humpty dumpty, and if all the king's men can't turn the lights back on or filter the water for weeks, then lots of people die, and something we can do to others, they can do to us too. on tuesday , november 4th, the condition of gas stations in the country seemed normal. but this situation was the calm before the storm , because apparently this time
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it was going to repeat aban 98 in a different form. long before the 13th government took office, extensive cooperation between the warring powers had begun to target iran's infrastructure. now it seemed that the promised day had come to make it operational. from the early hours of the morning of the 4th of november , people visiting gas stations were faced with the failure of the fuel card system. the condition that the news of a great incident and sincerity. in the gasoline distribution system all over the country , there were public reports. the network reported a malfunction in the fuel card receiving system at the gas stations . at 11:00 this morning, around 11:00 a.m. today, we actually received messages from stations all over the country that there
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was a malfunction in the smart system. there is fuel and it is not possible to refuel. at the same time , the fuel card system stopped working with the hacking of some city tvs showed that the main goal is to riot the streets and the scope of this incident is supposed to target the security of the country. later , in an article, the new york times called this incident as the plan of the zionist regime to create insecurity in iran and pointed out that the purpose of this action was to incite the middle class of the country to start protest demonstrations. the first step to implement this plan was taken correctly. but iran also had its own response to this cyber attack. sir, everywhere i went , i rode my motorcycle, i went to 10 gas stations, i don't give up.
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i went to 5 points in tehran, 5 points in tehran. it was around 13:00 and the fuel system outage turned into a widespread crisis in iran and became the main headline of the foreign media. head. it may have been the hacking of gas stations or billboards , but it was very clever because it linked this hacking with the gasoline issue , which was the beginning and actually the starting point of the protests in november 2018, but the national media opposed this incident, unlike many times. a functional prior of self
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showed this time domestic media. in the beginning , it was continuously following up on this story and had a strict control over the information process by checking the conflicting news in subtitles. in the news at 13:00 on the same day, the field reporter of the incident gave his first live communication about the condition of fuel stations to the people. the intelligent system of fuel stations means that the system of receiving fuel cards has been disrupted in many cities. my objective observations are a little different from the friends of the officials who are talking .
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if i take a picture, colleague, show me that it is actually burnt. refueling is not done, and this is one point, and i asked to speak with the person in charge of the fuel station , but i did not want to talk, and the point is , as we asked the friends who were present here from objective observation, they said that it was around 11 o'clock, that this it happened and it was a software problem and the refueling process encountered a problem, but experts are present and they are doing the steps to see what the problem is in the meantime and away from the conflict. crisis management falls elsewhere. from the initial moments of this cyber attack, the authorities the ministry of oil had focused all their efforts on solving the fuel supply problem. time was the main enemy of the country's refining and broadcasting complex. the flow of gasoline
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should continue in the nozzles. after the cyber attack on the fuel card system was confirmed, the first team from the ministry of petroleum arrived at one of the gas stations in tehran. the goal was to manually start the refueling stations, which was operationalized by installing alternative software in the nozzles, and the refueling system returned to the circuit once again. this was something that should be done at all gas stations the fuel continued. unfortunately, at around 11:00, the system was cut off. unfortunately , there was a problem in the gasoline system, they couldn't
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do the sakhgiri, but now fortunately , everyone is doing the sakhgiri . we said that everyone is filling gas, there was no problem in the past , there was a problem with the distribution of gasoline, time was passing quickly, and the field reporter of the national media was nearing 4:00 p.m., he again appeared at one of the gas stations and described the latest fuel situation . the country was broadcasted live 285. we are at sarai tehran , pars, as you can see, refueling is done here , of course, freely, and the citizens
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are standing in line and patiently waiting for their turn to receive the fuel they need . we visited different stations before this one, there it was not yet started and the experts were trying to do this process, manually setting up more than 4 fuel stations was a task that is simply not possible even under normal conditions. but in the hour after the fuel card system was hacked, this action was taken the agenda of the ministry of oil was set and executed well. hundreds of forces of the national oil products distribution company quickly went to each station to return all the carved systems to the circuit manually. in this, these technical and computer forces focused all their efforts on this issue so that the computer systems of the ministry of petroleum
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are not attacked again. in this way , fuel stations were set up one after the other, and practically the nightmare of gasoline shortage as the most important axis of media propaganda against iran failed. but they use the card freely the fuel has been installed on both, well, just as you expected. unfortunately, in the fuel smart card system, i can almost say that most of the gas stations in the country were disrupted, and those cyber attacks caused our compatriots to not be able to use the gas station system. they use gasoline, that's why they rush to the headquarters at the same early hour. the ministry of petroleum formed a crisis headquarters and also in the broadcasting company, with the formation of a crisis headquarters , an order was given urgently
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to implement the offline discussion in all stations, and in fact , every station was tried to be done one by one. these positions should be sent by our friends, our colleagues in bakhsh company and dear contractors who work in this field with the broadcasting company. and let's put the stations manually in the production circuit so that our dear people don't face challenges and can actually use the gasoline quota that is free at the moment, so that, god willing, they can activate the issue of the smart fuel card. on the second day after the cyber attack, it became clear to the whole world that iran was able to overcome this crisis well, and in this situation, the presence of the president in the emergency meeting of the ministry of oil confirmed the government's general support for the measures it was a collection of the ministry of oil. the news that
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reached the media showed that everything has returned to its former routine. first of all, i thank god for providing in this cyber attack with the help of the people and the efforts of the managers of the ministry of oil. the situation will quickly return to normal, and i would like to thank the people for their very good cooperation and cooperation and their trust to eliminate any potential for conspiracy. in the meantime , there were concerns about maintaining the quota of the people in the fuel cards, which was assured by the officials of the ministry of oil regarding the maintenance. and allocating additional quota to people's fuel cards was discussed before i would like to point out that there will
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be no problem for the fuel quotas of our compatriots. and for this reason, don't have any worries , because the system is offline, these quotas will be maintained, and god willing, the fuel system will be fully usable when it returns to the circuit, it is possible because all the pits related to these nozzles, more than 55 thousand nozzles in the country, have been damaged. it is possible that you put a place in the service, suppose it has 50 nozzles, some of the pts of these nozzles have encountered technical defects, yes, until this technical defect is not resolved. on the subsidized price of 1500 gasoline or 300 tomans of oil does not go to gas, there is definitely something like this, when they are setting up the station , they notice the defective nozzles or pits , they fix the pits through the support of the intelligent fuel system and the repair workshop that exists in tehran. they will do it and after it is resolved, be sure that pit will be placed in the fuel service with the same rationing method with two rates. take a look at the experience of november 9. 8
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shows that if it was not for the quick reaction of the entire executive group of the ministry of oil and refining and broadcasting company against this cyber attack, another gasoline conspiracy would have been realized, but the presence of officials and employees of different departments of the ministry of oil prevented such an incident. later , the words of the relevant officials showed how wide the scope of this incident was and what implications it could have for the country's security . in the meantime, it can be said with certainty that the main work to deal with the repetition of these attacks has just begun after the cyber attack of november 4th was neutralized, and we must seek to secure the country's energy infrastructure. because now, contrary to all international rules, any control system
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is considered a target for a new cyber attack. the side the opposite side has also shown that it does not shy away from any action in this direction. just as in order to bring an independent country like venezuela to its knees , it paralyzed its power generation and transmission network with a cyber attack . this battle continues in the oil industry and the cyber attack on the fuel card system is the only point. it is a start for it.
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god is great and praise be to god . god is great and praise be to god. oh god the killings are scattered. praise be to god, the lord of the worlds . may we not witness you and martyrs, o sons or sons of our honorable people. we have
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sacrificed, and the houses and the walls are also our soldiers. when they go out, they are also praying. praise be to god, lord of the worlds. protests in berlin against zionist crimes continued for the tenth consecutive week. while the united states opposed the security council's resolution to establish a ceasefire in the gaza war , an official report of the federal government's military aid to israel was published in germany, which shows that this aid has increased tenfold in the past year.


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