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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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i take refuge there from any commotion. home to the treasure of life. my house has a light on. and a window that is like an open eye. my home deserves the best. wintek window one. the great merchant and traveler marco polo has returned to his city after many years.
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the first step was to collect information about each village under the title of the village files project in palestine , so that after the completion of this project, the jewish agency had the information of all the villages in palestine , and a lot of information was obtained about the quality of the land and the wealth of the people of each village. that they knew how many fruits are on each tree. orientation how easy or difficult is the occupation of different areas of palestine? after the end of world war ii, harriet roman. the
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american president supported the zionist plan by allowing the immigration of 100,000 jews from europe to palestine . but britain, which had decided to limit the entry of more jews before the war and because of the increase in conflict and violence in palestine , continued this policy after the war. as a result, various jewish militias decided to plan an attack on the british army. the most important military force of the zionist haganah decided to form a coalition against britain with iran and stronging. at this time, david ben- gurin was able to convince members of the jewish community in america to financially support the purchase of weapons manufacturing machinery.
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death ride the ancient streets of jerusalem , and here the climax, blasting of police headquarters, three men lost their lives in this attack, roving band shot up the station first, then launched high explosives, soldiers comb the debris for other dead as turmoil seeds in the cradle of brotherly love, new high commissioner cunningham investigates, tommies patrol the streets and quiet he sends, is it the calm before another storm? the king david hotel in jerusalem is where
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the biggest attack against the british forces took place. the british used this building as their military headquarters. on july 22 , 1946, a huge explosion destroyed the entire southwest part of the hotel and killed 91 people. the irgun militia group carried out the attack. but the king david hotel was not their last goal. on march 1, 1947
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, the british officers' club in goldsmith's house in jerusalem was also blown up by members of the irgun. british forces in palestine were put on high alert. the leader of the iranian group was menachem begin , whose symbol was a map of the jewish state including all of palestine and jordan. english authorities after the broadcaster.
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hundreds of attacks by zionist underground groups have been recorded. after the escalation of attacks by zionist groups on british soldiers in palestine , in 1947, britain announced its decision to end the occupation of palestine. in the use of british forces and the squandering of british lives to impose a policy in palestine, which one or the other of the parties is determined to resist, it is brought down on our heads, the execration of the jews and the bitter
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resentment of the arabs. it has made us the butt of malicious criticism throughout the world. we have played our part to the limit. now england was freeing itself from palestine and leaving this country in a bloodbath. an action that ended in the important and fateful year of 1948. after 30 years of british rule, the palestinian issue was referred to the united nations. now the united nations is a place of diplomatic conflict and talks. it was about the division of palestine into a jewish and arab state. november 29 in 1947, the united nations general assembly met to formulate a plan for the partition of palestine. this is a map of this land while the jews
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had only 5 and a half percent of the entire area of ​​palestine. united nations resolution 181 of palestine to two arab countries. and the jew divided and called the city of jerusalem an international region. the jewish state took over 56% of the land of palestine and the rest went to its original and native inhabitants. finally, the draft resolution was presented for voting. resolution of the palestine special committee.
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following the approval of this resolution, england announced that he ends his exile in palestine on may 14, 1948 . the arab league, enraged by the result of this vote , decided to prepare the palestinians for armed resistance. a decision that seems. it was too late. about 3,000 volunteers from different arab countries were sent to damascus, beirut, and cairo to obtain weapons and receive military training, while the
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zionist militia groups, including the haganah irgun and stronging , in the first half of 1948. had increased to 40 thousand people. but on the other side , there were only 3,000 irregular forces, which were the remaining fighting force that the british died after the uprising palestine had defeated them in 1936. the palestinians were much weaker in fighting power and had fewer weapons. in the first quarter of 1948 , zionist militia groups carried out more than 12 attacks against palestinian cities and villages, some of these operations were carried out by special forces who
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disguised themselves as arabs and were known as arab gentlemen. over time, the zionists began to take the land that was given to the arab sector according to the united nations partition plan. in this zionist operation between fighters and people. as a result of this attack, more than a hundred massacres took place palestinians, including women, children and the elderly, were killed. deir yassin village
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was only 3 kilometers away from the office of the british police commander in jerusalem. when they informed him about the massacre in deira yasin village, he replied: this issue has nothing to do with us. british soldiers began to evacuate palestine a month before the date set for the end of their rule. they camp at night with all their weapons, tanks and armored vehicles . were forced to leave their homes. the next day, zionist forces completely occupied shahria. at noon on april 21, the last soldiers the british left haifa. that same evening , thousands of haganah forces attacked the city. some
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palestinians and arab volunteers stayed in the city to defend their homes. after two days of urban war, 60 people were killed and the rest left the city. many palestinians on the truck. cars and some on foot were forced to migrate. an endless train of people leaving their cities. until the end of 1948, the city of haifa fell into the hands of the zionist militia forces.
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the coastal city of jaffa was their next target. a woman was in charge of the palestinian fighters in jaffa. his name was mohib khurshid. although jaffa in the united nations partition plan of 1947 was registered as the arab part of palestine, but the zionist forces also had an eye on this city. in the last week of april, the bombing of the city became more intense. the residents of jaffa had to leave the city to escape the bombing. from the sea to the lebanese and from the road to east palestine, syria and jordan and in the southwest to the
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gaza strip. on may 14, 1948, while 70,000 people of jaffa had left the city due to the violence of the zionists, haganah forces took control of jaffa. the remaining men were sent to central detention camps. were transferred detainees they forced to bury the bodies of ordinary people who were left in the streets. also, they were forced to move the properties of the palestinian houses that were looted by the zionist forces.
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different areas of the gaza strip as well.
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somewhere the wounded work. clashes continue in different areas of gaza. the field reports tell about the intense conflict between the resistance fighters and the zionist soldiers in khanyounest and the destruction of several cars of the invaders in these clashes. qassam battalions announced that a number of them were killed and wounded in an attack on a truck carrying zionist soldiers in beit lahia. also several armored vehicles he will leave them in khanyounes. the failures of the occupying army in recent days and the increase in the number of dead zionist soldiers
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have put pressure on the war cabinet of the zionist regime from the families of the dead zionist soldiers and the zionist era in the hands of the resistance . under the pressure of public opinion, the zionists have admitted that 126 of their soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the land invasion of gaza, but the media reports that hospitals and public cemeteries in occupied palestine have far more statistics than this.
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o our lord, you will throw away, because you will throw away, but allah will throw away in the name of allah oh lord
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friends , listen, listen, la, la, this was exactly what happened in the afternoons , all of them have mutations in their hands and take it outside
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, that is, we can see the features , that's enough of my dreams. leg regression.
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joys and sorrows, tears and smiles, screams and moans, faces stained with color and blood, all recorded in one frame, with one lens and one camera, but in two different times and places, one in the world cup in qatar, last year. another one in gaza, this year, a duo of images, by bilal khaled, a palestinian photographer. someone who turned the unexploded rocket of the zionist regime into a work of art by drawing and calligraphy two years ago in gaza with this writing by samih al-qassem, the poet of resistance, young and old die among us, but we will not give up, this artistic message has been for years with the works of this photographers in the ruins of gaza show themselves in different forms, sometimes with writings.
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and sometimes with photos and designs. every palestinian artist should be an ambassador of palestine and convey his message to the world through art. he is now completing his photo album in the middle of the war in the ruins of gaza. with more details every day than yesterday. bilal wants his photos can be heard all over the world. the sound of screams, pain, suffering and pain of children in gaza. i am happy that as a messenger i can show the realities of gaza to the world with my art. i think every palestinian has a struggle. a fighter who can talk to the people of the world with his art and show what is in front of the palestinian people. farzaneh azarfam, sed and sima news agency.
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fly arous khanon for the third time. am i my lawyer? what happened? it's really not possible. yes, why not buy dowry with 60? do you swear in the city of household appliances? older? do you know what is tahtari? in order for the project not to sleep, you have to find a way to finance it . tahater means exchanging goods for goods, a new solution from golliz kashi to solve your challenges in the field of construction and participation in the development and construction of national housing. for more information, you can visit gladys kashi's website.
5:00 pm
tile your dreams. in the name of god. hello again , dear and respected compatriots. we arrived at 17:00. my colleagues present to you. french people and left-wing political figures have asked the minister of justice of this country to investigate the involvement of the country's press in the war against gaza. it is said that more than 4,000 frenchmen , many of whom have dual citizenship and some are still french citizens , are present in the zionist army.


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