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tv   [untitled]    December 19, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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distinction in motion. o seat on the front page, o seat on the first row, safar is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there. you are sitting stand up for justice first, the burden of trust is on your shoulders , stand up first line, first line, first line, first line, line of service, line of people , your stronghold, your stronghold is this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, your martyr's eyes are for you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello and good night, dear viewers of khabar network, we are proud to present the program on the front page to you. the most important one of course, there is the plan of the electronic version in the country, and of course, there are various other topics that we will see how much time will allow us to talk about them. let's talk, i hope we can have a good conversation. i wish you a good evening. doctor, welcome. in the name of allah, the most merciful and most merciful, i also say hello. to your excellency and dear viewers of the first page of the program , how are you, doctor? thank god, well, economic problems and resources. it is always there, but i am trying to manage resources so that, god willing, people will be able to protect themselves financially in the areas of health expenses.
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they should be elderly and provide high-quality service to our insured loved ones. do you think how much has happened to these two? well, we are trying to do this, but we are in the government sector, especially the university government , and the quality of our services is good. it has quality, but from a scientific point of view , academic centers are present. scientists in the field of medicine and professionals such as nurses and other people who play a role are provided with good service , and in the public sector we have adequate financial protection. also, people are forced to go to private sectors due to overcrowding in public sectors.
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legally, it is not possible to choose, there we have a weakness that we accept that this weakness exists and we must buy a suitable service in bima, and this requires that our resources are sufficient so that we can buy a suitable service. it is resource management that we can push these to provide the most services to the most members of the society . this is because the people are satisfied with the services to the same extent. good quality science is provided in government hospitals, well, definitely the feedback we have based on the supervision and monitoring we do, services in the internal departments of surgery and other matters in the departments of knowledge.
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we may have a little weakness in the way we present it. there are services that are suitable for our centers, but scientific work is definitely being done . it is presented , there is a positive evaluation, people's view may not be ours, well , they see the appearance and the way of interaction, they see the number the human resources that should be in the departments, from nurses to other cadres, well, we are weak , we could not do this, which means that there should be serious support from the ministry of health in this regard, in the matter of nursing, in the matter of expert human resources, which are somewhat good in government departments. there may be weaknesses in the public sector, for example , the volume of medical files and complaints that are mainly caused by medical errors.
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has there been an increase, a decrease, or no difference? yes, we don't have these statistics. usually , the medical or forensic system has these statistics, but compared to before. features that exist in this section and file the ones we check are the number of deaths compared to previous years, the number of complications or complications that we have to wear again. let's face it, they have not increased compared to before . even many of these centers were opened in remote cities in this government and during this period of the ministry. well , this has become a big thing. for example, there was no infertility in many places. now all universities have infertility centers, operating rooms.
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modern well-equipped hospitals have been developed, besides the fact that there is attention to health in the government and the ministry of health . we are improving our service delivery and fortunately with the updated facilities and the dedicated and expert staff we have in the medical field, we must maintain this. well , these important values ​​that exist in our expert human resources should not be discouraged from now on. from the way of providing services or the problems they face with their incomes , they should not look at reducing the provision of services from underprivileged areas. very well, a report. if you agree, we will meet again . we will continue our conversation. patients' satisfaction with removing the booklet . paper copies and receive electronic versions too
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it's great that it's not a notebook , you can't use the same paper anymore. it's very good . you can go to the pharmacy, laboratory, and other centers, and you'll be accepted with the same national code. we will be accepted and the treatment staff will fix the previous problems of the electronic prescription system, what could have been wrong that they have been corrected and it has become easier to work with the system in general, an issue that can be seen in other provinces besides tehran, paper is not used, also in terms of time . it is possible to save money by reading prescriptions, bad handwriting, and , god forbid, mistakes and wrong orders . now, with the introduction of the health insurance system. as a one time system. the existing four are written, and in public and private hospitals
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, this can be clearly seen in the bim salamat electronic prescribing system, the meaningful communication of the information of this system step by step in the implementation of the electronic health record. it also makes it a reality. in addition to writing prescriptions, we entered the discussion of tests. we enter other activities such as pathology in the same imaging system. finally , we also get a copy of the summary file of hospitalized patients. nearly 10 years of execution, more than 240 million copies it has been passed and now it is a transparent document in the field of drug prescription and community participation. tayyab kargar of sedav and sima news agency is the guest of tonight's front page , i am dr. naseri, the respected ceo of the iran health insurance organization, and we want to talk about the electronic prescription and how much the health insurance organization
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was able to achieve the electronic health record by implementing the electronic prescription. to provide this platform, yes, the electronic version. it is the main and important step for the electronicization of the service delivery system in the field of health. it is also the most difficult task because it must be up-to-date and online or planned so that people when they can visit, they can get the services immediately . there are some medical services that may be provided and received in a delayed manner, but here , of course, taking medicine and other services are usually done immediately, and the systems must always be ready. this step has been taken. the social security organization and to some extent the basic insurance of the armed forces have done this. now, how close are we to the electronic file? well, our system
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has this capability, and now i can say that we can enter the services that are related to the medical field into this system. let us be responsible for the case. health or case medicine is not insurance, as mentioned , it must be done in the law centered on the ministry of health. but the capability of the system is this, and we went in this direction, that is, we have done this hard work . now, the technology field of the ministry of health is doing this work in cooperation with insurance companies. in the programs , they will explain this in detail. the program is so wide and extensive, it will definitely take time for us to connect to them. we have provided this platform separately, which is a separate medical file we should have our own for the patients and the insured
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, but if we work separately , we might have a problem in summarizing the results, or if any insurance company wants to do this , it is not very appropriate, because according to the law, the ministry of health should do this. it will take, we were prepared and we are and we announced it, and it is stated in my law that if the ministry of health does not provide insurance, they will provide basic insurance. we are doing a lot of work in the system what percentage of progress did you start the course ? i don't know the percentage, but i know that the program is very comprehensive. it is a complete program that covers all areas of health . it is a hospital, even social health is hidden in it, the health of the work environment
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is hidden in it, for example, it is a building, with this characteristic , a person lives, what characteristics should he have, all these are included in this program as points that should be considered in personal and family health god willing, even a detailed program, only if friends say this, explain it and let people know in my opinion, it is not possible to provide a schedule even now. now, since i am not in charge of the program , i can't, of course, my friends can at some point, but the part that concerns you, the data that you have is completely ready and connected to the main system of the ministry of health for you, the medical file, and then, for example, every wherever the doctor has access, the person who comes can have a complete health report with the patient's permission, with the patient's permission. yes , it can be completed with a code. or an institution that wants to do medical work they can access the contents of
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the patient's file there. in terms of financial savings , the implementation of this electronic version will be fully implemented, and the health case is more about individual health. of course, these are the components that have an impact on the management of resources, costs , of course, if the person who has done an experiment, if he has taken a picture. it has been in his file for a few days and it seems that he will not be requested again when he goes to the next center, and these are details, but the general thing is that a person can have a complete file in any way and be monitored. especially when the family health project of arja nizam family medicine is completed, surely the main doctor who is with the family will monitor the person's health. wherever any problem occurs , for example, diabetes, blood pressure, or even in other areas
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where a person may have problems, this family doctor, who is with the person, can give these alarms to the person sooner than this. your sugar is not under control, you have to do this for the sake of exercise, nutrition and other issues to delay the disease or to do something before the disease develops. let's do this social health by encouraging and promoting sports or self-care. this field is also in health insurance, fortunately, next to the ministry of health, the ministry of health has been formed as the deputy of prevention, so that we do not only have the field of treatment in insurances, look at primary prevention and fourth level prevention, both of which are examples of excellent prevention. which makes the individual and the society old. from being infected, from incurring huge costs, from finding a debilitating disease such as kidney failure
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and having to undergo a kidney transplant or whether it will take a lot of time for hemodialysis and dialysis of different types of dialysis and when it will be stopped or delayed, these are things that can be done in insurances. now i know that it is not in your responsibility as a person. as you are aware of the issues, i am asking about the issues. for years , we have been talking about the family doctor referral system . whenever i follow up, they say that it is being done, but when we ask, for example, how long, they do not announce a time. like this, for example , they say that the electronic health file is being done you don't know when, but it's being done and it's all being done and it won't come to an end. yes, what 's the problem, doctor? well, about 12 years ago, when i was the president of mazandaran university, there was a
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referral and family medicine system with fars, which mr. we started this province together with our friends and insurance companies. level 1 was implemented there, because of the perspective of the next government regarding the organization of the health system, it was stopped at that stage and remained at the same level, as you said, well, this system is not an easy task, and there is not a lot of satisfaction in the referral system. now, if you go to the nhs in england , the waiting list or the waiting time may take several months for a service such as diagnostic medicine. well, we don't tolerate this very easily. our culture is not like that . we need to provide a platform for help. now, well, family health in the country in 59 cities has initially started with taking health care. the steps that need to be taken have been developed. the number of cities has increased and
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we hope that it will be complete. at the level of tosab country, even though villages are doing this, the village is now a doctor. the family and referral system to government departments has been done for a long time and 20 million the villages that are covered by us may reach more than 28 million people. they are now using the rural referral system, but it should be comprehensive and two levels should be involved, that is, hospitals, specialized and sub-specialized levels, and the feedback that is given to doctor. the primary care provider and their family doctor should all be recorded in the person's medical file, otherwise, this information, which is abundant and undisciplined, may not be of much use to the person , pushing this now. well, in this government and mr. minister personally, there is a lot of emphasis on implementation and continuity. we hope that this plan will be implemented in society
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urban areas should be done next to the village. when it is completed, surely these things will be more. which we have now and it is not an effective application system. in some cases , even the private sector comes to the aid of the public sector in places where there are not enough facilities for the public sector, or in the same electronic version, many cities or provinces still give paper copies to the people, and so on . it was not fully implemented, and there is this challenge especially in the big provinces. yes, there is a point that exists in tehran, some of the centers of the provinces are highly specialized and doctors who may have many patients and may have conditions that are very sensitive to these issues. they are not familiar with electronics, or they don't want to involve themselves, they still write paper prescriptions. well, this is unfair to the people. when a situation arises , electronic
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prescriptions can be used with a prescription all over the country. take it somewhere else. or other paraclinic services will be regulated. statistics in the hands of doctors, statistics in the hands of institutions that are parties to the contract, and the system of health care , it will certainly help, now in tehran, a percentage of doctors still do not have a contract with insurance. what is the percentage you say? well, your statistics are accurate clubs are not available to us. we, the people who refer to us or give a general notice , make a contract between you and the general statistics of the doctors you have. there are no more doctors, some of them are located in government departments that don't have separate offices, maybe even half of them are doctors in private government institutions , they are in the clinic in the name of the clinic. the electronic system is not defined, the relevant professor
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writes, so these are also hidden in them , that's what we are saying now, 20,000 clinics. under us we have coverage and we have a contract with them. it is not a negative that, for example, we have nearly 20,000 more than 200,000 medical systems in the country. well , some of them are in the public sector, and these statistics are not separated, and the sum of these statistics is counted, and they are scattered in institutions, and you agree. that you had promised that these systems would become one fabric , the prescription system will be the first, the prescription system that we put in the health insurance version has the ability to write other basic insurance in our version, but it was one sided from our side, it is still insurance others do not have the necessary preparation and do not announce that our platform is provided or even we announced a platform, you should also provide a platform , we can write a prescription in the platform of your prescription so that another person or a doctor has a
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system . there are more than 100 companies, now they are implementing different softwares in the market, in the field of medicine and electronic prescription. which can be completely written that way, but these big organizations are not of the same fabric, why are they the same fabric? yes, for example , our edition is also written in that edition system. social security is also written, what is their problem that they are not included in your system, now they may have some excuses in terms of coding, after all , they are big organizations in terms of insurance , yes, they feel that their authority may be placed under you, for example, even after
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another report. let's go back and continue our conversation . 30 million per month for only 30 million pills in our three or four days, something like 45 46 should be from this fund for special patients and the lead of the cure. it has been able to solve the problems of these patients in one year of activity. the same hospital that we checked, what is it doing now? you got insurance with insurance we got insurance coverage. yes, how much did it cost? from the activities of this fund, in addition to the suffering of certain patients , they used to pay back-breaking expenses. last year, it cost one and a half billion. every year, that is, every month
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, it is 117 million, but thank god, we insure the fund, which started its work last year with 27 diseases and now it has reached 17 diseases in this fund, the number of which is now marked and it is clear in our systems , there are 1 million 991 people so far, which is the sum of the insured people of health insurance and social security, and the costly diseases in this the fund has been identified and secured for it. three diseases allocate the most money to themselves , the first type is cancer, the second type is diabetic patients who receive insulin, and the third type is ms patients. it doesn't matter if you have health insurance or not, for special patients to benefit from the benefits of this fund. as a citizen of health insurance , you should go and enter your medical information to the worker of the sed and sima news agency, doctor
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. how is our situation in the saab al-alaha fund? now you have some indications, please give some statistics . diseases that are really expensive. which is chronic and a person has to live with this disease for a long time . certainly, in this situation, the costs of these diseases are really back-breaking costs . the republic has been working to strengthen this, its credits were good credits in the first year, 5 thousand billion tomans. due to the lack of credits this year, 7,000 and our request for next year, considering that now our patients have been identified, at least 2,000 patients have been identified.
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in our system, we have universal health insurance and what kind of social security people have , thanks to the information that comes from the national media and they are informed from different channels that this fund can provide these services, so be sure that the burden this fund will increase and the needs of the people are really great. our proposal is at least twice the amount of this fund to increase its credibility. if it doesn't really suffer in 4 years, now it is 7 thousand billion tomans. our prediction is that 18 thousand billion tomans will be given, but well, the minimum is that these credits should be doubled this year.
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it is valuable to these services , we are sure that they will help us, for this we got different diseases. previously, there were 5 diseases that were special diseases , now there are 17 diseases, even some diseases whose function is not really known , have not entered the systems, our committees we have provincials who are there as a committee for patients with special treatment questions , representatives of insurances, representatives of universities, even representatives of the honorable parliamentarians are there. there is a provincial governor's office to fully monitor how this fund is spent. there, some of these patients who have not yet entered this fund can also in the title of non-inclusive , they can receive their medical services by submitting an invoice . well, these diseases have different packages. 4 thousand service packages have been written for them so far . there are many, for example, for our autism, other than medicine.
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and we have completely closed the initial treatment discussions of rehabilitation services, what is it like in the private sector, how are different types of cancer in this system, and the percentage that we cover, mostly these are free services in the public sector. what we do for cancer , whether chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc there are many drugs, our drug coverage has increased compared to basic insurance, a large number of drugs related to cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, and even about 16 and 20 cardiac and diabetic drugs were covered by this fund, which did not even have basic insurance. it is a novelty that has not yet been discussed in the supreme council of insurance, but it was necessary with the notification that
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we received from the ministry of health to the vice president of treatment. we have given to these diseases that, god willing , their treatment will be effective and the side effects will be reduced. well, this view of the fund is a positive view. in my country, we have works. we monitor and see that a large number of patients, those who have different costs now , cancers, cardiovascular diseases , strokes, msme diseases , various diseases in this field, which really, before , individuals and families could not afford the costs. to pay, i won't tell you how many percent it has been completed. for example, this fund covers the expenses . many of them in the public sector cost 100 dnd, that is, free of charge. we have covered up to 100 drugs such as hepatitis c sma drug is covered up to 100 ms
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. to a large extent, even this price difference that was created, we tried to cover that price difference in a way that is several million, at least this price difference is for a person who is using this medicine permanently, we tried, but now there are still defects. we have been trying to sit down with scientific groups and relevant associations to understand their needs. we have contacted at least 47 support associations or non-governmental organizations that are working in this field. and this package we have improved ours and day by day we are reducing these problems. for patients, there is a disease that requires a cure and is not yet on your list. they are the main ones , but some of them may not have their services fully entered into the systems, or some there are some drugs that are not in the country's pharmacopoeia, and new drugs
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have arrived, and doctors write them. for example, they have to get it from another country, this creates problems for the people , and we do not have the legal authority to cover those medicines. a treatment costs 500 million tomans, a course of treatment costs 450 million tomans, well, the government is not in a position to do so, and it is not necessary to prescribe some of these drugs that have not yet arrived, and people who have similar drugs can be effective. for those who are unavoidable , whether it is a medical diagnosis or a patient's need, they should somehow help with the presence of benefactors, non-governmental organizations , and be with the government and this fund so that we can help those who are needed. we do not want the need for induction. wrong path for this


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