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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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tide is a first-class and second-class human being in the world. look at how the logic of the zionists is different from the logic of the americans. in fact , they have exactly the same logic. you can see the history of the wars that the americans fought, how they dealt with the same thing. yes, thank you very much. we are in contact with mr. reza bagheri, an expert on english issues . hello mr. bagheri. hello and greetings to you and all the viewers. i want to check with you a little more detail about the situation in england compared to gaza do. along with the official policy of the british government , during this period we witnessed unprecedented gatherings in this country where people came to the streets to support the palestinians .
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we compare with the government's positions , we see a gap and a gap, because in england, which considers itself a kind of liberal democracy and the government is supposed to reflect public opinion, we see that the british government has deliberately decided not to reflect the views of its people on the palestinian issue and to support unconditional and comprehensive from israel give yes, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, you can see that the foreign policy of england is formed by various groups that are influential. in this issue, in particular, we have a debate that compliance with the united states is very important for the united kingdom, and after brexit , this has increased a lot, and two there is a power that zionist lobbies in britain and england. now the ruling party, which is almost
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99% influenced by these two factors , is playing a role regarding the gaza war and the positions it takes are influenced by the american view and dictates from the zionist lobbies. now we even the party the opposition is almost the most powerful after the conservative party in britain. the leader of this party, well, these people who are in this party and the people who traditionally support this party, some of them are british muslims, and they strongly support the palestinian issue, and we have seen a lot these days that in london and other british cities held demonstrations and declared their disgust and asked the politicians that at least the labor party should take a supporting position for the palestinian people
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. sfarmer, who is the leader of the labor party and the opposition party , is between the two options of muslims and supporters of palestine and the discussion of zionist movements and the zionist lobby, and it seems that even the parties that are not in power, for example, are on this side. to avoid it means that they are under the influence of zionist movements and zionist lobbies, and then the policy that britain has been following since almost world war ii is to follow the american positions. he should have his own attitude towards public opinion, mr. we saw that in england as well as in america
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in the polls that have been conducted, when those polls consider the range of young people , we saw that we see more support for palestine in that age group, and that age group, for example, in a recent poll in england, when young people between the ages of 18 and 34 were asked it is possible that the government should support which side of the war. ok, the first answer in the survey among young english people is that the government should take the side of the palestinians and only 7 said that the government should support israel . from what point of view can this change of public opinion in the new generation and young people be justified? the important issue and it is a key for many sociologists and political analysts because they are only young.
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nistan means many classes of different strata, even journalists who work for example in the same bbc and other places, a series of people who finally have some freedom in relation to this matter. the issue of protesting by our members of parliament, for example, 50 members of parliament who are mostly appointed to the labor party , this is the public opposition of the supporters of the national party of scotland in the parliament, just two or three days ago, 10 so-called members of parliament who are for the conservative party, that is, the party that it is in power and it should be to support israel, writing letters and saying cease-fire is dead. it should be requested that mr. cameron , who is now the so-called foreign minister , announced a position about two or three days ago that everyone
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was really surprised. therefore, we are now witnessing something happening in the british society and in many other parts of the world, despite the existence of the so-called dominant media, which are very influenced by zionist lobbies, and some of them are actually zionist , the managers who run these media and the diplomacy of terror that israel has always had on its own issue and does not allow anyone to speak , i think that the issue here is important, in the so-called enlightening of public opinion regarding the palestinian issue , there is one injustice, which is unique, that is, these children, women, and the hospital, and i mean really. if someone is a human being, he can't not declare his position. one is the issue of oppression and the blood of the oppressor. two , i would like to share this discussion with you. social networking
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, so-called social networks, people upload their videos, photos, news, and opinions here. this has made it parallel . with that voice that the media tries to use they promote the body and transmit an oppressed face from israel to the world, on the contrary , the people themselves shape it and it can no longer be hidden, that is , the fact of the oppression that is happening in palestine cannot be hidden, and people through these social networks they exchange pictures with each other so to speak and this with. it has caused people to take to the streets and tell me that there are different groups , both young and middle-aged, british people, muslim people, minorities , elites, and politicians.
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the oppression of the people of gaza and palestine is very diverse. yes, mr. bagheri, i have a final question for you, but the report. we are ready to see this report translated from lebanon's al-mayadeen network regarding the view that exists in islamic and arab countries regarding the role of england in the zionist genocide in gaza , and we will follow up our conversation. london has not stopped supporting israel and openly supplies it with ammunition. and sent warships and reconnaissance planes to the gaza strip to help the regime in its operations. the british government also provided diplomatic and political support it continues in international circles to prevent this regime from being condemned and dragged to international courts for committing war crimes.
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but the death of a british soldier who was fighting as an israeli army force. doubts about the participation of british forces alongside israel in the invasion and about the deployment of this country's forces in gaza raised the healing question. i am not surprised by jeremy corbyn's view of what is happening in gaza. of course, it is clear that israel's goal is to defend itself against the terrorist group hamas. this english authority to answer this question with a problem was encountered.
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he did not respond to fight in the israeli army. hundreds of britons are reportedly serving as soldiers in the israeli army. meanwhile, according to british laws , it is a crime to serve citizens of this country in foreign armies. britain has openly declared war on the palestinian people, but at least the british government has not openly declared war on the palestinian people. but at least it is involved with israel in the battle to destroy hamas. for this. the arab nations
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consider sunak's government to be a partner in spilling the blood of palestinians . we are still with you today, mr. sadeghi naqsh and the extent of the british government's role in the war that the zionists are pursuing against gaza and the massacre that is taking place, let's not forget that england is the main creator of israel, which means that they created it and found a place that is evil according to their own interpretation. if we want to find the origin of this story and the root of this story , it is that they want to find a place . in the past years, this is a problem. the second problem is that the first role is the role of the founder
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the zionist regime and every action taken by this regime , why did they create it at all and why did they take it there , why didn't they take it to africa , why and why did they want a place where there would be jews, so they allow jews to be among themselves, why do they insist on not being jews if we let's answer this question , it is clear from many facts that england must have played a role both in creating it and in it. england must have played a role in all the crimes, not only in this war, but in all the previous wars that happened in palestine, the dear land of palestine, and these coming to occupy it. millions of pounds of weapons selling in this war in gaza, the first issue is that the most important forces that are present in the think room and war operations room are the british security services, and the most important thing is that the wrong estimate of these security services is the british security service, which believed that it would be done in a short time. what destroyed hamas
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was that they did not allow the war to end , they did not allow the ceasefire to remain, they told me that you can go forward , and the more they go forward, the more they get stuck . this is a very important issue. this is a wrong estimate . this is the continuation of the war. turning a blind eye to the crimes that are happening there, all this. i see but if i want to say one thing when i came here tonight, it is to think about why england, america and western countries insist on collecting judea from europe and leave it somewhere else, why don't they let them live among themselves . what is the difference between putting this incendiary and putting it there for what reason in the last paragraph? what is the insistence of massacring 20,000 people, that for one incident in
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iran, for mahza amini, doing all this work, in their own words, doing human rights in all the assemblies of the separatist opposition, how is it that 20,000 people they don't see it because they have a bigger goal and for that goal they shed so much blood. thank you mr. sadeghi and... i would like to ask the final question to mr. bagheri . what is gaza? their government officials, as you mentioned, have repeatedly announced that they stand by israel in the previous resolution of the security council, like the united states, but did not oppose the abstaining vote . what is your analysis now? british people , what
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does the british government think about the continuation of this war or stopping it? yes, i can tell you that the government now britain's various parties almost have this feature, they are very conservative people and they look at the ballot boxes, although the zionist lobby and the pressure of the united states of america are definitely taken into account , as i said in the discussion of the second question that we had, the pressure of british public opinion and especially the public opinion of the world and even people who are in different parties in the uk have increased because of the officials and leaders of their parties. in different weeks, as we move forward from the so-called september week and so on, in the week of october , i would like to inform you that there will be changes in the positions of the officials. britain, we can see that the last positions are for a few days ago, when i said
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that this is clearly using the name of ceasefire, based on ceasefire. you should not use it. israel was completely against this and i don't know that they use concepts like humanitarian ceasefire , but an immediate ceasefire or a grounded ceasefire was proposed by the so-called british foreign minister, but one point we should not forget that the british foreign policy, in my opinion, is at least in two forms of speech politics. and declaration and policy to in terms of behavior and reality, we should consider it in terms of declaration and speech. yes, the further we go, because of the pressure of public opinion , their positions are getting closer to those who support palestine, support the so-called resistance, and raise humanitarian arguments. in practice
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, we have not yet seen anything that britain wants. really implement a policy in a practical way that will support the resistance axis and the palestinian people . it is more in the form of a declaration. now the last thing is that they abstained from voting in the united nations, but i say that if they really wanted to support it, they would. being able to at least appear as supporters of the ceasefire there, but we do not see this in practice. now , it should be seen that
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the palestinian islamic jihad movement, in response to the visit of the us defense minister to the occupied territories , considered austin's statements as supporting the genocide of the palestinian nation. during this trip, the american defense minister once again supported the continuation of the attacks on the gaza strip. the us secretary of defense is on his second trip since the beginning of the war in the region. he arrived in tel aviv during the escalation of the zionist regime's attacks against the palestinians in the gaza strip. a trip with the gathering of asra zionist families in front of his meeting place with his zionist counterpart was with us. in the meeting with his zionist counterpart, austin again spoke of america's support position.
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i came here with a clear message. america's support for israel's security is unwavering. israel not alone , a true friend appears in times of mourning. israel has the right to defend itself. we provide the necessary weapons to continue israel's war and to ensure its security. since the beginning of the zionist attacks against the people of gaza , american officials have visited the occupied territories many times. trips that were always accompanied by the message of all-round american support for the zionists.
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after biden arrived in mid-october , the ground offensive began. after every visit of sullivan blinken or lloyd austin to israel, we saw that the attack on gaza and the destruction of the settlements intensified. it is a fact. there is no interpretation. america is exactly the accomplice of israel. israel cannot start a war unless the united states supports them, the united states
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provides money for weapons and political and economic support for them, and the end of tonight's program is 75 days after the al-aqsa storm operation of the people of the lebanese resistance, today is the anniversary of the martyrdom of one of the generals. and heroes of the struggle against the regime zionist dear samir kantar, after 30 years of imprisonment in the prison of the zionist regime and freedom 8 years ago , he was martyred by the zionists in syria. he was called sardar asrai of lebanon. in 1987, when he was released from captivity , he visited the leader of the revolution. allahu akbar.
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since he was arrested in an operation called gamal abdel nasser's operation, many lebanese people may have never seen samir qantar. but when he returned to their country with five other captives, he was happy. like us, it is
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the year 2000, but the time of defeats and the time of victories came. samir did not take off his military uniform. when he saw isis
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although he was not there these days, but the half-completed mission for which he had experienced 30 years of captivity, his trains were also finished in al-aqsa storm . the distance between the captivity of sementar and the al-aqsa storm is a clear demonstration of the fruits of resistance. . well, we come to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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lebanon's hezbollah announced that two missile targeting system platforms of the zionist regime, similar to the iron dome, were targeted in the military and zionist settlement of kabri, 15 kilometers north of the occupied territories. data has been destroyed. targeting the gathering of zionist soldiers in the base was another operation of hezbollah. khizbela daniel hagari , the spokesman of the zionist regime's army, after the successful operation of hezbollah. he said about adhering to a resolution that they violated many times before this battle with their aggression. monday evening.
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despite this attack, the people of the south organized the ceremony and burial of this resistance fighter. in response to this attack, hezbollah targeted the military and zionist settlement of kiryat shmoune with several rockets. the media of the zionist regime is not defending the lebanese and the palestinian people for security is the area. resistance is the only way to confront and destroy the zionist regime. fighters, drones, and artillery of the zionist regime also targeted 12 residential and non -residential areas in southern lebanon, including the vicinity of naghora
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, tirharfa, misa, jabal al-miser. lebanon's hezbollah has announced that the zionist military attacks on the southern regions of this country will not make the residents of these regions flee like the settlers in the north of the occupied territories, and the zionists will receive a decisive response to their aggression . palestine. this is free, yes, free, this is free, yes this is free, this is free, this is free, yes , all of this is free with carpet design plus
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