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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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the results are coming out. the provincial elections in iraq have marked a victory for the coalition framework and shiite nerves. candidates of these nerves are leading in eight provinces. mohammad al-halbousi, speaker of the iraqi parliament, is another important person in the victory. in the elections
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, it is considered that his party named tashir won the most seats in baghdad, the capital of iraq, as well as in anbar province. the waste framework has won the elections despite being sanctioned . but those who boycotted also won . because they proved that they have power. i think it is important that what is happening in palestine we want to condemn because these events are genocide. it is important to be correct in naming. thousands of children live there who have become disabled due to the loss of parts of their bodies, even in front of their family members. friends
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, what should we say to these children in the future when they grow up , when we ourselves have turned our backs on them in the worst circumstances , how can we ask them to believe in democracy or international laws? what is more important to tell our sons and daughters? how to tell them the history of thousands of innocents that they asked us to do principles, foundations and most importantly, strict ethics.
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against the gaza strip, instead of the rafah crossing being open and reducing the sufferings of the gaza strip , it has been under siege. the egyptian government, which has sovereignty over this crossing , closes or opens it on the orders of the us and with the consent of israel. since the beginning of the current war, egypt has only allowed less than a thousand wounded to be transported to egypt for treatment. even though the number of injured people is more than 50,000 and many of them
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are less than 150 trucks when they enter gaza through the rafah crossing. meanwhile, gaza needs more than 500 trucks per day, more than its basic needs be provided. this position of egypt has caused the death of residents of the gaza strip due to hunger, thirst, diseases in the capital of winter and under the occupation regime's airstrikes . we gathered in this place to open the passage for the food people. close this crossing. showing the weakness of the arab governments , we ask the egyptian government to open this passage to bring aid to the gaza strip. rafah crossing is considered as a vital artery for the residents of gaza. it is located at a distance of 12 kilometers from the borders of palestine and egypt. this crossing is the only way to connect the gaza strip with the world, which egypt dominates. five more crossings there is an occupying regime. closing this crossing
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is the decision of america and the zionist regime, it is not acceptable for egypt to be a partner in this siege. we through your tv from sheikh. we ask azhar to take the necessary measures to break the siege of gaza . this area has been under siege since 206 after the hamas movement took control of the gaza strip . egypt has sometimes participated in this siege by closing the crossing and sometimes by destroying the tunnels. in the current war against gaza, the egyptian authorities allowed the rafah crossing to be opened only for a few times. palestinians unite egypt in analyzing this stance in the war against themselves, they know that the palestine radio and television
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has seen the scenes that saw amanesh cut off, seeing the dead body. bloody children in gaza samer abu daqab worked for al jazeera news channel for 20 years and is also from gaza. he was born in khanyounes in the south of the gaza strip. many of the images you have seen from gaza these days first reached samer's eyes and his camera lens. his camera is less than an hour old these days. it has been kept silent by the zionists and he recorded it . almost every day we sleep only 3 hours. all our colleagues are the same. on the 70th day of the invasion of farhaneh school by fighters khanyounes has been beaten. farhaneh, a school affiliated with the united nations, which
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houses hundreds of palestinian refugee families. samer and his camera are there to record the news. al jazeera senior reporter wael dehdo is also with him. you are a reporter. who recently lost 12 members of his family in the occupation airstrike, maybe he was lucky that he was taken back when the zionist soldiers were on the way to the ambulance and rescuers , but the efforts of two or three gaza civil defense forces continued for 56 hours to bring samer back. where is my brother samer? samer abu
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daqeh is about 200 meters away, but the fighters they targeted him directly. the civil defense forces were martyred along with samer. al jazeera announced that the zionist regime is responsible for systematically targeting and killing journalists. world leaders rallied for freedom of speech when the french satirical magazine shaly hebdo was attacked, but apparently journalists are not born equal. dear samer, we apologize. because we couldn't protect you and left you alone so that you and your camera can face the particles of their brutal house. this is shabana rosi's crime against the journalists who are trying to expose the crimes of the israeli occupation in the gaza strip
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they try. the international association of journalists and human rights organizations should intervene immediately. samer abu daqqa was staying abroad, but he refused to leave. this picture. his last meeting with his family is a father who had four children and the song that his son sang before his martyrdom for these distances , yaabash qad mashtar ezbani for parting with my heart, after that, i am sad , walmar yaabe. samer abudgha , a 45-year-old photographer who
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won the outstanding arab journalist award in 2004 and the international distinguished award in 2007 from reporters without borders , has closed his eyes for a few days now. but his head says: his camera should not be turned off. may we are still standing behind our colleague samer and holding this flag high. the only thing though. this is the liquid source of our peace and this is our duty. saeeda zanganeh of sed and sima news agency. lebanon's hezbollah announced two platforms of the zionist regime's missile defense system, known as iron dome, in the town. the army and the zionist settlement of kabri 15 kilometers north of the occupied lands
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have been targeted and destroyed. targeting the gathering of zionist soldiers in the base was another operation of hezbollah. daniel hagari, the spokesman of the zionist regime's army, after the successful operation of hezbollah adhering to the resolution, he said that they had violated many times before this battle. and the zionist settlement targeted kiryat shmone with several rockets. zionist media
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reported that two people were wounded during this hezbollah operation. it is natural that we offer martyrs in this way. the defense of the lebanese and palestinian people is for the security of the entire region. resistance is the only way to confront and destroy the zionist regime. fighters , drones and artillery of the zionist regime to 12 regions. the southern regions of this country will not let the people of these regions flee like the settlers in the north of the occupied territories, and the zionists will not give an answer. they will be decisive against their aggression , hassan azimzadeh, dirmas news agency, merz lab.
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the humanitarian situation in gaza is getting closer to disaster every day, according to human rights organizations, two-thirds of the people of the strip. the people of gaza act as a lever of pressure on hamas to release israeli prisoners, and we come to the conclusion that israel uses hunger as a weapon of war beyond the war in gaza. the statistics of the deaths of zionist soldiers
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published by the zionist regime army are different from the statistics of non-governmental centers, media, social networks and families of soldiers and are about one third. some experts consider the difference in the death toll to be the presence of mercenary forces in the zionist army. the israeli army has hired mercenaries to hide the death toll. according to zionist media reports , 10 zionist soldiers were killed by resistance fighters in the past day and night, four of whom were from the special rangers. at the same time, the qassam battalions reported the death of 12 zionist soldiers only in the neighborhood of sheikh rizwan in gaza. some sources also reported that the leader of the american blackwater group was killed in the gaza war . these sources announced general john carter and 8 tons of his companions were killed in the explosion of one of the gaza tunnels. resistance fighters once again
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targeted tel aviv with several rockets . local sources reported heavy clashes between the resistance fighters and the occupying forces in the central areas of the gaza strip and in the east of el brij camp and north of nusirat camp. in these clashes, some vehicles of the occupying farm. the author of his book started the report with these pictures. its beginning with the moment of its exchange is the beginning of the writer yaqub tavakoli's study of history, and the source of his book is this lebanese man, samirtar. the back
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of his lips had just turned green when he was captured.
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he was able to make the lebanese understand that and the world understand that bringing them to the secret prison of hasharon caused the israeli government to fire the head of its prisons again. this happened three times and it was very strange for them that samir how do you actually do it?
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the child of resistance was martyred. all his memories from the early days of his life, fighting, torture, captivity and even his conversion to shia are in the book of samir's truth. the truth that enlightened many people's eyes to the truth of the zionist regime these days. maryam ghasemi, radio and television news agency.
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by dialing the 12 square star command code or deposit to card number 60 37 99 79 4 to zero.
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surveys show that the rate of population growth in iran has reached the lowest level in the last 25 years. 605 of the population of our country was old, two iranian researchers warned in an article titled "policies to counter the impact of population aging in iran" published in the lancet international magazine. and that in 2002 , the proportion of people over 60 years old in iran exceeded 10% of the total population. we will officially enter the old countries. according to the opinion of experts , the population control policies that
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were implemented with the slogan of fewer children, better life, should be stopped in the early 70s it could have happened. if we continue with this discussion , our young generation will decrease in a few years because the aging of the population is accompanied by a decrease in the birth rate. two decades of warnings about the aging process of iran's population turned this issue into the concern of baharstan residents. today we start the ninth assembly. family support was put on the agenda for the first time in 1992. bring their statements and explanations to the lecture hall. developing a comprehensive program for the cultural commission. it was submitted and finally the plan of population society and family excellence was formulated in this commission. incentives seen for working women, for women
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housewives who do not delay having children during work or housework or discussing education. a few months later, the general plan was approved. was approved. the life of the 9th parliament is not long enough to approve this law. thank you in the 10th parliament, the plan for the advancement of the family and the youth of the population was discussed. in the 11th parliament, the issue of family and population rejuvenation came up again , family support and care for children, the joint commission of the population youth and family support plan was responsible for reviewing this plan. 9 of the parliament's commissions, in the end, the 73-article plan to regulate and
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support the family and the youth of the population in this commission was born. pursuing the economic clauses of the law became the priority of the representatives. those families who have three or more children can get a car without lottery. article 12 became known as the mother's car law. the law of youth. jamiat, in article 12, obliges car manufacturers to hand over cars to mothers with two more children . according to the law, 50 cars that are sold are given to these mothers. the implementation of this article of the law is delayed by 100 days due to the lack of infrastructure by the ministry. a collective reminder of the representatives addressed to the minister of commerce regarding the necessity of allocating cars without participating in the lottery began mothers who have just had a child based on the family and youth protection law , of course, at the same time, the deputy minister of transport industries of the ministry of transport promised compensation. in the so-called same time, for example
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, we will calculate the allocation of 15,000 to 20,000. in the next allocation, we can come and compensate for this. a month has passed since the promulgation of the family and youth protection law , 835,000 cars were offered in the youth of the population project, of which 293,000 cars resulted in the deposit of money by the applicants, approximately 270,000 cars were delivered and the implementation of this plan will continue. had i see the law as good, if it is implemented , if it is small , i will continue to do it, i have yasino, i will continue to do so, although demographic charts still show the aging of the population , but experts say that the slope has decreased with the measures taken. fertility rate. the whole country has been decreasing in the last 30 years. fortunately , its decrease stopped in 140 and 1. if
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the new demographic policies and law. there was no population, we had to continue that free fall. in the seventh program, a season was dedicated to the issue of women in the family and the population for the first time. i am the mother of mr. sadra. mr. sadra was born in the year 1400 in the plan of population youth and allocating cars to mothers. this car was assigned to me. the strict implementation of such laws may be able to put an end to the aging of the population in the coming years and...
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pursuing the tourism development plan of ashura island and exploiting the gorgan bay revitalization plan from the prime minister's nimroz programs in golestan province , mr. raisi, with the complete fiber connection of golestan
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