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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] he faced a real test against the massive firing of rockets from the gaza strip. the published images showed the failure of the iron dome in intercepting many palestinian rockets. also, the rockets of the system itself fell on the residential areas of israel. the reaction of the zionist regime to this operation was another failure for this infamous regime. hamas' electricity or subway project was an operation that israel was hoping for to win the war. on the 14th of may 2021, the largest attack in the history of the zionist regime's war against palestine took place, and 160 military planes hit 450 targets in less than 30 they bombed minutes. israel's goal of this attack
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is to kill hundreds of fighters.
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with our own resources and trust in god , let's push them back from our own borders by announcing israel's deception operation and at the same time defeat the enemy and disrupt their plan and make it worse. after the announcement of the supposed invasion, the israeli fighters carried out one of the biggest bombing operations, and more than 160 fighter planes were used in it. in these attacks, what israel thought
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were the secret tunnels of hamas. and he targeted it. the commander of al-qassam carried out a complex deception operation he implemented many tools so that the enemy thought that their plan was successful and killed hundreds of fighters and inflicted a fatal blow, but they did not know that this was a deception . i believe that this was israel's mistake . it didn't work and the ground forces entered the ghazi strip. however, hamas did not enter the tunnels and this was not a successful operation and a heavy failure was recorded in the history of the occupation. the passage of time will reveal many secrets about how we discovered and dealt with this great and strange terror in qassam. the palestinian authorities for the first time load this they announced that i should mention the joint cooperation with the brothers in the axis of resistance during the battles in the framework of the joint security room, which is being
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held continuously during the war. he had a map with important information and was able to help us a lot and advance the plans . the joint security room includes intelligence officers from the qassam battalions, hezbollah and the irgc. iranuri guards received a lot of information from third parties who are serious players and have proper information reports and can provide proper information to palestinians. hamas and the rest of the palestinian struggle group, jihad islami is now an organized military force with proper maintenance and technical support services. the era of unorganized street fighters like the agents of the end is over, because now they have a proper form of military structure , they can do absolutely everything.
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today, the tensions have resumed in the shadow of the attacks on al-aqsa mosque, and it seems that there is a possibility of another new round. holy sword that we pulled them and took them out of the sheath , it will never be a sheath in the event of any conflict in the future, possible developments according to your prediction please explain to us exactly what it could be . i predict that we will see more drones in every war in the future. for this reason, i predict that hamas or other palestinian groups will use drones not only in gaza but also in the west bank . the only question is how. they will make these parts and what actions they want to take with these drones, but without a doubt, drones and missiles are clearly visible in the future war and
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we will see them clearly. everyone is talking about the future war. how is the resistance in gaza prepared for it? we can build it with the strength we built the experiments we run and the lessons we learned. every day we take a step closer to the promised day of liberation and return. our mission in the resistance command within the framework of our relations with the ummah and the living groups is that the battle of the sword of al-quds remains an inspiring example and is a practical introduction to a battle in which all powers and nations are united in the battle for the purification of al-quds and the liberation of palestine. they will i say to all the free men of the nation and the world. al-aqsa mosque is waiting for you, so wait for the sign. after the battle in which quds was the title, the palestinian resistance was able to draw new equations of deterrence. at
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in front of israel, he is trying to restore his reputation and the reputation of his army twice. today , we see the tension in al-quds square and al-aqsa mosque greatly intensified, and the atmosphere that existed before last year's battle is repeated, and the possibility of multiple scenarios
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is raised with every possible conflict, and what is hidden is actually bigger. boycott!
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barke gaza juan 2007. gaza has been under siege since june 2007. the zionist regime and egypt have closed the borders of the gaza strip. with the closure of the crossings in gaza , the connection of about 2 million people with the outside world has been cut off. has been the goal of the zionists is to put pressure on hamas is. hamas has won the elections of the palestinian legislative assembly and for the first time the majority of seats in the assembly. it came out of the hands of the fatah movement. hamas, or the islamic resistance movement, like fatah , is not a compromiser. the occupying regime, feeling threatened
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, makes a security agreement with egypt and gaza is under siege. the borders of gaza are closed even to aid workers of international organizations and reporters. the zionists stop sending fuel. the only power plant in the gaza strip will be shut down and the region will go into blackout. in the absence of electricity, hospitals face problems. and purification of drinking water it becomes practically impossible. gaza goes to the border of qahdi. from the very first months, human rights activists were trying to provide relief for the reopening of the borders. but it was not an easy task to overcome the zionist barrier. the first time is the 23rd of august. 2008 two ships azadi and
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gaza azad carrying 44 international peace activists from 17 countries left cyprus for gaza. although this ship reached its goal, after that the zionist regime made it impossible to cross the border of this region. the dispatch of the iranian red crescent relief ship was one of the efforts that hardly came to fruition. it took 40 days for relief shipments. particle for direct object to be delivered to beirut and delivered to the people of gaza by boat. barcelona, ​​spain, october 5, 2016. it's very true that the non-violent aspect of our campaign is extremely important and the fact that we are a peaceful non-violent group going to try to break the blockade and to arrive in gaza is very important. aspect of it. um we are working together doing non-violence training. coming together as a team, ensuring that we share a common message
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and ensuring that our message is a peaceful message of hope. regardless though, obviously there was the incident in 2010 where the mari llama uh was raided and there were people killed, surely that must come across your mind, there must be concerns about something like that happening again. it was a really tragic incident and i think that the israelis have been brought to task about that, and i don't believe that it will happen again, and i think that the way we behave ourselves with peace and dignity.
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the blue border of gaza is approaching. the iranian ship rachel kory, the azadi convoy from the representatives of the egyptian muslim brotherhood, the lebanese ship maryam, the relief convoy helping the people of syria, a group of 9 european jews, the gaza freedom convoy named lifeline, and the asian convoy of gaza from the people of the world to help the people. it was a lie, and the bloodiest of them was the aid delivery in may 2010, that is, 3 years after the beginning of the siege. a new ship with about 800 people from 40 countries sent an aid convoy to gaza . the zionists set fire to the freedom convoy. the zionist remnants of arshe shot the mavi marmara ship from turkey and took the lives of 9 turkish human rights activists. the number of people killed in the azadi fleet of different nationalities. finally to
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16 people arrived. with the encirclement of gaza, commercial exchanges were reduced, the construction industry and electricity generation fell asleep, and many people became unemployed. the prices increased several times. the profiteers in this situation were the smugglers of cigarettes and chocolate. they learned to import clothes, medicine and fuel from egypt to the gaza strip. the underground tunnels between gaza and the sinai desert and the limited food and medical aid that arrived were the only capillary route to maintain life in gaza. the situation became so dire that the voice of the world bank and the united nations
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was heard. both of them warned that the remaining of gaza in such a situation means the grounding of the economy area. zionists economy. they suffocated gaza. investors who have somehow met the interests of the zionist regime have faced a major challenge for nearly two decades. this challenge is a movement called bidds or boycott of israel. a movement
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to boycott the zionist regime and not invest in it. 171 non- governmental organizations bddss campaign. palestine was launched in june 2005. their goal is to put pressure on the zionist regime with the lever of the economy. from the point of view of this movement, israel should be under the pressure of economic and financial sanctions to end the occupation of palestine and millions of displaced people palestinians can return to their homes. this type of embargo and boycott was the policy experienced during apartheid in south africa. campaign members. israeli leaders
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compare this regime to the apartheid government in south africa in 1948. a racist government that is white. in it , they oppressed the colored african community for 46 years . in 1948, the same year that the zionist regime announced its existence, the racial discrimination law was passed in south africa. depriving non-whites of citizenship rights, creating separate urban services, not using services public health, not having a seat in the government, not having the right to vote in the parliament, colored africans. he was isolated. south africa's 5 million white population owned nearly 90% of the facilities, and 19 million blacks lived on the remaining 10%. living
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in forced labor camps for blacks without drinking water and sewage disposal system is the suffering of life. it was people of color. the united nations also agreed that what happened in south africa was racist and unacceptable. in 1962 , a resolution was also approved at the general assembly of the united nations. resolution 1671. resolution 1671 stated that racism according to the standards of the organization. nations are examples of human rights violations and what we have seen in south africa is a threat to world peace and security. in that year, most of the member states of the united nations
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cut off their political relations with south africa. after the initial sanctions , it led to the formation of an assembly against apartheid or racism. 3 years later, academics joined the list of boycotters and refused to give lectures and accept projects related to south africa. fifa banned south african athletes from attending banned from international competitions. the 1964 olympics were held in many disciplines without the sports community of this country. 4 years later, in the 1970 olympics, athletes from 50 countries announced that they would boycott this round of the olympic games if south africa participated. international pressure and insistence continued until south africa was completely removed from the games. in the same years that the international community recognized the government of south africa as an apartheid government. america had a double attitude towards this country.
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the name of nelson mandela, the leader of the struggle against apartheid in africa for years after the establishment of democracy in this country was on the us terrorist list. the americans even encouraged companies willing to invest in africa to take their capital out of africa by holding local campaigns . bids movement says: boycott of israel works like apartheid in africa. even though it is facing the zionists' sabotage. in the first decade of its activity, bdds was faced with obstruction from the zionist lobbies, which prevented the publication of news and activities of the movement in europe and america. but upon entering the second decade of activity , various personalities from these two caves joined the boycott campaign
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israel joined. about. the boycott israel movement wants people all over the world to persuade investors to end their participation in these companies by boycotting and buying products that are related to the zionist regime. not buying israeli goods and any educational, sports and cultural connection with this regime are also among the demands of the bedis movement. elite systems, puma, caterpillar, hyundai heavy industries. vololo bank, barclays, and motorola are examples of companies that were included in the list of the israel boycott movement.
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the number of american companies that have joined the movement to boycott israel is not small. internet company airbnb home rental has announced that it has removed 200 houses in jewish settlements of the west bank from the list of rental houses due to the encroachment and occupation of palestinian lands. the white house is looking for a way to impose penalties on companies supporting the boycott movement. republicans are fully in favor of imposing heavy penalties on these companies. but the differences of opinion between the democratic representatives are deep. the boycotters have asked all the elites of the world
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to add the boycott of science to the list of boycotting israel. the israel institute of technology is a university in haifa it is on the shores of the mediterranean coast. technion is the zionist university of technology, which is famous in aerospace technology and engineering sciences. the military weapons that fell on the palestinian people were the result of this university's research. january 2016 1688 research professors of italian universities boycotted technion and a number of israeli academic institutions and it was announced that they will no longer have scientific exchanges with this university. the scientific boycott of israel was first activated in april 2004 as part of the boycott movement. the academic boycott was launched by a number of elite palestinian students in ramallah. by invitation
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they are joined by the scientific and student associations of countries such as england, australia and italy and the irish teachers' union to boycott israel. the expansion of the boycott movement of non-investment and boycott of israel is an economic threat to the zionists . mahmoud nawajeh, the coordinator of the national committee for sanctions of israel in palestine, says: until 2018, the damage caused by the boycott movement to the economy of the zionist regime was more than 58 billion dollars annually. the zionists established a law based on which people who are suspected of supporting the boycott movement. sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment and payment of several hundred thousand shekels
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be. gaza strip may 202 after 14 years of siege, gaza has become the biggest prison on earth. the gaza strip is 40 km long and 10 km wide and accommodates nearly 2 million people . gaza is still one of the most densely populated geographies in the world. the zionist court ruled that the residents of sheikh jarrah neighborhood in east jerusalem. empty them and hand them over to the zionist newcomers. at the same time, the zionists attack al-aqsa mosque while the fasting palestinians worship in the sharif mosque . the clashes lead to the 11-day palestinian resistance against the zionists. hamas answer the zionists are raining down the townspeople from gaza with rockets. the zionists are also calling their 7,000 military reserve forces. rocket,
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missile and drone attacks of resistance forces, infrastructures, facilities. oil and gas will destroy the zionist regime. the rockets of the palestinian resistance hit deep into the soil of the occupied territories, causing a decrease in commercial and economic transactions in the financial market and the israeli stock exchange . for this reason, the value of zionist currency has decreased. amer shubaki, an expert in oil, energy and economic laws, says that after the last conflict with gaza, the zionist regime spent nearly 5 million dollars in he loses the day. channel 12 of the zionist regime announces that dozens of rockets have been fired at the regime's gas wells in the sea. the palestinian islamic resistance movement has tried to destroy the gas extraction platform of the zionists, which is 20 kilometers from gaza. on may 3, 2022, the zionists
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announce that they want to vote on a unilateral ceasefire . all security cabinet. the regime votes in favor of ending this crisis. after the announcement of an unconditional ceasefire by the zionists, the people of gaza come to the streets and celebrate. a number of residents of this neighborhood lost their lives these people know that gaza's resistance to zionist apartheid is different this time. the economy is the achilles heel of the zionists and these rockets
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have targeted the israeli economy. in the second phase of awarding carpet dealerships , another carpet dealership was opened in iraq on shahid beheshti street. guaranteed price and quality and long-term sales throughout iran, many designs and patterns, free shipping and easy shopping in mahd farsh, another city,
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another mahd farsh. where is the next carpet? it is iran. 5:00 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the country's police chief who visited the injured in the accident terrorist the attack on the police headquarters of rask city , he traveled to sistan baluchistan and announced the strengthening and reconstruction of border police headquarters. we are quickly repairing the units that need a


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