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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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have a good time, dear viewers , you are watching the news section at 18:00. the president is celebrating the benefit of more than 5 million families. irani from the national optical fiber project in gorgan said the implementation of this project is an example of development in the light of justice. mr. raisi said in the operation ceremony of golestan national optical fiber plan: golestan province is the first province where all its cities were covered by fiber and its internet speed has reached 950 megabits per second. a picture of the country's largest optical fiber project in golestan. god bless ali the minister of communication and
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information technology said in this ceremony: with development the fiber network will solve the slow internet problem in the country. the speed of both our fixed communications and our mobile communications will increase. we have traveled more than 2,000 kilometers, we have laid 2,000 kilometers of electricity network, and they see how difficult it is to transport the equipment. development in the light of justice. the president implemented this plan as an example. he said about the development in the light of justice, announce that more than 5 million have passed through the 5 million channel , families and businesses can have easy and fast access to the internet on this platform, this is very good news, god willing. may this number increase day by day and our people benefit more and that the villages are given attention considering that we have
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to pay attention to social justice, economic justice, justice in the distribution of facilities and capacities, in my opinion this action of yours is a it is action, development in the light of justice. its speed has increased at least 60-70 times. with a speed of at least 60 times. golestan is the first province where all its cities and villages were covered by optical fiber. by the end of this year, 8 million iranian households will be covered by this plan. each of these can serve several thousand people it will provide internet at a very high speed in places that have problems with telephones and telephone numbers . now we have a free telephone line as part of this project. last night, the president also attended the value chain development meeting among the production and economic activists of golestan on the development of economic relations. he considered cooperation with the neighbors to be one of the government's priorities, that is , golestan province, the patch to turkmenistan, your front line
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, north khorasan province, the front line, and this province, which can reach turkan and i have a lot of capacity, they want to work with us, according to the supreme leader, the meeting they had said that we are not with our neighbors, we are with each other and our nation , in order to make golestan a biotechnology hub , we want the equivalent of 25 million euros, the equivalent of the machineries and equipment, but the knowledge is ours here, reza ghasemi nesam, seda and sima news agency, gorgan, the minister of roads and urban development's trip to golestan province has started the implementation of 163 km of road construction projects . the transfer of 5 thousand pieces of rural land in the form of rural development was also one of the other plans of this trip. at least
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monthly for 56 years, we had accidents like this asphalt coating of 200 km of transportation roads in hadas and development of 67 km of rural roads and identification and elimination of danger in 30 wet accident spots with a total credit of more than 2400 billion tomans , the total number of projects opened in the field of roads was 3000 billion tomans. it has been seen that, god willing, we will be able to complete the communication routes that we have set as a goal from the province, which will provide the access of the provinces to the western provinces of the country. programs of the minister of roads and urbanization was in golestan, we are starting the executive operation of preparing 5,000 pieces of rural land for 99 years to people who have no housing. they
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don't have a history of receiving government land or houses . 350 urban and rural residential units will be handed over from other programs of the minister of roads and urban development in golestan. it was in the form of the national housing movement. we are happy that after several years of living together , we were finally able to buy a house and be in our own home with our children this year. of course, it is a very good feeling to be in your own home. you can get out of renting a house. the beginning the construction of 10,000 residential units in golestan and the emphasis on recreating the worn-out urban fabric were among the other news of the minister of roads and urban development. the number of 177,000 residential units has been started in the worn-out area, which has been registered in the system of our regeneration organization. the construction process has started in different stages, of which 54,000 must be completed and put into operation and dedicated to my dear compatriots
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, mirhamad sir rahmani of golestan radio and television news agency. 500,000 plots of land in villages to applicants within the next two months. housing is assigned. the head of the islamic revolution housing foundation said: this land are given to applicants for housing construction in the form of a 99-year lease and in the form of the national housing movement plan. in line with the commitment we had to provide 500,000 pieces of rural land, fortunately, with the cooperation at the provincial level between the departments of roads and urban development, the esteemed deputy civil engineers of the governorate and the housing foundation. until today, in this field, we have made 80 progress. all the legal formalities that had to go through the housing council, the planning council and the approval committee for the provinces have been completed. alhamdulillah, and i think, by god's hope, by the 22nd
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of bahman, we have reached the limit of 500,000 for this year. face god willing, we will fill the design of goods in the field of clothing from today. the deputy minister of industry, civilization and trade said: the regulations on the implementation of clothing have been prepared with the help of the anti-counterfeiting headquarters across the country. mr. baradaran stated that the most important goal of implementing this plan is to deal with smuggled clothes. in april of last year, the former minister promised the recognition of five product groups, including clothing. we predicted five priorities. personal souvenirs, household items, clothing, tobacco, and cosmetic products. a project that they say has one purpose . product recognition was implemented for some items
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, but there was no news about clothing until this june, the deputy minister promised to implement the recognition of clothing , both the production group of our guild and the industrial group of clothing in this field. the clarification and action instructions have also been communicated. this action instruction has been communicated and is binding. this promise was not implemented at the same time. no, we do not know about the efficiency of the product we know what this issue is, i heard a little about it, but our work has no id . now, mr. baradaran has announced that the design of clothing will be implemented with a priority. in our chain stores, we can definitely do this from one 10, that is, the law says that in case of duty, the chain stores can do this in one 10. in parallel with this
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, the collection of other trades and other productions can be done in a month. the next ones can implement this . according to the director general of the office of the ministry of clothing, the annual position is more than one billion. dollars of smuggled clothes enters the country, and one of the ways to deal with it is to implement clothing design. mohammad allah yari , head of iran's organic association , said that currently 85,000 hectares of the country's land are under organic cultivation, including the cultivation of beans, oil, rice, tea, and saffron. mr. noorani added that the consumption demand for organic products is 30 exhibitions with more than 100 producers of organic products . organic
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colored rice, which has more antioxidants than all rice, some people believe that knowing and using organic products should be cultured. to increase this culture, the number of stores and the number of distribution centers should be increased. for some, quality is more important than quantity for them in production. chemical poisons, chemical fertilizers, chemical herbicides, color essences, absence, flavors and
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preservatives are not used. even the machines that are used to produce these products are not chemical detergents. and iran's good position in the production of organic products. today we in the world ranking , we are among the 59th among 191 countries. if the infrastructure is really helped.
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we are here to announce our presence in order to support the palestinian people, the oppressed people of gaza , we came to support the children of gaza , we wish for the destruction of israel
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and its supporters. massacres are happening at the hands of global tyranny, and with the direct support and direct intervention of america, we came to condemn. i came to tell my peers in gaza that we are behind you until the last drop of our children. people who are close to us, children
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and fleeing from the oppression of samar zaman, a cry from this barbaric mood, a cry , a cry, a cry, a cry for us, a cry from your trip to israel, we muslims and all the free men of the world
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, declare our heartfelt, temporal and practical disgust with israel and its crimes and support we announce the actions of the united states and we ask the people of the whole world to both declare their disgust and help the people of gaza , both materially and spiritually. anti-criminals, every step he can take , financial action, life action, participation in the marches summary. continue with all seriousness , god willing, as soon as they are free, they will achieve their wishes and the destruction of israel as soon as they see the destruction of israel, this is the freedom of palestine, be sure that one day israel will fail, prove that they are not alone, we support them everywhere, we must defend the oppressed. yes, we should confront the global arrogance of the united states and israel
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, which was against the oppressed people of gaza, with the brutal killing of oppressed palestinian children and oppressed palestinian women .
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that the people support the oppressed people of gaza and palestine and god willing, with the support of these people, god willing i came to say that ghaz is not alone, i am always behind you and we will defend you. we express our solidarity and support to the oppressed people of palestine by our presence in this march and by announcing to the world that the resistance is not alone , as the supreme leader said, we share the grief
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of all the oppressed of the world. at a time when the people of gaza are struggling with hunger, the publication of this news angered the jordanians , and they held a protest rally and pointed the finger of blame at the ministry of agriculture. jordan does not accept the export of fruits and vegetables from the government jordan wants to take an official position and decision to stop the export of vegetables and to ban the export of any kind of food to this regime and not to allow any arab party to use jordanian soil for the transit of food to this regime.
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the jordanian ministry of agriculture denied. now they are buying for israel , they don't sell their products to him. the government does not export, but it is the government that gives permission to export. every day, hundreds of tons of food are exported to the zionist enemy. before they support the palestinian nation, these demonstrators defend jordanian soil first. because the zionist enemy is a clear target for expansionism
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it faces east. and he has announced this many times. jordan wants to act on its words about opposing the war in gaza. the construction of this house is in my own hands, as a stranger, a grocer's license
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is to be issued, to create competition and remove golden signatures in support of women, and this eid night is a very good day . let those families who have three or more children without car lottery. an earthquake that only shook bam for 12 seconds, what weapon could god have but john bish. of 26 thousand people it injured 30,000 people and made thousands homeless, all houses, children
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, women, and children are all destroyed, but this was not the first time that iran mourned a part of the tension , certainly not the last time. iran, one of the 10 most peaceful countries in the world, lost four of the 6 cases of natural and man-made disasters that have occurred in the world so far, 44 of which have occurred in our country. on the one hand, the financial damages, on the other hand, the entire destroyed building can no longer be kept silent by the government in order to solve this problem, since years ago , bela awad has been providing free aid to the victims. aids which of course did not answer the volume of problems. i felt an earthquake and the lady became a tent. a house that was built with many loans and selling gold and cars.
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i am not able to turn it into a great god. finally, in 1990, the government sent a bill to baharestan to establish a general insurance fund for natural disasters. but the one-year opportunity of the eighth parliament. with the change of parliament , the establishment of the insurance fund once again in july 2019, and the final bill of establishing the general natural disaster insurance fund in september 2015 is again in the public arena. it was brought up that almost three governments and three parliaments are considering this law. i request that we end this case quickly and get the people out of this uncertainty. in order to compensate for the natural damages caused to the building, the law requires that all buildings be insured
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compulsorily. if third party insurance is not mandatory, which is mandatory in all countries of the world , what is the number of people who insure themselves? the insurance premium is paid in installments from the subscribers and the rest is paid by the government. the insurance premium for 1400 and 1401 is 100,000 tomans per year, of which 10% in 1400 is considered the owner's right, 90% of the government's share in 1401 is 24,000 tomans or 24% of the owner's share, and 7. 6,000 tomans has been considered as the government's share, and it is decided that natural disaster insurance will be allocated from residential units through electricity bills. now
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, according to the law, every calamity that occurs is deposited into the account of the individuals after the insurance assessment, both with the governor's report and the people's reports. this number is due to the ceiling it is a compensation that is approved every year in the budget law, and it has lightened the weight of the snow in koh rang .
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25 people were awarded each. officials say they want to increase the amount of payment. now people 's hands will be more open for reconstruction. instead of receiving the insurance premium of 100,000 tomans, which is being received now , we were talking about increasing this number to 300,000 . tomans and we will pay damages from 30 million tomans to 100 million tomans from 1401 until now, the fund is about 40 billion tomans damage data damages that can be made more complete with additional insurances according to the owner's desire and ability, don't worry, you won't get a chance to fly.
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engine distinction in motion. choose for sure. butane stove and radiator package is a safe choice. hello, many times the sale of our cinnamon stick is even more than the sales of our shop . even on my holidays when we go to the forest with my family , the sale is still safe. it's more
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, hello , family , family.


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