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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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in the name of god. ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri and i will accompany you in this program for one hour . from the approval of the un security council resolution on gaza with the us abstaining to the review of canada's human rights record after the al-aqsa storm and the question of the west's power against yemeni sea attacks, i invite you to
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accompany us to the end. approval of the un security council resolution on gaza. the clauses referring to the ceasefire were removed from the resolution that was threatened by the us. the security council tonight with 13 votes in favor and no votes against with two abstentions, it approved a resolution that agreed to provide aid to gaza under american pressure. this resolution was supposed to be voted on during the last week, but due to the us threat to veto this meeting, it was postponed until m.
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the approved version has been modified and, unlike the previous version , it does not emphasize ending the series of conflicts in gaza. i will talk about more details of this news with mr. ali rajabi, reporter of sada and sima news agency in new york. mr. rajabi, hello to you , tell us about the details of this news and this resolution , how was the resolution and how much help was expected? it will provide for the people of palestine , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, you have a good time. finally , after four or five days of struggle regarding the approval of the resolution proposed by the united arab emirates as a non-permanent member of the security council, and during this time, we are worried . in the security council
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, the united states would veto it if its demands were not included in this resolution, and it had seriously raised this threat. finally , a resolution was passed today, which resulted in several obstructions and disruptions. america day, according to the members of the security council, the resolution is very weak and ineffective and it cannot meet the current needs of the people of gaza. in fact, in this resolution , the discussion of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza was already discussed in the qatnameh that the uae had raised, but as a result of the pressure of the united states for the past few days, this clause was completely removed from this resolution. the issue of whether a ceasefire should actually be established is not included in this resolution . the question of how many days will be interrupted, and when will it start? will it be or how many days will we have an interruption in the war and in the attacks of the zionist regime of the people of gaza? this is also in this assassination report is silent about him and
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this assassination report is actually wrong in this regard undecidedist, as you said, 13 members of the security council voted in favor of it and two abstained, one abstained from the united states and one abstained from russia, both of whom are permanent members of the security council, but these two votes were completely opposed to each other, russia because this resolution he described it as a very stale resolution and even knew it poorly before it was voted on. an amendment can be made , and in that amendment , it included articles about a ceasefire and safe aid delivery under the supervision of the united nations , which should be useful and effective . in fact, 9 affirmative votes are enough for this resolution to be approved in the security council . the resolution was approved with these 10 votes, but the united states once again used its right and rejected this resolution. in fact, until now, the resolution that we
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are witnessing, the news about the ceasefire, the way or the originality or not of the break and the cessation of the attacks of the zionist regime is clear in it. mr. rajabi, my question is that the us had threatened to veto this resolution before the meeting, how effective was this us threat on the output of this resolution and its contents? yes , as i said in the answer to your previous question. precisely, the threats of these few days of the united states have completely changed the nature of this murder plan. in the previous resolution , it was clearly and explicitly stated that according to the resolution.
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it was one of the points of disagreement between the united states and the other members of the security council in the past few days . it is a matter where the united nations officially supervises and inspects the trucks that actually carry humanitarian aid to the people, but the united states insisted that it does not accept this supervision in any way. it does not accept the inspection of the united nations and considers it insufficient, and the military systems of the zionist regime must directly monitor the single cargoes to make sure that, in fact, according to america's own claim, it is carrying humanitarian aid in practice in this field. in the context of how to provide aid to the people of gaza , everything has been approved in the murder decree. in fact, everything is the handiwork of the military regime of the zionist regime, who know that each of the trucks is sufficient, necessary, or suspicious, not to drive and hinder the delivery of aid to the people of gaza. the people of gaza
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should be in order to have more aristocracy i am referring to the press conference that un secretary general antonio guterres held here just a few minutes before this communication and explained about. he announced that the attacks of the zionist regime actually hinder the delivery of aid to the people of gaza. to enter gaza, this is practically not possible now, and there is a risk of being killed for them . he stated that there is a need to stop the attacks logistical facilities are needed for humanitarian aid, and security and safe conditions are needed for the aid to be explained, and he declared that none of these conditions exist now, and from his assessment, from his point of view, this murder letter
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will not help. to change the current situation of the people of veze , i would like to ask a final question. if you answer briefly, the situation in asra has also been discussed in this resolution. yes, one of the articles in this resolution that the americans wanted should be clarified about these zionist eras and it should be emphasized that they should also be freed in this resolution. this has also been mentioned, but let me tell you the qualitative and quantitative time frame, how and when it will start, how much will it actually be freed from the zionist burdens in exchange for a few days of stoppage, none of them have mentioned it in this resolution so far, it should not be mentioned, we have to wait. to
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you, the viewer of the world today. when canada talks about human rights, my colleague saeed zanganeh, in a report with this title , flipped through a part of canada's human rights record. in the fall of 2011, the canadian capital, stephen harper, the prime minister of canada at the time , is speaking on tv. we will stand by israel because it is unfair. you are lonely for a while as i am the prime minister , i will take this position at any cost. during those years, the canadian writer wangler was researching the relationship between canada and the zionist regime. in short, the book of canada is israel
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and the formation of apart books and israel. canada's support for israel in addition to arms cooperation in the field of intelligence and security. there is, as well as spending money to support western-oriented palestinian groups in the west bank and creating discord in the palestinian community. bob rees is one of the few canadian politicians. he has also spoken about this publicly . many people are present in this hall they don't know that our canadian soldiers and police officers are helping israel to secure the west bank and israel. canada not only cooperates with the israeli army, but also removes trade tariffs on almost all industrial goods, including military weapons , and the zionist exhibition, where lucrative contracts
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are signed between companies producing weapons and military equipment. richard saunders, a canadian researcher, monitors this area. in my research, i found about 20 canadian military-related companies with experience exporting to israel have it, or follow it. security technology and methods that the israelis have and implement on the palestinians. 20,000 people in gaza do not take effective human rights action.
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this green vote is not all that is happening in the politics of this country. of course, the strong public pressure in canada was not without influence in this decision. but in the resolution that 95% of humanity voted for. this is the only thing canada could do. what is happening in gaza? why does canada not apply the sanctions against russia to israel? we all know what. it is not comparable. the contradiction of behavior that they are talking about has been in the political history of canada and its allies before, like in the fall of last year in connection with iran. for several years, canada has taken the toughest measures against iran compared to other countries in the world. we have condemned iran's support for terrorism and destabilizing behavior in the region. today we go much further. the prime minister of canada claimed women's rights in the days when he was harsh on the people of iran and
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heated up the conflict, and now in gaza no one knows how many women and children are victims of canadian weapons sent by the government of justin trudeau. a man who tried after the crimes of the regime. zionists in gaza , how do you analyze canada's positions and actions?
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if you remember, the government of canada, if you remember, now after saying hello to you, dear viewers, the government of the channel , if you remember , abstained in the first resolution of the united nations general assembly, in fact, the resolution whose topic was to stop the war and stop the crime of israel , and then gradually increased demonstrations in the streets of canada and the uprising, in fact, the public opinion of the world and its own people, the people of canada, helped me to vote positively in international public assemblies, including the united nations. in fact, it would have helped to stop the war, that is, if it had been on its own, agrada would have been left to itself because of this long-standing alliance with israel, because of its systematic and legal dependence on england
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, which i will now explain when i say legal and systematic dependence. and because of its overt and hidden alliance with its southern neighbor, the united states of america, it has always been one of the most anti-iranian and anti-islamic governments in the world, but if today it has been moderated to some extent, it is definitely affected by global pressures and necessity . accompanied by the global wave. actually you want to say that if the positional change we saw in the behavior of canadians, the canadian authorities are after the pressure of public opinion, but because of the systematic dependence that you mentioned, you want to explain more, it is actually supporting the zionist regime to the united states of america. how do i express dependence? look, many people don't know that in canada we
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don't have a position called the presidency, which means that it is issued by the queen or the king of england . to england but on the other hand a dependency in fact, it is completely connected to its southern neighbor, the united states of america, which has most of its business interests with this country
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. this is actually its dependence on england in the way i mentioned. and the other kind of dependence on america in the way that i explained has made canada's positions in the international arena completely predictable, that is, you just need to know what regional and global is, canada's opinion can be guessed in the same way and always the same way. however, the interesting thing is that america and england are sometimes because of england , especially because we have a commercial relationship with england. to some extent, we have a political relationship, we have an embassy, ​​and even in many places , when england itself is reluctant to take a position towards iran and take action , it assigns this mission to canada, which means that england plays the role of the good police and the bad police. we can't say that the police are good and canada is a bad police. it's a question of bad police and worse police. i mean, i want to say that
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in england itself, sometimes people have some considerations. in its relations with iran, it is sometimes taking open and hostile actions, that is, the most hostile actions . therefore, its mission is being blamed on canada and assigned to this government. my reason is that canada has nothing to lose in iran , we do not have common interests. we don't have any political relations with canada, and we can always say the most anti-iranian or anti-islamic positions of the government are enemies of canada. or, in fact , it is the same thing as the axis of resistance, and when i say iran in fact, you take iran , take hezbollah, take hamas, take palestine, it is completely leaked from a special kind of policy, and canada is one of the limited countries that, according to the united states , has actually declared hamas and hezbollah as terrorist groups and from a military point of view, we had in the report
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how much this aid would help, and if we put this military aid aside , how can this be analyzed in the security council, in fact, in the united nations, in favor of a ceasefire to some extent? of course, he is not a member of the security council. in the votes he gave, there were votes that were just this vote what i actually said was that the first time he voted neutrally and actually abstained, then he voted in favor, and these were the positive votes in the un general assembly , whose resolutions have no binding and legal effect, and are not implemented only in the event of disorder, just a visible symbol, in fact. the global public opinion and world governments. i would also like to add that canada , in fact, all these anti-programs are actually in the hostile positions of the united states, england and israel, which i said
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is always next to them and sometimes ahead of them. also one of there are countries that are going to play a role and send their fleets to this area. last year , in days like these , we saw positions from the canadian authorities in support of what the iranian people themselves are saying, and now they are raising the issue of support for women. they were talking about women. well , a year later, we had the situation of women and children in gaza, something unprecedented in the history of the massacre that we witnessed this double treatment. how can canada be analyzed? in your opinion, in front of its own public opinion , this contradiction in its behavior has now been identified . an unprecedented issue it has always been in the world, unfortunately , it has been to this extent, because the al-aqsa storm, anyway , divided the issues of history into a before and after, and those
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who are silent in front of the crime of so many children, women, children and civilians, maybe we did not have them in the past of our history. yes, i said that it has always been, but according to his holiness, this storm is because of this brutal, rude and strange reaction. and the record that israel has recorded in its own name in creating terrible numbers of child murders and citizen murders is the result of even the hands of the western governments to openly support itself. he has put the package of these countries into political consideration and must confront his own people and the opinions of the world, so that even mr. biden spoke about seven days ago, he said, "i am loyal to israel, even i am a zionist, but netanyahu is now rebelling." in the case of netanyahu's government, it is better to leave, i want to say that according
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to his highness, this is actually a strange and unprecedented disaster and has changed records . in the course of several years now, almost it has been almost two years since russia was in ak. it is related to the number of children who have not been killed, that in the past few days, about 70 have been killed in gaza. this is such a terrible statistic that even the governments that support israel, including the united kingdom, the united states, and i said, following the united states and the united kingdom, canada are also forced to act. behave and at least in the assemblies where the sixth vote has no binding effect and there is no guarantee of legal implementation , at least try to show themselves with this global wave in a tactical and symbolic way , even though you see in practice all-round support they are doing it themselves, even in the naval coalition
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against yemen, which the only thing they are doing is that they want to prevent, in fact, based on the responsibility of protection , because according to an opinion, governments are responsible for the occurrence of international disasters and international crimes. whatever they can do in this crime. yemen's action can also be analyzed in this framework, which aims to stop these crimes by cutting off economic aid and economic artery to israel. now what was canada's reaction ? saudi arabia has not agreed to participate in it, canada is coming from that side of the world to participate in this coalition, that is, i want to say that in practical terms, their support for israel is ongoing , but at least this public pressure, the pressure of world public opinion, has caused symbolic measures they should pay attention to it to some extent and at least
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have to pretend. in your opinion, exactly after these unprecedented crimes of the zionist regime, has the public opinion of canada made any comparisons like this? what positions do the authorities take on a case like iran? canada. and in a position like palestine and the gaza issue, what kind of materials do they take because for public opinion, whether it is social networks or public opinion inside iran, we see a lot of these comparisons, and it seems that after this incident, more and more rights slogans are used. western humanity has lost color in front of iranian public opinion, but i want to know that such comparisons are made within the canadian society. these double standards can be compared to each other . i saw this in the tweets of some canadians. canada should be pulled out of the conversation
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let's listen to the language of the politicians, no , i did not observe the same thing, but in their virtual space , when i observed some people and figures , i would like to add that this is actually the last manifestation of the resolution that was passed a few days ago on the 28th. canada's hostility and double standards were against iran . we can see that in order to get one vote in iran's assembly, how much he puts himself on fire , how much he works, how much he works to get a resolution issued, but he makes his own proposal, but in the matter. for example , palestine is very kind to the palestinian people for example, he does not vote against and only abstains or affirmatively, that too for a temporary ceasefire.
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for the time being, it is happening in such a big disaster, the biggest human disaster, in other words, the biggest human disaster of the century, and the ultimate reaction is a passive reaction, putting your hand on a button , for example, vote yes or vote thank you , this is the ultimate reaction. let me say that this is actually the vote issued by the resolution to the chief minister and canada's proposal. in fact, as i mentioned, it was on december 28. he was completely influenced by the atmosphere that was created in sweden at the ceremony of awarding the nobel medal to mrs. narges mohammadi i mean, in fact, not that this was influenced by him , basically, that loud and noisy ceremony of awarding the nobel prize to a prisoner, an iranian criminal , this was a platform and all that noise and media attention was a platform because its output is the result of the vote of the general assembly.
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take it and be able to denigrate israel to some extent, say that if the general assembly has voted for israel against israel and in favor of a cease-fire in gaza, it has also voted against iran , which means that the slave of this space construction is actually sweden's nobel prize. i know a lot for the vote 9 days later in the collection against iran, human rights vote against iran 9 days later , and i know this as a plan for this general assembly, which had appeared so anti-israel in these few rounds of voting , to separate it from that position. and bring up a new issue in order to make the issue of israel less prominent, that is, if in order to satisfy the zionist lobbies, that is, canada, if there is even one abstention vote or one positive vote from onor, he will compensate for israel in such a way that the public assembly will come. until now
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, he had voted against you for several rounds, but now we have voted for him we got this issue that i said must have been responsible for that nobel space construction nine days before. thank you very much , mr. ahmad qadiri, an international law expert, but let's see palestine according to the picture.
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the director of the port of eilat in occupied palestine has announced an 85 percent decrease in activity in this port due to the attacks of the yemeni army on zionist ships. the managing director of this port said that without bab al-mandeb, the main artery of iran's cultivation.


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