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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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iran is the center of its form. hour 4: lebanon's islamic resistance to targeting the settlement. that the zionist settlement of dovio announced on the borders of lebanon and occupied palestine. in the statement of hezbollah of lebanon, it is stated that in support of the steadfast palestinian nation and its brave and noble resistance and in response to the aggressive attacks of the zionist enemy on the villages and homes of civilians in the south of lebanon and the martyrdom of a citizen and the wounding of his wife, the islamic resistance lebanese hezbollah. mazar
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targeted the zionist settlement of dovio with a suitable weapon and directly . with the continuation of hezbollah's attacks on zionist military targets in the north of the occupied territories the zionist army has also announced the death and injury of a number of its soldiers. chinese warships stationed at sea. red refusing to help the zionist regime's cargo ships in babolmandb a few days ago, the zionist media reported that the major iranian shipping company and ccl, which is headquartered in hong kong, does not deal with any israeli goods and to any destination, whether imported or exported. refuses to write to zionist media, shipping companies may henceforth. do not deal with israel anymore and this regime
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will remain alone or the international coalition around it there is a weak point because the port of bandarilat has almost been destroyed. the armed forces of yemen also stressed that until the end of the blockade of gaza and the provision of food and medicine needed by the people of this region, they should prevent the movement of ships that are going to the ports of the occupied territories in the arabian sea and the red sea. they will continue their attacks at the same time as tensions in the region escalate due to the gaza war, the chinese military has deployed six warships in the middle east, including a guided missile destroyer, a frigate and a supply ship. scientists discovered a new antibiotic after 60 years with the help of artificial intelligence. this antibiotic can destroy bacteria.
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staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that is highly resistant to drugs and kills thousands of people worldwide every year, and the discovery of antibiotics is a milestone in the fight against bacterial resistance, from mild skin infections to more serious conditions such as zaturia and efmont. blood is one of the complications of this bacterium. the report of the european center for disease prevention and control shows that every year about 35 thousand people in the union die due to this infection. the country staged a sit-in and demonstrations. the representatives of the dismissed representatives
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were protesting the security breach that occurred in the parliament of this country. 9 days ago, some protesting citizens crossed the security barriers and entered the courtyard of the house of commons or luxaba of india. the representatives of the opposition parties of the central government criticized the occurrence of this security breach and demanded the presence of the interior minister in the parliament and an explanation about the causes of this incident. when the minister did not come to the house of representatives , the opposition expanded their protests. with protests rising in both the house of commons and the indian senate. the presidents of the two parliaments have more than 140 opposition representatives suspended until the end of the winter meeting of these two centers . the ruling party only accuses the opposition parties . what should the opposition parties do? how
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to show the government's mistake? we agree that you are in power today, but it does not mean that you disrespect and ignore the opposition parties. the suspension of this number of representatives caused. in the history of india, democracy is being destroyed because the elected representatives of the people, who are the voice of democracy, were thrown out of the parliament. the next meeting of the bicameral legislatures of india will be held in the next two months. reformers at today's ceremony called for strengthening
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the foundations of democracy to prevent promotion they became a dictatorship in india. hassan abdul maliki, sed and broadcasting news agency. new delhi. he announced that he will support palestine at the highest level regardless of american restrictions. after one of our ships was attacked in the red sea, we have changed the course of the ships , the situation is getting worse by the day, our voyage will be extended by two weeks, it is better to be delayed indefinitely, the german shipping company
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habagluid has already to reach the ports of the occupied lands , he used to pass through the babolmande strait and the red sea, but now the yemeni army has blocked this route for the supporters of the aggressors. in a research report, bloomberg has described and revealed the current situation as a throwback to the 18th century. about 180 container ships that were planning to cross the red sea changed their route to the south of the african continent. hundreds of other ships will soon be added to this number. unless the western powers assure the industries that the yemenis will be dealt with. these reckless attacks are dangerous and in violation of international laws. therefore, we are taking action to create an international coalition to deal with this threat. although the us department of defense had announced that it wants deploy a coalition of 40 countries in the gulf of aden
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. but only 10 countries joined this coalition. the seychelles archipelago with a population of 100,000 is one of these countries. reuters efficiency of this. it describes the maritime coalition as follows. this alliance has further confused the shipping companies and they are still unwilling to cross the red sea. and he writes from the words of an english official: we still do not know exactly how many warships will participate. how long does it take for them to reach the area? what are their rules for conflict and what support plan will they implement? council member the yemeni political highness emphasized. stopping the targeting of zionist ships will coincide with the cessation of aggression against the gaza strip. all options are on the table. any country from which yemen is attacked will be answered. maritime traffic in the gulf of aden
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is completely safe for other ships, except for zionist ships or ships that are moving towards the occupied territories. mohammad nikmin news agency. radio, thank you for your support!
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release when you can't provide food for the children of sana'a after the invasion
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of gaza by the invaders, but it was the yemenis who zionists landed on the deck of commercial ships . the galaxy leader ship was one of them. in the bab al-mandab strait of the red sea, where most of the energy needs of the zionist regime are supplied from its route, and the zionists. connects with the outside world. now mohammad al-bakhiti is back on al jazeera. our brothers in palestine are facing mass murder. they are starving. all arab countries must stand up to save these people. we are ready for any sacrifice to stop this killing. america to deal with yemen. formed a naval alliance with 10 allied countries however, the yemenis say that
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we are continuing the drone and missile operations against the zionists. we are ready for any option that the yemeni authorities decide. if the us also wants to invade yemen , we will confront this country directly. the republic of yemen is a thing of the past. yemen has a lot to defend the palestinians, which has not yet been done. actually, the occupying regime of israel has polited the us and other countries. the red sea is now red for the zionists and the american coalition, as depicted by the brazilian artist in his caricature. saeedeh zanganeh radio news agency. during these days
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, gamal abdel nasser was in charge of a small group of the egyptian army in the fallujah area and near the gaza strip, and a fierce battle broke out between them and the israeli forces, and despite the disconnection of these forces from the command center for several months, they were under the most intense artillery bombardment. to resist execution. and finally, with the negotiation of egypt and israel, these forces nasser did not accept the offer of surrender from israel , after four months of resistance, they surrendered the fallujah region to israel and retreated to egypt. when there is no fight, they are in his al-faluqah those who were present in iraq, al-manshieh, and those who were present in beit jibrin, beit jibrin , comfortable without fighting, those who are present on
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dhakrin, deir al-dabban, daraban , bir al-jamal, and all the regions are comfortable without fighting . an description of the meaning of al-rafi'ah, which was manifested in egypt's celebration of welcome. despite the magnificent reception of the troops returning from the scene of the palestinian battle in cairo and other egyptian cities, a feeling of defeat and surrender was felt among egyptian officers such as nasser.
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long live farouk, the king of egypt, long live farouk, the king of egypt long live farouk the king of egypt. centurion tanks, armored cars of the royal dugrones and men of the lanka fusiliers prepare to attack egyptian police headquarters. a surrender demand has been ignored, and now fire opens up and
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dozens of people from the popular resistance forces and the egyptian police were killed. with the peak of these conflicts in january 195. belonging to england and france, they were burned in cairo . the people were in a state of chaos
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. the king was not a minister. the burning cairo and the burning face of cairo show that these people are burning with the spirit of egypt like a the gunpowder barrel was ready to explode at any moment. finally, the group that nasser and his friends had been organizing for years made their decision. dzabat al-ahrar or free officers decided to remove king farouk from the throne and declare a republic in egypt. in the
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early hours of july 23, 1952, nasser along with him. a small circle of his friends informed king farooq that the army was no longer under his command and that he should leave the country immediately. they allowed the king to leave the country with his family for italy . at first , for some time, mohammad najib, the general of the egyptian army, was a face he was popular among the people and army officers and took over the post of president.
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but after a while, disagreements between him and nasser grew until finally in 1954, muhammad najib was removed from the political arena and nasser took power in egypt. everything was ready to implement nasser's plans to realize his dreams for egypt. the biggest goal of nasser and his friends
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was the industrial development and urbanization in egypt after the revolution. the structure left over from the era. the kingdom and also the presence of britain had left a pure samani economic situation for egypt, which had to be fundamentally changed. nasser in order to achieve this goal he had an ambitious plan to build a dam called the great dam in the aswan region. nasser intended to help egypt's agriculture in the lower reaches of the nile by building this dam.
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he submitted egypt's request to the world bank, which was managed by the united states. america and britain agreed to this request, which was very good news for him. but slowly things happened that made nasser an undesirable element among western politicians. one of the most important issues of those days in the world surrounding egypt was the palestine issue and the injury caused by the defeat of 1948 and
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the formation of the israeli government on the soul and spirit of the arab countries. especially egypt remained. nasser is at the forefront of helping the palestinian fighting forces against the zionist regime. and besides, egypt never hesitated to announce this help. also, nasser resisted america's requests to stay away from the soviet union and the eastern bloc. nasser was trying to communicate with all the countries of the world . he had good connections with politicians from the east and the west, and the culmination of these collaborations was displayed at the bandung conference. welcome to asia, gamal
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abdul nasser, to discover new revelations in it, to inspire the peoples , the rights in it, live without colonialism and live without enslavement and elevation of heads , humiliation and shame, voices rising in power and determination, people everywhere, let us stand up for the freedom and peace of america. there was a club where all the problematic politicians of the world had gathered to conspire against america . despite the fact that egypt gained independence years ago, britain still had a serious presence in this country, and the reason for this was the suez canal company. tens of thousands of british troops
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were in egypt to protect the canal, and this presence continued even after the fall of the monarchy. the people and the new rulers were looking for an opportunity to get rid of this guest to get rid of the uninvited and nasser and his friends counted the minutes to do this every day. nasser's first meeting with british prime minister anthony eden took place in february 1955. contrary to the smiles that he wore in front of the media cameras. they were arguing, none of them was happy with the other because each knew what was going on in the other's mind.
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nasser considered eden to be a small churchill, because he still looked at egypt with the eyes of the colonial era and did not believe that today, but most of us, we are not worthy of him, and we are not worthy of him.
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here, you wrote to them , "what are you doing on the fence ?" in our consciousness, in our souls today, we feel the feeling of freedom, the feeling of pride, and the feeling of dignity.
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two days ago uh number of staff were detained um just last saturday uh we visited alsiifa and they were telling us how they were sending surgical cases here because alahle had some of the only operating theaters left in uh northern gaza in gaza. and those are now no longer functional, they don't have specialists, they don't have surgeons, uh, they don't have power, they don't have water, uh, they don't have food, they're doing their best, with a very small team of only about 10 clinical staff left at this hospital.
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