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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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household appliances city. the news of jordan's action in exporting fruits and vegetables to israel spread like a fire in the haystack. at a time when the people of gaza are struggling with hunger. the publication of this news angered the jordanians and they held a rally. to take an official position and decision to stop the export of vegetables and to ban the export of any type of food to this regime and not to allow any arab party to use jordanian soil for the transit of food to this regime . these accusations and by issuing a statement
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announced that it only issues permits for import and not for export . the ministry of home affairs emphasized that fruit export vegetables are sent to israel only in transit through the port of haifa due to the closure of the northern and eastern borders. the ministry of agriculture has nothing to do with exports. minister. misguided traders buy these goods from outside jordan . even when the farmers find out that this businessman is buying for israel , they do not sell their products to him. the government does not export, but it is the government that gives permission to export. every day, hundreds of tons of food are exported to the zionist enemy . before they support the palestinian nation, these protesters first defend jordanian soil do because the enemy
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in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, the light of god is great . god is great. god is great . god is great. i bear witness that there is no god but allah . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that there is no god. hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah hey ali,
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good job, hey ali. good deeds, allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god.
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in the name of allah, rahman, rahim, salam , please accompany us to the news section at 12 o'clock. thousands of people from kerman and khuzestan met with the leader of the islamic revolution . ayatollah khamenei in this meeting they considered the elections as a guarantee of islam, democracy and national sovereignty and said: elections prevent the dictatorship of chaos and insecurity. the principle of the logic of elections in the islamic republic should be clarified. why is he holding elections? i repeat, the two words "republic" and "islamic" are both related to elections . the republic means democracy, which means the government of the country by the people. so
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how can the people interfere in the government? there is no other way than elections . there is no other way than elections . they make mistakes. discourage they don't pay attention. that if there is no election in the country, it is either a dictatorship, or it is a disgrace. it is insecurity. that which prevents the emergence of dictatorship in the country . elections are the thing that prevents chaos, riots and insecurity. elections are the right path through which people can
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achieve national sovereignty, democracy, and republic. provide in the country . the leader of the islamic revolution called the elections the beginning and basis of transformation in the country and said that those who want transformation should act through the election . elections create changes in the country. some people call it transformation. advocacy of. they change, but in practice, what is a definite introduction to change is ignored by them, that is , elections happen with elections, to create change in the country, the owners of different political,
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economic and cultural viewpoints want it. to create transformation in favor of their own political or cultural economic views. very well, what is the way? the way is to appoint those who share his political thought and their political or economic or cultural orientation with the elections, whether it is the parliamentary elections, whether it is the election of the assembly of experts, whether it is the presidential election, whether it is the council election. this will happen transformation is the basis of transformation. therefore , ayatollah khamenei pointed out that
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elections are the solution to the problems of elections. some people discourage people from elections . this is a mistake. this is not to the detriment of the country , it is to the detriment of the country, it is to the detriment of the country. some people ignore the country's problems in order to discourage people from elections . well, if there are problems , what are the solutions to the problems? by the way , in order to solve the problems, you have to participate in the elections. the tehran international conference on palestine has started. this conference aims to strengthen
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international support for the oppressed palestinian nation in gaza and the west bank and increasing pressure on the zionist regime to completely stop military attacks against gaza will be held. in order to know more details about this conference , i will talk with mr. shahsuni, a reporter of sed and radio news agency . i am at your service and dear viewers of the khabar yes channel . i am with you from the tehran international conference on palestine. this conference has started this morning . politicians and religious authorities of more than 50 countries participated in this support of dr. the assistant minister of foreign affairs and the secretary of the conference are with us to
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discuss more about the details of this conference . mr. dr. hello, good time . please give us more details about the conference that is being held. the tehran international conference on palestine started this morning with the participation of more than 130 geographical and high -ranking political officials, ministers, representatives of 25 countries who officially participated in this conference and a number of personalities. high-ranking political figures, thinkers , media figures, religious and religious leaders who
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discussed and analyzed the various dimensions of the zionist regime's war crimes against the defenseless palestinian people in a one-day conference . this conference is a continuation of the diplomatic activities of the ministry of foreign affairs the diplomatic system is designed so that we can continue to exert international political and international pressure and public opinion in the zionist regime. political , diplomatic and popular pressures and movements in the past 80 days can lead to the immediate cessation of war crimes and the sending of international humanitarian aid to the people of gaza. let's get this priceless opportunity that thinkers, officials and personalities from different countries of the world. gathering together from different continents and with the same thinking and thinking, they can come up with ideas and
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plans for the continuation of the movements and, god willing , to stop the crimes against the regime. thank you very much , mr. doctor . secretary of the palestinian international conference in tehran, dear colleague, if you have any questions, i am at your service, mr. shahsmani. thank you, hebrew media, for laying the groundwork for the withdrawal of zionist troops from gaza. the israeli kan network reported that the system of this regime is preparing to move to the third stage of the battle, which includes the end of ground operations to reduce forces and create a buffer zone. this network has announced that hamas has prepared itself for the possibility of the war continuing for a long time and that it has the winning card of the captives. in a similar news, channel 12 of the zionist regime , quoting knowledgeable officials in the army, announced that the
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israeli army is preparing to reduce the amount of ground operations in the gaza strip in the coming days. sohivanist special forces brigade known as golani yesterday the northern borders of gaza retreated. the second part of the thread competition will start soon on the nasim network . in every part of this program. participants as workshop assistants must solve the mystery of a criminal case based on the available clues. 3 2 1 movement. decryption of criminal cases in the form of a competition to criticize the time of the incident at 8:00 p.m. sir, i was returning at 2:00 p.m. guys, well, as a child, i like being in love with the police and these things , and we were also interested and participated in this program. the participants in this competition in the form of
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assistant detective 3 steps to find the head of the door crime scene selection of three suspects. it's too much and now during the interrogations, we leave out the people who have less women and they are abstracted and finally down to 3 people. many of the tasks that are done in the police complex are not physical tasks and are tasks that are done in the minds of people with the knowledge and expertise they have , and we tried to promote a part of this expertise in the form of a competition, this criminal police competition
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based on the files are real. we actually recreate it in a way and i think it will be interesting for the viewer to follow. the television competition for cash in 50 episodes will be broadcast on nasim network dear mohammad sadegh zamani, sda news agency , thank you very much for your companion, have a good day, god bless you.
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oh, sit on the first page, sit on the first page , the line of sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there, you are sitting, sitting on the first page, stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, first line, first line, first line of service. the line of people is your stronghold, your stronghold is this table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , in the eyes of a martyr, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear compatriots, welcome to the first line program, mr.
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dr. mehdi jamalinejad, deputy minister of urban and rural affairs the country that has the most important plans construction in the rural and urban areas of the country is carried out under his leadership, and of course, he can provide you, dear viewers, with a good report of what exists in the country under the title of a large construction workshop. welcome to saknam program , thank you very much. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. i am also greeting and polite to your excellency, your very good colleagues and our beloved countrymen in the country , especially the good contacts of this program, my very good colleagues in the ministry of interior , our various governorates since the last let's start with the news that
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the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran visited iran the other day having golestan, of course, in the distance. second, the provincial trips of the honorable president, when they go to the provinces , the plans are put into operation and people use them. over time , what happened in your field of work yesterday, both in the field of urban and rural development ? sanction issues and issues like this. a construction project is moving very fast, so we are excited. last year, for example , we opened 18,000 projects for government week. this year, it would be 3,000. i understand that we have many construction projects in the country we explain to him that there is the blessed decade of fajr
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, there is the week of the government, there is the week of holy days, the project, for example, we choose some occasions , we open the projects, we pick up, but i want to say that apart from those peaks, we are, in fact, every we have the month of the president's provincial trips, which are really windy and fruitful trips. there is a cover of the trips of our various ministers. mr. vahidi , the honorable minister of the country , they travel every week. every week they are in different provinces. now we have discussed, for example, let's assume that the road , for example, dehloran, is finished , so that we can go further, for example, the tunnel between the city and abdanan, for example , we will go further, for example, bamdhar, and we will also visit all these projects, and sometimes it is ready to be plowed, we will plow and we will open it. my various ministers, as well as the ministry of interior, as a ministry of home affairs, and in fact , there is a group that
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monitors and follows up all these projects. perhaps the volume of the project is much larger that i should visit, but i would like to return to your order. this ambassadorship of my president was honestly a blessed trip we are aware that during the first visit of the president , we had 118 approvals, so it can be said that 25 of them were of our national budget, and 11,998 billion tomans were actually credited to these projects, which is a significant amount , and i would like to tell you that about 18,800 billion tomans were facilities. it is not bad to emphasize to you that the approvals of the first round, fortunately , more than 40 and 45 of these cases that we had to pay credit for were realized, and those that we had to correct, more than 114 were realized, and they belong to the first round. we have visited almost 31 provinces and visited 11 provinces again we visited and
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had these trips of the president, which is about 42 provinces, and it is very valuable. i should also mention that the credit for this trip was 1,851 billion. my approval was 140. in fact , it was approved. the share of the budget program organization here was 5,753 billion tomans. the share of our executive body was 3812. billion tomans and all this is in addition to the projects that i mentioned that we are opening and organizing in golestan province during the year , dear doctor , what was the most important project that was put into operation in golestan province, and considering that it is 10 thousand billion tomans it is very big a provincial trip is assigned. of course, you have to give an explanation that this budget cannot be explained like this, the province will be examined first, then
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the executive vice president will come in tehran , the heads of the departments will challenge each other and work until this budget is allocated. the province itself becomes the god of the governor from the side of our civil engineering deputy as the highest civil authority from the other side of the system. 25 devices each, with the vice president of construction, with the honorable governor , close their projects, check them, follow up , for example, a series of these projects will be typed. schools, for example, for example, 60 positions, for example, school renovation , or for example, let's assume that the issue of hospitals, for example, the province, or let's assume that the issue of housing is not national housing, i want to tell you that almost all of these can be counted one by one in the provinces . you yourself said, for example , the executive deputy or, for example, the first deputy , these meetings are held several times under different titles
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. for example, without actually it should be a scientific support, it should be an executive support , and fortunately, i said that we can see that, for example, many of these projects were completed last year and are being carried out . the implementation process is being followed up from the previous year's approvals, or for example , let's assume that almost 43 of these projects have been completed . the provinces we go to, except for civil issues i will cover other topics as well. now i will not discuss them because maybe. there are writers , there is a meeting with social activists, there is a meeting with university elites
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, with those who have creative ideas in social fields or topics like this, with social activists, god almighty, every city, in fact , must have this meeting as part of their programs, for example, a campaign. there is a campaign to get rid of addiction, and i want to tell you that there is a very big package of measures . one of these is a diversion. in fact, the discussion of this discussion is a construction project . attention has been paid to the topic of transportation, public transportation , because this can reduce pollution and provide a basis for strengthening traffic between cities and between cities . you had a city, how do you see this
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, how is our situation now? you see, by the way , it was on wednesday that we had the 15th joint research festival between the ministry of interior, the municipal organization and the tehran municipality, which is not bad , i can tell you that 200,000 works were published there on various architectural issues. urbanization, transportation issues, tv issues, urban landscape , and many other issues were discussed there , now, for example, several thousand articles. a few chapters of the book and there, by the way, i mentioned to many of my friends in that meeting that, even though people may not see the exit of some measures as effective, for example, i would like to tell you that the measures that are being taken with this is a limited amount of significant measures , we are talking about this transportation, we
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haven't really been able to for more than a decade. for example , let's add a bus to the public transport fleet or our fleet it was very worn out, we are aware that we had more than 18,19,000 buses, for example , 4,5,000 of them are completely gone , the phase of scrapping has completely stopped. these 500 are almost very active and active in some way . to rejuvenate this genius, we need to revive this genius. i don't mind serving you, despite the many missions that mr. abedin has in the ministry of interior . you know that the ministry of interior is a ministry that has a lot of missions. i want to serve you, despite all the heavy work here , i have to testify
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. the city is discussing both the supply of wagons and the supply of buses. i must emphasize this. since last year, without exception, for example , the topics that were discussed about the purchase of wagons, the topics that were discussed about the purchase of buses, were the rejuvenation of our pilots , they have their presence and input. let me tell you this with different collections, that side is with the ministry on one side, this side and our friends on the other side on the other hand, what should we do with electricity? what should we do? for example, let's assume that we make this wagon inside. i want to say that the issues are very diverse. considering the nobles who are seriously entering, i want to emphasize that despite these difficult conditions, we fortunately take good measures, but if it is clear how our situation is in the area of ​​transportation assistance in the city and intercity, see how we are aware
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of the transportation issue.


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