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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello, good night. and i am at your service with some news. condemning the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza, the acting minister of foreign affairs of the taliban said: the international community has remained silent against the genocide of the palestinians and has supported israel in this crime. we , who have been the victims of the contradictions of the international wise for many years, consider ourselves to be partners in the pain and suffering of the palestinian muslim nation more than any other nation. the issue of palestine
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is not only limited to the palestinian people, but it is arab, islamic and ultimately human. no free person who believes in justice and human values ​​can be cruel sohonist regime should look at palestine differently. the islamic building of afghanistan as a part of the islamic ummah, the ongoing atrocities of the zionist regime in gaza and occupied palestine. has always condemned the palestinian people's struggle based on sharia texts and international laws, they consider it a legitimate and legal matter. acting minister of information and culture of the taliban called for increasing media cooperation with iran. mullah khairullah khairkhah said: afghanistan and iran have many religious, religious, linguistic and cultural commonalities and they should strengthen their cooperation in this field. said by mulla khair khairullah khairkhah
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iranian media wanted to present a true picture of this country to the world by traveling to afghanistan. in the first 8 months of this year, afghanistan traded 2,800 tons of goods by rail. officials of the afghanistan chamber of commerce and investment say that the railway is a shorter and cheaper route for trade and moving goods. carpets, petroleum products, dry fruits , food, construction materials are among the products that are imported and exported to the target countries through railways. the destinations of the goods are afghanistan, iran, china, uzbekistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and kazakhstan. in total, we exchange goods from routes various things continue, we have exchanges of goods from the hairatan route, we also have from the aqineh route, and fortunately, the use of railways
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increases the volume of exchanges at a very cheap price, the director of the taibbat health and treatment network said the duran border health care center at the zero point of the border. since the beginning of this year, more than 560,000 people have been under care in afghanistan. has set. mr. mansi added that this measure is implemented with the aim of maintaining public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases in the country. according to the director of taybad health and treatment network, border health care base devaron treats more than 2,000 people daily . the head of the civil registration organization said that children born to an iranian mother and a foreign father can receive legal documents. mr. kargar
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also said that the civil registration organization provides identity documents in line with legal permits. according to the law, mothers who married foreign nationals, their children are recognized as iranian and iranian identity documents are given to them. this law is currently in force and according to it, if the supply councils issue the necessary permits. do about the child that is caused by the mother is iranian and the father is foreign, the civil registration organization issues their identity documents based on the license that has been issued, and it is in their possession that this will not happen to them, not to us. i believe that the civil registration organization will provide identity documents in line with those licenses . if these licenses are issued, we will provide them with identity documents. the manual
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of the 50th course of the specialist assistant admission test was published on the website of the medical education evaluation center. the difference between foreign students of non-iranian nationality. if they receive a letter of introduction from the educational service center and send it with other documents, they can register for the exam . applicants can register for this exam by referring to the website of the medical education assessment center until december 9th. attendance of more than 6,000 people from the tribe in the literacy classes of qom, according to the deputy of literacy of qom province, in the last 3 years, more than 6,000 people who are completely illiterate have been trained in the literacy classes of the province. according to the latest population and housing census, the number of doctors in qom is 86 , which is 14% higher than the national average. to observe
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important news about immigrants, to investigate and deal with various issues of the fasting life of afghan doctors in iran. and to see the reports broadcasted in this news section, it is enough to join our channels in the virtual space at the address of etsain mohajeran 230. you can also follow the more detailed news related to afghanistan in iran by visiting our website at the address of vaisiir. and 40 economic types of north khorasan province were identified. according to the general director of cooperative, labor and social welfare of this province, eight delinquent employers were also introduced to judicial authorities in legal procedures, which is the number compared to the same period last year. the past has increased by more than 33%. mehdi
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islam added: it is necessary for managers of workshops, factories and factories to refrain from using unauthorized horses. according to article 120 of the labor law. foreign nationals cannot work in iran unless they first have entry visas with specific work rights and secondly receive a work permit according to the relevant laws and regulations. thank you for your company. good night. goodbye. itself the american and israeli government,
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say it clearly and say it loudly, say it clearly and say it loudly. let's say you make us proud, let's say you make us proud, this country that thinks it can tell israel, care for civilians, stay in loud, say it clearly, stay in loud, say it clearly.
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we do not agree with the killing of innocent lives and we will continue our protests as long as necessary and under any circumstances to stop this massacre .
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våra skolor bombs ner, våra skolor bombs ner, våra civila bombas ner, våra civila bombas ner, får gotta israel, forkotta israel, forkotta israel, forkossa israel , och alla som hielver israel, och alla som hielver, folk kosta israel, venga palestina .
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don't you cry, we will never let you lie don't you cry, we will never let you die, don't you cry, we will never let you die, don't you cry, we will never let you die, i want you cry, we will never let you die , free
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free palesty, free free palesty, stop the genocide, stop the genocide, free for politics, free paleside, stop that genocides fire.
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various areas of the gaza strip were still under the fire of military planes and artillery of the zionist regime, nusirat al-brij and khanyounis camps witnessed the heaviest attacks. dozens of women and children were martyred and wounded in these barrages. become. cnn reported. the occupiers attacked gaza dropped hundreds of thousands of kilograms of bombs on this strip. an action that causes an increase. human deaths in gaza are staggering. the decomposed bodies arrive at the emergency room. some bodies are completely burnt. the zionist regime does not place any restrictions on the use of prohibited weapons. medical authorities in gaza announced that the occupying forces still
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do not allow medical personnel and ambulances access to the bodies of palestinian martyrs and wounded in the gaza strip. the united nations announced. 80% of children in gaza suffer from severe lack of food and more than 10 it threatens a thousand children under the age of five. the director of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees said: the zionist authorities ordered the evacuation of the residents of the center of gaza under the pretext of military operations . the latest evacuation order includes more than 150,000 palestinians living in gaza. it is not a question of revenge against hamas. the goal of the zionists is to expel the palestinians from gaza. zionist media claimed that the occupying army is preparing for the third phase of the war in gaza. while this army
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is preparing for the third stage, the golani brigade of the occupying army after 60 days. to withdraw from gaza with the resistance forces. this withdrawal took place after the heavy blows of the resistance and the killing and wounding of dozens of zionist soldiers in gaza. yemenis have been like this since a month ago. they closed one of the economic arteries of the zionists. here in london, the american international network has three options, or a little further on the bbc, this route is actually the gulf of aden, the strait of babylon, and the employees were worried. america really has something else to do and wants. do it, there is another tool to
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stop these attacks on america, a very large volume according to the axios report of 46,000. at there are nearly 20,000 of them in the countries that are close to yemen. apart from those symbols of america, which are american ships, they are in the crosshairs of houthi forces. this concern has spread to the employees of this one persian-language network in the united states. keshirani in the red sea has been disturbed due to the continued missile and drone attacks of the houthis on all the ships that move towards israel. it became his news line. turning the zionist challenge into a world economic challenge , european industrial goods from all european countries, which are for asian countries, must be passed through this strait and if don't go around this strait , they have to travel about 14 to 15 thousand additional miles and need a lot of energy, which means they have to go around the whole of africa. there is concern about
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the effect of this space on the flow of oil, grains and other consumer goods, but there is less news in these networks. done the yemenis have said that their blade is only for sharp ships that are destined for the occupied lands on the mediterranean coast. ali kazemi, sed and sima news agency.
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family. give us free land and we can form . some experts say that if the land problem can be solved, the housing problem can be solved. 70% of the cost you pay for housing is for the land share
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is. the annual need to build houses in the country and the delay in that problem brought baharestan. people's lawyers obliged the government to build one million houses per year. it was an abandoned market and we are facing a lot of unmet consumer demand . members of parliament. mehr 99 , they discussed the general aspects of the plan to jump production and housing supply . dear representatives, there is hardly any representative who does not face the complaints of the people related to the high cost of housing in his constituency. we announce the end of voting. general approved. time to review the details of the representatives of the nation with a proposal to land issue. the first order was continued to the report of the civil commission on the plan to jump production and provide housing. the second chapter of this article
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is the provision of land in order to support the afghars who can provide their housing. with a discounted preferential price and a very low price, these lands are available for rent. it should be set very, very low to support the needy people and the lower three tenths of the society, which should be considered as a very low rent, in fact, the land should be considered free of charge. there is a very low amount in the region. the division that has been made into lands outside the city limits is at the disposal of the housing foundation and other institutions .
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shall we announce the voting? it was approved. by promulgating this law, the ministry of roads and urban development was obliged to give land to eligible applicants for building houses and villas. now, two years after its approval, more than 500,000 plots of land have been given to applicants for construction. it was god's will to give us free land, alhamdulillah since that day entering the land into the boundaries, we also got the land fixed, we delivered the land ourselves and i did the construction management work myself , it turned out much better compared to the contractor, 15 years of construction here with good health, we gave this land to him, construction of the land, in short , help with you got a government price, then they gave us a loan of 200 million. the ministry of roads and urban development has promised that transfers will accelerate this year and next year. so far, the palate of 500,000 families has been sweetened. with lands that according to
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the law of production mutation. they got housing from the government. i am very happy. we are happy renters with 3 children finally, after a few years , we will be married together. i am happy that he always has a long line on his head . after 25 years of renting and 2 children, going from door to door, in short, go here for a year, go there for a year . we are very happy. thank you for working hard . we don't have time to fly. we don't have anything to do , we can't fly. elections bring about change in the country. but
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in practice, what is a definite introduction to change is ignored by them, that is, elections are made by elections, changes are made in the country of the owners. various political, economic and cultural views want transformation. what is the best way to create them for the benefit of their own political or cultural economic views? the way is
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to bring those who agree with their political thoughts and their political or economic or cultural orientation to work with the elections, whether it is the elections of the assembly, the elections of the assembly of experts, the presidential elections, or the council elections. so the election.
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you can refer to the goldiskashi website for more information on the construction of participation in the development and construction of national housing. your dreams tile it!
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welcome to news 21. improving the combat power of the navy. with the addition of new talaiyeh and nasir missile systems with a range of 1000 kilometers, helicopters equipped with jangal system and detection and destruction drones of the minister of interior, the ground has been prepared for the participation of all spectrums and tastes in the parliamentary elections, political spectrums and
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different factions


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