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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] engrave any device in the uae by pressing a button. this report also referred to some employees of dark meter who were former intelligence officials and national security organization of america. the employees said they were asked to carry out cyber operations in the name of protecting the national security of the uae. in the transfer of 2015, the uae and the darkmeter company, which had a close relationship with the defense service of this country, wanted to bring some of these employees to them so that they could work. do more with more freedom because american laws restricted some american contractors. these people were attracted with huge salaries and the promise of living in beautiful places, swimming pools, villas and yachts. when some of these employees come to darkmeter company, they ask how to use their skills for cyber attack . that is, they somehow wanted to serve the emiratis and benefit from these services
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. use i visited two companies . the name of one of them was dark meter. it is an amazing industry. i feel proud because of such industries that exist in the country and are built by emirati engineers. but this company with the support of american officers is engaged in espionage and sabotage activities. and now, by revealing more and more the relations between the uae and the zionist regime , it is clear that the zionist regime. a report by this american base in july
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2009 , these people were facing legal problems as american citizens who were in another country and for analyzing the information of american citizens. of course, this is illegal under american law. this must be mentioned. citizen lab later revealed that darkmeter was the main operator of the israeli spy software pegasus in the united arab emirates. dark meter in addition to employees the american also
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used former officers of the zionist regime in its branches in the uae, cyprus and singapore . it is reported that this company has spent millions of dollars for its services. i think that one of the things that we are going to see more and more is that countries like the uae, which have great ambitions in the field of cyber space, try to emulate this technology in our country. this is very dangerous, especially since their targets are journalists and civil society protesters. in this way, people are spied on by their own governments, or in some cases by their own governments. this it's scary and i think it's a kind of abuse of these spy software. the reason why governments want to spy on these people is for intelligence purposes, to understand what they intend to do and what they are going to do, and they want to understand what the person is doing and what they are going to do, and what is more frightening is that america and the
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zionist regime under the pretext of strengthening. the cyber power of these ambitious kings advanced their goals to destabilize the region. we contacted many victims of this spyware hack. they fear for the safety of themselves and their families by appearing in the film they disagreed. rania adrid is a journalist based in london who works with al arabi tv. his phone was hacked by pegasus between october 29 and july 2020. someone from the management of al-arabi tv told me that my mobile phone was hacked and they connected me to citizen lab, which was involved in hacking operations. i called one of their representatives and he gave me technical information telling me that my phone has been hacked at least 6 times. citizen lab told me that the uae government had probably used pegasus to hack my phone. probably because of me
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that the news i am a reporter for al-arabi tv and i was targeted, but i personally believe that i was targeted because of my close relationship with prominent opponents of the uae . a lot of being targeted and hacked, but few of them are willing to tell their story. so i think that if we look at some of the most prominent media organizations in the world, we might find other people who were hacked or targeted. it doesn't matter where you are. wherever you are, you may be targeted by pegasus, whether in the region or outside it, it does not matter at all for this software. so the question is, with this advanced technology, how can people be sure that their devices are safe from being hacked . in the case of pegasus, it was hard to know that the phone was hacked . if you receive a message with a strange link
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, don't click on the link. if you receive an unexpected e-mail or a link or file , do not click on it and please do not open this file . be very careful because everyone may become a target of espionage and these are points that many people do not pay attention to. we can also receive a series of trainings, but in the end we have to do it ourselves let's do the useful thing so that we can use those features in a very correct way. old files are vulnerable and if they are known , they will be patched by apple or android or others, but devices that are not known yet have vulnerabilities. every device has a weakness that can be exploited. there are organizations all over the world looking for these vulnerabilities to exploit in the future. i have no doubt that this will happen again.
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it's just a matter of time. what is more interesting is that the claimants of human rights and freedom of speech against such disclosure they kept silent and their arab allies also use this technology as they want. they are abusing what has been revealed about his israeli group and their main product, pegasus , has caused many problems. many countries in the world do not want to do business with this company because of its problematic nature. this company now has a bad reputation. it turned out that he used pegasus to attack human rights and civil rights . i think. you know that they have a lot of sales in the arab world, especially among the countries of the persian gulf. yes, these countries are the main customers when the contracts are closed under the table, the companies
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get more money and this is very profitable for them, this is really good for them . yes, our smartphones are inseparable from necessities. life has become modern. however, they have become a window through which security services can access our private information. there is still a lot left undiscovered in this secretive world of hacking and spyware. no one knows who exactly will be the next victim. since a month ago, the yemenis are one of the arteries they closed the zionist economy here in
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london on the american international network , there are 3 options, or a little further on the bbc, this route is actually the gulf of aden, the strait of babylon, and the employees were really worried about america. there is something else he can do and he wants to do. he has other tools to stop these attacks on america . according to the axios report , there are 46,000 troops in the region, and nearly 20,000 of them are in the countries that are close to yemen. they are stationed , apart from those symbols of america, which are american ships, they are in the crosshairs of houthi forces, this is the concern it has also spread to the employees of this persian language network in america. iranians in the red sea continued to attack all the ships moving towards israel with missiles and drones , their news line was disrupted, the zionist challenge became a challenge to the world economy. european industrial goods from
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all european countries that are for asian countries the strait must be crossed and if they don't want to go around this strait , they have to travel about 14 to 15 thousand additional miles and need a lot of energy, which means they have to go around the whole of africa. there is concern about the effect of this space on the flow of oil in galat and other things. however, in these networks, one less news was discussed. the yemenis have said that their blade is only for sharp ships that are destined for the occupied lands on the mediterranean coast. ali kazemi , radio and television news agency. in the name of allah, light.
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in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god , light upon light. eleanor, i'm eleanor. and the light was sent down
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as it was, and the light was sent down as it was in the book of masfur when it is written in the book allah is great , allah is great, allah is great, allah is great, i testify that there is no god but
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allah. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that he is the most high. ali al-salah
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, hai ali al-falah, hai ali al-falah. god bless god, god is great, there is no god but god
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, there is no god but god. after the cnn reporter crossed the israeli barriers and entered the besieged gaza strip to remove the mask from the aggression of the occupying regime, the media of this regime became angry and worried. moments before we crossed the border to the south of gaza. since october 7th, this is the first time we can enter
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gaza. no need to look in gaza. the occupying regime set a framework for the activities of the international media to prevent interviews and review reports before publication under the pretext of carrying out responsibility . al-aqsa storm mixed the real and virtual battlefield in a decisive battle,
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despite the severe media restrictions that the occupying regime is trying to cover up the situation. he knows heavy media damage to this
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entered the diet. may this dear young man remind you of jesus christ and let you know that if today you and
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i are living in a safe environment, it is because of the blessing of this work. i was going to the front in 1959. i used to go to tehran for friday prayers . then i left. i went to this second base and there was a hall there . we waited until the 330th plane arrived. there were not many seats. sitting on the floor of shops, who said this, who said this , armenians coming to byan jabeh for support work repairs coming to the front with us. later, the late chamran and i were in ahvaz, and the late chamran took these to a place near ahvaz, whose
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name i don't remember . they made a detailed workshop there. in 1942, 1942 , i was in qadr qala prison, i was in prison, he was also in prison, after some time we were in prison and they didn't let me come out of the cell . he was able to come out, he was in prison for a while the door of his cell was open. he liked me
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. it was the month of ramadan. yes. when the arab came to me, i said that you are here, sir , let's hold a meeting in the prison. now, my prison was not a place where a person could hold a meeting, not anymore, not now. if we were allowed to come out of the cell , we would call each other, there was no problem with that , but the space of the prison was not like this. the cell is two meters by two meters, for example , there is a hall that is one meter and, for example, 10 centimeters and 20 centimeters wide in this cell . it was not possible to hold a meeting in this hall , which was a narrow hall, and there was no other way to get a fatwa. right in the middle of the hall between my cell and i covered the cell with a few more blankets and
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they told me that you should come and talk to us. i went and told them how many nights we would fast. yes, every night one of us would be a prisoner. i was talking to them about amirul momineen. regarding the virtues of amirallam, i saw that this gagik comes out of his cell , puts his chair outside and listens. i think he came near me on the second or third night, that is, he brought the chair, then he came to me. i asked you to attend your meeting, why not? yes. i talked again that night, when it was over, he came and said another night, i want to be a bonnie, then
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i was released earlier, i was released and i said, "don't do anything , tell me, don't keep me outside ." he said, "no , my house is there, it's on shariati street." i knocked on the door and an armenian lady came and opened the door. a student, yes, what field do you want to study , a social science researcher, which college
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of allameh taba, taba'i university, mrs. kay , mrs. they don't have a job, no, they work as housewives in the municipality, there is no easy job in running a municipality. idle women look while that the work of a housewife is more difficult than the work of most of the men who work outside , and it is not just cooking, cooking is a side job to manage the house, because the boss inside the house of a code lady means someone who manages the house and the house is a dirty place. an irregular place. okay, let him be somewhere, let the food
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be late, we were happy to see you, ma'am, yes
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, we were happy, health. in the second phase of awarding
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sending number 5 to 30885, publications. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, fellow countrymen. dear sir, good morning. welcome to the 6 o'clock news section. desirable electoral participation with the presence of all spectrums interior minister saleiq said that the space is open for the entry of all political spectrums and different factions into the election arena. in the discussion of competition, all kinds of political spectrums


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