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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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why does he answer this? why does he give this answer? why does he go in this direction? why does this mean that you are not crazy anymore? you are not crazier than those idiots who roam the streets . have you ever thought about my responsibilities? for a moment, you thought about my responsibilities . you thought about my responsibilities. think about me for a moment . officer reinhart baz dulon from the brussels police, what happened here, inspector, thank you, we must have heard about the black market, in fact, sir , we are looking at it, i can't believe it, i am the inspector. i will also mention the same thing in his report . i am happy to hear it. if this place is closed, i will be angry with you. don't worry, commander kaserer.
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it was written by yogi and it includes all bears , especially you. yes sir, there is a long distance between, for example, commander kessler in the secret army and yogi the bear, which you just accepted. what did you do with this distance, how did it happen? you also say yogi the bear, for example, you also say kessler. they themselves are good, as i said, you think who can keep yogya in such a funny way, it's funny, after all, we are children
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, you will choose, if we say, choose one of these. why, yes, again, it's interesting, you say you want animation , it's very interesting now, i want to see it, but these two that you mentioned, you mentioned nicholson and hollovid, do you think that comic cinema is a movie where lloyd,
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chaprin, and harry long are all those things? it is a noble cinema to make this. springlide is a noble person . for example, gary cooper is also like that, but nicholson is a ruthless villain in his acting . he attacks when he says something. i didn't need money when i stole my friend's money in the third grade. if you want to be honest, i didn't have any money. time needed i didn't have money, but i like it, i'm just telling you, yes, i speak my heart, when i catch this stupid spy, there will be a few questions, but he will retreat, just watch in the movie , retreating never attacks, something that always happens to a so-called sewing man . why should anyone worry that
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he lost his job on saturday when it's sunday and he can go to coney island? you know , i always find work on mondays. when you know these things, it's natural that there's a movie, there's a text, there's a rehearsal. it helps and works. we gain experience, the sky stays, the painters go like the good and bad deeds of man. i don't know your wrist size. our life is spent more with the crown prince than the king. unfair. now that my life and my husband
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lagh me freshen up, zahe sharba, how did you get to these diverse voices in this thousand hands in one movie in one tv series, in fact, instead of 3 characters, well, one young person like ismail mehrabi, one abolfath sahaf with that background and even with the teacher golbahar, who is an old man, in fact , you said how these different characters
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almost all know how to do this. no one should be attacked or insulted. anyone can't write his name behind the bus door, but his news service will inform him. he tells me when you are going to tin grant and how many soldiers are with you . i came here to ask for help because humans are here . say whatever you want. some of you must know. but those who don't know, be aware that frank miller comes to this city by noon train. when he saw that i was not allowed to pay only 10% of his income , he came together, that is, he was willing to agree to 50%
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. he hopes for the young generation. naturally, the way to experience is to destroy and fix. help them. not hoping for this. he does not think that this work is the product of many years, how many days and nights, moment by moment time to understand a good speaker, two very basic things , one minute. he knows that now he has to keep now, he has to master, he wants a very strange memory that you are reading this text, you will help me remember and i have to finish my work with him. the biggest trick of the devil was to create the belief that he does not exist and in
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this eye stirring makes it invisible, but when you see it , when everything is over, it's a story.
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we are coming to the rescue of eight citizens because we have a leader who knows
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how to take responsibility. go go away, he does more harm, more harm than good, and he betrayed the uh people, the absolutely treated with.
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brother, he and his children are in the house , follow me, here ambarah, except for the rockets. there is a doubt and this ad-lawah of allah the almighty means , by the permission of the almighty, and there is no one in general, this
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is our reliance on large numbers of people, that is, for example , you have taken me today in the days of me, because of the large number of displaced people in the areas of rafah.
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since a month ago, the yemenis are one of the arteries they closed the zionist economy here in london on the american international network , there are three options or a little further on the bbc, this route is
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actually the gulf of aden, the strait of babylon, and the employees are worried.
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they travel and use a lot of energy, which means they have to go around the whole of africa. they are concerned about the effect of this space on the flow of oil and other consumables, but there is less news in these networks . their destination is the occupied lands on the mediterranean coast. ali kazemi, sed and broadcasting news agency. the construction of this house is in my own hands, which is a stranger to me article 1 of mojod bagali, creating competition and eliminating
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the golden signature in support of women. we don't have any insurance here, we went for social security insurance, but there are more than 1,200,000 people like these who don't have insurance. the construction workers insurance was approved by the islamic council. a law whose financial resources were almost never allocated. one of the reasons for the amendment law was due to the lack of resources
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that we could not provide from the place of license. amending the workers' insurance law. parliament members in the first session of 1401 aiming to amend this law determining its resources was keyed. 7 months later, the review of these reforms came to the public floor of the parliament. 14 thousand billion tomans of money that we now need to insure construction workers in big cities, in commercial uses, what number should be added, in small cities , it should be reduced, the proposal of the representatives. supply. a lot of credits came from tolls due to the creation and development of buildings. an issue that was also noticed by the social security organization. if i am employed in construction work, based on this law , god willing, it will be covered by insurance. finally, the amendments to the construction workers' insurance law it was approved by the representatives in february 1401. the law, which
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was supposed to be a path to insuring all construction workers in two years, again did not lead to the result that the representatives had hoped for. it caused that instead of helping our workers, we saw a situation where the issuance of building permits was stopped. especially in the city of cook. employers said a 10% increase. compared to 2013, construction charges have caused a decrease in constructions and even unemployment of workers. unfortunately, now the cost of insurance is so high that no one can get insurance. the law was amended to affect both construction and the lives of construction workers. we have been studying this work for 3 years , we need a budget of about 18 thousand billion per year. finally, on the 22nd of shahrivar this year, the final amendments to the construction workers insurance law were approved by the representatives. read the text
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. for construction within the boundaries of villages, with the permission of village councils , it will be equal to 10% of the total fees for the issuance of the certificate as the owner's share, according to the guardian council. finally, the government announced the new law , according to our book. we did 730 thousand we can now cover the worker under the construction insurance , based on what the parliament approved , the social security organization is obliged to insure them by receiving 7 insurance premiums from the workers, this number is very low, it is about 370,80 thousand tomans, and the rest is the employer's share. we hope that it will provide the financial burden that we have had problems with until now . what are the differences between the final changes of the construction workers insurance law and the law of 2013? resolution 93 states that 15% of the place of license issuance
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should be allocated to the social security organization for the insurance of construction workers, a fixed number in tehran, 15% in each the cities are 15 percent. our new reform puts the basis on the regional price, the basis on the population , the basis on the actual situation. the region takes into account the percentages in cities and provinces, and the urban and rural free zones were different, so that before the approval of this law, construction workers and their families did not have any support in the treatment of retirement, and there was no time to say that, for example, he said that, for example, you, i go for daily wages , he fell at your feet, he was like that, for example , his foot was broken. now this insurance can cover accidents and damages caused to workers during work.
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cover sickness, unemployment, wage compensation, disability, retirement and death. we were not stuck, alhamdulillah, it will be opened tomorrow, for example, our children, our wife will use its benefits. a person who gets insurance can hope for his life. if i don't have insurance myself now, if my child wants to come to work without insurance , it will be four days. you can't be burdened, it doesn't matter
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, the competition means political factions to participate in the elections. let different political and economic trends compete in the elections . also economic as well as cultural. this is the meaning of competition. competition means that young people who
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want to enter the election field should compete with people with experience and experience, they should try, and a good and strong parliament is the one that has both these young people and those with experience. the competition is one of the most important issues regarding this election. do you know what thatar is? so that the project does not sleep.
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we have to find a way to secure the budget, we have to find a way to exchange goods for goods, a new solution to solve the problem. for more information, you can refer to goldiskashi's website , tile your dreams, gladys kashi. it is very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral, no blocking of the guarantor's deposit, up to 50 million, my guarantor does not want to pay back up to 5 years, no, i said the real thing, wait , let me ask about the rights of rome, sorry, you also tell me the roof conditions for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same you can even transfer the conditions to your employees . have you heard of nikan mills's loan scheme of al-hassan up to 3
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billion rials for natural persons and 7 billion and five hundred million rials for legal entities , repayment up to 5 years, short-term deposit , long-term repayment, nikan melli project , melli credit institution, this is an opportunity, this is also , even this is an opportunity, and these are also opportunities, this is an opportunity , within 50 million days of digikala every shopping has a discount of up to 50% and don't miss a chance to win a daily prize of 50 million tomans. if the price is important to you, the price guarantee can put your mind at ease. the price floor is guaranteed. home appliance city. hello.
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we sell our products everywhere, but the main selling point is in istanbul for the first time i sold a kilo of plums in baslon, i think it has reached 13 thousand tomans. when i wake up in the morning , the first thing i do is to go see karfa . hello, what's up with my mother who took the trouble to eat ?
2:00 pm
welcome to the half-day news of 100 martyrs were killed in the bombing of maghazi camps this morning. he also executed a civilian in northern gaza. in the square, two days after the withdrawal of the zionist golani brigade, reports say that all the commanders of the nahal brigade were killed. the start of the implementation of the 4 thousand megawatt solar power project in headquarters visit


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