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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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which are under our total, this means , really, honestly, 80 of them are bread, for example, a worker who has two children has 3 children, one job, a family of four , five people, we don't have the subsidy at all , we only paid the form, no, i'm the same. i am bringing up the subsidy, what happens if you want to pay it directly in cash , it does not guarantee payment in cash. sabz judi
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has pushed the people with the inflation rate as he wants, no, you can see if it is possible for us not to have seasonal inflation , there can be a solution, such as electronic products, the prices of which have been fixed in 1401, not the government. he should take advantage of this himself, it is much more logical, it is much more systematizable, it is more controllable that the bakers , after all , there are only a limited number of them, what do i know, they will violate, god forbid, they will sell less. it should be informed that, sir , for example, this number of nuna doing the right thing daily is actually talking about 5 thousand tons of flour , 50 million loaves of bread. people
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should pay subsidies directly, but let's talk now there are some cases where the price of bread increases and the subsidy does not increase in proportion to this price increase. i said that the current method that is happening has many problems that we want to get rid of because you are telling me that it is not, we are saying that it is not. general policy , no, i won't tell you the truth , you can tell me any fact, whatever you like. i mean, when you don't announce the price to the flour and bread producer, you won't come to specify the price every year, and these things you say will happen. naturally, it means when you order a production unit for it you see, the same thing happens , that is, we shouldn't expect it, but if direct payment is made to the people, well, our friends have said that cash payment is actually cash inflation. if we want to
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divide this amount this year, there is a solution. we can deposit 150 to 160 thousand tomans between the people. well , the price of free bread is determined, that is , we can determine the price of bread , that is, if we come every year, the price of bread let's determine the price of wheat, that we only let's break all the factories with bread, not me, and from my side, we should specify the subsidy payment, we should specify the subsidy payment to the people . look, now the chain is in trouble. look, now the bread machines that my friends came to have such a way of maneuvering that we saved so much, in fact, we had a subsidy. i promise you that we will re-examine the paper of the year 98 99 1400 together and determine what
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to determine. now this does not actually mean that you say that if a cash subsidy is paid, the novas will be released. in fact, this is the current supervision. there is no, i think there is a series they will be unemployed. look, in 2019, if subsidies are given to people, yes , some of them will be unemployed. in my opinion, some of these mafias who are using us will not allow this to happen . see how much supervision we have in this area now? the ministry of jihad, the ministry, the ministry, in fact, the mobilization of guilds and other organizations supervise white hawaii, then because they do not have expertise on the subject , they face nano with really unfair crimes. now the bakers are upset about this issue, and i am the voice bakers , i came here to serve you. you say, sir don't talk, we said don't make eye contact. i said
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don't talk anymore, whatever you want now, you said, there is something left, tell me again, no, yes , there is something left, i want to tell you that if we really want the chain, we should fix it now. they brought up the issue that the bakers themselves came and said, sir, we didn't ask for this subsidy given by the government, we didn't ask for our friend who was actually at their service on the phone, so we say, sir, you have a principle , now if the government thinks that this is the way go ahead, there is no problem, but let him specify the price of the bread i want to sell 1400 nuns, that means you ask, not only some people say to pay in cash. bakers are also told that cash subsidies should be paid to the people. yes, most of the bakers have come to this conclusion . they say, sir , leave this subsidy issue to the people. in fact, the money should enter the people's accounts . if we participate in a competitive environment, the quality of our bread will increase. our conditions will improve, everyone
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will reach this consensus in the bakery department, but we don't know what is happening, are they behind this matter, who won't let us, then in the end, the baker is the last link , let's all sit together after this meeting. let's be friendly, let's check this issue and see how much we have saved. how correct is this statistic of this bread maker? morning by morning, you should go to the governor's service desk. the
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bakers gather there from 4 in the morning instead of going to our baker's production department. he has to go there in the morning because he has to reduce the flour to 20, then he will go there , please and beg us to go together one day to get a report. look, mr. azaribeq, i think that friends are sometimes being unfair to this plan and projecting this dear friend who said mr. bazargan, who said that he is a baker. don't see the subsidy to me, it's not like that, nanam doesn't
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say, don't see the subsidy to me, kerami , i'll explain what i'm talking about now, my friends say take away the supervision from us, they don't say the subsidy to us, it's not like this when it says supervision. is something like this possible ? is it even possible? where in the world are you? the price of a basic product is at least 50 million, which is now sold outside the network. it is not possible for it to be possible. you are the price of one. safra means that you
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consume one grain if it is 1000 tomans or 20 thousand tomans. this is of course available now. friends, don't tell me that the world price of wheat there is the price that is in their favor . don't tell me that since 8 months ago, the world price of wheat has gone from $400 per bushel to $ 200 per bushel. hey, now a kilo is about 13 thousand tomans, sea freight has decreased by almost 70 since 8 months ago, mr. azaribagha, why don't friends understand this. see, these words are very projective words in my opinion . shouldn't we guarantee purchases? shouldn't we import ? shouldn't we give subsidies to the people for their basic goods? where should we free them? the issue is the form
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of subsidy payment. you can see in the friendly talks . we cannot free a country that is subject to sanctions. . in which sector, what experience did you have ? which country do you mean by liberating which country? my father says that gasoline prices should be controlled now, considering the conflicts that have occurred, i don't know. friends from which country do they mean by being free there is no country on mars, mr. doctor, i am the representative of the union in all the countries of the world , you cannot give an example of one country, is it a directive or a formula for determining the prices, there is a directive for bread in all goods, even you cannot find a country that either has a directive price or a formula for determining the price. this is not the case at all, my dear.
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in the bakery sector, there is supply and demand. the government has come to make bread a subsidized bread . yes, it has created a production factory for itself. if he wants to increase the price in those shops, then he should it's the ministry, but the 95 navais are free now
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, their price is free, in fact, it's supply and demand, then nano, mr. azari, dear baqai, it's not like this, mr. doctor, they say that if we free the price , we leave it to the baker, he will raise the price arbitrarily, no, no, when there is supply and demand, that's it in fact , it is handled and placed somewhere, this price is placed somewhere, it is not like we say that now we will tomorrow. it is for sale. now the price is much lower than when it was not planned. mr. s. you should look in the market now. i don't give a price. my doctor says that your information is completely wrong. i'm sorry.
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i am a unionist, i am seeing that he wants to speak instead of me. you had something. now , where did you get the new four billion ? i can show you the information on the wall . i will send the information to you. it seems to me that it is your specialty and you should check, but the price. together with mr. karmi, in the report you are going to visit, please also look at the licenses, sir , how much is the bakery license now ? after all, it is not out of the ordinary, so please give me another figure. we are very happy that the number is very good. that if it is actually rent that has a price, then
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if we can control inflation, it seems that we can deal with rent. the way to control inflation is not that we pay in cash and increase the price of items, especially essential items, this is not the way that we we can use it to control inflation. we have applied this experience several times in the country. inflation is the main problem of inflation. if you please show the slide, friends, please see that consumer inflation in our country is 6 out of 6, which is meat, bread, rice and beans.
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etc. yes, if you look at the second slide , my friends, i have come to the parts of the red part. in fact, let me show you the second slide, my colleague. let's see the second slide. yes, this is the second picture. of course, this slide is also the picture of the components of food inflation. if you look at the blue part , it shows that the blue part related to ardanane bread is the first driver of inflation. second, the inflation of flour and bread has a significant contribution to inflation. look at food items and the total inflation. in a country that has experienced 6 years of inflation above 40-50% , we cannot play with the people's livelihood. we cannot release the rate and then pay after this money should be reduced for two years and then we will look for people who can support this now. we need a centralized
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mechanism to support the people. it is necessary to be able to restore the people after 6 years, so the formula to answer your question that you say can be enough for bread can be found and implemented. the art of the plan, in fact, the bread was not to create quotas . this art belonged to this plan. take care of the people , you can only buy three or four loaves of bread today noon, this is basically not in this trod . anyway, when you see kalaberg, it means that you put a limited amount of credit in a card and tell people to use it . basically, the policy of the kalaberg card was different from the nan plan, and the nan plan, in my opinion, an artist was more than that, he actually came and implemented the mechanism of transparency
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without applying quotas, without telling people what bread to buy, how much bread to buy or not. this is what friends say that bakers are tired of monitoring and for a bag. taking a bag of flour aad should go to the governor's office. i think that if the baker is working properly , none of these problems will occur, and there are many bakers in our country who are working properly . their quota has never decreased, almost the statistics they are showing now. they should be more friendly and more professional, but i think that more than half of the people have not had their flour quotas reduced, and more than half of the bakers have not had their quotas reduced.
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first of all, the project is not mine, i am not anywhere in this project, but the efforts of this project should really be thanked. this is our project. thank you . as we are involved in this issue, thank you. we don't do this plan. yes, it is clear that if someone commits a violation, he should be bothered . the cost of the violation should not be discussed. it is not a matter of violation. i am saying that sir
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, should you give the subsidy to the people? you should see internally that the main problem is the country and if it is expensive, it cannot pay the people. 50% inflation, 40% 378 should be controlled, this path is not the path to control inflation, mr. powerjo said in his speech that the government expenditure will decrease in that case, we did not understand that the problem is the government expenditure, the problem of saving bread, the problem of bread quality , the problem of the baker's fatigue from supervision your pabarja mentioned his name several times. i do not accept my reason this is what we have experienced. we were free cooks for seven or eight years. for example, when we were free cooks, our wheat was consumed, for example, 800,000 tons. after we
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came to the government system twice, it was 20 million. that's right . no, i don't know the exact number because we were free cooks. for example, we had a number, but when we came, we were placed twice on the quota level , our consumption tripled at once. all we are saying is, dad, we want to help the government. in fia, khaledon wants to plan his work, leave it to dad if the guild doesn't succeed, we will put the work in the hands of the guild . well, you won't let this work be done. every time he wanted to make a change in ardenal, a man came and told him that, sir, we say this, sir, we want subsidies to be given to the people, i don't want the price to be changed. we agree on the price of whatever we
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have come with the power of the channels. we agree that we don't want our people to have a hard time with this ongoing situation . you can be sure that in the next 5 years, there will be no more sanghi in tehran. how much does the stone cost, 20 thousand tomans, i don't know now, but 60 now they are buying 600 thousand tomans , they are selling competitively, for example, 12 tomans 10 tomans . your opinion is 40 kilos.
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water will be added to it, but this is what i mean. now we have asked to get free flour price from karguru ardesh. it will surely be 12 thousand tomans higher
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. now i put this sentence in parentheses. i would like to thank you , dear viewers, for joining us in the show. we we have examined different points of view regarding ardonando's subsidy allocation , we will follow up on this issue again.
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bismillah, rahman, raheem, salam, the document of the first multilateral free trade agreement between iran and the country. belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, russia and armenia, members of the eurasian economic union , were signed in st. petersburg, russia. the minister of mining industry and trade on behalf of iran signed this agreement, which is the result of more than two years of negotiations and expert work. this agreement needs to be approved by the parliaments of six countries in order to become a law and become operational.


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