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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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with the listening ears of this parliament, when the nation sees the case of nearly 4 billion dollars of violations , it comes to the nation's table and shocks the nation so much that the nation understands that this parliament, representing the people , probably did not have the power to supervise, that it could not shine the light of public supervision on the position of golden decisions that these decisions do not lead to these corruptions. look, i think there are two types of reasons that hinder people's participation , and the leadership mentioned one of them in this recent speech, and that is that we say things that make people feel that there is really nothing but blackness. should i come to participate in the elections
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, there are a group of people who usually use their words in such a way, whether they want it or not, that the bottom line is that, sir , everything is hot, everything is ruined, and this is the future of the nation, and they say, well, when we came and it happened like this, what is the reason again? let's say that the second category is the officials who fuel their inefficiency . mr. vakili points out very well . they pretend that they themselves are the target audience, that is , they point out precisely the cases that are all legislative , sir, this is how our election system should be. well, the question is, mr. vakili, you were in the parliament , you and your party were in the parliament, you should be accountable now, you should not be the side of the claimant , that you should have said these things while you were in the parliament, you should have tried, you should have declared. you should have said the same thing that you are saying now
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, i couldn't, you are saying that we were far away from the people, which is very good and really valuable, but mr. vakili, despite all these years, you admit that you are far away. i can work people , you voted, but i can't do anything for you i can do it very much. i think these two groups are really like scissors and scissors. they are tearing up this system of people's participation and connection to the elections, and this is causing damage . we really have to think about this . a large part of it is a part of the media, a part of it is a political part . now, where we are , we are moving, this is really more than our structural problems, why do we like to transfer everything to a place that is really suspicious, for example, mr.
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tafteh says that the expediency council where does the council for identifying the correctness of the system legislate? the supreme council of the cultural revolution legislates. why did the people not come, sir? i want to speak on every sentence, which i think the time of your program does not allow. it is a pity. it is a shame that your program is too much for me to say. well, mr. vakili, let's see how the supreme council of the cultural revolution is involved in legislation. . it is clear that the dignity of the assembly is policy making. it is very clear that your rail policy should be in the same structure as the policy it can be done, he says that things like debash chai , which i agree with, let's really go to debash chai and see where the root is, but mr. vakili really has the courage to say where is the origin of the corruption that was caused by the wrong legislation in the previous government.
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the origin of my starting point is the qibla government. by the way, in this parliament , the preferential interest rate will be removed with the help of the government, which is the source of such corruptions, which means that the structure of reforming the right path, by the way, is going to be in the same government that even the governor general of the central bank is at his desk. tires are the first thing they stop it is corruption that has formed in the past, we should not, how do we return these words, the thing that causes participation to not be formed is this dishonesty , this is the way of talking that people are completely disappointed with everything and the blackness that is created and the leadership as well. emphasizing and saying this model of advertising , which ultimately causes depression , causes people not to come to the scene. i think they are referring to this model of discussion.
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advertising is free from lying, slandering, and completely in the same space, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, basically, we are like this. our participation sometimes. we make the space black , the people have no excuse to participate, i said , these two edges are nothing, the same atmosphere , an inefficient official, a lazy official, an official who sits and people look at him, they see that yes, well, if this person is going to vote for me, this is the person. let him sit there , so why should i come to the counter, mr. vakili ? to answer , i will give you two short points i think mr. mahdian is the ceo of a big media group. there is a big media group called hamshahri. it is good that they update their information . i am surprised that you are so isolated that
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the diagn assembly does not legislate. the name of the supreme supervisory board is several years old. according to the constitution, the imam and members of the majlis go to the guardian council to express their opinion, unfortunately, they go to this delegation and this delegation also submits the proposal of the guardian council, and unlike the guardian council, which the guardian council observes , it does not add or subtract from the law, but in this the board adds and subtracts to the law passed by the parliament , in the same parliament, it applies to all policies. it's very strange what you say , the implementation board is not implementing the policy, brother, what are you doing
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? the hijab bill is all going to that committee and that committee. then he adjusts , adds, subtracts, and this is against the constitution, and this is a clear violation of the constitution, because he has the monopoly to legislate based on the constitution. if the basis of the constitution is based on the islamic council and peace be upon you, but what did you do in your parliament? yes, i said that the electoral system is wrong. through this electoral system, the parliament will not be formed efficiently. we need 2 years to change the electoral law. we amended the election society law, we sent it to the guardian council with two focal points , we made the election from the provincial area , we made the election by the proportional majority method, so that there is no longer
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a single list in tehran and the parliament will not be formed, but the guardian council was deported. that what election is the real election? an election that has the same starting point. the starting point of the marathon, which is the correct leadership in their speech, telling the factions to compete with each other. is it possible for a faction in the country to be so sure of the methods and processes that it passes through this path without any help without any obstacles? but a political faction doesn't know until the last moment how many people from its campaign can pass through this corridor of persanglakh
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. what i said is the point of the marathon for a political faction. our country started a year ago , they are in the marathon, because they are confident in the so-called race course, because they are confident that there are no obstacles in their way, you say no , look at the eligibility verification lists. a faction and negligence for mr. mahdian was very strange for them. that we mean now you believe that easy conditions are available for a faction in the field of elections . the list is not complete in this tehran. right now
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, it is predicted that a political faction, sir, we want to go to provide the maximum election path, but dad, a political faction that had a popular base had the power to be accepted by the people. bringing the people to the election stage, now i am confused about what to do, whether it will reach a list or not , but there are so many fights in another party. there are candidates who want to compete on the basis of several lists. this means that the field of competition is not the same. yes, people judge whether it is present or not . mr. mahdian was very harsh on them that my extension was a part of the system
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. is it a part of the system or not ? is it part of the system? there is no election in the name of god light in the name of god light in the name of god light light in the name of god light on light in the name of god light on light in the name of god light. light upon light, in the name of god, light
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upon light , in the name of god, who is the master of affairs. but allah
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is the witness that it is the highest hajjah allah hail ali al-salalah hail ali al-salalah hail ali al- falah hail ali al-falah god
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bless god, god is great, there is no god but god , there is no god but god. i think the answer to your second question is very simple it is repeated again and again, mr. vakili, explain
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how they went to the parliament, explain how mr. rouhani and mr. khatami became the president of the city council, which was in the hands of reformers , and how it was formed. what should i explain , what did we assume, mr. vakil , but about this matter. the issue that some people were disqualified is that now they have to express themselves , explain their reasons and express their reasons . go check see how good it is that it has not been said, not to raise the curtain, not to expose the supervisory institutions, thank god that it is really a moral system that keeps a lot of things , moral corruption, economic corruption, whatever, god forbid, i am not late for these special cases, i want to say what they should do. please explain, but this is really what you have given me out of 4 examples
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to say, sir, that the system seeks to create imperfect competition . with the same field, with the same supervisory institutions, of course, really i don't see that there is no point in criticizing. we have to do it. by the way, in my opinion, now is the time. what are the regulatory institutions ? what else is the opportunity ? let's make it right, sir, yes, sir, they don't allow it, why do we say later, why don't we allow your argument, sister, see what kind of argument you want, our list is not complete , they have several lists, mr. vakil, your list is not complete
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because many of your friends have gone abroad. let's say that there are not many of your friends in this many of your friends in the country are separated from the reformist movement. even now, you don't have any people. your list is not complete because you didn't give a price to joona . buy my four reformist youths. i'm really sick. come and tell joona your own joona, see what they said on social networks many times that they don't value joona. you don't have any people, now your list after we now our argument that our list is not complete, we reached the fact that unfortunately the islamic republic does not allow competition? a question for us we are talking a lot about the two political currents and the two trends . now, many people may think that the election is a competitive hypothesis between these two
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political trends or not . no, mr. vakili, in their speech , they say that we should not evaluate the system based on the results . my question is, you yourself are saying right now that we have come to approve a plan. the guardian council rejected it. it works in one direction because it did not work according to your desire he is acting unilaterally, so right now in the expediency council, which you gave the example, suppose they have an opinion on the hijab bill, he is disagreeing with the general policies. the guardian council has been rejected and you can conclude that
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the system is acting one-sidedly. the system is acting unfairly . it applies. from this , you came to the point of not allowing you and your friends to enter the field of competition. well , it's a very wrong thing to say, but it 's strange. read again the philosophy of the diagnosis group and the diagnosis group is for arbitrating disputes. i don't know why i don't know that i don't know that the diagnosis group is not entering the legislative field. read this again even to your friends who are now in the parliament. go to your friends again and see how much the interference of the diagnosis group has made hamina and how much it has made the parliament ineffective. i am an
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example of amending the selection law. in response to what you did , i said to express that they are interfering because they rejected our plan, not because of this . look at the scene for your presidency and see what our monitoring output is for presidential candidates. whether the election was one-sided or not, the election was competitive. mr. mahdian, you are younger than me. it is better to talk in such a way that this society that has come to a boil
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and we have to get out of the situation we are in with reforms will not be disappointed. there are two ways to talk here. i do it to every part, you take it away , you say to the islamic republic, they say that the islamic republic has reached a dead end. you say that he says absolutely everything is black, no, mr. mahdian, i am telling you that this thinking that thinks everything is fine, if everything is fine, why did you hold a conversation, if everything is fine, why did the leadership come? the word should be used . there must have been a problem somewhere. the leader must have deleted it. when the leader comes, he says that the field should be opened for a minute . well, the field is not open. dear mr. mahdian, the field should be open. they even emphasize that the field
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should be open for ideas. if so, this is you do not allow even ideas to be called ideas those are the ones who, according to you , have been allowed to work within the framework of the islamic republic. i am one of those who will be qualified . now, in the world today, they say that there are minimum elections , there are those who are not interested in the minimum elections, in some currents in these years, all their hope is that there will be no maximum elections, no participatory elections, no elections in tehran will be below 20% , the average of the elections in the country will increase so that the chances of the gentlemen will increase . d subversive subversives in the drum. naimidi is beating the ballot boxes like straw, but the people are alone the chance of manifesting your will is the ballot box and the only and only
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chance of the islamic republic is reform . i say this without exaggeration as someone who adheres to it. the islamic republic's chance is in reform. sir, the path of everything is the path of movement and transformation from within the reforms, yes, from within the reforms, but not necessarily from reformism in the sense of the political current of reforms. leader of the revolution, i have only one point , that is, i think all the words are correct. if this summary is really the correct summary of the leader of the revolution , but only one point, the leader of the revolution said that, sir
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, we must compete, we must participate, this means that there is a flaw in the fact that we have a flaw, that we formed an infallible government because we have a flaw, that there is no doubt at all, but there is a point in the middle. at one point, you are moving, you see the peak of rome, and you say, sir, you have to make corrections . it does not necessarily follow from this that we have a situation, for example, we have a bad, bitter and black situation, that everything is messed up, no, we are moving, today we are definitely better than yesterday , mr. vakili, they are looking at the peak, once the leader of the revolution . in a speech, you said that we are behind in wisdom and justice writing that, sir, means that we have a situation of injustice, not their own explanation. we are looking at the peak. thank you very much, mr. mahdian. thank you, mr. vakil , for appearing in tonight's special news interview. thank you for broadcasting the news channel, which gave us more time today and tonight . thank you for your company. good night and god bless
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i urinate at night, i'm afraid, i won't sleep in the room, if i don't drink a bottle of water by day, i won't sleep, i'm going through a rpg now, now i'm talking to you, rpg, i'm in the heart נלחח, אני אני את הרח של הגופות, אני אחין את הפשורים בידיים שלי, where are you then , the effects of the gaza war on its souls, i became poor, poor in בחובות של לעמים, 800'.
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zionist soldiers have been fighting in gaza for more than two months. in the early days of the war, the zionists called up 360,000 reserve soldiers to participate in the war. the israeli army called up more than 300,000 soldiers, which is one of the biggest actions of the israeli army. thousands of israeli soldiers from all cities come to this military base in the south to prepare for the next phase of the war. as a result injured by israel's ongoing aggression against gaza are classified as permanently disabled in the military. the cloud-language newspaper yediot aharonot also published a report about injuries in the zionist military that could have negative effects on their fertility.
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for the zionists, the human losses of this war are not limited to the military. the gallup institute in america has announced that the psychological condition of the zionist settlers is worse than ever after the al-aqsa storm operation. 67 of the israelis said that worries bother them. 62% stated that they were under tension are 51 said they are sad most of the time and 36 said they are very angry. issue. israel has been in a state of terror for more than two months, and the psychological consequences of this war are dire. one in five israelis over the age of 18 , or about one million israelis, said they increased their use of sedatives. the main increase
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is related to the use of alcohol, drugs and pain relievers, sedatives and sleeping pills. freedom of our faith, our resurrection, our independence, freedom, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ears of time , your cry, remain the supporter of the islamic republic.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace, the cry of the martyr's blood.
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young man


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