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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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a legendary migration, something similar to the migration of the israelites. a scrap ship is procured from america and after being registered in honduras, it goes to france. the ship is being repaired in france and is ready to sail. 4500 jews arrive with fake passports. an american priest is also with them. he is a fan. zionism is supposed to take the role of witness. it was necessary for a non-jew to tell the whole story of the journey. the ship departs. the purpose of the show is the human effort to overcome obstacles and reach the beach of freedom. the first act of the show. near the coast the ship is stopped by england. the second curtain. a conflict occurs. an
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american crew member is killed. radio haganah says: this is the exodus ship. we have been attacked off the coast of palestine, in international waters. the story of exodus becomes media. un observers are impressed by the story. england orders the transfer of passengers to france . passengers go to france, but do not get off the ships. the show goes on. passengers pay for food. a jewish journalist enters the ship and relays the news to america. passengers are sent to germany. they are forced off the ships and taken to camps. to the camps of nazi germany? everything is repeating itself. the publication of this news is accompanied by public anger. some go on strike . in palestine england announces that
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immigrants will not return to europe from now on . after a while, all exodus passengers will gradually and secretly return to palestine. under the pressure of public opinion, in 1947, the resolution of the partition of palestine was approved in the united nations. palestine. it will be torn in two, after that exodus monuments will be erected in europe and america. the book of departure in the year in 1958, it became the best-selling work of its jewish author. exodus becomes the exodus of the arabs from the palestinian lands.
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in 1947, the land of palestine with all its culture, history and civilization was officially partitioned by the un resolution. but the decomposition conditions are not properly defined. while the jews.
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they had a smaller population than muslims, but more land was allocated to jews. on the other hand , it is decided that jerusalem will be governed internationally. this issue is also not defined correctly. in fact, the plan and program of the united nations was not applicable. on the same pretext of england from monitoring the division arazi refuses and on the surface , the right to visit the holy places is supposed to be reserved for everyone, but the jews did not have a good record in this field, they were not trustworthy, they were colonialists and they only talked about taking over the lands , the palestinians remain dumbfounded. as.
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they do not believe what happened. the zionists have shared their land with a resolution and have a larger share. england, as the ruler of palestine, served the zionists and oppressed the muslims. the un resolution had no enforcement guarantee. the clauses of the resolution were also unclear. the future was uncertain. in a short period of tension muslims are attacked . some palestinians leave the tense areas . but the tensions are not ending. gradually , the conflict spreads to all parts of palestine, the sentiment disappears, murder and looting become widespread, as if the attacks of the zionists were planned. the zionists wanted to take possession of properties and assets
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. that too by force. for this reason , muslims were attacked everywhere. they wanted to threaten and
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intimidate everything. among all regions, but one village has special characteristics. dir village yassin near jerusalem. it was overlooking the area and even though it was in the heights , it was easily occupied. the begin map is being prepared. a group of the most violent people is selected. the attack on deir yassin begins. in a conflict, abdul qadir al-husseini , who had just returned from a trip, was martyred. palestinian fighters are under pressure. but they resist to the end. for the zionists , the war with the palestinians
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was more difficult than bombing the streets and markets. for this reason , they act with artillery. the attackers are getting closer. deir yassin is besieged. few defenders are killed quickly become the zionists, who have a long history of using dynamite, blow up palestinian houses with their inhabitants. then they announce through the loudspeaker that people can leave the village. run away as soon as possible and save your life. those who survived leave their homes little by little. the zionists are becoming more ruthless. they massacre people. in the worst possible way, the crimes that happened are unbelievable.
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the remaining reports indicate bitter and heartbreaking events. i visited the palestinian village of silwan at 10 am. someone present to speak those they are embarrassed. women, girls and even old people have been violated. the girls were slaughtered. they licked the babies. old women were beaten with gun butts. this is stated in another report from the representative of the red cross. they threw the bodies into the well. a pregnant woman was shot at close range. shot effect
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language is unable to describe the rest of the crimes. in the continuation of the crimes of deir yassin, a number of palestinians were taken as captives. they put them on the back of trucks , take them to the city of beit al-maqdis and turn them around. then they return to deir yassin and massacre them all . and the number of victims is never known. unlike the reporters who a few days later after cleaning the works. the crime and they enter deir yassin with delay, the news of the incident
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spread quickly throughout palestine. people get scared and run away. this is exactly what the zionists wanted. the british were monitoring the events throughout. people's remaining belongings were stolen. it was the resistance of the palestinians that
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delayed the implementation of the plans. after the departure of england, the hagana took over the remaining weapons and a group of them became members of the police to monitor the lives and property of the people. he used to attack them at night. as tensions increase, palestinian villages are evacuated one after another. palestine is going towards destruction. muslims get angry. the fire of war flares up . arab countries are moving towards palestine in the form of the salvation army. in the beginning, the arabs manage to advance. but the united nations quickly intervenes and declares a ceasefire. the war stops. israel quickly imports weapons and ammunition and changes the battlefield. the war is defeated and the liberated territories
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are reoccupied. the arabs are defeated. according to history scholars and researchers in 1948 genocide occurs. there are no exact statistics. at least 13 thousand people were killed. the victims were buried in mass groups and the bodies of many people were buried by
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the zionists besiege tantoreh village. men are separated from women. they kidnap a girl from the crowd. the girl's uncle complains. they kill him on the spot. nearby, that girl is desecrated. then the men are tied to the barbed wire fence. and the group kills everyone. a genocide also occurs in this village.
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killing and looting has started, the fate of the people is known is not. the remaining people are at the peak of hardship and sadness. forced exodus begins throughout palestine. tear away there is a civilization that is going to be destroyed and the land is usurped from its owners. for this reason, the fourteenth day of may is named as nakbat day.
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after the migration of people, those who have nowhere to go in the regions. they remain occupied and experience life under zionist rule. these arabs have 48 names. witnesses of the genocides of 1948. gradually, immigrants arrive. they grab muslim properties and everything they take the rest as their own. they steal and take possession. in the 1950s, the government egypt decides not to renew the british contract to control the suez canal. this is a prelude to dealing with israel. england does not understand this and attacks the egyptian forces. in 1956, the egyptian government declared the suez canal national. this move is wise and egypt's decision is final. 3
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months later england, france and israel. prepares for war . the war begins with israel's attack. with egyptian resistance and international action, the war ends quickly. the war of 1956 was an achievement for israel does not bring a fire
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burns under the ashes in 1967. israel suddenly. they attack egypt. the egyptian army is taken by surprise. what the egyptian forces are doing, although they are very brave, but they are not doing anything. egyptian soldiers are surrounded in the sinai desert. after egypt, the rest of the arab countries also fail. as a result , israel occupies more land.
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the main factor in the defeat of the arabs, the support of american equipment. it was advanced telecommunications and espionage activities. more important than that was the fate of palestine. after the war, the area of ​​israel triples. many they are displaced and the rest of the people are trapped in israel. a lot of sadness has dominated the arabs. in 1967, the united nations passed a resolution that maybe. israel should leave the occupied territories. but israel makes withdrawal from the occupied territories conditional. the condition is the recognition of israel. this is vital for them. on the other hand, the arabs emphasize three issues . no peace, no dialogue and no recognition of israel. after 3 years of the six day war,
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israel does not return any of the occupied territories . they make excuses. for example. the desert sinai will not be returned to egypt under the pretext of israel's security. for this reason, in 1973, egypt and syria attacked the sinai desert and the golan heights, respectively , to take back their lands by force. in the beginning, war is accompanied by victories. but with the direct intervention of america, the fate of the war changes . the war ended with the defeat of the arabs. it turns out that in 1977, egyptian president anwar sadat visited israel at the peak of disbelief. conversations begin. a year later, the negotiations reach a conclusion and egypt surrenders. the camp david agreement is signed. in camp
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david, it is decided to oppose the peace of israel gaza and the west bank of the jordan river should be withdrawn in order to prepare the ground for the self-governing government in these areas. in fact, cam david was a document to recognize israel so that it would not be isolated. egypt from the beginning is bigger. there was no news of israeli society behind the success. what was seen were the victories of the army. while in the heart of the society, strange events were happening, which
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were in conflict with human concepts. after the war, thousands of people immigrate to the occupied territories, including yemenis. they are accommodated in temporary camps . different people, male and female, old and young, attend the camps. women with children and minors have come. medical examinations will begin immediately. doctors under the pretext of more detailed examinations. some take children with them. they are said to return the next day. but the next day there is no news about the children. those children will never come back. families follow the issue. but something strange happens. it was said and the cause of death is never announced.
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yemeni children were healthy before being sent to the hospital. but on the way to the hospital , they say goodbye to the world of childhood forever. the number of missing persons peaks in 1953. it was said are revealed and what happened to the children is revealed. children were subjected to unknown medical experiments. the place of experiments
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was haifa city hospital. doctors had tried different methods of treatment on children's bodies. including direct injection of dry protein. they were used as laboratory mice. in one case to four. a yemeni child suffering from malnutrition is injected with dry protein. this causes the death of children. dr. george mendel, president of the children's hospital, was aware of the events. in the case of yemeni children, there were the worst cases. contraindications ethical and inhumane organ theft. the body parts of yemeni children were stolen. and fate but slow however
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, it is not known how many children were killed in this way. the story of yemeni children saddens many families , not only for yemeni immigrants. immigrant families even from the balkan region were involved with this issue. the depth of the disaster was much greater than what was revealed in the media. in fact, in the israeli society , those who had a weaker position were harassed more than others. traces of racism it was clearly seen in the case of yemeni children. the authorities were trying to make the situation seem normal. but the events of the ruler. it was one of the many divisions and ruptures of israeli society that was tried to be ignored and remain hidden forever
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. ferior, i wouldn't like to say that, but i think as fighting girls, they are. cleansing of vows in gaza. killings and field assassinations take place in gaza. horrible statistics and horrible pictures show that the zionist regime is killing palestinian women, children and the elderly without anyone stopping it. capital crime the number of more than 137 palestinian civilians in gaza is a statistic reported by the government's information office in gaza and emphasized: the testimonies of citizens show that the army of the occupying regime is here.
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he assassinated dozens of civilians in front of their families. in addition, the zionist regime assassinated pregnant women who were carrying white flags and were going to al-awda hospital in northern gaza. registration of ade areas in madinah in several areas of gaza city and the northern areas of the gaza strip, all members of a number of families were martyred by the occupation regime's soldiers. also a number of men
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palestinians were martyred in front of their families, women and children, after the invaders raided their homes. after the withdrawal of the occupying forces from some areas, including the talzaatr area in the north of the gaza strip, the bodies of dozens of martyrs were discovered in recent days. these terrible facts caused the rights watch. humanity of mediterranean europe calls for an urgent international investigation into the terrible crimes of the zionist regime. the number of martyrs of the zionist regime's attacks on the gaza strip, which has been going on for more than two months , has reached more than 20,000 people, and some neighborhoods have been completely destroyed. resulted in.
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5:00 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. expansion of port cooperation. between iran and kenya, kenya's ambassador to iran visited bandarab while consulting with the authorities of hormozgan province and invited iranian businessmen and economic activists to invest in kenya. viewers i apologize for the problems that occurred in the broadcast of the report.


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